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Men.? Beards or no beards?

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Tiki Rider posted on 11/18/2004


Jungle Trader posted on 11/18/2004

Facial foliage in the cold of winter. Smooth puss for summer.
But some guys suffer from "lackanookie" when they wear a beard.

Gigantalope posted on 11/18/2004

A big bushy one, mostly orange, with a bit of yellow, and some dark red under my chin...not quite Civil War General looking.

Never liked shaving much.

I sort of always felt it belonged there.

ZebraTiki posted on 11/18/2004

On 2004-11-17 23:02, Gigantalope wrote:
A big bushy one, mostly orange, with a bit of yellow, and some dark red under my chin....

But can you weave smoking bits into it to intimidate your enemies, as in "Yellowbeard"?
("stagger, stagger, crawl, crawl...") :)

tikifish posted on 11/18/2004

Studies prove that ladies prefer their men sans foliage. So if you want the nookie, get out the Philishave!

Johnny Dollar posted on 11/18/2004

Gigantalope posted on 11/18/2004

I'm 'probly the reason they prefer deforrested faces.

FreakBear posted on 11/19/2004

I'm known for frequntly changing up the facial hair. Currently shaved, but have gone from a Sam Elliot-style 'stache-n'-goat to 'stacheless goat to a sort of 3 inch animated "Love Brush" thing that got nic-named "The Muppet".

I enjoyed having the Sam Elliot mustache except it always got snagged in the "pop-top" of beer cans! The ladys gave me a lot more attention with this, but my wife hated it!

[ Edited by: FreakBear on 2004-11-19 13:15 ]

Shipwreckjoey posted on 11/21/2004

I can't help but think of that old Popeye cartoon where Popeye & Bluto show up at Olive Oil's place for a date, each sporting a three day stuble, only to be turned down when Olive launches into her song "I Want A Clean Shavin' Man". They wind up beating the shit out of each other in a barber shop and then see Olive walking down the street with an Admiral with a full beard. Spotting this, Popeye said what any good seafarin' man would say..."well blow me down".

hiltiki posted on 11/21/2004

Tikifish, I personally like them.

christiki295 posted on 11/21/2004

The goatee and/or soul patch are often better choices, although Al certainly looks good in his beard.

[ Edited by: christiki295 on 2004-11-21 12:31 ]

Johnny Dollar posted on 03/09/2005

i think men should defer to the tastes of their significant others bottom line, but i theorize that fcial hair is a good way to offset overall ratio after male pattern baldness sets in. i don't want to end up looking like king kong bundy :wink:

joefla70 posted on 03/09/2005

I have a "stash and goat" -- neatly trimmed, of course. Not the Sam Eliot variety that gets stuck in beer cans.

I've had either a beard or a goatee since I was a sophmore in college 15 years ago (my, that was painful to say). I went down from the beard to the goatee probably about 10 years ago. My wife of 3 years has never known me without it, and likes it very much. In fact, when there was a possibility I would have to shave it when I took a new job, she was not too happy about the prospect of me being without the goat. So, I guess she is the exception to the rule.

[ Edited by: joefla70 on 2005-03-09 08:10 ]

finkdaddy posted on 03/09/2005

I also like to change mine quite a bit. Sometimes a full beard, sometimes just a gotee (sp?), and once a couple of years ago I shaved the whole head except for the eyebrows.

However, the wife always insists that she likes me in a full beard that is trimmed rather short. Even when I wear a full beard I still shave my neck up to just below the jaw line, but my wife likes it when I keep a day or two's stubble there.

liabungalo posted on 03/09/2005

My girlfriend prefers me with facial hair. I usually switch between burly beard, trimmed goatee or simple soul patch.


Tangaroa posted on 03/09/2005

Feelin Zombified posted on 03/09/2005


Whenever I see that clip, I think of The Ring... you're not planning to jump out of my monitor are you?


BTW- I just shaved my goatee of two years... It's interview season.

Johnny Dollar posted on 03/09/2005

On 2005-03-09 10:43, Feelin' Zombified wrote:

BTW- I just shaved my goatee of two years... It's interview season.

i was interviewing last month and considered shaving. but then i figured if they didn't hire me coz of my beard i wouldn't want to work for them anyways :) but i guess maybe there's more leeway in some professions than others...

Tangaroa posted on 03/09/2005

On 2005-03-09 10:43, Feelin' Zombified wrote:

Whenever I see that clip, I think of The Ring... you're not planning to jump out of my monitor are you?


Feelin Zombified posted on 03/09/2005

On 2005-03-09 10:45, Johnny Dollar wrote:

...if they didn't hire me coz of my beard i wouldn't want to work for them anyways...

that's not to say I won't be growing it back the week after I get the job :wink:

On 2005-03-09 11:25, Tangaroa wrote:




DawnTiki posted on 03/09/2005

TaNgaROa! GosH DaRn It! I can't tell you how much that movies scared me! cReEpY!

[ Edited by: DawnTiki on 2005-03-09 15:23 ]

hewey posted on 03/10/2005

I am a goatee man myself. I've had it for about 4 yrs now and its stayin. My girl didnt mind me growin it, but for a while (like a year after growin), was wondering what it would look like without it. I shaved it off, she hated it, and i grew it straight back! I would grow some sideburns but I have little bald spots about the centre of my ears. Weird and annoying.

And yes the ring was bloody scary. To make matters worse, i saw it at the drive-in (and yes we watched the movie!). Half way through a guy walked past and my girl didnt see him until he was right next to the car and jumped through the roof.

midnite posted on 03/10/2005

Beards...or no beards?

I likes Nicole Kidman.


twowheelin'tiki posted on 03/16/2005

Beards cut into your "action", and attract the wrong type of gal!. When I had mine(to cover the double chin!)I got only hard chicks, when I shaved it off, I met an angel and got married!.Everyone said it adds 10 years!, F that!.

johntiki posted on 03/16/2005

After looking like this...

...for nearly 10 years and throughout my entire time in college, I decided to shave off the facial hair my last semester. I wasn't crazy about it but when I graduated and went looking for a job I got the hair chopped off too. Something seemed to be missing so I grew back the goatee and have had it eversince...unfortunately I waited until after my wedding in 1998 and now I can't stand looking at any of our wedding photos. My wife doesn't seem to mind but just requests that I keep it trimmed.

I don't plan to shave it again but I did tell my wife that for next Halloween I'm growing a Tom Selleck moustache, shaving off the goatee temporarily, donning a Detroit Tigers cap,and an aloha shirt and I'd have the perfect costume!

In actuality I just wanted to share my scary "biker" photo. Some have even said I look like a member of the Manson Family...wonder why I didn't have much luck with the ladies back then?

[ Edited by: johntiki on 2005-03-28 17:33 ]

Johnny Dollar posted on 03/16/2005

way cool picture j-tiki, perhaps we should make a database of TC'ers "long hair / manson photos :)

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