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Searching for Tiki Bob New Orleans

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ravforu posted on 12/09/2004

I am new to collecting Tikis. I have a set of PMP mugs, but my primary passion is to acquire a Bali Hai Tiki Bob Tiki Mug from the defunct Pontchatrain Beach locale. Anyone out there know where one is available for sale?

Tiki Royale posted on 12/10/2004

Those mugs show up on e-bay from time to time, just keep checking.
What's your interest in that mug? Do you have some connection to the Bali Hai?
I have a pic of my folks at the "Luau" in Miami back in the day. My personal quest is a mug from there.
Anyway, welcome aboard. If you stick around, there's plenty you can learn from the good folks here at TC.

[ Edited by: Tiki Royale on 2004-12-09 23:50 ]

bifcozz posted on 12/10/2004

[ Edited by: bifcozz 2007-02-09 22:07 ]

tiki410 posted on 12/10/2004

I saw one not in great shape about 4 weeks ago at a local flea market in Metairie. Person wanted $40. PM me and I can advise as to where to go if you are local.

tikifish posted on 12/10/2004

I have one as well, in beautiful condition, but my price is 65.00. If this is too much for you, I understand, but if not, PM me.

Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 12/10/2004

Ravforu - To make matters worse, there are at least FOUR versions of this Tiki-Bob style mug from the the Bali Hai. There are TWO versions of the mug from the time the restaurant was known as the "BEACHCOMBER", and then at least TWO from when it was known as the "BALI HA'I".

From the "BEACHCOMBER" days, there is a larger, Jumbo-sized version that was done in a white glaze, with the brown "bark" painted on afterwards in cold-paint. These don't survive so well, as the paint often chips or is worn off. I have one of these mugs and will try to post a pic soon.

Then there is the smaller "BEACHCOMBER" version where the bark is painted on under the glaze. These are nicer, in my opinion, even though they're smaller. Here's a pic of this version, with another pic of the menu, showing the same mug:

Then there are the mugs from the days when the restaurant was known as the "BALI HA'I".

Here is the smaller, glazed version of the "BALI HA'I" mug, with the simple lettering. This is the one available on Ebay right now.

Then there is the glazed version with the swankier lettering. It looks like they also re-made the mold. These are more symetrical, the ridges are nicer, and the lettering is just great. These are the ones that Tikifish has available.

Here's a couple menus from the "BALI HA'I" days:

I don't know if a jumbo-sized, cold-paint version exists from the "BALI HA'I" period. Maybe some of the other TC members could speak to this.

So, you see what a tangled mess you've gotten yourself into? It all depends on whether you are a "completist" and need all the mugs from this location, or would be happy with any old mug from the Bali Hai. No need to thank me, of course. Always happy to muddy the waters.

Here's another thread you might find interesting:


[ Edited by: Sabu The Coconut Boy on 2004-12-10 13:25 ]

ravforu posted on 12/10/2004

I was born and raised in New Orleans and have a lot of fond memories of the Batt's family Pontchatrain Beach. And of course, my family went a couple of times to the Bali Hai to eat and my High School Prom dinner was there. So since it is now gone, but not forgotten, I would love to get some memorabilia of the place. My parents still live in Metairie, but I am now a world away living down under in Australia.

bigbrotiki posted on 12/11/2004

Sabu gets an "A" in Tiki Bob history class for this report!

tiki410 posted on 12/11/2004

Yes that is an original............

Trader Woody posted on 12/11/2004

Wow, thanks for going well beyond the call of Tiki duty Sabu! I got one of these mugs recently and had no idea of the variations and history behind it. Fascinating stuff.

Trader Woody

midnite posted on 12/11/2004

*I don't know if a jumbo-sized, cold-paint version exists from the "BALI HA'I" period. Maybe some of the other TC members could speak to this. *

That first Beachcomber mug looks familiar...

We have a large "Bali Hai" which is unglazed. It has very plain writing on the side. It is roughly an inch taller (just about 9") than the Beachcomber we have, seen above. We got two of these larger mugs a while ago, one was sold for an insane amount on eBay, early '03.

This mug has a sticker: "Ucagco" (?) Ceramics Japan.

I like the ones, as tikfish has sold, that have the "menu" print. With 2 Tiki Bob's and 2 Bali/Beachcomber mugs, we probably have enough as it stands.

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