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What's a good bar height?

Pages: 1 13 replies

martiki posted on 08/22/2004

Obnviously everyone will have different answers, but what are the heights of people's home bars? Either vintage bars or homemade Chiki/Ben/etc. bars? Just looking for a general survey. Do you make it different depending on whether or not you use stools?

Thanks all.

Bamboo Dude posted on 08/22/2004

Since I sell furniture, I can tell you that barstools are generally made in two standard heights...24" & 30". The rule of thumb is that there should be about 12" between the seat of the barstool and the countertop/bartop. For most bars, the standard height would be within an inch or two (+/-) of 42". Hope this helps.

Satan's Sin posted on 08/22/2004

My bar height: 42 1/2 "

Stool height: 30"

(the "chair" kind of stool, not the other kind)

Kono posted on 08/23/2004

Mine stands at 39 1/2 inches. My bar that is.

LAWebChick posted on 08/23/2004

Our (vintage) stools are 30", the (ditto) bar is 40+, except 42" on the edge where it's padded...

Tim saw this post and trotted to another room to pick up his copy of "Successful Beverage Management" book. I don't know whether I'm more concerned that he owns it at all, or that it was on his nightstand as light reading material! So herewith - more information that you ever wanted to know about standard bar measurements:

  • Width of back bar - 24"
  • Width of liquor display shelves - 12-16"
  • Height of back bar - 42"
  • Distance between edge of speed rack and bar rail - 14"
  • Height of underbar - 30"
  • Width of underbar - 18"
  • Width of underwar including speed rack - 23-24"
  • Distance from underbar to bar top - 12"
  • Width of bar top - 24"
  • Width of speed rack - 5-6"
  • Distance between bar rail and front edge of underbar - 7-8"
  • Height of bar top - 42"
  • Distance between outside edge of bar top and speed rack - 37"
  • Height of bar die - 40"
  • Distance between bar die and back of underbar equipment - 3"
  • Distance from back wall to outer edge of bar top - 91"

A lot of things say width when I would have said depth, but that's just the tech writer in me talking. :roll: I have no idea what a "bar die" is, though.

[ Edited by: LAWebChick on 2004-08-22 21:31 ]

Unga Bunga posted on 08/23/2004

This is Unga's bar height

hazmania posted on 08/24/2004

I built my bar according to the American Instutute of Architects Graphic Standards- 3'6" - 3'9" is the range given.

Alnshely posted on 08/24/2004

41 1/2" Professor.

Tiki Diablo posted on 08/24/2004

I build them anywhere between 39 and 42 inches tall. This depends on how tall the bartenders/clients are. Maaaa tin

Tonnikan Jinn posted on 08/27/2004

No more than 9.5 inches from the ground.... it's much safer that way. If you are already on the ground, you have very little chance of injuring yourself falling.


freddiefreelance posted on 08/27/2004

All the way to the ground... I'm 6'+, so I like a taller bar, 40".

Tiki Matt posted on 08/27/2004

About 42" is a good height. Standard 30" barstools will work fine with a bar at that height.

martiki posted on 08/28/2004

Thanks all for the help.

Construction has commenced on the Novato Grotto! And what a perfect fucking 93 degree day to start sawing! Ugh.

RevBambooBen posted on 08/31/2004

On 2004-08-27 17:42, martiki wrote:
Thanks all for the help.

Construction has commenced on the Novato Grotto! And what a perfect fucking 93 degree day to start sawing! Ugh.

He said Fucking!! (name calling on the weather!!)

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