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Tiki Central / Other Events

New York, New York

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pablus posted on 08/03/2004

We'll be there for a few days AUG. 19th - 20th - working on 21st - 22nd.
3 or 4 of us.

Otto's Shrunken Head is a definite either Thrs. or Fri. Gotta see those C'Al tikis.

Anyplace else a must?
Can we hook up with some Metropolis Ohana?

Tiki Chris posted on 08/04/2004

maybe. but my wife has family from overseas during that time. i'll get back to you.

manic cat posted on 08/07/2004

sure! I'm always up for meeting TCers in NYC!

Raffertiki posted on 08/07/2004

Hey Pablus,

That's a funky week for me, but I might be able to swing Ottos. When you narrow it down to Thurs. or Fri. let me know.

pablus posted on 08/13/2004

OK here's the schedule:

Thursday night: Otto's Shrunken Head

Friday night: SMOKE jazz club and then - THE PLAN is to hit The Zombie Hut in Booohkln or maybe back to the Shrunken Head if the Fishermen are playing or something.

Sat. night: Gotta work at SMOKE - awwwww - what a bummer for this jazz freak to have to work at a jazz club.

BTW - My lovely wahine will be with me.
And I'll have 2 or 3 or 4 guys with me, incl. Ona Koka, depending on how game they are to forego sleep.

Hope to meet some metrotikis.

Futura Girl posted on 08/13/2004

awe - you guys are making me homesick for the only other city that is the tops in the world for me than socal... i gotta visit really soon...
have fun at otto's.

tastysp posted on 08/16/2004

hey guys
steve from Otto's here!
If you guys are gonna be around on thurs. my band the Carvels are playing at 9pm. We're a 60's garage rock/girl group outfit.
hope to see you all on thurs.

pablus posted on 08/18/2004


Maybe Ona Koka can drink mine for me but I'm out.

Anybody got any morphine?

Urban Tiki posted on 08/19/2004

I just found this forum and am glad to see some New Yorkers (and NYC vistors) here. Otto's is a great place. Another spot you may want to hit is Waikiki Wally's, about 12 blocks downtown from Otto's.

manic cat posted on 08/23/2004

I'm sorry that i missed you all! i took a week off from work and was lounging at home! geez--sorry! I hope that you liked NYC TIKI!

manic Cat

pablus posted on 08/24/2004

I was at home with pneumonia.
I missed the whole trip and the cats that did make it are more into bedtime than tikitime.

My wahine and I are planning to be there in Autumn...post Hukilau. See you then!

liabungalo posted on 08/24/2004


How was the show? I would have come down if the Guided By Voices show had rained out, but it was a clear night down at the Pier, and The GBV show was awesome.

Too bad they're calling it quits.


hiltiki posted on 08/24/2004

I will be in NY early Wed. morning, cant wait. NY, here I come....First stop. First bar open..Just Kidding

tastysp posted on 08/24/2004

show was great! sorry to have missed you as well. I saw GBV open for Cheap Trick and I never thought that you could drink that much beer and still stand let alone not have to go to the bathroom. They're probably quitting cuase their liver's are asking them to.
see ya soon

manic cat posted on 08/25/2004

G-B-V! G-B-V!

Pablus, don't be a stranger when you make it up to NYC!! Hopefully I will meet you at Hukilau beforehand!
manic c

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