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Lamprey Quiz for the New Year

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Tangaroa posted on 12/21/2004

1.  You live on a lake infested with sea lampreys and your friend has property on a lake not infested with sea lampreys.  Therefore, your property value will be higher.
True or False?

[ Edited by: Tangaroa on 2004-12-21 16:48 ]

dangergirl299 posted on 12/21/2004

the term "infested" implies something that decreases property value.

if the lake were full of trout, which might increase property value if uncontaminated and fish-able, a word that implies an increase in property value could be "brimming" or "flush" (e.g. "I am flush with ocelots" -3rd rock from the sun, beanie babies episode)

Beatnikine posted on 12/22/2004

While the word 'infested', which was obviously ill-chosen, does convey notions of contamination et al, the eel-like sea lamprey could someday enable paralyzed people to reliably control their legs.

You see, the creature has a removable spine that can remain alive in a dish and be stimulated to move as if it's still inside a swimming animal. It is possible to transplant the spinal chord into a human being and control the signals via outside controls, thereby enabling the paralyzed individual to move.

This is a veritable medical miracle which must be worth millions. It is obvious to me that the lake containing these wonderous creatures would easily be considered the more valuable of the two.

[ Edited by: Beatnikine on 2004-12-22 12:15 ]

Tangaroa posted on 12/22/2004

Question 1: The correct answer is False.
Since sea lamprey are nuisance species that are likely to harm native species, their presence in your lake will decrease your property value.

Tangaroa posted on 12/22/2004

2.  Currently, $14 million dollars is spent to combat sea lamprey populations.
True or False?

ZebraTiki posted on 12/22/2004

Big dollars in Lampricide.

Tangaroa posted on 12/22/2004

Question 2: The correct answer is True.
$14 million dollars is spent to combat sea lamprey population.

Tangaroa posted on 12/22/2004

3.  The fishing industry thrived in the middle part of the 20th century, when sea lamprey populations were at their height.
True or False?

Beatnikine posted on 12/22/2004


These organisms were a major cause of the collapse of lake trout, whitefish, and chub populations in the Great Lakes during the 1940's and 1950's

[ Edited by: Beatnikine on 2004-12-22 12:21 ]

Tangaroa posted on 12/22/2004

Question 3: The correct answer is False.
The fishing industry declined in the mid-20th century leading to loss of jobs and economic hard times.

Tangaroa posted on 12/22/2004

4.  In 1946, the fish catch for Lake Michigan was 5.5 million pounds.  By 1953, the sea lamprey population had reduced the fish catch to 402 pounds.
True or False?

freddiefreelance posted on 12/23/2004

African or European Lamprey?

Tangaroa posted on 12/23/2004

European, as the Sea Lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) existed in the Atlantic ocean, prior to discovery in the Great Lakes in 1835...

freddiefreelance posted on 12/23/2004

Then true.

Tangaroa posted on 12/24/2004

Question 4: The correct answer is True.
Sea lamprey severely reduced native fish populatins, particulary lake trout in the mid 1900s.

Tangaroa posted on 12/24/2004

Question #5 is remarkably similar to question #4, so to conquer redundancy - we will proceed directly to Question #6.

6.  Of the fish caught and not killed by the sea lamprey at the height of the Great Lakes lamprey invasion, 100% exhibited wounds.
True or False?

cybertiki posted on 12/24/2004

Lampreys are hagfish. In that one word I've said it.
I only know one item to their credit.
The early English had good cause to love them;
Wicked King John died from a surfeit of them.

-- Ogden Nash

Personally, I like lamprey. The best solution to many "infestation" problems is simply to eat the offending beast. I've eaten smoked lamprey in Germany, and it was excellent. I believe there is a tradition in England that the reigning monarch is served Lamprey Pie for Christmas each year ... or was that New Years? In any case, I think I'll have a tee made that says "EAT MORE LAMPREY".


Stay on the beach. The natives over there are cannibals.
They eat liars with the same enthusiasm as they eat honest men.


[ Edited by: cybertiki on 2004-12-23 17:06 ]

ZebraTiki posted on 12/24/2004

On 2004-12-23 14:12, freddiefreelance wrote:
African or European Lamprey?

Laden with, or without, coconuts?

Shipwreckjoey posted on 12/24/2004

On 2004-12-23 17:05, cybertiki wrote:
I believe there is a tradition in England that the reigning monarch is served Lamprey Pie for Christmas each year_______________

That would obviously be the European Lamprey, whereas in deepest, darkest Africa the reigning Mau Mau monarch is served the Africanized Lamprey. It's a small world after all.

Tangaroa posted on 12/26/2004

Question 6: The correct answer is False.
Not all fish were victims of the sea lamprey; however, 85% of the fish caught exhibited wounds.

Tangaroa posted on 12/26/2004
  1. Despite efforts to market the sea lamprey as an edible delicacy, the eel-like lamprey remains revolting and holds no economic value.
    True or False?
ZebraTiki posted on 12/26/2004

#7: False

I'm having lamprey, lamprey, lamprey, lamprey, lamprey, eggs, and lamprey.

Tangaroa posted on 12/27/2004

Question 7: The correct answer is True.
Efforts to entice people to eat sea lamprey have not been successful despite some mouth-watering recipes that are now available.

Tangaroa posted on 12/27/2004
  1. The Great Lakes fishing industry makes up to $4 billion/year and provides the area with 75,000 jobs, both of which are in danger from the sea lamprey invasion.
    True or False?
T Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/6abab6b86914466c55b831b3dd4287f7?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
tikifish posted on 12/27/2004

I'd say true, but if they just caught and sold Lamprey instead of Trout... hey, problem solved!

Tangaroa posted on 12/27/2004

Question 8: The correct answer is True.
The sea lamprey threatens a $4 billion/year fishing industry, jeopardizing 75,000 jobs annually.

Tangaroa posted on 12/27/2004

9.  As an adult, the parasitic sea lamprey can destroy up to 40 pounds of fish.
True or False?

Beatnikine posted on 12/27/2004

Hmmm... I'm going to say 'true' - it is a commonly known fact that the a sea lamprey lives one to one-and-a-half years as an adult, killing up to 18 kg (thats 40 lbs.) of fish before it returns to a river to spawn and die.

Lamprey in Brewet
1 Good Sized Lamprey or Eel
140g (5oz) Butter
3 fl White Wine
1 tbsp Mixed Sweet Herbs, chopped
½ tsp Ground Ginger
½ tsp Cloves
Salt and Pepper

Soak the lamprey in salted water for about 4 hours.
Drain and wash well.
Cook in boiling salted water for 15 minutes (an eel will take a further 10 minutes or so).
Drain, allow to cool.
Skin and cut into chunks about 3.5 cm (2 inches) thick.
Melt the butter in a heavy frying pan adding the spices and seasoning
Fry the lamprey for about 5 minutes on each side (an eel will take a little longer).
Add the wine and herbs to the pan and bring to the boil, scraping the base of the pan to release the juices.
Adjust the seasoning to taste.
Serve the lamprey (or eel) with the sauce accompanied by hot white bread.

Tangaroa posted on 12/27/2004

Question 9: The correct answer is True.
One sea lamprey has a voracious appetite destroying up to 40lbs of fish throughout its lifespan.

Tangaroa posted on 12/27/2004

10.  The sea lamprey can live anywhere from 50-100 years, all of which are spent as a parasite, feeding on fish.
True or False?

This is the final question of the Lamprey Quiz for the New Year.

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Johnny Dollar posted on 03/08/2005

another recipe...


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Lamprey Blood
Vegetables:Onions, Carrots,Leeks
Garlic & Bouquet Garni
Red Wine

  1. Bleed Lamprey and keep blood aside to flavour sauce.
  2. Scald fish and remove skin
  3. Line a buttered pan with the vegetables, garlic and bouquet garni.
  4. Add lamprey and enough red wine to cover fish, boil for 12 minutes.
  5. Cook slices of leek with bacon in a buttered pan.
  6. Drain lamprey and add to pan alternating with the leek.
  7. Make a roux and moisten it with lamprey juices, pour back over fish.
  8. Simmer gently until fish is cooked
  9. Arrange fish and vegetables on a dish.
  10. Add the reserved blood to the sauce and pour over dish
  11. Serve with fried bread


Tangaroa posted on 03/09/2005

On 2005-03-08 13:42, Johnny Dollar wrote:
another recipe...

  1. Bleed Lamprey and keep blood aside to flavour sauce.

It's the blood that makes it retch-tastic!

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MadDogMike posted on 09/12/2016

Tangaroa, you never gave the answer to question 10 :(

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