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Tropical tiki gardens

Pages: 1 7 replies

gibgib posted on 10/28/2004

We have an area down the back that I would like to transform with bamboo & thatch building material, along with a tiki, tropical theme.

Does anyone have pictures they could share for some ideas?

Gigantalope posted on 10/28/2004


Mosey over to the "Creating Tiki" section and perooze the past threads. There have been some amazing transformations of people's living spaces into proper tropical drinking areas...Lots of proud doityerselfers posting photos of thier fine work.

Not me, mind you, but others with various levels of skills (all superior to mine)

Hope this helps.

[ Edited by: Gigantalope on 2004-10-28 08:15 ]

christiki295 posted on 10/29/2004
ErichTroudt posted on 10/29/2004

I'll use this opportunity for some shameless self promotion.


Some of these pics need to be updated. I have added a few more tikis and my bannana trees have gotten huge.

Hope this helps you with some ideas.


gibgib posted on 10/29/2004

No fault of the forum but it is difficult to search a specific thing with the tiki subjects.
Lots of results when keywords are "garden tiki tropical". With a car forum for eg. you can search make & model to narrow it down :)

Erich, that scary tiki at the back is great!
I will try to emulate that look for 2 "guarding" tikis.
Your hut is hideous! (is that a tiki word for unreal/ spectacular did I read somewhere.. :) )

Thanks for the links. Keep 'em coming :)

TheTikiKing posted on 10/29/2004


Awesome job on the tiki hut. I really wish I could build my own tropical tiki enclosure like a lot of the people in TC. But I live on a piece of property that is pretty wide open and wild (no fences, etc) in the southwestern corner of O'ahu. I have plenty of space but I'm afraid if I built it, the wild pigs and centipedes would all call it home and I'd never get to use it!


ErichTroudt posted on 10/29/2004

Well....honestly, I can't really feel too sorry for you...cause you're in HAWAII!!!!!!!!!!!. lol

Seriously though, I know I built my hut and made my yard all tropical because I loved Hawaii, Tahiti and Moorea so much. I'm just trying to capture what you get to be a part of everyday.

Build a hut anyway. The centipedes and boars will add a element of realism that can't be matched here in the states.


lanikai posted on 10/30/2004

On 2004-10-29 12:47, TheTikiKing wrote:
...I really wish I could build my own tropical tiki enclosure like a lot of the people in TC. But I live on a piece of property that is pretty wide open and wild (no fences, etc) in the southwestern corner of O'ahu. I have plenty of space but I'm afraid if I built it, the wild pigs and centipedes would all call it home and I'd never get to use it!


eh bruddah...
you could build an open air longhouse like they make for maori canoes, da kine with no wall, just carved posts supporting a dramatic diagonal a frame thatched roof. Of course, the vertical posts would be carved tikis!

Pages: 1 7 replies