Tiki Central / General Tiki
dui (of kava)
Pages: 1 1 replies
Tue, Oct 26, 2004 8:54 AM
All you cal-ee-for-nee-ya kava kava men had better watch out! SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - California prosecutors are cracking down on kava-drinking motorists who are driving under the intoxicating influence of the herbal tea. . . Following their first successful conviction in June, San Mateo County prosecutors have filed three other cases, after about a dozen motorists had been pulled over in recent years, said San Mateo Deputy District Attorney Chris Feasel on Monday. . . Kava, while not considered as a drug by federal health officials, is classified by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (news - web sites) as a nutritional supplement that can be used to relieve anxiety. . . Motorists under the influence of Kava had a "thousand-yard stare", Feasel said. "They're drooling on themselves sometimes, their motor function is so bad," he added. . . He said that police had pulled over kava-addled motorists who were swerving, veering into other lanes and drifting onto the road's shoulder. . . |
Tue, Oct 26, 2004 10:01 AM
They must have taken some strong roots, I could dj fine with three mugs of kava tea in my belly, the drooling ruined some Arthur Lyman sleeves :wink: KK |
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