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SF locals: let's put it together. This weekend.

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mig posted on 10/30/2002

TikiMel is around, I think BigBadTikiDaddy is too, and I'm sure a smattering of locals are as well. So let's do it! (If you can still stomach me after that Maury thing.) I'll call around and post something tomorrow.


TikiMel posted on 10/31/2002

wher is everyone??? Hanford? Al? AquaRJ??? hello??? :wink:


mrsmiley posted on 10/31/2002

I may be out of town Saturday--but post this info and I'll see what is up with me!

thejab posted on 10/31/2002

I have plans most of the weekend:

tomorrow it's The Cramps at the Fillmore
Friday it's The Parkside for some band with ex-members of the Morlocks
Saturday it's the Grand Nationals Rodeo - yeee haw!

Perhaps Sunday

hanford_lemoore posted on 10/31/2002

I need to check with Vicinity about Saturday. I'll get back to you.


aquarj posted on 10/31/2002

Always sounds like fun, and thanks for asking about me! I'm pooped this week though from work and other stuff, so my plans this weekend mainly involve jack and s#%t **. Of course, if any activity-goers were headed up or down the peninsula and wanted to stop in Belmont en route, I'd be happy to host something no frills at my pad (come see the Lanai tiki). Or slip down to the Bel-Mateo Bowl. Anyway, please still post if plans are made!


**(from above) ".. and jack just left town!" - for any Bruce Campbell fans out there

Tiki-bot posted on 10/31/2002

Hey Mig, loved the pics of you on Maury. I'm pretty crushed, though, I always thought those shows were REAL. :)

We would love to be joiners this weekend, but we will be visiting that Biggest of Surs, Big Sur. Hello, Munktiki!
Have fun.

Fonduie posted on 11/01/2002

Damn, I'm going out of town too. It's too bad because I wanted to get the Maury details.

Fonduie posted on 11/01/2002

[ Edited by: Fonduie on 2002-11-01 14:31 ]

TikiMel posted on 11/01/2002

should we wait a couple of weeks and plan something that more people can attend???

I'm up for whatever. And I promise not to flake this time :wink:


PolynesianPop posted on 11/01/2002

Well, if you guys are going to wait a few weeks I would love to join you. I'll be in San Jose from December 8th - 11th. Would love to hoist a few with the San Fran Centralites again.

mig posted on 11/02/2002

Okay kids:

At least a few of us are going to get together tomorrow. Where exactly? yeah, I'll post. (yes, I know it's Friday!) But it should be a fun bunch of us at the very least. I like the idea of doing it again in a few weeks when PolyPop is around, he RULES!

(what's the opposite of a cradle-robber?!?!)

floratina posted on 11/02/2002

"What is the opposite of a cradle robber?"

I believe it is called a "tadpole"!

tikivixen posted on 11/02/2002

Hello! Having just finished a particularly grueling move, (NEVER. AGAIN.), the idea of a little fun sounds lovely. I'll be around and up for whatever...if my boxes don't all fall on me, anyway.

bigbadtikidaddy posted on 11/02/2002

Right on, I talked to Mig yesterday & we are on for tonight for something or another in SF.
Details to follow, but I'm pretty sure we'll start at the bamboo hut.


PolynesianPop posted on 11/02/2002

AARGH! Wish I could be there this weekend to hang out with you guys. Sounds like its going to be fun. Hopefully everyone can get together again when I'm in town. Looking forward to that!

I like the idea of doing it again in a few weeks when PolyPop is around, he RULES!

Thanks for the kind words Mr. Mig. But I think you got it backwards - YOU Rule! After that Maury gig, I can't even come close!

I'm just a squirrel trying to get a nut...

*** * * The Polynesian Popster * * ***

[ Edited by: PolynesianPop on 2002-11-02 14:39 ]

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