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Stentiki in NYC 9/19/04 - 9/23/04

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stentiki posted on 08/28/2004

Aloha Big Apple Ohana!

Anybody up for seeing the Fishermen at Otto's Shrunken Head on Monday, September 20, 2004?

It would be great to see the usual suspects again (Tiki Chris, Emi, Manic, Shalom Aloha) and perhaps some folks I haven't had the pleasure of meeting yet. Could be a nice pre Huki Lau party!

Who's in?

I'm also up for anything else in the evening that week. Looking forward to seeing you!

Urban Tiki posted on 08/28/2004

I'm new to TC, but am a regular at Otto's. I would love to see the Fishermen and meet some fellow tiki lovers- this forum is the greatest!

[ Edited by: Urban Tiki on 2004-08-28 07:18 ]

Tiki Chris posted on 08/28/2004

hey uncle arty!
can't wait,
tiki chris

[ Edited by: Tiki Chris on 2004-08-28 07:23 ]

stentiki posted on 08/28/2004

Welcome Urban Tiki!

We're looking forward to meeting some new folks in the Big Apple. Hope you can make it on September 20.

It will be good to see you again Tiki Chris.

Come out and play, Manic Cat!

manic cat posted on 08/29/2004

that night is Mrs. Brit in the Da Hut's birthday. depending on her wishes, we could be at Otto's or not. Trust me, I will push for her b-day bash to be at Otto's! I'll keep everyone posted!

stentiki posted on 08/31/2004

Hey Manic,

Good to hear from you! I remember Mr. and Mrs. Brit da Hut from a couple of years ago. Happy Birthday, Mrs. Brit! Hope to see you all at Otto's or sometime during the week when I'm in the city.



[ Edited by: stentiki on 2004-08-31 12:04 ]

manic cat posted on 09/01/2004

definately! my tiki has stalled a bit since becoming the vice-co-huna who is not living in Las Vegas at the moment. (I miss Inky!) But, I'm refreshed and recharged and ready to get the NYC TC Chapter hopping again!

stentiki posted on 09/03/2004

Hey Manic,

Good to hear from you! I've been in touch with Inky and she sends good mana. We'll toast to Russell and Inky at Otto's. I also plan to pay visits to Wally's sometime that week and Tiki Chris and I have been talking about visit to the Kava Lounge (nothing firm yet).

Looking forward to it!

manic cat posted on 09/03/2004

Good ole' Russell! I miss that crazy monkey.
Yes, we will definately find a time to meet up!
have a swell Labor Day.

Tiki Chris posted on 09/07/2004

hey everybody.

meeting up at the kava lounge before otto's would be ideal for me. i can get started fairly early on monday the 20th but probably won't be able to hang too late.

not sure if i can make it into the city another day that week.

stentiki: if you want to come down for a homecooked meal & some drinks at my bar during the week you & any other TCers are certainly welcome! same as last time, i can pick you up & drop you off at the local train station.

Urban Tiki posted on 09/08/2004

Kava Lounge would be a cool place to start.

stentiki posted on 09/08/2004

On 2004-09-07 14:44, Tiki Chris wrote:
hey everybody.

meeting up at the kava lounge before otto's would be ideal for me.

stentiki: if you want to come down for a homecooked meal & some drinks at my bar during the week you & any other TCers are certainly welcome! same as last time, i can pick you up & drop you off at the local train station.

Sounds like the plan, man! I should conclude my work day by 4 pm on Monday so you name the time at the Kava Lounge.

Also, thanks so much for your gracious invite. I'd love to come down the West Long Lounge! Manic, you ready to ride the rails again?!?

Tiki Chris posted on 09/08/2004

On 2004-09-08 14:59, stentiki wrote:

Also, thanks so much for your gracious invite. I'd love to come down the West Long Lounge! Manic, you ready to ride the rails again?!?

Well, any & all TCers are invited (just please RSVP!). What day's good for y'all?

Also, I'm pretty sure Emi will be around this time & her poke & haupia are to die for!

I'll get back to you about what time's good for meeting up at the kava lounge.

stentiki posted on 09/08/2004

On 2004-09-08 15:21, Tiki Chris wrote:

Well, any & all TCers are invited (just please RSVP!). What day's good for y'all?

Also, I'm pretty sure Emi will be around this time & her poke & haupia are to die for!

I'm in!

Thursday would be the best day for me to "ride the rails" to Jersey.

Sounds like a great time. Mahalo!

manic cat posted on 09/09/2004

Arty--Are you going to Hukilau? straight from NYC?
Shalom Aloha can't go this year and right now I'm just a "maybe".

I've started grad. school up again and it looks like I have class again on Thurs. night. I'll definately know after tonight. Weds. is a better night for me. I'm still waiting to know for sure about the 20th. The Kava Lounge sounds real cool.

Go NYC Tiki!

stentiki posted on 09/09/2004

Hey Manic,

Congrats on the grad school thang!

I was just going to post a change and then I saw your message. I think I may have jumped the gun with Thursday -- I have to leave NYC on Friday -- for another 2 week tour of the midwest and then Boston. Gotta pack, check out, visit 3 schools and then race to La Guardia to catch my flight to the Motor City.

So I think Wednesday would actually be better, depending on what works for Tiki Chris and Emi. I am flexible.

Tiki Chris posted on 09/10/2004

wed or thurs is fine.
anybody else?

i'm about 50 miles from nyc near the shore (kinda between red bank & asbury park).

train from penn station takes about 1hr20mins or less on express trains.

Urban Tiki posted on 09/10/2004

I am always interested in meeting NYC area TCers, so I would love to attend. Is there a favorite rum that I can bring along?

Tiki Chris posted on 09/10/2004


I'm glad to hear you're coming along!

As for rum ... hhhmmm ... Well, I've still got most of a bottle of Sailor Jerry's Spiced Rum that Manic Cat was kind enough to bring last time. Also, I've yet to open Stentiki's bottle of Ron Zacapa Centeriario (I've been saving for a special occasion). So, we should have plenty. However, I noticed you were talking about Barbencourt (YUMMY!) on another thread ...



So Wednesday the 22nd at my place? We can set a time later.

Emi & I will be glad to prepare a meal for everybody (just give us a couple days notice & let me know if you have any dietary restrictions).

Email or PM if you need directions (it's super easy). If you take the train, I'll pick ya up at the station. However, if I'm drinkin', ya might wanna take a cab back to the station!).

manic cat posted on 09/10/2004

yay! It sounds like we are having our own NJ Hukilau! (wed. is great for me. Ben works nights so regretfully, he'll have to miss out.)
How about I bring some desert?

Tiki Chris posted on 09/10/2004

On 2004-09-10 12:06, manic cat wrote:
yay! It sounds like we are having our own NJ Hukilau! (wed. is great for me. Ben works nights so regretfully, he'll have to miss out.)
How about I bring some desert?

dessert works! just make sure we all have room for emi's haupia.

i'll get w/ my better half this weekend & come up a menu.

Urban Tiki posted on 09/10/2004

My only dietary restriction is that it cannot counteract the effects of rum too much. 8)

MC, glad to hear you'll be attending, but sorry that Ben won't be able to come.

I think the cab back to the train is a great idea.

stentiki posted on 09/11/2004

Wednesday it is!

Sounds like a great time, Ohana.

Looking forward to seeing you all.

I'll be in touch mid week. I'm off to Chicago today.

Tiki Chris posted on 09/14/2004

the wise tiki emi has decided to make ...

shoyu chicken
ahi poke
rice (or mac salad)

so MANIC CAT your dessert will be most appreciated!

i can't afford ($ & time) to go to hukilau either. so, we can call this mini-lau for us ny/nj tc folks!

stentiki posted on 09/15/2004

I'll be leaving for NYC on Sunday and I'm looking forward to our NY/NJ Huki Lau!

What time shall we meet at the Kava Lounge on Monday?

Urban Tiki posted on 09/16/2004

I could probably get there between 5 and 5:30.

Tiki Chris posted on 09/16/2004

i can make it to the kava lounge by 6.

Kava Lounge
605 Hudson St
New York, NY 10014
Subway: A, C, E; 1, 2, 3, 9 to 14th Street;
L to 8th Avenue
Bus: M10, M11, M14 to Abingdon Square
Fri-Sat 5:00pm- 3:00am
Sun-Thu 5:00pm- 1:00am
Tel: (212) 989-7504

stentiki posted on 09/16/2004

Let's say 6:00 pm.

That will give me a chance to change from 'Clark Kent' to Stentiki. :wink:

Tiki Chris, I think I have your cell number from last time unless it's changed. Feel free to pm me if you need my cell phone number.

See you Monday.

Tiki Chris posted on 09/19/2004

see y'all at 6 on monday at the kava lounge

Tiki Chris posted on 09/20/2004

hey urban tiki,
what's your description in case we're both sitting at the bar unaware of who we're looking for each other?

here i am:

Urban Tiki posted on 09/20/2004

I'm tall with short cropped hair (what's left of it). I'll be wearing a tropical shirt with a black sports jacket.

Tiki Chris posted on 09/20/2004

i'll probably have on a grey hooded sweatshirt. if warm, i'll have a blue aloha shirt on.

manic cat posted on 09/20/2004

Hey everyone!
Have fun at the Kava Lounge tonight. i won't be there because it's my friend Alana's B-day. We will be having pizza in Brooklyn.
But, I am up for Wednesday. benny may be available too--I will confirm tomorrow.
What train am I catching? NYC posse- should we ride the rails together.
Go NY-NJ Hukilau!

Urban Tiki posted on 09/20/2004

sorry we won't see you and Ben tonight, MC. I think we should plan to meet up at Penn station Wednesday for the trip our to N.J. What time?

Tiki Chris posted on 09/21/2004


We missed you last night! But I guess pizza in Brooklyn is a pretty good excuse.

I'm glad you're still coming down on Wednesday. It'll be great if Ben can come too!

Urban & Arty:

How much later did you guys stay out? How was the Fisherman?


Keep in mind that we have a shoe free home. We have clean slippas for everybody, but you may be more comfy in your own slippas or in a favorite pair of socks.

Also, we have a cat that we did not have last time y'all visited. I hope no one's allergic!

Directions (by Train):

Take the NJTransit's NORTH JERSEY COAST LINE from Penn Station. Get off at the LITTLE SILVER Station (it's the one after Red Bank).

Check http://www.njtransit.com for schedules.

Let me know when about when you plan to come down & call me once on the train so I'll know when to come pick you up at the station.

Urban Tiki posted on 09/21/2004

The Fishermen were fantastic! We stayed 'til about one. I'm ready to head over whenever everyone else is- I have the day off.

stentiki posted on 09/22/2004

We had a blast last night! The Fishermen were awesome as usual and it's always nice chatting with Steve from Otto's (nice hat, by the way!). I'll talk to Urban tonight about what time we can catch the train. Hopefully, Manic is monitoring this post.

manic cat posted on 09/22/2004

Don't worry--if I weren't monitoring this post, there would still be the happy phone message left for me on my work phone this morning from Uncle Arty. Sounded too quiet to be Otto's Shrunken Head. Are you sure, Arty, that it actually wasn't your hotel bathroom? "You can run but you can't hide!" ? What are you, a Tiki Central stalker now?
Like I said, it was Mrs. Brit in the Hut's b-day Brooklyn pizza dinner.
But I'm in for the NY-NJ Hukilau. But Shalom Aloha has work. (Hey, Tiki Drummer, wanna come? I need a guest!)
S.A. is cutting up the pineapple for the dessert as we speak.
I will email tomorrow from work about time/place for rail-riding.
Good Night,

manic cat posted on 09/22/2004

My pineapple cupcakes were a disaster last night! I had to throw them all in the trash this morning. :( don't worry--I'll pick up something tasty from the bakery.

Also, today's a wierd day at work: I have to go to a printer off-site at 3:30. i really don't know what time I will be leaving and I won't have email access.

Let me give me cell phone # (see PM) so that let's say around 5, Urban or Arty can check in with me. I'll have a better sense at that time as to what my travel schedule can be.


[ Edited by: manic cat on 2004-09-22 09:38 ]

Tiki Chris posted on 09/22/2004

On 2004-09-22 09:33, manic cat wrote:

Let me give me cell phone #

Is it still talk like a pirate day?


Too bad about the cupcakes (pineapple cupcakes would've been yummy!

Oh well! Emi surprised me & made haupia last night anyway.

Urban Tiki posted on 09/22/2004

Aaaaaaarrrrrrt indicated he thought that 6 would be a good time for him, but we'll see. I've got the numbers. We'll wait to hear from Manic. I'm ready.

manic cat posted on 09/22/2004

6 might work for me.
If haupia is hau-ppening, then I'll bring some lovely flowers instead of me desert!

Tiki Chris posted on 09/23/2004

hey kids! Thanks again for coming down & bringing the yummy booze & lovely flowers!

Hope you made your train!

Safe travels Arty.
Manic & Urban - Let's do again soon!

Urban Tiki posted on 09/23/2004

We made the train. Thanks for the great food, hospitality, and interesting conversation. Love the house.

manic cat posted on 09/23/2004

It was great seeing everyone again. What an awesome crew of friendly folk!
Thanks again for the dinner and hospitality!
take it easy and see you soon,

tastysp posted on 09/24/2004

steve from otto's here.
thanks to sten, urban, chris for coming by on monday. As always a pleasure to host TCers at Otto's

manic cat posted on 09/24/2004

Hey Arty,
i was at the Washington square arch 8:20-8:40 but I didn't see you. I hope that you had a good night with your friend!
see you in October?

Urban Tiki posted on 09/25/2004

On 2004-09-24 09:29, tastysp wrote:
steve from otto's here.
thanks to sten, urban, chris for coming by on monday. As always a pleasure to host TCers at Otto's

It was great to meet you Steve. As always, we had a great time at Otto's. I plan to see a lot of it in the future.

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