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Going out West where I belong....

Pages: 1 32 replies

Unkle John posted on 08/11/2004

Well gang, I've quit my job and I'm gearing up to move to the Lubbock area. I'll still be here on TC, so don't worry. But I wanted to promote my ebay auctions. I'm clearing out all of the stuff we don't need around the house. Sorry no tiki, but I got alot of swag items to bid on. Please help out a fellow TC'er and either bid or spread the word of my auctions. Right now it's just a few items, but as soon as my 2 weeks are up.. i plan on doubling my auction volume.


Juno and other N. TX TC'ers. we all ought to plan something one more time as a last horah.. btw my b-day is Sept 11 :wink:

-one man aspiring to be everyone’s favorite unkle.

[ Edited by: Unkle John on 2004-08-10 17:24 ]

Unkle John posted on 09/07/2004

I've posted pics of our new house on my board: http://unklejohn.suddenlaunch.com/index.cgi?board=lounge&action=display&num=1094539606

feel free to comment here.. it's late or I would have posted them here. sorry guys for making you all jump around

dogbytes posted on 09/07/2004

swank fireplace in the master bedroom!

lubbock's not bad ~ i've got cousins there, so i've visited a lot (there's a cajun style restaurant that has the most wonderful hush puppies and catfish ~ i'll ask for the name of that place)

good luck on your move! i dont envy that part!

Unkle John posted on 09/07/2004

Hey maybe next time you're down we can meet up. There is an asian/mexican food place called El Papagyos (I call it El papasan's) that serves Mai Tais. I'll sample their drinks next time i'm in.

Unkle John posted on 09/07/2004

I felt guilty... so here's the pics:

The front of the house

The living room

The kitchen & dining area

One of the 4 bedrooms (this one is a split level room)

Hall bathroom

Master bedroom (first view)

Master bedroom (fireplace & bathroom cubbie)

looking out the master bedroom door (see the new tiki lounge in the background?)

Sitting area and fish pond (dry right now)

A few trees and landscaping

inside the new tiki lounge... that wallpaper is going to go

Small bathroom in the tiki lounge & large window

What's this? a stairway to my dope den..er to a storm shelter under the lounge

Walking back to the house. I've got alot of work to do.

The gate out of here

-one man aspiring to be everyone’s favorite unkle.

My Tiki Lounge http://unklejohn.suddenlaunch.com/index.cgi

[ Edited by: Unkle John on 2004-09-07 01:12 ]

docwoods posted on 09/07/2004

Loads of potential there!Can't wait to see finished pics-especially of the bathroom cubbie.What exactly is a bathroom cubbie?

Tiki-Toa posted on 09/07/2004

Gotta agree with doc, LOADS of potential, and nothing like starting with a clean slate man. Scrub it up and it will be tiki paradise in no time! I wonder how long a drive that is from cheeseland? :wink:

Unkle John posted on 09/07/2004

Thanks guys!
Doc, the bathroom cubbie is.. (well what you see in the picture)... you see the sinks and mirrors? to the left of them (your left) the wall is a full closet and the toilet & show are hidden behind the sink's "wall"

Tikiwahine posted on 09/07/2004

Wow, really cool Unkle John!

Lots of work, but it looks like a fantastic way to spend your time!

We don't get that style of house around here, so different to me! I grew up in a 1913 Victorian style place(go figure...I live in Victoria) that has needed new wallpaper since my parents moved in and did some "fixing up" themselves in 1972. Can you say brown, green and orange daisies in the kitchen? Yuck!

Have fun! I can't wait to see more pictures of the progress.

Oh, and congratulations!

Urban Tiki posted on 09/07/2004

Very cool house- I can already imagine the tiki highlights and the yard looks perfect for a tiki bar.

Humuhumu posted on 09/07/2004

Congratulations, Unkle John! What an exciting time, and what an ideal house to work with. I don't envy you your task with that wallpaper, though. I would really like to find a house just like that (only about 1/5 the size, and in LA--a girl can dream, can't she?) Can't wait to see what you do with it!

foamy posted on 09/07/2004

Hey Unkle John, fine gal, lovely home with all kinds of possibilities. Did I not call you lucky?

As a friend of mine would say: I'd rather be lucky than good.

Go Unkle John!

Traderpup posted on 09/07/2004

Cool new place! I can't wait to see what you do with the opium den...... :tiki:

Unkle John posted on 09/08/2004

urban Tiki, Tikiwahine, Humu, Foamy, Pup Thanks guys & gals for the compliments. I'd like to have a big luau there after I get everything finnished and perfected

-one man aspiring to be everyone’s favorite unkle.

My Tiki Lounge http://unklejohn.suddenlaunch.com/index.cgi

[ Edited by: Unkle John on 2004-09-07 23:47 ]

SON OF MOTHRA posted on 09/08/2004

Wow unk, cool place. Cograts. The fireplace in your master bedroom kicks ass and are pretty sought after. I've seen them sell for big bucks on ebay. Fill that pond up with some Koi, add a bamboo bar and some tikis to the back yard and you'll have one hell of a little tiki paradise.

Unkle John posted on 09/08/2004

Son of Mot-rah :wink: You can read my mind!

tikifish posted on 09/08/2004

Unbeleiveably cool. I am jealous! I wish I had a project like that!

Unkle John posted on 10/28/2004

Well gang, I'll be moving out this Friday. So I might be gone for a week or so, just pretend I'm on a vacation.
As shown in the last page, the really cool house.. we aren't getting it. Long story short, the mortgage co was wanting $39k for it, they did't want our offer for $37k and they wanted us to bid on the house. I took my money and went else where. NEVER DO BUSINESS WITH LONG BEACH MORTGAGE IN CALIFORNIA....crooks.
We found another house... though it was a few thousand more than that cool house, I still like it. I'll have a link below so you can see it. But I just wanted to tell you guys that I was going to be gone and if anyone cared that's why I would be. I'll be back. Look out West Texas, your Tiki king has arrived.


Unkle John posted on 10/30/2004

welp.... i'm out see yall in a week or so.

Mrs. B posted on 10/30/2004

Unkle John...did you leave out a "zero" or did you pick this house up for the price of a cheap car?? Or, do we just leave out the "0's" these days.
This is probably a frickin' lame ass question, but who cares.
Aloha and good luck and fortune with your move!!!

dogbytes posted on 10/30/2004

On 2004-10-30 00:22, Mrs. B wrote:
Unkle John...did you leave out a "zero" or did ...

not a typo.

its amazing what houses go for in Lubbock ~ my cousin bought a house for her kids, instead of paying rent in the dorms. i remember saying "thats less than 2 miatas!"

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Unkle John posted on 10/30/2004

$37,000 is the price we got the house for Mrs. B. (The house we are moving to is about 1830 sqft on a huge corner lot).
We bought this current one for $36,000 and we are selling it for $58,000 (we have done improvements). What are the prices for houses out where your at? There are alot of Dolly Mac houses in Lubbock that range between $60k ~ $125k. Those where out of our price range (Graphic artists don't get paid terribly high out there).

Welp I'm loggin off to tear down the computers. Aloha, see ya'll in a week.

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Kono posted on 10/30/2004

Prices around here have been climbing like crazy. I recently stopped to grab an info sheet for a home in my neighborhood that's up for sale. My neighborhood's nothing special btw. 1600 sq ft plain jain house built in the late 60s/early 70s with a medium yard. No pool or pond. They're asking $250K. Ridiculous. But it is typical of what they're asking in the area. I don't know what they're getting but that's what they're asking. Five years ago they would've asked for $110-120K. My apartment complex is going condo so I will be purchasing a house in the next few months. Not around here though.

Check out this sweet house:


Great house, unbelievably great price. Smack dab in the center of Orlando's worst neighborhoods. This is probably an older person(s) house who moved in 30 yrs ago when it was a great area. Move that house five miles west and they could double the price and sell it tomorrow. Too bad.

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Raffertiki posted on 12/07/2004

As per;

Unkle John here again, The house situation is almost over... hopefully buy the end of this week. I still haven't put my computer back together. If someone could copy and paste this in my last thread "Going out West where I belong" I would greatly appreciate it. I have my pasword and such in a secure place, But I cannot remember it right this moment.

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Unkle John posted on 01/23/2005

I'm Back, I'm Bad, and I'm full of beans... if you know what I mean.

Did you all miss me?
It's been a long hard past few months, but with out going into detail, it's over, and I'm happy. If you want to read the story go to my message board (located in my signature)

I've noticed alot of new faces, ALOHA! I hope I get to know you all soon. Hope you new kids enjoy your stay here.

Well coming soon to TC.. pic of my new and improved tiki lounge. I'm happy. It's just what I invisioned it. I will get all the boxes properly placed and all the tikis in order, then I will unveil it to you all.

Thanks for all the well wishes. I am happier out here. Infact I feel like a new man!
In the next few weeks I'm going to check out the Kona Kai in Dumas, TX. for a 30th birthday bash. Hopefully it's worth the trip, that's why I'm going out there soon. To check out how hip it is. So be looking for that announcment.

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ZebraTiki posted on 01/23/2005

On 2005-01-23 14:06, Unkle John wrote:

Did you all miss me?

Shouldn't that be "y'all"? :)

Welcome back! Looking forward to the pictures of your Texas tikification!

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Unkle John posted on 01/23/2005

Shouldn't that be "y'all"? :)

it should, but i took a drink when i was typing it :wink:

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-one man aspiring to be everyone’s favorite unkle.

My Tiki Lounge http://unklejohn.suddenlaunch.com/index.cgi

[ Edited by: Unkle John on 2005-01-23 16:10 ]

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Shipwreckjoey posted on 01/24/2005

Nice digs Unk. A similar property here in San Diego would run about $480,000 (twice that if you can see ocean). Never been to Lubbock, but I would expect to see a huge statue of Buddy Holly in the town square. If I'm right, please post a pic.

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Johnny Dollar posted on 01/24/2005

mo noos unkle j, mo noos! your absence has been very noticable. aloaz!

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Unkle John posted on 01/24/2005

All right Johnny...heres the scoop. I appoligize for the laguage. And I am not insensitive to same sex couples. I have no quams over them... just the ones who now live in the old house.

This has been taken from my rant.. i've cleaned it up the best I could. I left alot to enphisize how pissed I am about it.

Now to get the dirt, the house in the Dallas area is no longer ours. We have finally gotten rid of it. And believe me, it’s been hell going through with it. Ok, when last posted we where suppose to close on the house on Oct. 29th. Well that didn’t happen. So we move out of the house (under the word of the buyer that we could close on it the following week) and the girls who wanted the house move in. Well we couldn’t get all of our boxes and stuff in the first trip so we had to leave some. Their mother (in-law), throws a shit fit because we have to leave our stuff in OUR house. We didn’t want them moving in until the house was out of our name. But that didn’t happen, they had already secured their U-Haul and canceled their contract on their apartment. And what happens next is why I didn’t want them moving in just yet. “Mom” notices the sink isn’t draining well and corners me and gives me the 5th degree. I told her that we told the girls there where roots in the lines and we had very-very minimal problems. A little Dra-no would fix it. Well flash forward a week or so, we are living with the in-laws and I have not heard a word from anyone. I then get a call from the buyer that sewage is “backing up into the tub and exploding out the pipes” and that the girls have called several companies to come out and fix it. I call the girls and tell them that it is not their decision, it’s not their house and if anything they are our “renters” until their buyer took over the house. Pissed that they didn’t call me first, I then call up a local plumber who I have done business with in the past. $3500 to fix the problem. All the pipes are damaged or collapsed. So I call the buyer and tell her seeing that her renters have moved into my house with out my total agreement (remember this is 2 weeks after we moved out), she agrees to pay half (we got screwed later she only wanted to pay $1500 for her part). So then another week goes by. We get word from our realtor out here that the woman who owns the house that we are buying is getting antsy. Within the month we made 3 trips go and get stuff from the “old house”. We went up and signed papers the week before thanksgiving and from what I heard, it pissed off the buyer. We also got word from our gay “renters” that their buyer has been talking trash about us not wanting to sign papers and crap. Total bull shit. Then a week after thanksgiving I get a call from my wife telling me I need to call the plumber. The girls did it again. They smelled a little whiff of gas and freaked and instead of calling him, or me they called TXU. TXU came out, shut off the gas and told them to get it fixed. The plumber could have fixed it for me for little to nothing… It cost me $3300 out of pocket. Why? Because the fucking bitch who was buying the house was fucking around and getting her paperwork done the way she wanted it so she could still make a profit off of it. How do I know this? She lied to me and her clients and my title company. She would not return phone calls or answer half of the time and claim it was her phone screwing up. Then I had to play arbitrator between her and the plumber and her and the title company. I’m still getting pissed when I think about it.
So, here we are supposed to get back about $10k and after all this bull shit, we are getting back a few hundred bucks (after the down payment on the New House). I’m still royally pissed about the whole situation. Being forced out of our house and then forced to pay for minor problems to a house that shouldn’t have been ours after a week of moving out. We also found out from the "renters" that they ARE NOT going to pay what is owed to them because what they "had to go through during repairs". Plus they claim that we never had an agreement. After going through the list of bull shit (that there is no way they could have typed up.. probably had thier landlord do it) on why they aren't going to pay us our owed $720. You know what I say? "fuck YOU TOO!" I don't care if you are gay, straight or martian, you are low-lifes. They just got free repairs to things that REAL home owners deal with, but you rode it off on someone else's pocket book. I don't give a fuck your rent from the buyer went up $25. Whooptie-shit. That's life and you know what, you going o give me a sack a boo-hoo shit stories, it's fallen on deaf ears. We where kind to you, we could have kicked you out of the house at any time while it was under our name, but we are nice people. So you can keep that $720, stick it and hope karma dosen't come knocking at your door. Because when it does, you better wish your where as reasonable. Same thing goes for your landlord. Just a word of advise, being gay in a small town is pretty notable, be ready to deal with it's head aches. That's why my wife and I never mentioned our religion.
The buyer is a “licensed realtor”, well I’ve been nice this whole time as well, but she is about the learn I’m not one to be fucked with. I’m having her fucking license revoked. God damn bitch, you fucked around long enough and cost me enough money, now it’s time to be fucked like the bitch you are.

Moral of the story: Get a realtor to do all this crap, it’s less stressful.

Am I going to take them to small claims court? For $720!? Bull shit waste of time if you ask me. As I said karma will get them and they will be clueless to why it happened. Bunch of free-loaders.

We love our new house and we love the new town. It’s quiet here, no kids bumping their backseats, no park, nothing but peace and quiet. The tiki lounge is better than ever, we have a Murphy bed for guests, a meditation area and a very well landscaped yard. We are planning on having a Luau in the spring. But there will be more info later.
So that’s what has been happening. I didn’t get kidnapped by aliens or fell into the bottomless pit. Just some rotten luck.

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-one man aspiring to be everyone’s favorite unkle.

My Tiki Lounge http://unklejohn.suddenlaunch.com/index.cgi

[ Edited by: Unkle John on 2005-01-23 21:02 ]

[ Edited by: Unkle John on 2005-01-23 21:10 ]

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docwoods posted on 01/24/2005

Welcome back,Unkel John! Yours is certainly a cautionary tale-hope it all gets taken care of so you can enjoy your new digs.

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Unkle John posted on 01/24/2005

Thanks guys.
The experiance is over and far be hind me now. Now I'm gearing up for a huge party this September at the Kona Kai in Dumas!
I'll keep you all posted after I take a trip up there.

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Unkle John posted on 01/25/2005

On 2005-01-23 17:46, Shipwreckjoey wrote:
Nice digs Unk. A similar property here in San Diego would run about $480,000 (twice that if you can see ocean). Never been to Lubbock, but I would expect to see a huge statue of Buddy Holly in the town square. If I'm right, please post a pic.

does this help?
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oh boy.

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-one man aspiring to be everyone’s favorite unkle.

My Tiki Lounge http://unklejohn.suddenlaunch.com/index.cgi

[ Edited by: Unkle John on 2005-01-25 08:35 ]

Pages: 1 32 replies