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Seriously now folks, a prepared food question...

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Tiki_Bong posted on 12/20/2004

I'm gonna bare my soul here folks, but maybe, yeah maybe, I ain't as high-brow as my id would like to think it is.

I kinda got me a thing for Fritos and Fritos Hot Bean Dip, with Jalapenos peppers; Net Wt 9oz (255.1 g).

Now, in all seriousness, the question I pose is this: it says "Must Be Refrigerated After Opening", but I hate cold bean dip.

Has anyone had any problems (say, involving major blood/fecal loss) by NOT refrigerating said bean dip?

Please post soon, as the holidays are upon us (if you know what I mean).

[ Edited by: Tiki_Bong on 2004-12-19 21:08 ]

cybertiki posted on 12/20/2004

Personally, I've never had a problem with not refrigerating those items that say 'refrigerate after opening'. However, to give you fair warning, as the Lovely Joelle puts it, I have the digestive constitution of a dog, so it probably wouldn't matter anyway.

Around here we'll never get to experiment, since an open can of bean dip never lasts more than about 20 minutes (teenagers tend to do that). I'm usually lucky if I get to scrape some of the dried bean dip off the lid which is usually left on the counter for someone else to dispose of.


I forgot to mention that I don't even refrigerate the herring in sour cream sauce, and it never got me sick - so I'm guessing that bean dip is pretty safe. If it molds, either scrape off the mold or mix it back in ... most molds aren't toxic.


Stay on the beach. The natives over there are cannibals.
They eat liars with the same enthusiasm as they eat honest men.


[ Edited by: cybertiki on 2004-12-19 22:26 ]

Shipwreckjoey posted on 12/20/2004

Bong, are you plannin' on living forever? If the bean dip don't kill ya something else will.

docwoods posted on 12/20/2004

refrigerate it,just to be safe.Bean dip can do a number on you anyways,so I wouldn't take a chance on a double whammy.

finkdaddy posted on 12/20/2004

Before I got married I didn't refrigerate a lot of things...steak sauce, worcestershire sauce, ketchup, mustard, even butter and I never had a problem. When my wife (girlfriend at the time) discovered this she nearly had a heart attack.

Then one day she makes me this Japanese Curry Stew (she lived for three years in Nagoya). When dinner was over she left all the leftovers in the pot on the stove. When I woke up the next morning it was still there and she warmed it up for her breakfast!

When I asked her why she didn't refrigerate it over night, she said that everyone did it in Japan.

I just don't know.

tikifish posted on 12/20/2004

Why not just refrigerate it, then heat it up in the microwave a bit before serving?

Tiki-bot posted on 12/20/2004

"Seriously?" Ahahahahahahahaha!!!!! You kill me Bong!

Unga Bunga posted on 12/20/2004

Just don't eat that crap before I come over to your house. Your family has my sympathy (regarding the methane factor).

tikitortured posted on 12/20/2004

Bong, forget the beandip, try this:
Melt a brick of cream cheese in a pot with a can of chili, then use Fritos brand "Scoops" to shovel that crap into yer beak...DEE-LISH!
It's a white trash delicacy. Bon-apitit.

KuKuAhu posted on 12/20/2004

On 2004-12-20 13:58, tikitortured wrote:

...shovel that crap into yer beak...

You make it all sound so...appetizing.

Ku Ku

dangergirl299 posted on 12/20/2004

the only dip I can use for Fritos is cottage cheese.

it's good for you!

I've also seen a friend make chicken adobo and leave it out on the stove overnight. another friend did this with pizza.

A third friend purchased the ready made guacamole that comes in a can similar to the bean dip can. She spent a mint in her trip to the ER that ensued, which also necessitated an ambulance, all done without any health insurance whatsoever. now THAT's expensive food poisoning!

tikitortured posted on 12/21/2004

Sometimes pizza tastes better when it's "aged" at room temp, depending of course on the severity of your hangover.

cottage cheese?!?

Kono posted on 12/21/2004

What about food (meat) that's been stuck in your teeth all night because you passed out and then in the morning you work it loose and swallow it after it's been worked over for hours by god knows what kind of bacteria and micro fauna that thrive in the hot, humid sanctuary of your saliva and fetid breath. What about that? What about that piece of food that got between your wisdom tooth and your last non-wise molar and has been there for days and smells like infection?! Spit it out or, dare I say it, swallow it? What if you're in the presence of important people and cannot spit it out?? What then!!??

Erika posted on 12/21/2004

My father-in-law is a health inspector and didn't know the answer offhand. He says ask Frito-Lay customer service whether the "Refrigerate after opening" is for quality purposes (better taste) or for control of potentially harmful bacteria.

Or try the U.S. Food Safety and Inspection Service:

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ZebraTiki posted on 12/21/2004

If you have the constitution of a goat, you could probably defrost the dip in the microwave if needed.

I know that bean dip has unfortunate results in housecats. Years ago, when I had a constantly hung-over roomate, I came home to find the cat unusually indisposed (he was loose as a goose). In the kitchen I found that the roomate, bleary-eyed, had mistaken a can of bean dip for a can of cat food, and simply opened it, and set it out for the cat, who mowed through half of it.
Our third roomate arrived home to the scene of infamy (me berating roomate #1 about feline diets) and looked at what was his can of bean dip on the floor, and said, "Dude! You could at least have given him some chips!"

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hiltiki posted on 12/21/2004

what about the cockroaches attacking your bean dip after the lights are out?

Tiki_Bong posted on 12/21/2004

On 2004-12-20 19:36, hiltiki wrote:
what about the cockroaches attacking your bean dip after the lights are out?

They don't really eat that much...

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hiltiki posted on 12/21/2004

You are sooooo sick, I love it......

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cynfulcynner posted on 12/21/2004

On 2004-12-20 15:58, dangergirl299 wrote:
I've also seen a friend make chicken adobo and leave it out on the stove overnight. another friend did this with pizza.

That works with ceviche, but otherwise DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME!

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freddiefreelance posted on 12/21/2004

It sounds horrible, but you're supposed to leave homemade Mayonaise out of the refrigerator for several hours after finishing it to allow the lemon juice to kill the bacteria. This's the same reason you can leave Ceviche out, and the vinegar does the same in Chicken Adobo.

Bong, how long are we talking about to finish a tub? If it's just over the afternoon go ahead & leave it out with some saran wrap on it to keep out flies, leaves & small children's fingers, if we're talking over night you could probably get away with leaving it out if it's covered. If we're talking more than 2 days you should keep it in the fridge overnight & take it out an hour or so before you want to eat some. You can put the jar in hot but not boiling water after it's been out of the fridge for a while to speed up the warming process. If you're taking a week to finish the jar the bean dip'll start looking like old dried up spackle, you'll want to add a little water to moisten the dip, nuke it for a little under 30 seconds & stir it up good.

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