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The meaning of your USERname

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EsQui posted on 08/21/2004

EsQui is short for Esquimaux, the old french spelling for eskimo. Tiki involves my warm side, but polar bears and igloos are my frozen eskimo side. That's it!


tikiboy posted on 08/21/2004

When I first came Tiki Central, tikiboy was still available, but I just had to keep it in lower case because there are other Tiki Boys out there.
When I was a cook on the USS Guardfish SSN612 homeported in Pearl Harbor on Oahu in the 60's the crew called me Flour Power, a play on the Hippie term flower power, which has nothing to do with tikiboy.
But the name tikiboy reminds me of all those warm nights on the beach at Waikiki.

kaiserstyle posted on 08/21/2004

A couple of years ago a friend and I saw a 60's Japanese Biker movie where the (moped) gang was called THE CRIME KAISERS. My friend chose it as their new band name and they wrote a song titled KAISER STYLE. Shortly after, we named a project we were working on KAISERSTYLE and we stuck with the name. Kaiser is the German word for Emperor. Not really tiki related, but what the heck.......

finkdaddy posted on 08/21/2004

Fink is a name I always use online, because my initials are FNK. It was also an old high school nickname. Daddy is in honor of my four wonderful children. I placed both in a shaker, filled liberaly with ice, and shook until it came together... Finkdaddy.

Chongo posted on 08/21/2004

On 2003-12-29 16:43, ZuluMagoo wrote:
A good theme design includes great graphics and great verbage.

In that case, I'm not convinced you could create such a sign. I mean, "verbage" is not even a real word. But even if you could spell it correctly (it's "verbiage" BTW), why use that term rather than something like "wording"? If you're going to use affected language to look smarter, you should at least get your spelling correct.

Unga Bunga posted on 08/21/2004

On 2004-08-21 11:29, Chongo wrote:

On 2003-12-29 16:43, ZuluMagoo wrote:
A good theme design includes great graphics and great verbage.

In that case, I'm not convinced you could create such a sign. I mean, "verbage" is not even a real word. But even if you could spell it correctly (it's "verbiage" BTW), why use that term rather than something like "wording"? If you're going to use affected language to look smarter, you should at least get your spelling correct.

All right "Chongo", quit monkeying around.
Reveal thyself. Your real TC name that is.

[ Edited by: Unga Bunga on 2004-08-21 13:38 ]

DawnTiki posted on 08/21/2004

Liefe ees to shoart 2 haf two way everie wrd und macke shure spelin aind gramr or purphekt. Tri ta reelax und half sum phfun! And welcome to Tiki Central... :D

Chongo posted on 08/22/2004

On 2004-08-21 10:05, finkdaddy wrote:
Fink is a name I always use online, because my initials are FNK. It was also an old high school nickname. Daddy is in honor of my four wonderful children. I placed both in a shaker, filled liberaly with ice, and shook until it came together... Finkdaddy.

I hope someone finks to your children about your spelling. Then perhaps they will study more in school and learn how to spell words like "liberally."

Tiki-Toa posted on 08/22/2004

On 2004-08-21 17:45, Chongo wrote:

On 2004-08-21 10:05, finkdaddy wrote:
Fink is a name I always use online, because my initials are FNK. It was also an old high school nickname. Daddy is in honor of my four wonderful children. I placed both in a shaker, filled liberaly with ice, and shook until it came together... Finkdaddy.

I hope someone finks to your children about your spelling. Then perhaps they will study more in school and learn how to spell words like "liberally."

And hopefully someone points out to you how rude you are, oh yeah I guess I just did.

finkdaddy posted on 08/22/2004

Thanks for defending me TT. Don't worry though. I'm sure he could correct us all in two languages, English and Klingon. Either way, it still makes him an azzhoal. Ooops! did I spell that right, Chongo?

Notice to everyone: Keep your dictionaries handy. Chongo is here to teach us all a good lesson. We should all be greatful. Oops! I did it again. Chongo, save me!

JonPez posted on 08/23/2004

Well, lets see....
My name is Jon and I collect PEZ dispensers. Kinda simple. It was my username from when I started collecting them in 1990.
My first collection was actually Tiki Mugs when I was just a wee, thrift-shoppin' lad. I tried to use JonTiki for my TC username, but there were so many John-Tikis, JohnTikis, Jon-Tikis and such that It started getting confusing.
So JonPez it is (mainly because "PezBoy, Dispenser of Justice" is too darn long)....


-On the eternal search for the recipe for Kobe's white sauce -

[ Edited by: JonPez on 2004-08-22 17:21 ]

Hoe Wa'a posted on 08/23/2004

Hoe Wa'a = hawaiian for "outrigger canoe paddler." That's me!

FreakBear posted on 08/25/2004
  1. At some point I started suffixing everyday words with "Bear" for dramatic effect.
  2. We always make up silly names to type into the score computer at a local bowling alley. FREAKBEAR was invented for this purpose. It was really funny to see "FREAKBEAR" flashing on the overhead monitor when I got a strike.

:music: ...C'mon back TC'rs and talk to FREAKBEAR :music:

[ Edited by: FreakBear on 2004-08-24 22:05 ]

sporkboyofjustice posted on 08/25/2004

Growing up as the only son of a lunch lady can be killer at school. No one wanted to play with me but I did have access to the cafeteria. This is when my obsession with sporks emerged. They are the perfect balance of poker and scooper.

I knew that there were other shy kids like me that got bullied and I swore to defend them with a sporky fury that only a mask, a cape and a fist full of sporks could envoke. Since that faithful day I have proudly been a defender of justice righting wrongs and whatnot.

I know it’s not fancy but it’s mine.

The Sperm Whale posted on 08/25/2004

My Screen name I just thought was funny. I have a friend that is a Musician that calls himself "The Whaleshark" and I figured if I wanted to be compitition with him or on the same bill I thought it would be funny to call myself "The Sperm Whale". You see I have a very immature sense of humor. To make a long story even longer: I did not get TC until I could figure out a good screen name.
Take Care,

Urban Tiki posted on 08/26/2004

My name reflects my somewhat contradictory enjoyment of living in a big city and the love of all things tiki. I lived in NYC, but moved to South Beach in Miami ofr over a year, and then spent a year and a half on a little island in the Gulf of Mexico in Sarasota, FL called Siesta Key. I lived on the whitest sand beach you can imagine. I spent just about every evening siting on the beach with a drink watching the sun set.

Eventually, I got bored and really missed NYC, so I'm back here. I really miss Siesta Key at times, though- thank God for tiki bars!

Dimethios posted on 08/29/2004

My screen name is the name of my first D&D (pen & paper roll playing game) characters name. I have used it for every BBS, chat room, video game/XBOX live/email or forum. I liked it and it just kinda stuck with me. Oh what's my real name... well :P if we ever meet I shall let you know. :D

Our lives are not in the lap of the gods, but in the lap of our cooks - Lin Yutang

[ Edited by: Dimethios on 2004-08-29 01:25 ]

Ukulare posted on 08/29/2004

I play the Ukulele and my name is Larry so I made a hapa haole (part Hawaiian, part foreign) name: Ukulare. And yes, I know, there's no "r" in the Hawaiian alphabet. That would be the "foreign" part of my name! :)

Kailuageoff posted on 09/03/2004

My name is Geoff. I grew up in Kailua.

This is Kailua:

Quince_at_Dannys posted on 09/05/2004

My name has nothing to do with the fruit--it's a reference to the 70's TV series "Quincy." All his buddys would call him "Quince." His favorite hangout was a seedy bar called "Danny's" which was run by a shady guy with mob ties and was featured in just about every episode.

I always loved Danny's--it had a nautical theme including sexy waitresses dressed like striped shipmates, and it always looked like the owner had just finished ripping out a bunch of great Tiki stuff. It always had a real familiar feeling, the kind of place you would go, never eat the food, and say to yourself "man this place must have been cool about 20 years ago."

Johnny Dollar posted on 12/11/2004

time to resurrect this thread for the new crop - ?

come on, fess up new people...

Tiki Diva posted on 12/11/2004

Tiki Diva because...well, everyone is the diva of something these days, so why not a Tiki Diva?

[ Edited by: Tiki Diva on 2004-12-17 22:01 ]

TIKI DAVID posted on 12/11/2004

i got the name from co-workers,i work for a high end ,high quality builder-remodler.so when something is a little off(plum/level)i say "well, we'll just make it TIKI" and my 2 tiki bars(2outside,1 inside)along with the weekly partys TD

MachTiki posted on 05/13/2005


Tikiwahine posted on 05/14/2005

On 2004-08-25 14:18, sporkboyofjustice wrote:
Growing up as the only son of a lunch lady can be killer at school. No one wanted to play with me but I did have access to the cafeteria. This is when my obsession with sporks emerged. They are the perfect balance of poker and scooper.

I always thought spork was the same as spam, the other ham!

Kukoae posted on 05/14/2005

On 2005-05-13 17:16, Tikiwahine wrote:
I always thought spork was the same as spam, the other ham!

Nay, it's a combination spoon + fork. I think most of us North Americans first encountered these at Kentucky Fried Chicken.

Spam is just pure evil.


CheekyGirl posted on 05/14/2005

In my bartending days, we had such a turn-around in new and bad bartenders, we just started calling the newbies "cheeks". Our master mixologist and trainer was "Cheeks 1, and I was Cheeks 3 sooner or later they started just calling me Cheeky. I added the Girl later.

My old AOL screen name used to be Cheeks3, but I kept on getting offers from dirty old men to "spank" me, so that screen name was 86'd.

Travellin' Tiki posted on 05/14/2005

Travellin' Tiki. In the past thirteen months I have spent a total of 191 hours travellin' to tiki events by plane, train and automobile... Wow... I never added that up before. Actually that's pretty scary.

hewey posted on 05/14/2005

My surname is Hewson, so my nickname is Hewey. Got it from mates at school. Us Aussies are lazy, so we shorten everything! I didnt lose any syallables - but its one less letter!

I didnt want to go for a specific tiki name, like Hewey Tiki or something, as now I can use the same name everywhere.

hewey posted on 05/14/2005

I forgot to say i am dissapointed that Finkdaddy didnt have anything to do with Ed "Big Daddy" Roth! I just kinda assumed you were a fan... I suppose the kids were a good enough reason though.

Amd yor spellink ist atroshus! Kant yoo reed a dikshanary?

astrosurf posted on 05/14/2005

My name is obviously a pun on "astroturf", but it is also a reflection of my love of Googie architecture (hence the "astro") and also it's a metaphor of artificiality, such as we recreating a paradise with Tiki.

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[ Edited by: astrosurf on 2005-05-14 03:45 ]

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tikigreg posted on 05/14/2005

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Run, Chaka, Run!!!

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Riptide posted on 05/14/2005

WOW! What a great thread. I'm glad it made it back to the top of the list on the Main Board after being around for so many years. It is interesting to read about so many TCer's screen names after reading so many of their posts. Excellent.

Anyway, my name "Riptide" was taken in the spur-of-the-moment back in 1988 when I worked at Sam Goody Music. My boss at the time came up to me and a friend and said, "Hey boys, its summer what's your surf name? I'm Curl, because I shoot the curl!" My friend said, "Well then, I'm Tube Snake because I surf the tube." At that point I quickly said, "I'm Riptide, Master of the Waves." That was really the end of it until 1990 when I started working in the radio industry. I didn't want to use my real name on-air, so I thought "Riptide, Master of the Waves" will work; only now it is radio waves.

I am now out of the TV/Radio industry. I am very happily teaching 8th grade Math/Science. The funny thing, however, is that all of the friends that I made in the 10 years of being "Riptide" (and all their acquaintances/parents/relatives that they introduce me to) still call me that. Many don't even know my real name. When I started teaching at the school I work at, I had 4 very good friends already working there. They all knew me as "Riptide". So, the name continues and even my Principal and Vice Principals call me "Riptide".

Tikiwahine posted on 05/14/2005

On 2005-05-13 17:35, Kukoae wrote:

On 2005-05-13 17:16, Tikiwahine wrote:
I always thought spork was the same as spam, the other ham!

Nay, it's a combination spoon + fork. I think most of us North Americans first encountered these at Kentucky Fried Chicken.

Spam is just pure evil.


Nope, I was right!

SPORK is the Canadian version of SPAM! (in addition to its spoony forky self)

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Thomas posted on 05/14/2005

Right after establishing my username I entered a downward spiral of obsessive self-doubt over it. Well, that's an overstatement, but it is so unsubtle and goofy I hasten to say that I do use it in a spirit of some irony. Really! Really, I swear! ... Anyway, it came about as I reserved the domain name "tropicalguy.com" one night when I got home about six sheets to the wind. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but I haven't done anything with it. I thought it would be fun to say, "Hi, I'm Tom, the tropical guy." Now I'm not so sure... Anyway, I'm sticking with it for now. I had thought of tikihipi (and someday naming a hangout, real or virtual, the "hipi hut") but if I'm not mistaken "hipi" also means "sheep," which doesn't seem to add much value.

B Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/961e9900b3efd8709ec131e3bb3b26c6?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Benehune posted on 05/14/2005

Klick is another Canadian form of spam: you guys must love that stuff! Benehune

My name is really hard to guess so I will just leave you in limbo.

C Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/837f92945734ed551af0b36552c10397?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Chacha posted on 05/14/2005

My name comes from the first three letters of my last name. A coworker started calling me "chacha" years ago and I have kept it as my email, etc. ever since.

KMKT Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/fec8e0adee938165ee3aa23c92d05231?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
ka maka koa tiki posted on 05/14/2005

"the Fierce Tiki"! thought it sounded cool?

NR Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/45359ada972adc512a27714ecf35369e?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Nokala Rocky posted on 05/15/2005

No Kala.....No money!! But thanks to the big Tiki upstairs, I start my new job Monday!

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Pepe le Tiki posted on 05/15/2005

My nickname is Pepe and my friends always ad "le ____" depending on the moment (in honor of the love-struck skunk, Pepe le Pew.....I've been called that too).
Voila, je m'appelle: Pepe le Tiki.

B Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/e06d2bc6ae8be9a332607376b27c822d?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Bete posted on 01/24/2006

Everyone here has such cool screen names, feel free to post in here why you picked the one you did.

MachTiki posted on 01/24/2006

Here ya go Bete.

B Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/e06d2bc6ae8be9a332607376b27c822d?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Bete posted on 01/24/2006

On 2006-01-23 16:20, MachTiki wrote:
Here ya go Bete.

Whoops, sorry, attention moderators, please delete this topic.

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The Granite Tiki posted on 01/24/2006

My original name here was "Captain Morgan" (because I play in a band called "Captain Morgan and the RumRunners" and I used to drink a lot of Captain Morgan). I thought it strange that no one already had the name "Captain Morgan", until I realized no self respecting worshiper of all tiki drinks and the rums used in them would even consider calling himself "Captain Morgan" here! :wink:

At the same time I was trying to find a name for my living room tiki lounge, and since I'm in the Granite State (NH) I went with "The Granite Tiki Lounge" and called myself, "The Granite Tiki".

M Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/c558c400c3a967eb120cad8a46bac3d0?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
mbonga posted on 01/24/2006

Mbonga is one of the characters from the original Tarzan novel. If you do a Google search on that word, you'll find a number of quotes from that novel mentioning his name. He's supposed to be wise. It also turns out to be a language from Africa. I know Africa ain't Hawaii, but well, it was the funkiest, short, unique name I could think of on the fly that related to primitive cultures.

[ Edited by: mbonga 2006-01-23 16:59 ]

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great kahuna posted on 01/24/2006

Well, my mother gave me this name at the onset of her illness (Alzheimer's Disease). She was mad at me when I took her car & money away from her - as per doctor's orders. I'm guessing - since I was in charge of everything, she started to call me the Great Kahuna. I wasn't happy about it at first, but it kinda grew on me. Now when I mention the Great Kahuna to her she just chuckles. At this stage of the game with her illness, anything that brings a smile to her face is a good thing. By the way, my real name is Joanie...

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OceaOtica posted on 01/24/2006

im dum

T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/d05d519ae49268b51344bcce14ed6ab9?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
tikiskip posted on 01/24/2006

I picked my name to sell on e-bay. And then just used it on here as well. It is a tribute to skip the bartender at the kahiki. Man we had some good times there! I did not read till later that putting tiki in your user name makes you a dork. sorry.

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