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hukilau 2005 - decided!!!

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Hu-ray for Hukilau!!! I can't wait to go to Florida again! (and how happy the Florida Tourist Board or whatever would be to hear someone say that these days...)

I really empathize with Kiliki's point about how wonderfully the Mai Kai treated all the Hukilau guests this year. I hadn't thought of things that way, but it would've been a little churlish not to return this year.

Now let's see if I can make both eventses!!!



Best of all possible worlds - we get both EXOTICA AND HUKILAU in the same year!!

It's all good to me!! I feel like I got exactly what I wanted: Chicago AND Fort Lauderdale!!

pleasegodpleasegodpleasegod let my schedule work out to be able to do both....

I know it must have been a tough decision, but mahalo for keeping the Hukilau in the southeast and at the Mai-Kai in particular.
It would have been a trauma for many of us in Florida if you had moved it.

Strangely enough, Marian is in Chicago at Trader Vics as I am writing this, and plans on going to the Hala Kahiki sometime this week. I was lucky enough to go to both two years ago, so I'm glad she has an opportunity to visit.

Much Mahalo to Kaliki & Swanky for keeping it at the Mai Kai. We are so ready to make up for last years weather fiasco. Also, its the least we can do for the folks at the Mai Kai (who stayed open during a hurricane for us) to show them how much we really appreciate that place.

YAY!!!!!!!!!! :) :)


Does anyone have any idea in which month Exotica 2005 will be held?

I don't think that Duke and Amy have decided on a month yet - they are still in the planning stages. I'm sure they will announce soon!

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