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Carving a pine tree

Pages: 1 8 replies

Futura Girl posted on 11/16/2002

We have a big old pine tree that is 40 foot+ tall. I hate to cut down trees, but this one has got to go. It drops needles year round and is a general nuisance to the gutters, plants below, etc. And we'll plant another 'friendlier' tree nearby.
We thought - what about leaving 5-6 feet or so of the trunk still standing and carve a tiki out of it?
The trunk base is 5' or more across and maybe 16-20 foot diameter? I know that pine can be soft and carve-able, but...
Is this crazy? can it be done? Who can you get to take on such a project?

[ Edited by: Futura Girl on 2002-11-15 19:21 ]

Futura Girl posted on 11/16/2002

It could even be a 2 headed tiki!

hula hula posted on 11/16/2002

Just fly gecko out to you and Im sure It will be killer.

Tiki Diablo posted on 11/16/2002

It can be done Mary. One of my favorite tikis that I carved for the Brown Pelican in Santa Barbara was in pine. It had a tung oil finish an almost glowed. I'll show you a picture at the bowl night. P.S someone swiped the neon sign in torrance already, found out today.

bamboo ben posted on 11/16/2002

16-20' in dia.? That's one the biggest trees in the world???!!!!

Turbogod posted on 11/16/2002


jtiki posted on 11/16/2002

Have you had a look at this from bigbrotiki's front yard?


Trader_Rick posted on 11/17/2002

On 2002-11-16 00:36, thechikitiki wrote:
One of my favorite tikis that I carved for the Brown Pelican in Santa Barbara was in pine. It had a tung oil finish an almost glowed.

What's this? There's a tiki in my hometown that I didn't know about? This I gotta see! I'm there tonight!

Tiki Diablo posted on 11/17/2002

Sorry Trader Rick, but the tiki only lasted a few weeks there before someone started to mess with it so it's no longer there. I was born in SB and have all kinds of family there. I'll eventually put a tiki in sb again.

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