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OFF OFF Topic Upcoming Election in L.A.

Pages: 1 8 replies

Futura Girl posted on 11/04/2002

Sorry for the political grandstanding, but at least it's not parrothead talking :)

Measure A - Museum Bond
This bond measure reeks of the bait and switch we got with the Library initiative a few years back. They say "Keep our children safe and improve our museums!!!" What it really sounds like is... We want to tear down historic buildings and build new 'safer' ones, because some architect's and official's pockets need greasing... A ton of historic Mid Century Modern libraries were demolished as a result of a misleading Bond measure back in 2000.

Measures F & H
Vote YES! for Valley secession. The Valley needs more centralized locally run government. The propaganda ads are bogus. Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Burbank, Pasadena, Long Beach, Glendale, Santa Monica are all seperate cities - and we haven't paid more taxes, lost services or 'lost the image of the city as a whole in spite of that.

Futura Girl posted on 11/04/2002

thanks for listening.

tikifish posted on 11/04/2002

I was just thinking, with all the renewed interest in 50's architecture and googie design (the Eaames craze, Mies Madness, the Eichler Itch, etc) do you think the house architects and builders of tomorrow will look to modernism for inspiration? I sure hope so... I'm so tired of faux-victorian and faux-georgian clown boxes popping up everywhere... Or whatever you call that McMansion style with the 2 car garage as the main feature...

There's plenty of places to get that 50's style for the insode ofyour house... now ite time to get the new houses looking swank on the outside. Damn!

floratina posted on 11/04/2002

Those anti-secession ads crack me up. They try to scare voters by telling them that secession will cost them money. Think about how much taxpayers in the valley will save in the long run by no longer having to financially carry the dead weight that is Los Angeles.

bamboo ben posted on 11/05/2002

are ther really going to change the name to Cammalot? (sp?)

Futura Girl posted on 11/05/2002

god help us - i hope not... that was put on as a joke i think.

we're all voting for "San Fernando Valley"

Traderpup posted on 11/05/2002

I voted.... have you?


Tiki_Bong posted on 11/06/2002

I heard the succession was in order to maintain slavery!

(Frankly Scarlet, I don't give a F&$*)

Futura Girl posted on 11/06/2002

No, secession will free the North so it will no longer be a slave to southern L.A.... Abolitionists unite!

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