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Very Merry Tiki Christmas To All

Pages: 1 11 replies

Whollycat posted on 12/20/2004

I would just like to wish (along with the rest of Haole Kats)all of you out there in Tikidom a wonderful Holiday Season.
May your Drinks be full,your Tiki-Huts warm, Your loved ones be safe, and Oceans and Palm trees not be far from your thoughts .... Good Music to all and to all a good night !!!

FreakBear posted on 12/21/2004

Back at'cha Cat :) Especially warm holiday wishes for all of our Floridians in light of this year's hurricane season.

Exoticat posted on 12/21/2004

Thanks--same to you!

[Photo taken in Kauai on 12-3-04]

Exoticat posted on 12/21/2004

Later that same day...

pablus posted on 12/21/2004

Thanks Wholly Cat!
It was a blast getting to know you and the guys this year and I look forward to at least 10 more ukejams together in 2005.

I'm going to have to learn some more islandy dinner recipes though.

Mele Kalikimaka!

Pacific Andy posted on 12/23/2004

Ia Orana I te Matahiti Api

and to all a Mai Tai night!!!

RevBambooBen posted on 12/23/2004
delphiniumangel posted on 12/23/2004

Mele Kalikimaka and Hauoli Makahiki Hou! to everyone at TC

I am returning to the palm trees and white sands on Maui on December 31st for 2 weeks.



tikibars posted on 12/24/2004

This is what non-Christians living in predominantly Christian nations do on Christmas Eve:

We run around the house like Vyvian on the Young Ones, smashing things up and yelling: "Bored! Bored! Bored! Bored!".

Then we plot to move to some country in the far East where they never heard of Christmas.

Then we call our Jewish friends up and see what they're doing.

They are doing nothing, also.

Then we run around the house like Vyvian on the Young Ones, smashing things up and yelling: "Bored! Bored! Bored! Bored!".

Then we call up our Hindu friends, our atheist friends who don't have families (our athiest friends who DO have families are over at their families' house biting their tongues and getting Christmas presents), our Islamic friends, and our Wiccan friends who don't have families (our Wiccan friends who DO have families are over at their families' house biting their tongues and getting Christmas presents), to see what they're doing.

They are doing nothing, also.

Then we look on the internet to see if there are any bars or restaurants open.

But we don't go to them if we find them, because then we'll seem like losers sitting alone in a cafe on Christmas eve.

Then we run around the house like Vyvian on the Young Ones, smashing things up and yelling: "Bored! Bored! Bored! Bored!".

Then we post silly messages on the internet.

Then we watch DVDs and go to bed early, and wait for life to resume it's relative state of normality as soon as possible.

To my Christian pals:

Merry Christmas, or as we say in Hawaiian: Mele Kalikimaka.

To the rest of you:

Run around the house like Vyvian on the Young Ones, smashing things up and yelling: "Bored! Bored! Bored! Bored!".

It'll help.


Futura Girl posted on 12/25/2004

a belated Happy Solstice to you JT!

oh, and happy holidays to my non-wiccan friends :)

[ Edited by: Futura Girl on 2004-12-24 19:16 ]

Futura Girl posted on 12/25/2004

*On 2004-12-23 10:32, RevBambooBen wrote:*http://hometown.aol.com/jesusandsue2/ChristmasHawaii.html

thanks ben!!! i can't turn it off now - i am hooked...

ZebraTiki posted on 12/25/2004

On 2004-12-24 15:00, tikibars wrote:

Run around the house like Vyvian on the Young Ones, smashing things up and yelling: "Bored! Bored! Bored! Bored!".

It'll help.


Still bored, and it did help!

Happy howlidays, and non-holidays to all of you that make Tiki Central such fun all year long!

Inexplicable Santa (maybe he's from Kenya?)

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