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Hukilau & Hurricanes...

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Looks like this one's going to hit central Florida... if not head on, a glancing blow. Although still a ways off, could Hukilau be effected by a hurricane... ? A catagory 3 could do considerable damage to the area it is close to I would figure. I'm hoping this one and future one's miss Florida altogether... but is there a plan involving Hukilau if a hurricane makes the event not happen due to widespread power outages, damage to the event locations and damage to the city? Refunds?

Let's hope nothing major comes from this nasty storm... I will be crying because Hukilau doesn't happen and crying because I spent most of my summer preparing for it...

Go away Frances!

[ Edited by: Lake Surfer on 2004-08-31 12:06 ]


I hope this prediction comes true;
"Forecasters said it had become unlikely that Frances would head to the south and the Florida Keys, instead noting computer models that were beginning to show more of a northerly or northwesterly turn, possibly missing Florida altogether."
I am talking about the "possibly missing Florida altogether" part.

It's still to early to tell where this thing is going but the way my summer has gone so far I predict it is coming straight for me!!!

A catergory 4 and much bigger than the last one.

Florida hasn't even finished cleaning up from Charlie.

At least we know when they are coming unlike our California Ohana.

Hmmmm ... still too early to tell on this one. My guess is that it'll cut north well before hitting the coast. I think Flounder is right; it's gonna go after him. The man is a hurricane magnet. Don't invite him for drinks under any circumstances.

Still, unless it scores a direct hit with major damage, it's unlikely that things won't be mostly functional by Hukilau. Even after Andrew we managed to get things limping along within three weeks or so (except that I was living in a house without a roof for awhile that time around).

Hurricane preparedness note: Hurricane shutters work extremely well until the roof comes off - after which the windows break from the inside out.




I have been very blessed in my travels and been just missed, or just before or after Hurricanes in my trips to Mexico. I assume they will not bother me in Florida either.

They are starting early this year, eh?

... it's NEVER too early for another Hurricane! Wait! Oh - I thought you meant the drink!



What hurricane? We don't need no stinkin' hurricanes!!! HHHUUUKKKIIILLLAAAUUUU!!!!:)

run run run run aaahhhhh

i think I heard somethin

Swanky posted on Thu, Sep 2, 2004 6:32 AM

They are evacuating in Fort Lauderdale. This thing is heading straight toward our holy ground. I emailed Kern this morning to get his thoughts on it. He will be able to compare with past storms and give some idea of what we all can expect. I'll let you know.

We need a High pressure front to come from out of nowhere and push Francis away!


hey, why don't we agree on a time this weekend to simultaneously sacrifice a mai tai or something? perhaps the tc mana can blow it away...

[ Edited by: Johnny Dollar on 2004-09-02 07:04 ]


Swanky wrote:

"They are evacuating in Fort Lauderdale. This thing is heading straight toward our holy ground."

I am praying. And wishing I could be there to help move those Tikis to higher ground!!! Oh, noooo...everybody, think protective thoughts of the Mai Kai AS HARD AS YOU POSSIBLY CAN!

Very Worried,


nnnnnnnoooooooooooo!!!!!!!..........this cant be happening!!!!....please tiki gods, please!!!!!!

On 2004-09-02 06:39, Johnny Dollar wrote:

hey, why don't we agree on a time this weekend to simultaneously sacrifice a mai tai or something? perhaps the tc mana can blow it away...

[ Edited by: Johnny Dollar on 2004-09-02 07:04 ]

JS I'm working on a double Surf Room Tai Tai for you right now.

"summer's a state of mind"


Will this put a halt to Hukilau?

This sucks. Damn weather.


Uncle Ben/Flounder/McDougal and all of the rest run for COVER!!!!!!!!!!! Man without a DOUBT this sucks! GO AWAY FRANCES!!!


There is some absolutely beautiful bamboo furniture in a condo on Hutchison Island, owned by my girlfriend's father. I'll post a picture of at least the bar later. I guess it's only furniture though.

This really, really sucks. Badly.


On 2004-09-02 11:33, Lake Surfer wrote:

Will this put a halt to Hukilau?

This sucks. Damn weather.

As long as the airport is still there, I am planning on going!! But I am hoping for the best.

OK ... so now, we're whipped into a froth. Just got a call from my mother-in-law; she's having unspecified pains and wants to go to the hospital. Had to go four places this morning to find limes - what, hurricane coming, so there's a run on limes? Supermarkets are in total chaos. No gas anywhere in my area - completely sold out. All the ATMs are out of cash. Older lady in front of me in the supermarket is shaking and crying saying she doesn't know what to do. She's buying five loaves of bread and about 100 Oscar Mayer Wieners. It'd be laughable if it weren't so damned pitiful.

The media has a responsibility to warn the public - yes. However, you'd have to see the non-stop terrorizing that's going on the TV here with commercials for Publix and Home Depot well interspersed, to truly appreciate the difference between responsible public service and senseless and irresponsible reporting with the deliberate intent of inducing a panic. The media should report the news - not attempt to create news.

Again, I'm not in any way minimizing the danger - there is danger, and we need appropriate preparation. However, I think more people are likely to be injured or killed through the blind panic than any other single cause. I saw at least 4 nasty accidents while out trying to buy gas, and at least that many near misses by people in a rush to "get ready".

It still looks like it's going to be somewhere north of Fort Lauderdale, and I'm guessing we're going to have one hell of a tropical storm, but that we'll miss the worst of it. I'm wishing the best of luck to my friends up the coast, and if anyone needs help afterwards, don't hesitate to give me a call - my number is posted under "Occupation" in my profile.


thejab posted on Thu, Sep 2, 2004 1:13 PM

The Mai-Kai must have survived Cleo in 1964. Let's hope she can survive this one too.


The best of luck to pablus, kailuageoff, bree, cybertiki, and all the Florida gang. You're a brave lot!

And Frances, if you're listening, PLEASE spare the Mai-Kai!

We certainly hope and pray for our family in Ft. Lauderdale and surrounding areas. Of course, we certainly hope this does not effect Hukilau but we'll keep you posted as we see how this storm goes. I've been in touch with the Mai Kai today and Kern - I told him we were all thinking of them!

If we get the advertised 140 mph winds we may need your wahine to sew us some new clothes.


I just checked NOAA, and it's showing that most probable inland wind speed will be somewhere between 65-95 mph with maximum probable at around 120. So, I don't think you're going to lose your shirt just yet - I do hope you have the place at the Hawaiian Inn battened down however; winds right on the coast are going to be wicked.

I'm still waiting to see if this thing is coming straight across the Bahamas, or if it's going to track up the Atlantic side of the islands. There's still a possibility that it could head up the coast and miss all of us, but it's looking less likely by the hour. My greatest concern is for those in the Hobe Sound/Jupiter area, and across to Orlando. As of now I'm guessing this is going to be the track. I sure hope I'm wrong. In any case, I think we're all in for an amazing storm with some potentially dangerous gusting winds, and possible tornados in and around the area of the eye. This is one of the things that made Andrew so devastating.

Anyway, good luck, and if you DO lose your shirt, you know you're covered on the replacement!


Swanky posted on Thu, Sep 2, 2004 3:48 PM

Kern at the Mai Kai says the structure is solid steel and no worries. The real issue will be the gardens. They prune things back as much as possible to help keep down the damage, but you never know.


Worst case scnario: we all spend the Hukilau weekend up on ladders rethatching the Mai Kai's roof for them. Count me in.

And as it says on the cover of the second best selling book in the galaxy: "Don't Panic".


Thanks for the map update Sultiki. The first map yoo put up showed the cencer going about 2 miles north of my house.
On this map if you look about an inch below landfall at the words Port St Lucie, My house is right where the "e" is in Lucie. While this track looks better than your first, it Ain't pretty.This landfall is about half way between my house and FLOUNDERs house. He will get the worst of it as the "Right" side of the storm is always the worst.
Good luck FLOUNDER.
He's going inland somewhere and I'm staying put.

Kono posted on Thu, Sep 2, 2004 6:51 PM

On 2004-09-02 12:35, cybertiki wrote:
OK ... so now, we're whipped into a froth. Just got a call from my mother-in-law; she's having unspecified pains and wants to go to the hospital. Had to go four places this morning to find limes - what, hurricane coming, so there's a run on limes? Supermarkets are in total chaos. No gas anywhere in my area - completely sold out. All the ATMs are out of cash. Older lady in front of me in the supermarket is shaking and crying saying she doesn't know what to do. She's buying five loaves of bread and about 100 Oscar Mayer Wieners. It'd be laughable if it weren't so damned pitiful.

I guess we're old hands at this hurricane biz here in Orlando. :wink: I went to Publix to get some dinner from the deli and there was no craziness, no shortages. They really stocked up today and at around 5:30pm they had tons of ice, pallets of water sitting everywhere and grocery carts full of batteries up front near the registers (even the dreaded "D" batts). Everyone was moving about fairly normally, the only clue that a big storm is coming is the inordinate amount of ice, water and beer seen in the grocery carts. I think most people are still stocked up from pre/post Charley.

Good luck everyone. All my paintings and prints are wrapped up. The electronics are wrapped up (the computer and TV will be done in the morning). The mugs are laid out on the carpet with a rug over them. The wooden tikis are tough enough for a little typhoon action.

The storm seems to be steering a little southward so Pablus and Tampa area ohana better take care. Nana Tiki, if you're reading this best wishes to you and Mike, it seems to be heading your way.

I'm heading north with my tail between my legs in the morning. Today I actually got offered a great place to stay and take shelter (my workplace) but it wouldn't have worked out too well for my dog. So we're headin' out. I hope everyone comes out of this A-OK. :drink:


On 2004-09-02 18:51, Kono wrote:

Today I actually got offered a great place to stay and take shelter (my workplace) but it wouldn't have worked out too well for my dog.

gotta love a man who loves his dog! our thoughts are with you n your poochie ~ and all the Tiki Central Ohana in Frances' path..



Worst case scenario: we all spend the Hukilau weekend up on ladders rethatching the Mai Kai's roof for them.

Perhaps we could do this on the following Sunday? The idea of watching the Mai Kai dinner show and savoring drinks late into the night, under an open night sky, with an almost full moon and stars shining above does sound appealing.

or, instead of a new thatched roof, Kern could just have Wayne Coombs build a gigantic fiberglass tiki head to cover the entire Mai Kai restaurant -- it could be a glowing lighthouse-like beacon that all the boats (and cars driving on I-95) could use to navigate.


On 2004-09-02 15:48, Swanky wrote:
Kern at the Mai Kai says the structure is solid steel and no worries. The real issue will be the gardens. They prune things back as much as possible to help keep down the damage, but you never know.

Well that sounds good... how about the hotel? I hope the boats in the marina don't get tossed about.

Fingers crossed... twice... and hoping the next
2 1/2 weeks are hurricane free!

Take care of yourselves Florida TC'ers!!!!

[ Edited by: Lake Surfer on 2004-09-02 22:14 ]

YIKES, there's another, Hurricane Ivan, between Fla. and Africa.

On 2004-09-02 11:22, Kon-Hemsby wrote:

On 2004-09-02 06:39, Johnny Dollar wrote:

hey, why don't we agree on a time this weekend to simultaneously sacrifice a mai tai or something? perhaps the tc mana can blow it away...

[ Edited by: Johnny Dollar on 2004-09-02 07:04 ]

JS I'm working on a double Surf Room Tai Tai for you right now.

"summer's a state of mind"

well i drank a "go away frances" mai tai last night as well, hope it helped...


On 2004-09-02 22:07, Lake Surfer wrote:

On 2004-09-02 15:48, Swanky wrote:
Kern at the Mai Kai says the structure is solid steel and no worries.

Well that sounds good... how about the hotel?

The hotel is made of BALSA wood !! The last time a hurricane blew through there, the hotel floated out to see and the Ft. Lauderdale city fathers hired a couple of "sea cowboys" to lasso that sucker!!!!

Well, it's actually a pretty nice day today so far ... we got a couple of feeder bands that came thru, but on the whole VERY light, and under normal conditions, a very nice day.

Last night our friends Liz and Earl came over and we drank Mai-Tai's until very late (early?), and then sat outside and enjoyed the moon. Nice night. Funny how the old saying that it's always calmest before the storm is true with these things.

Fortunately for Hukilau and Fort Lauderdale, this thing seems to be tracking north the way I thought it would; the only danger is that a High Pressure system could squeeze it south again, but as of now, it looks like somewhere up the coast. I just hope it misses Orlando this time around - you guys have had enough for the year already!

As before, if anyone up there needs a hand don't hesitate to give me a call 954-880-0406.



Ivan looks like it will go south into the gulf and hit Mexico if it keeps going...


cybertiki...thanks for the updates! Keep us posted and stay SAFE! :) Drinking a mia tai to you right now!


So far things here in Fort Lauderdale aren't too bad. We have roughly 40 mph sustained winds and slightly higher gusts as the Storm Feeder Bands roll thru. Not really too bad considering what it could have been. Everything is closed and probably will be until Sunday.

I'm still guessing that Hobe Sound/Jupiter is going to be the point of impact.

To my friends up the coast, my best wishes, and don't hesitate to call me after the storm if you need anything. 954-880-0406


Thanks for the updates Cyber. How far away from the Mai Kai are you?


OK, here we are, the storm is about 70 miles off Palm Beach, and it just stops and sits there ... out here west of Fort Lauderdale we've got sustained winds probably 45-50 mph, and we're gusting up to about 70. Power is on and off (I'm actually restarting my router midway thru this message). Lost a few shingles, nothing major yet, just ugly.

I think this will not be too bad, down here - unless of course it decides not to move on within several hours.

Anyway, limes are holding out well, and I got a huge bucket-o-chili that should tide us over for a week or so if the power stays off (of course sitting in a hot un-air conditioned house after eating chili is probably not advisable).

I'll update later if the power stays on long enuf!


I agree with Cybertiki ---- the media has really had a fun time with the hurricanes here in Florida. I live in Neptune Beach, the Jacksonville area, the media here has been literally excited about the prospect of a hurricane hitting our beaches. On Wednesday, it was announced that Duval County public schools would be closed on Friday. Some private schools were closed Thursday and Friday. Of course I was excited about an additional holiday since I teach! However, people have boarded up their homes, the grocery stores are out of food, there is no more plywood, etc. People are panicking! Our friends and family from California have been calling nonstop because they are scared and fearful due to the media. Now that it looks like Francis is going to scurry past Northeast Florida, the local media seems disappointed. I wish everyone the best in Florida and hope that is skirts past you too. Hurricane season blows!
Neptune Wahine


I'm about 20-30 minutes west of the Mai-Kai, depending on traffic. I never actually did the mileage, but it's probably around 25 miles.

We're getting thru the end of a pretty decent sized feeder band and there's another on the way in a couple of hours or so based on what I can see on the NOAA radar feeds. We got some gusts at about 70 mph max, and I've now lost about 30 square feet of shingles. Not too bad, nothing a little tar sealant and a couple of cases of new shingles won't cure.

The media hype has been unbelievable this time around ... these weenies have truly stopped serving the public interest in favor of Publix interests. We have no gas anywhere here in South Florida (except in here where we're downing chili at an amazing rate), the Supermarkets were basically stripped, and several hardware stores were closed before the storm with signs posted saying that they were all out of EVERYTHING. I'm more concerned about the gas than anything else, since this never happened before - I'm starting to wonder if the government isn't masking some sort of serious fuel shortage that only became apparent when there was a sudden spike in demand. Ahhh well, gives me an excuse to stay home and drink!!!

Anyway, we're holding out, still have a good supply of limes, and just cracked another bottle of St. James for the next round of Mai-Tais. Good luck to my neighbors up the coast, I'm pretty sure you're getting flogged just about now.


While watching the news, which is the only thing being broadcasted on tv anywhere in the east coast of Florida, one reporter has been based in Ft. Lauderdale at the Bahia Mar marina. Couldn't say much about what's actually happend to the place, aside from the apparent wind and rain. Hope its looking better in time for Hukilau.

Not to be redundant, best wishes to our Florida ohana sitting in the eye of Francis right now and those further north. To everyone being affected, may you spared as much as possible.

[ Edited by: I dream of tiki on 2004-09-04 23:17 ]

Well, Frances is still thrashing Central Florida, but we're pretty much down to a tropical storm here in South Florida. I called the Mai-Kai, and they didn't even lose power during the storm. They are open for one show this evening, so I made reservations for the show at 8PM. They will start seating around 6PM, and if any local TCers are up for it, Joelle and I would love to meet for drinks.

I'll drive by the hotel on the way back and take a look to see how things over there are as well. I'll post later.



Good evening All!

We just got back from the Mai-Kai; Joelle, Christina and I had a great stage-side seat for the show. Fantastic as always ... I started in the Molokai with a Sidewinder's Fang, and followed on with some Mara Amu's and then Tahitian Coffee. Oh yeah ... I had kava before heading down there, so it was a REALLY great evening!!!!

Talked to Kern, and he said again that Mai-Kai is fine, just some very minor stuff in the gardens to fix up and that's it. They weren't very busy this evening because most folks are still huddled at home trying to figure out from the BS reporting on the TV whether or not it is safe to come out yet. It's fine out there, no worse at this point than a bad thunderstorm on a summer afternoon.

We tried to drive out to the hotel, but they still have a curfew over on the islands, so we couldn't get over there yet. I'm guessing this is the last night for the curfew, so maybe I'll go over tomorrow and take a peek. Anyway, I hope to see everyone at the Hukilau in a couple of weeks - we've definately weathered the storm!


Thank You CyberTiki for the Great News!! From what I gather I'd say that my plans for the Hukilau are still on. I have been looking forward for this for sooo long!!! I would hate to be let down. Yay!!!

Any word on the Hukilau's Tiki boat ? The news showed several boats getting trashed off the Ft, Lauderdale coast.

Benzart called and said he's fine, lost some fencing and screens, that's it. He wants everyone to know he's around to carve another day.


I heard that the Mai-kai lost "alot of the thatching on the roof". Doubt they'd be able to replace it in two weeks before the Hukilau. How about a Spanish tile one for temporary?!? :)
anyone want to do a photoshop rendering??

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