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Bikini "Bottom" ---- Sponge Bob is gay???

Pages: 1 2 47 replies

TikiGardener posted on 01/27/2005

Now I understand... no wait, I don't.

Don't these junior Taliban have something better to do?

" Two of the most vocal conservative Christian organizations - Focus on the
Family and the American Family Association - claimed that the cartoon
character SpongeBob SquarePants was being used as a subtle advocate of
homosexuality in a video produced for children and intended to promote

C'mon people!!! This is so beyond rational thought.

The age of reason is on its last legs.


Geeky Tiki posted on 01/27/2005

I find it amazing that they think a cartoon synthetic sponge has, or thinks about, sex! Even if Sponge Bob did a girl sponge, it would be improper for kids' TV.

What a dirty mind it must take to look for that kind of stuff.

I guess they are OK with Krusty Crab having a whale as a daughter - beastiality is overlooked.

Remember, they also thought that Teletubbie, Tinky Winky was gay, although they never speculated as to who he'd do the deed with. Doesn't it take more than one Teletubbie to take part in gay acts? Maybe they meant that he looked like he did gay things by himself.

The again, do Teletubbies have gender? How do they even know he was a he?

Who's next, Abe Lincoln?

The mind boggles.

Kono posted on 01/27/2005

You guys trying to tell me that Ren and Stimpy never...

cynfulcynner posted on 01/27/2005

On 2005-01-27 11:02, Geeky Tiki wrote:
I find it amazing that they think a cartoon synthetic sponge has, or thinks about, sex!

I always thought Squidward was the gay one!

Remember, they also thought that Teletubbie, Tinky Winky was gay, although they never speculated as to who he'd do the deed with.

The scariest thing about the Teletubbies is that those are ADULTS in those costumes. Eh-oh!

dangergirl299 posted on 01/27/2005

Wait a minute - are they saying that ANYONE who sings "We Are Family" is gay?


Or, does this only count if you're a Sponge?

I'm gonna keep singing my Disco tunes, and I don't care what people think!

Turbogod posted on 01/27/2005


Who's next, Abe Lincoln?

The mind boggles.

Apparently so!

Geeky Tiki posted on 01/27/2005

Hi, Turbogod!

That's why I put the Abe reference in.

I have no official opinion on that book, other than thinking it's sometimes easy to see what you want to see.


mrs. pineapple posted on 01/27/2005

if anyone is gay in bikini bottom, it's mr. crabs. He lives with his mom, and his daughter is obviously adopted. Although Squidward is a likely candidate too.

Spongebob did give Patrick a pretty cool valentines gift one year. I watch WAY too much spongebob. BUT HE LIVES IN A PINEAPPLE UNDER THE SEA!

Geeky Tiki posted on 01/27/2005

Mr. Crabs is also a cannibal, but that doesn't seem to offend those nutty social critics.

Sandy Squirrel seems a little too assertive to be a proper hetero female, as well.


Squidward is a depressed repressed gay squid.

Sponge Bob is pre-gay, asexual.

Patrick is obviously a "bear."

Mr. Crabs, as mentioned, lives with his mom, has a "trans-specied" daughter who does not seem to be the product of a valid matrimonial situation and endorses single parenting. His daughter's pearl necklace is an obvious pornographic reference that serves only to further objectify women.

Sponge Bob is synthetic, yet his parents are natural sponges: artificial en-sponge-ination? Obviously this is a stem cell endorsement.

Plankton - into domination. Some sly S&M reference?

Krusty Crab and Chum Bucket are terms meant to desensitize our youth to STD's.

I think maybe those nuts stopped too soon at their Sponge Bob condemnations!

[ Edited by: Geeky Tiki on 2005-01-27 13:03 ]

cynfulcynner posted on 01/27/2005

On 2005-01-27 13:01, Geeky Tiki wrote:
Sponge Bob is synthetic, yet his parents are natural sponges: artificial en-sponge-ination?

Wait a minute -- don't sponges and starfish reproduce asexually?

And what about Mrs. Puffs? We never see Mr. Puffs. Does she really have a husband, or is it just a facade to cover up her lesbianism?

Digitiki posted on 01/27/2005

Geeky, that was hilarious and dead on! You know, I've been watching quite a bit of Spngebob lately and I must say, my wife is starting to look less appealing to me than the gardener...oh no! THEY WERE RIGHT!!! SPONGEBOB IS TURNING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But seriously folks. People can twist anything. I remember as a kid hearing that people found stanic symbols and the word "fuck" (forgive my language)all over the dollar bill. And how about those do-gooders trying to ban Tommy James' "I think we're Alone Now" & "Crimson & Clover" because they obviously had teen sexual overtones....give me a BIG GAY break!

I think what blows my mind even more than these people finding Spongebob gay, is that they are actually getting press!

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Johnny Dollar posted on 01/27/2005

don't forget that the smurfs were communists.

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Monkeyman posted on 01/27/2005

give me a freakin break!!!!!

and here's one more to try on.....

I encourage my young children to watch pee wee's playhouse (we have 16 episodes on tape).

Keep your eye on my kids I am sure they will grow up to be mal adjusted freaks with low self esteem and a perverted sense of humor.

Too many morons in this country.

The Devo song said it best "Too much paranoia!!!"

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docwoods posted on 01/27/2005

Folks who come up with such drek have way too much time on their hands.

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freddiefreelance posted on 01/27/2005

On 2005-01-27 13:34, cynfulcynner wrote:

On 2005-01-27 13:01, Geeky Tiki wrote:
Sponge Bob is synthetic, yet his parents are natural sponges: artificial en-sponge-ination?

Wait a minute -- don't sponges and starfish reproduce asexually?

And what about Mrs. Puffs? We never see Mr. Puffs. Does she really have a husband, or is it just a facade to cover up her lesbianism?

They've shown Spongebob reproducing by budding on the show.

As for Mr, Puff, she doesn't like to talk about it:
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Unga Bunga posted on 01/28/2005

I don't know... it kinda looks like Patrick is enjoyin himself there. :)
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8FT Tiki posted on 01/28/2005

If I were gay and lived under the sea and my house was a pineapple and my cat was a snail and I was a little yellow nerd fry cook, I wouldn't mind so much if there was a giant Moai head next door to me if ya know what I mean!
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ZebraTiki posted on 01/28/2005

I'm surprised that no one is complaining about Squidward going to Interpretive Modern Dance Class, and running around without pants on!

Geeky Tiki posted on 01/28/2005

Asked my wife. problem solved.

She says, "If Sponge Bob were gay, he'd be wearing a bow tie, not a neck tie."

Case closed.

TikiGardener posted on 01/28/2005

The frikkin scary thing is that there are more than a handful of people who think this way.

To me they aren't any different than the taliban when the banned song birds, or movies as some sort of insult to allah. But if you approach one of these "fine morally upstanding" people and tell them that, its all froth and spittle. Hellfire and brimstone.

Where are the Illuminati when you REALLY need them?


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Hakalugi posted on 01/28/2005

On 2005-01-28 00:32, TikiGardener wrote:

Where are the Illuminati when you REALLY need them?

Oh they're right around the corner.

TikiGardener posted on 01/28/2005

Thats awesome!

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Tikiwahine posted on 01/28/2005

Well I DID see rainbows coming out of his arse this morning!

TikiGardener posted on 01/29/2005

Here in socal, KNX 1070 carries James Dobsons radio spots for Focus on the Family.
He's the idiot thats promulgating the "idea" that sponge bob is gay.

KNX's Contact webpage is

Contact them if you wish, I sent them this message.

I have been a listener of Knx 1070 for nearly 20 years. But I feel that if KNX continues to run James Dobson's Focus on The Family spots, that I can no lonegr count KNX as a source of unbiased news.

The fact that KNX could consider continuing to air a spot by a man who thinks a cartoon character is gay, well its beyond belief.

Rational thought and analysis is what I look for from a news outlet. And Airing the opinions of a man threatened by a fictional character tells me that KNX either has lower standards than I thought. Or KNX actually concurs with Mr Dobson. Which would appear to be the death of rational thought at a major news organisation.

So please, discontinue airing James Dobsons radio spots. They only degrade the fine reputation that myself and many others felt Knx had.

TikiGardener posted on 01/29/2005

On 2005-01-28 11:21, Tikiwahine wrote:
Well I DID see rainbows coming out of his arse this morning!

Thats "CODE" if ever I heard of "code"!
Maybe this Dobson Guy is right. Right of (insert pathologicaly insane megalomaniacs name here).

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FreakBear posted on 01/29/2005

What about "The Wiggles" :wink: (Not that it matters)? I'm way more concerned about kids' shows that endorse situational violence.

TikiGardener posted on 01/29/2005

On 2005-01-27 16:02, Unga Bunga wrote:
I don't know... it kinda looks like Patrick is enjoyin himself there. :)
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I dunno. I think Sponge Bob might be inferring that something of Patricks is of a rather enviable size. And Squidwart looks none to pleased about it.

mrs. pineapple posted on 01/30/2005

On 2005-01-27 14:09, Monkeyman wrote:
give me a freakin break!!!!!

and here's one more to try on.....

I encourage my young children to watch pee wee's playhouse (we have 16 episodes on tape).

Keep your eye on my kids I am sure they will grow up to be mal adjusted freaks with low self esteem and a perverted sense of humor.

Too many morons in this country.

The Devo song said it best "Too much paranoia!!!"

Cowboy Curtis was totally gay :wink:


"You're the mayor of shark city, people think you want the beaches open."

[ Edited by: mrs. pineapple on 2005-01-29 20:48 ]

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Alnshely posted on 01/30/2005

Lucky for me I was raised with Bugs Bunny. I'm glad I didn't have any sexually ambiguous, gender crossing cartoon heroes. Bugs was all man, yes sir-ee bob, that rabbit was macho all the way.
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Garth:"Wayne, did you ever get turned on when bugs bunny dressed up like a girl bunny?"

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Phillip Roberts posted on 01/30/2005

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[ Edited by: filslash 2008-09-13 11:51 ]

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Unga Bunga posted on 01/30/2005

On 2005-01-29 23:27, Alnshely wrote:
Garth:"Wayne, did you ever get turned on when bugs bunny dressed up like a girl bunny?"


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FreakBear posted on 02/01/2005

Thanks Al! I was thinking, where were those critics when we were children! Who was protecting us? Also, Elmer Fudd and Yosemite Sam in "black_face" rarely come up these days either. What's up with that?

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ZebraTiki posted on 02/02/2005

All it takes to turn a rabbit into a femme fatale of a Tasmanian Devil is a bear trap for teeth, red lipstick, and a dress. Bugs was such a cross-dresser!

mrs. pineapple posted on 02/03/2005

The picture of Bugs with the blue bra is from one of favorites :) there's no dialogue in the whole short, just the Blue Danube, it's so silly! All of my knowledge of classical music is gleaned from Bugs Bunny! A few years ago the Castro Theatre in SF had a Bugs Bunny film fest and they showed 2 hours of classics. It was sold out for a week, and the night I went, 25% of the audience was under 12. The audience at the Castro is generally pretty great, but this was hysterical, the little kids shrieking and giggling, ahhhh, nothing beats the giant orange monster!
mrs. p

cynfulcynner posted on 02/03/2005

On 2005-02-03 12:05, mrs. pineapple wrote:
All of my knowledge of classical music is gleaned from Bugs Bunny!

Kill da wabbit, kill da wabbit, kill da wabbit..... :lol:

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Tiki-bot posted on 02/03/2005

"If an innnn-teresting monster can't have an innnnn-teresting hair-do, I just don't know what this world is coming to. In my business you meet so many innnn-teresting people, but the most innnn-teresting ones are the monsters...bobby pins please"

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seamus posted on 02/04/2005

If anyone is interested, Dr. Dobson denied the statement, and the Newspaper that originally "broke" the story is said to have made a retraction.

TikiGardener posted on 02/04/2005

I read his denial, and the retraction.

Dobson cites literature handed out by the organisation that promoted the video.

One particular cite is

"Homophobia: Thoughts, feelings, or actions based on fear, dislike, judgment or hatred of gay men and lesbians / of those who love and sexually desire those of the same sex. Homophobia has roots in sexism and can include prejudice, discrimination, harassment, and acts of violence."

To which Dobson immediately replies with;

"Is this the kind of nonsense you want taught to your kids, especially if the nation’s most popular cartoon characters are used to get across the concepts? I pray not!"

And his description of the video is telling also.

"But while the video is harmless on its own, I believe the agenda behind it is sinister. "

The man is a loon. An intolerant loon. He rails against Gay Marriage as if gays are going to run around and make straight people marry gay.

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seamus posted on 02/04/2005

Your intolerance of his intolerence is duly noted, and evidently completely tolerable.

I am not a supporter of Dobson or his organization, nor an evangelical christian, and I don't care if he runs around making a fool of himself, like some claim. I just thought it interesting that his original statements, and even his clarification dealt with agenda driven advocacy groups having access to primary school children, and not with Sponge Bob being gay, and yet most of the people who heard or read about this story only seem to remember that some idiot christian accused Sponge Bob of being gay!
Actually, this is probably one of those topics best left to other bulletin boards. There's alot of people on this board with alot of different views, backgrounds, and religious perspectives, and none of them should be singled out for ridicule or name calling, no matter how unpopular they may seem in your own circles. Does this sound like a plea for tolerance? I guess that depends on your definition of tolerance. LONG LIVE SPONGE BOB!!!

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aquarj posted on 02/05/2005

Very clear and rational comments! What are they doing on this thread?


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8FT Tiki posted on 02/06/2005

Ok I am watching spongebob with my daughter and I just heard Squidward say: "I've got a date with a beautiful lady and her name is....Clarinet" Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/proxy-image.php?user_id=1518&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nick.co.uk%2Ftoons%2Ftoons%2Fspongebob%2Fmedia%2Fsquidward_index.gif&w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=8338d569a78f837cb696fed9f7878c46

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gwenners posted on 02/08/2005

On 2005-02-03 20:54, TikiGardener wrote:
He rails against Gay Marriage as if gays are going to run around and make straight people marry gay.

::gasp:: You mean that isn't what gay marriage is all about? :wink:

Gwen Smith

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purple jade posted on 02/08/2005

On 2005-02-06 10:31, 8FT Tiki wrote:
Ok I am watching spongebob with my daughter and I just heard Squidward say: "I've got a date with a beautiful lady and her name is....Clarinet"

Well, we all know what that euphemism!

And I believe Spongebob wears square tighty whities...if he were gay wouldn't he wear square boxer briefs?

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CruzinTiki posted on 02/09/2005

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What Sponge Bob's response to Dobson might well be.

All hail the freaky tiki!
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[ Edited by: CruzinTiki on 2005-02-08 16:41 ]

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Tiki Rider posted on 02/12/2005


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Unga Bunga posted on 02/12/2005

Great Cruzin!
Is that you standing behind Bobster with Playtex gloves? :)

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CruzinTiki posted on 02/15/2005

I wish I could say it was! I actually found it online!

[ Edited by: CruzinTiki on 2005-02-14 21:11 ]

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Satan's Sin posted on 02/15/2005

What is thy name?' He said, 'My name is Spongebob.' 
Then straight the first did turn himself to me 
And cried, 'He lieth, for his name is Shame, 
But I am Love, and I was wont to be 
Alone in this fair garden, till he came 
Unasked by night; I am true Love, I fill 
The hearts of boy and girl with mutual flame.' 
Then sighing, said the other, 'Have thy will, 
I am the Spongebob that dare not speak its name.'

Pages: 1 2 47 replies