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Tiki Central / Tiki Drinks and Food

Baked Fish Roll

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Try this!

Single serving:

1 small fish fillet (I used frozen tilapia) 1/4 inch thick, 5 to 8 inches long

warm salt water (2 tblspn Alaea sea salt to 1 cup water)

2 (more or less) tblspn cooked rice

1 or more collarred green leaves (any big leafy green will do)

1 tspn butter

1 sheet of aluminum foil

use sparingly to taste each of the following:

ground ginger
black pepper
ground thyme

Soak/thaw fillet in salt water while you arrange other ingredients and preheat oven to 425 degrees F. Layout sheet of foil (dull side up), lightly rub center area with butter. Lay collard green leaf over buttered area -- leaf should be large enough to wrap around fish and rice; if not, cover with additional leaf. Spoon cooked rice onto leaf. Add fish fillet on top of rice. lightly sprinkle thyme, ginger, black pepper, and any other favorite seasonings. Place pat of butter on top of fish. Roll up foil tightly, making sure leaf covers everything well. Bake about 20 minutes.

Also try substituting an extremely ripe plantain in place of rice!

Enjoy! -FB

[ Edited by: FreakBear on 2004-10-31 20:17 ]

I will have to try this, sounds like a Jamaican dish, and I love Jamaican food.


I've made this occasionally substituting the black pepper with something called Nanami Togarashi. It's a blend of assorted chiles along with sesame seed, ground seaweed, and orange peel -- very hot, flavorful, good stuff!

Try mixing it up a bit. Keep me posted on any suggestions.

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