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Martini Madness in Thrillville 11/4/04

Pages: 1 7 replies

AquaZombie posted on 10/08/2004

Election will be over by then, time for MARTINI MADNESS! Pete Moody's OLIVE OR TWIST? will be screening co-hosted by myself (Will the Thrill), Monica Tiki Goddess and Otto Von Stroheim, with PROJECT PIMENTO performing live, plus assorted cocktail-themed shorts, Thursday, Nov 4, 9PM sharp at The Parkway Speakeasy in Oakland

dangergirl299 posted on 10/08/2004

will there be Martinis served?

I've already voted 3 times through the mail! I'm going to start drinking Martinis TONIGHT!

[ Edited by: dangergirl299 on 2004-10-08 16:04 ]

AquaZombie posted on 10/08/2004

No, unfortunately, the Parkway only has a beer and wine license. Drink enough and it won't matter, though. I mean that we don't have martinis. The election will still matter. Unless you drink a LOT.

dangergirl299 posted on 10/08/2004

Martini Tease!

I'll think about it...

To watch a movie about martinis and not drink one would be just cruel. I'll have to get my Martini Action on beforehand.

tikibars posted on 10/09/2004

Any room for a guest from Chicago?

I arrive that afternoon!

thejab posted on 10/09/2004

On 2004-10-08 22:01, tikibars wrote:
Any room for a guest from Chicago?

I arrive that afternoon!

Great! I'm looking forward to your visit. I'm sure you'll be visting the new San Francisco Trader Vic's. Perhaps we should set a date for that weekend as the official Tiki Central Trader Vic's Grand Opening party!

AquaZombie posted on 10/11/2004

Maybe we should serve wine and beer in martini glasses....we did concoct this phony "exotic cocktail" for my "Tiki-Sploitation" shows, using wine-based pseudo-vodka and rum (Tofu Mai Tais?). There is also a great neighborhood bar called Baggy's by the Bay we can hit after the show.

Tikibars - sure thing, email me directly to remind me a couple days before so I can guest list ya - [email protected] - aloha, Will

ps maybe you can donate a prize?

tikivixen posted on 10/16/2004

Will's right about Baggy's, Jen--their martinis are good and they're only a block from the theatre! Pre-flick martinis all around, I say...well, or Manhattans!


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