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Got my Sept issue of Hawaii mag the other day and was pleased to find an artical on Hawaii's myths & folklore that included the most believable explanation I've read so far on the subject of the Menehunes. The story goes that the Tahitians arrived on Kauai in 1000 A.D. to find a population of little people numbering about 500,000 and called them "manahune", which in their language meant commoner. The Menehunes were a nocternal people skilled in engineering and mosonry and would complete their projects in one night. Ola, the king of the Menehunes became distrustful of the Tahitians and ordered his people to leave Kauai, which they did and their wherebouts have been a mystery to this day. |
Jungle Trader
After the King told them to leave, they migrated to Newport Beach. Many generations later their descendants added "Smokin'" to the tribe name. Hopefully they will produce abundant offspring and the tribe will take over Newport and surrounding communities.........the state......then the world. [ Edited by: jungletrader on 2003-08-31 10:09 ] [ Edited by: jungletrader on 2003-09-04 20:09 ] |
I think that Trader Vic wrote something about Menehunes somewhere. All of the Menehune pictures that I see look like children or troll dolls. Are there any traditional statues? I have been meaning to integrate my love of Tikis and Garden Gnomes, and would like to carve some concrete ones. |
I hear you can see some actual menehunes play in and around OC/LA/Inland Empire. Smokin' little mo fo's! |
Is it true then that they were, as a tribe, shorter than everyone else. Could you clarify: did they work only at night, as the myth, or did they work through the night or work so fast that the projects would be completed by night. (You have no idea how many hours are spent arguing over the different interpretations of semantics.) Thank you for the post - excellent research. |
The Menehunes have been found..... Remains of New Species of Hobbit-Sized Human Found 10-27-04 By Patricia Reaney LONDON (Reuters) - Scientists in Australia have found a new species of hobbit-sized humans who lived about 18,000 years ago on an Indonesian island in a discovery that adds another piece to the complex puzzle of human evolution. The partial skeleton of Homo floresiensis, found in a cave on the island of Flores, is of an adult female that was a meter (3 feet) tall, had a chimpanzee-sized brain and was substantially different from modern humans. It shared the isolated island to the east of Java with miniature elephants and Komodo dragons. The creature walked upright, probably evolved into its dwarf size because of environmental conditions and coexisted with modern humans in the region for thousands of years. "It is an extraordinarily important find," Professor Chris Stringer, of the Natural History Museum in London, told a news conference on Wednesday. "It challenges the whole idea of what it is that makes us human." Peter Brown of the University of New England in Armidale, Australia, and his colleagues made the discovery of the skull and other bones, and miniature tools in September 2003 while looking for records of modern human migration to Asia. They reported the finding in the science journal Nature. "Finding these hominins on an isolated island in Asia, and with elements of modern human behavior in tool making and hunting, is truly remarkable and could not have been predicted by previous discoveries," Brown said in a statement. Local legends tell of hobbit-like creatures existing on islands long ago but there has been no evidence of them. DESCENDENT OF HOMO ERECTUS The hominin family tree, which includes humans and pre-humans, diverged from the chimpanzee line about 7 million years ago. Early African hominins walked upright, were small and had tiny brains. The new species, dubbed "Flores man," is thought to be a descendent of Homo erectus, which had a large brain, was full-sized and spread out from Africa to Asia about 2 million years ago. The new species became isolated on Flores and evolved into its dwarf form to conform with conditions, such as food shortages. Flores, which was probably never connected to the mainland, was home to a variety of exotic creatures including a dwarf form of the primitive elephant Stegodon. Modern humans had reached Australia about 45,000 years ago but they may not have passed through Flores. The scientists suspect the new species became extinct after a massive volcanic eruption on the island about 12,000 years ago. Brown and his colleagues have found the remains of seven other dwarf individuals at the same site since the first find. "The other individuals all show similar characteristics, and over a time range that now extends from as long ago as 95,000 years to as recently as 13,000 years ago -- a population of hobbits that seemed to disappear at about the same time as the pygmy elephants that they hunted," said Bert Roberts, one of the authors of the Nature study. |
Johnny Dollar
dag, i SEARCHED for menehune before starting the other thread! oh well... |
Unga Bunga
Bong, |
It's really interesting that the Mayan legend of the Temple of Uxmal in the Yucatan states that the temple was built in a single night by a dwarf wizard. It's acutally my favorite temple in the Yucatan. The early Spanish Missionaries broke off all of the phallic rainspouts and threw them into the jungle ... they are now arranged into a charming garden, where most of them, ranging in length from 2 to 4 feet, stick straight up out of the earth. I have a picture here somewhere of my ex sitting on one of them. I'll see if I can dig it up. Cheers! |
The Menehune people were probably well distributed over all the Hawaiian islands, but myths and traditions concerning them cling more thickly to the island of Kaua'i. It is probable that the later invaders pushed them gradually out of other islands so that they congregated in Kaua'i, the last of the large islands, at the northwest end of the chain. From there they apparently withdrew to the barren and rocky islets of Nihoa and Necker, as evidenced by numerous terraces, stone implements, and stone images. http://www.janesoceania.com/hawaii_kauai_mythology/ [ Edited by: christiki295 on 2004-10-27 19:10 ] |
I saw a hard-cover copy of the children's story book that Trader Vic wrote about the menehunes' legends. The vendor wanted $25.00 for it. The main character looked very similar to the current little guy on the drink picks. The overall story looked too silly, so I passed it up to buy a book from the early 60's about how to design and build parade floats, now that should come in handy! |
hala bullhiki
wow......has anyone seen the menehunes cartoon , think on cartoon network??, was channel surfing once , and caught the end, and was stunned, my wahines lil nephew was over, and asked whats a menehune??....i went and grabbed a swizzle stick, and told the little guy the story, he kept the swizzle and still has it to this day..............sorry for the cheese ball post, but i thought it was pretty cool.... |
In my research of Menuhuene, I read from a book at my school that the "small people" was mis translated by Westerners. The "small people" weren't actually smaller in size, just class. The commoners were refered to as "small people" like Shipwreckjoey stated in the article from Hawaii mag. This race of commoners apparently had a strong work ethic, but working at night was apparently added by Westerners. If anyone wants a reference of which book, I'll go dig it up. I go to the Oceanea section everyday inbetween class. This is just the version I've read, and don't believe it over any other's version. |
Weren't the menehuene a subservient class brought from Tahiti specifically for construciton and related projects? (Maybe you better get that book). |
Using legends and myths for recording what people were actually like very seldom yields concrete facts. Often things like different shaped houses, maybe with lower roofs lead one tribe to believe from a distance that another are elfin, and if the tribes are competitive, the description by one to another is seldom complementary. A common theme with explorers writings from Viking Rhuns, Lewis and Clark to the Blair Bros. is having one group inform you what vermin the neighboring group will be. |
hala bullhiki
Weird US Investigates Some Small Wonders: the Miniature Menahune of Hawaii |
Thu, Oct 28, 2004 7:39 PM
Way to bring it, Bull hiki! |
hala bullhiki
Thu, Oct 28, 2004 11:01 PM
this stuff is really pretty facinating to me |
tiki mick 1
Fri, Oct 29, 2004 1:08 PM
Wow! The description almost fits exactly the ebu gogo hobbits recently found in indonesia... 3 feet tall, pot-bellied, hairy, eat raw food (Ebu gogo means "grandmother who eats anything) and mumuring to each other in a soft language... that is just what the ebu gogo legend describes! And the most amazing thing is the historical records from the dutch traders in the 1500, who heard about these hobbits directly from the indonesians on flores island... There is a slight chance they are still around! Hidden, in the deepest jungles and in the caves! Dwarves, elves, hobbits, leprechauns, menehunes, yetis.....all of a sudden I am starting to believe the hype! These creatures were more then likely real, and not made up! |
Tiki Chris
Sat, Oct 30, 2004 3:02 PM
Meet cousin Florence Oct 28th 2004 A new and diminutive species of human being has been discovered IN THE 1890s, Eugene Dubois, an anatomist working as a doctor in the Dutch army, stunned the scientific world when he found the first fossil human remains outside Europe. Java Man—Homo erectus, as it is now known—threw ideas about human evolution into chaos by suggesting that Europe was not, as most anthropologists had hitherto assumed, the cradle of human evolution. As it turned out, neither was Asia. The evidence now shows that all the important developments in human evolutionary history, from the appearance of Australopithecus (the first species generally regarded as human) to the emergence of Homo sapiens (you and me), happened in Africa. But Asia can still spring the odd surprise in the field. And few finds have been as surprising as that made last year on Java's Indonesian neighbour, Flores, and announced this week in Nature. For Homo floresiensis, as the new species has been dubbed, suggests that the ascent of man is not an evolutionary inevitability. Descent is also possible. That is because Homo floresiensis (whose skull is pictured above, alongside that of a modern human) was but a metre tall, and had a brain not much bigger than an ape's. In a truly ancient fossil human from, say, 3m-4m years ago, those dimensions would not be surprising. But the skeleton found by Peter Brown, of the University of New England, in Armidale, Australia, and his colleagues from the Indonesian Centre for Archaeology in Jakarta, is a mere 18,000 years old. That means it was alive at a time when Homo sapiens had not only come into existence, but had already reached Australia. A little puzzle That, in turn, suggests it was descended from Dubois's Homo erectus. But Homo erectus was as big as Homo sapiens—in some cases bigger. And if erectus was not in quite the same intellectual league as modern man, it was certainly no dunce. Its brain could be as big as 1,250cm3 (compared with 1,400cm3 for a modern human). That of Homo floresiensis, by contrast, was a mere 380cm3. Dr Brown knows this because he measured the volume by the delightfully low-tech technique of pouring mustard seeds into the fossil's cranium after he had cleaned the interior. Nor is there any doubt that the skeleton is that of an adult (probably, from the pelvic anatomy, a woman). Her teeth are worn, and some telltale bones in the skull are knitted together in an adult way. On top of that, although they are not described in the paper, Dr Brown's team has now found five more specimens which confirm that she was not an abnormally small member of her species. Of course, a small animal will have a small brain. But what is noticeable about Homo floresiensis is how small the brain is, even in comparison to the diminutive body. The species had regressed, more or less, to the brain/body ratio found in Australopithecus. The question is why. And the answer to that question may shed light on the wider question of how human intelligence arose in the first place. Islands are famous for generating indigenous species from whatever biological material pitches up on them. One frequent trend observed in such island species, at least when they are large mammals, is dwarfism. Elephants seem particularly susceptible. The last mammoths, which lived on an island off the coast of Siberia, were, paradoxically, dwarfs. Similar elephantine examples are known from Malta, Sicily and, indeed, Flores itself. And the same thing has been observed in cattle, too. There seems no reason why it should not happen to hominids. Two evolutionary pressures are thought to drive this process of diminution. One is that islands are often free of large predators (on Flores, the largest were Komodo dragons, a species of large lizard). The other is that they sometimes have a restricted food supply. The result is that you do not need to be big to defend yourself; and if you are big, you may starve. Both of those facts might drive the evolution of smaller brains, too. Brains are expensive in terms of energy consumed, and thus food needed. And an absence of predators would remove at least one reason to have a large brain. In other words, use it or lose it. Why human intelligence evolved in the first place, though, is controversial. Many researchers feel that it was not so much to deal with the non-human world (eg, predators and food-gathering) as to deal with other people. One theory, known as the “Machiavellian mind”, is that intelligence is there to analyse, and thus manipulate, the motives of others. Another, known as the “mating mind”, is that much of human intelligence is about showing off to the opposite sex, in a behavioural equivalent of the peacock's tail. Both could be true. Whether either of these purposes would disappear on an island is moot. All this is speculation, of course. And human fossils are so rare that there is a risk of over-interpreting each new find. What would help is evidence of Homo floresiensis's culture, if any. One possible remnant of that culture is the numerous stone tools in the cave where the skeleton was found. These are small and delicate, which suggests they might have been made and wielded by tiny hands. Nor do they bear much resemblance to the tools of Homo erectus. But they do date from a period when the island could have been inhabited by Homo sapiens. So who made them is unclear. In any case, tool-making is not an exclusive badge of intellectual advancement. Australopithecus used stone tools, and modern chimpanzees make and use tools, too (though admittedly not stone ones). If tools were useful to Homo floresiensis on its island home, natural selection would have retained the ability to make and use them even if other mental faculties dwindled. Regardless of how these questions are settled, what is clear is that Dr Brown's find has changed thinking about the way humanity has evolved. If Homo floresiensis was flourishing 18,000 years ago, the chances are it did not die out until much more recently. Indeed, it is conceivable that it lasted into historical times. Much of Homo sapiens's vision of itself is built around the idea of human uniqueness. That it was not unique until so recently should give pause for thought—and will no doubt spur others to follow Dubois's lead and look for further species of fossil human in previously unexplored places. |
Sat, Oct 30, 2004 6:31 PM
According to Glen Grant's "Chicken Skin" books (about supposed supernatural manifestations in Hawaii), the menehune are still seen on occasion; they are like miniature ghosts, and leave little footprints. They seem to be the Hawaiian Islands' version of fairies or gnomes. Cartoon images and dolls depict them as cute and childlike, but in the eyewitness accounts, they are not typically described that way. Put those together with the nightmarchers (the nocturnal processions of ghostly royalty and their courts) and that's a lot of interesting stuff going on (supposedly) in Hawaii. |
Mon, Nov 1, 2004 5:33 PM
Thus Aloha Spirit - all about love. |
Tiki Jim
Fri, Nov 12, 2004 10:40 AM
The first time I read about "Menehunes" the legend was that they were all through the Islands, pre-dating the Kanaka Maole (1st Hawaiians) They were thought to have arrived from the Marqueses Islands about 400 years before. Like christiki293 had read, They were pushed to the forrest of Kauai where they made their last stand. one article I read said that the Tahitian word for "Slave" was Manahune. It stated that early census had some claim "Menehune" as Ethnicity. Its Kinda interesting how the story has been cleaned up a little. It was not a retreat from a larger aggressor but the MENEHUNE, who CHOSE to leave so as not to have to mingle with the newly arriving Neighbors....Hmmm? |
Wed, Jun 8, 2005 11:23 PM
It is known that the Hawaiian Islands were occupied at the time of the Tahitian invasion and occupation. Who exactly the occupants were and what happended to them is not known. One source suggests Marquasans where the first occupants. But new evidence points to Oceanic negritos. Anthropilogists and genetisists are finding that negritos were the first modern humans to occupy South East.Pockets are still found in the mountains of mainland South East Asia. They still occupy the Andaman Islands and the mountains of the Phillipines and they occupied Tasmania until the 19th century. They were probably the foundation of modern melinesian populations with later racial admixtures. They were obvioulsy great sea men to have reached such far flung destinations in the Indo-Pacific. All Pacific migrations originated from South East Asia, so it would not be impossible for them to have discovered and settled the Hawaiian Islands first. It would explain the noted size difference with the Tahitians who were among the tallest people on earth. They were either slaughtered or made slaves and eventualy died out. There was no trace of them left by Cook's time except the stone works that Polynesians claimed they did not create and attributed to the menehune. There may have been a Marquasan settlement before the Tahitian invasion, but by Cook's time the Hawaiians were all of Tahitian ancestry as shown by thier geneologies and genetics. So the modern day relatives of the menahune may be living in the Phillipines or the mountains of South East Asia |
Thu, Jun 9, 2005 8:39 AM
Funny - little people? magic arrows? shot into hearts? Anybody else make the cupid connection there? And as for them being little "night creatures" - I can just see the really bad Charles Band Horror movie coming to a local MEGA plex near you - "MENAHUNE! - Just when you thought it was safe to eat poi again!!" [ Edited by: Maori_man on 2005-06-09 08:40 ] |
Thu, Jun 9, 2005 6:45 PM
While on Kauai I read that the menehune fishpond in Nawiliwili just went on the market for 12 million! I tried to find the article online but only came up with this: http://kalama.doe.hawaii.edu/~laakea/class/maikai/fishpond.html Chongolio P. S What am doing surfing the web while on the islands? |
Sat, Jun 18, 2005 7:03 PM
Menehunes are real. How do you think I surf TC and get all my work done. It helps to have a few menehune drinks before asking for help. I appreciate all the research, but really, just ask me and I will tell you all about them. |
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