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Official Introductions Thread. New Members, Post your introduction here...

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DCTiki posted on 11/07/2002

I just found this forum today after a tip from a friend. Is there anyone here thats ever heard of the Poly-tiki on Capitol Hill?

PolynesianPop posted on 11/07/2002

Welcome to Tiki Central DCTiki. Yes, we here are aware of the Politiki. I believe the East-Coasters just visited it in their tiki bar crawl. You can read about it here:

There's also a short discussion on acquiring some of their mugs here:

I believe some of our TC'ers have complete mug sets from the Politiki, too!

*** * * The Polynesian Popster * * ***

[ Edited by: PolynesianPop on 2002-11-07 13:53 ]

TikiGoddess posted on 11/08/2002

Mahalo, I'm TikiGoddess and I live in eastern Penna where there are no tikis and tiki culture is nonexistent. I am a lone outpost of Tiki as far as I can tell. Needless to say I am delighted to find this forum! I do a fanzine called Face Of The Assassin, its about indie and punk rock. I collect 50's stuff, tiki stuff, and vintage clothes. I'm also into exotic cocktails, lounge music, Shag's artwork, outsider art and I help out a dog rescue group.

Futura Girl posted on 11/08/2002

Aloha Tiki Goddess,

Where is Eastern Penna?

Hey Hanford, mind if I poach a little off of Tiki Central? Tiki Goddess, check out a companion board to T.C. called the Lotta Living Message Board for fans and lovers of Mid Century Modern 50s and 60s stuff (we also love tiki and send people back here).

We're just getting off the ground - if you went there when we first opened over a month ago - you'll see some changes and lots more posts. What we need now is a resident Trader Woody and Tiki Bong to keep the conversations going :wink:
I know... maybe we just need more drinking excursions!

TikiGoddess posted on 11/08/2002

Thanks so much Futura Girl! I'll check out that 50's group. When I said Eastern PA I mean right outside of Philadelphia.

elvira posted on 11/11/2002

I'm new to the group. I live in Orange County, CA. I'm looking forward to hearing about any local events.

thebaxdog posted on 11/11/2002

Elvira, Welcome aboard
You either have to check out (events) or atleast leave your E-mail.
Anyway we are going bowling this coming Sat.
Check out the Events thread and please join us at Bongs then Kona lanes or just Kona lanes, hope to see you there!

tikimug posted on 11/11/2002

Aloha TikiGoddess welcome to TC. I, too am from "South" Eastern PA just outside Philadelphia. Glad to see some Philly tiki-philes represent'n in da hause :wink:

I know all about the Tiki Wasteland here, it's the worst place to live if you are into this lifestyle, which I am.

bigbrotiki mentioned a Trader Vic's possibly coming to Philadelphia soon... check out this thread Hopefully!

Steve Kapu posted on 11/12/2002


I already posted a link to my modest little slice of Tikiana to another thread, but I thought I'd introduce myself.

My name's Steve and I live in Phoenix AZ. I have a few friends so I like to go out to the LA are quite a bit and hit up some of the bars there, particularly Bahooka.

And despite the less than glowing review of the Kon Tiki in Tucson I've decided it is also one of my favorite bars, that really really cool sign is now gone, and the drinks are not the greatest (Though I have had worse at other tiki bars) but the decor is unfreakin believable!


PolynesianPop posted on 11/12/2002

Welcome Steve! Maybe you can post pics of the Kon Tiki for us to see?

Steve Kapu posted on 11/12/2002

On 2002-11-12 10:40, PolynesianPop wrote:
Welcome Steve! Maybe you can post pics of the Kon Tiki for us to see?

Thanks! I was just thinking that very same thing, and I will try to at some point, but there is a bit of a logistical problem since I live about 130 miles away from it. It's pretty packed in prime time so I'd have to try and get in when they open and ask them nicely if I can take some pictures.

The exterior is pretty cool too maybe I can just get my buddy to take some pictures. I think I finally managed to get him and his friends interested in tiki :)


RevBambooBen posted on 11/13/2002

my e mail said for me to post a happy aloha to you all! Hey Bax, You hang out much in the new menber area? You dog! This site is soooooooooo cool! Tiki Food for all!!!
May (tiki) god bless you!
The Rev. Bamboo Ben

thebaxdog posted on 11/13/2002

I hope the Rev. is for
All Reved Up Bamboo Ben

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Tiki_Bong posted on 11/14/2002

baxdog only lurks here in the new member thread to pick up on the 'new' meat!

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Maui_Matt posted on 11/16/2002

Thought I would just say hello and introduce myself. I live in Northridge, CA and I frequent a few of the tiki places in LA. Mainly Bahooka and the Tonga Hut in North Hollyweird(Yeah I know the place is a dive, but there is something special about it. Maybe it's the 80 year old grandmas getting tanked up?).

I have a somewhat modest collection of tiki paraphernalia. My great uncle(Mom's uncle) worked for Steve Crane during the 50's and 60's as an artist, so when he died my family got a box from him. I called it the "Hawaiian pottery shit" box when I was younger. Little did I realize til later on that it was filled with all sorts of Steve Crane bowls and mugs that my great-uncle worked on. A few of the pieces are prototypes of the mugs that were used in the restaurants. My uncle also worked on several hotels in Hawaii in the 60s and did the big tiki restaurant in Montreal(Can't remember the name).

Other than that I collect whatever I can find for cheap. One of my other cool pieces is a giant trashcan from the Polynesian Village in Disney World. It is one of the cans that sits around the hotel. There is the hotel's tiki logo on both sides, with the words "WASTE PLEASE Mahalo" This is a really cool piece too. I just wish I could get a bar going.


Futura Girl posted on 11/16/2002

Hi Maui Matt!

Glad to see another S.F. Valleyite - we're in Granada Hills. I think once we get a few more valley folks on board - we should all do a pilgrimage to the Tonga!

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bigbrotiki posted on 11/16/2002

On 2002-11-12 11:03, Steve Kapu wrote:

On 2002-11-12 10:40, PolynesianPop wrote:
Welcome Steve! Maybe you can post pics of the Kon Tiki for us to see?

...The exterior is pretty cool too maybe I can just get my buddy to take some pictures.


Steve, if the big Tiki at the side entrance is still there, post a pic of it, and we can start a contest to find it in the Book Of Tiki. It came from distant shores...
Too bad about the sign. (BOT p.117) When will they learn!

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bigbrotiki posted on 11/16/2002

On 2002-11-16 01:23, Maui_Matt wrote:

My great uncle(Mom's uncle) worked for Steve Crane during the 50's and 60's as an artist, so when he died my family got a box from him. My uncle also worked on several hotels in Hawaii in the 60s and did the big tiki restaurant in Montreal(Can't remember the name).

Matt, what was your uncle's name, and when did he pass away? He must have worked with George Nakashima and Florian Gabriel, especially if he worked on the Kon Tiki in Montreal...was it Irving Weisenberg? He worked for Armet & Davis...hmmm...if he worked on Hotels in Hawaii, maybe he was with Wimberly & Cook?

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Maui_Matt posted on 11/16/2002

On 2002-11-16 08:18, bigbrotiki wrote:

On 2002-11-16 01:23, Maui_Matt wrote:

My great uncle(Mom's uncle) worked for Steve Crane during the 50's and 60's as an artist, so when he died my family got a box from him. My uncle also worked on several hotels in Hawaii in the 60s and did the big tiki restaurant in Montreal(Can't remember the name).

Matt, what was your uncle's name, and when did he pass away? He must have worked with George Nakashima and Florian Gabriel, especially if he worked on the Kon Tiki in Montreal...was it Irving Weisenberg? He worked for Armet & Davis...hmmm...if he worked on Hotels in Hawaii, maybe he was with Wimberly & Cook?

You know this is scary, cause Irving is my uncle. He passed away in the late 80s. Its been so long, I can't remember the exact name of the company he worked for. Though Armet and Davis sounds familiar. He used to have tons of artwork from things he did, but I believe they are no longer around. I think I have more stuff than his son(my cousin).

I have looked for information on him online, but I've never seen anything. I'm just curious how you know his name and where I could find some information. My aunt is still around, and I think she'd be really pleased to see that people are talking about some of the designs he did.

I must say, this board is really cool.

Thanks again!

PolynesianPop posted on 11/16/2002

I have looked for information on him online, but I've never seen anything. I'm just curious how you know his name and where I could find some information.

Maui Matt Welcome Aboard! BigBroTiki is Sven Kirsten - author of The Book of Tiki. He knows EVERYTHING about Tiki culture & history! He's our Godfather, Tiki Historian, and Reference Library.

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surfermoo posted on 11/17/2002

i like this site and thought i should join and share that i sell tiki items on my site at http://www.eyecandyboutique.com we also have a good selection of shag items!

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TikiCutie posted on 11/17/2002

Hey everybody, I used to be on this list in 2001....don't know if anybody remembers me...anyhoo...

Just wanted to announce my reawakening to Tikidom. I have been swimming in a sea of Mod in London for a long time, it's good to be back in the states, but not in Florida! Wish I were somewhere alot more tiki, and where I had access to more mods...so I'm thinking of moving to San Francisco soon. Or L.A.

I am a painter/sculptor/scenic artist/prop/costume designer who would love to make things for you, so let me know if you have any ideas that need to come into fruition.


AKA Rarabird@aol.com

Steve Kapu posted on 11/18/2002

Funny you mention that, when I was there 2 weeks ago there's this big tiki sitting by itself in the strip mall there that isn't really by the Kon Tiki, just off to the side between the shops and the bar, never noticed it before. I'll have to try and get some exterior pictures the next time I go down.


On 2002-11-16 07:48, bigbrotiki wrote:

On 2002-11-12 11:03, Steve Kapu wrote:

On 2002-11-12 10:40, PolynesianPop wrote:
Welcome Steve! Maybe you can post pics of the Kon Tiki for us to see?

...The exterior is pretty cool too maybe I can just get my buddy to take some pictures.


Steve, if the big Tiki at the side entrance is still there, post a pic of it, and we can start a contest to find it in the Book Of Tiki. It came from distant shores...
Too bad about the sign. (BOT p.117) When will they learn!

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bigbrotiki posted on 11/18/2002

On 2002-11-16 10:09, Maui_Matt wrote:
He used to have tons of artwork from things he did, but I believe they are no longer around. I think I have more stuff than his son(my cousin).

I have looked for information on him online, but I've never seen anything. I'm just curious how you know his name and where I could find some information.

Matt, I'm glad my hunch was right, but sad to hear so little of your uncle's artwork is left! I love original architectural renderings, and if you have my Book of Tiki you can see his painting of the Hale Tiki (Kona Kai) Philadelphia on page 54/55 and for the Kon Tiki Montreal on page 96/97.

I don't know anything about him other that he worked for Armet& Davis. Eldon Davis is still around,(Louis Armet who was more in charge of the Polynesian buildings died in the 80s in a ski accident). Try my friend John English who is in charge of the Armet & Davis archive, I'll send you his e-mail.
If you or your Cousin have any more Tiki Temple sketches, let me know, please.

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Tiki Tom posted on 11/18/2002

If you're ever in france(notice? no caps)in Biarritz... My friend Sue owns 3 tiki bars. Tell 'er Tiki Tom sent'cha. She'll take care of ya'

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SA Tiki posted on 12/05/2002

Greetings. I'm a tikifreak from South Africa new to this forum. Looking forward to contributing. Bring on the grog.

  • Bruno.
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Trader Woody posted on 12/05/2002

Welcome to Tiki Central Bruno. Always a pleasure to get a new international Tiki-phile on board. Now tell us about Tiki in SA!
Are there any Trader Vic's style restaurants in any of the hotels down there?

Trader Woody

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SA Tiki posted on 12/05/2002

not really, Woody. There are a few collectors, but Tiki is largely an underground movement down here. SA is literally about as far away from Hawaii and the Polynesians as you can get. There's quite an exotica scene though amongst some of the djs here, just no real tiki lounges to play in.

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Kawentzmann posted on 12/08/2002

On 2002-11-17 23:18, Tiki Tom wrote:
If you're ever in france(notice? no caps)in Biarritz... My friend Sue owns 3 tiki bars. Tell 'er Tiki Tom sent'cha. She'll take care of ya'

Wow… I’d love to go there again, Tiki bars in Biarritz? A great place for tiki bars!!!
Do they have web presence, what are they called. This is really great news, as I am trying to encourage friends in another european surfing mecca to go tiki. Since their son is sponsored by quiksilver europe and surfing in france regularly, the family should check the places out a.s.ap.



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horizon mombo posted on 12/11/2002

Hey,how ya do'in!
I'm an Italian Male artist that loves island decor,Smooth Jazz, and everything vegas lounge.I love to visit the City of Lights
as often as work permits,(No need to take a wife there, Like taking a sack a rice to china.)I 'm straight,but not THAT sober!
Just trying to have a little fun, folks.


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Tiki_Bong posted on 12/12/2002

Are you a male artist of Italian descent or are you an artist that produces works of art featuring Italian men?

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Samina posted on 12/17/2002

Hi I'm a spooky Tiki fan from Middle Earth ( New Zealand).
I have had a thing for Tiki and Hawaian shirts and have just started to collect them.:tiki:

I also like the idea of merging Goth with Tiki :evil:

[ Edited by: Samina on 2002-12-17 02:02 ]

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Tiki_Bong posted on 12/17/2002


Do you dress in black and listen to The Cure?

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Humuhumu posted on 12/17/2002

On 2002-12-17 09:27, Tiki_Bong wrote:
Do you dress in black and listen to The Cure?

Well, heck, who doesn't?

Welcome, Samina! I'm trying to picture the merging of goth & tiki, and I'm just not getting it. There's almost a link there between tikis and gargoyles, and dark rooms come into play for both. But how does it come together?

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Kawentzmann posted on 12/17/2002

Yeah I wonder how they could come together.
Those wimpy, bed-wetting vocals of Robert Smith and the allmighty Tiki?

I don’t see it, yet…


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Tiki_Bong posted on 12/17/2002

Yes, Tiki needs the music power of Jimmy Buff... er... nevermind!

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tikifish posted on 12/17/2002

I can totally see the connection... sultry vixens, dark nights lit up only by torches or candles... exotic elixirs.... 'outside the mainstream' music that takes you to a different place, and evokes a longing for another time...

I say go for it! Make your dark island paradise and share some pics with the club!

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Kawentzmann posted on 12/18/2002

Tikifish: These are similarities, not connections. Gothic-different-time is not resembling Tiki-different-time, an so on.

And also, they never really look like they’re enjoying themselves, while the tiki connaiseur takes life with a dash of hedonism.


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Basement Kahuna posted on 12/18/2002

Lord...you guys are vicious..I can't knock you for what you like, Samina, 'cause what you like is what you like, even though on a personal level my own soul can't quite combine Bahaus and Les Baxter. Hey-you could be a double agent for us! Note: We should all stop our ragging and be prying her for those beautiful Maori artifacts!

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Traderpup posted on 12/18/2002

I came across this rare concept art for an album..... hmmm.......

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Kawentzmann posted on 12/20/2002

It combines with moais, though.


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TikiTorchGawd posted on 01/04/2003


By the looks of the posts on this, I'm not entirely certain people still use it to introduce themselves, but I'll give it a try.

My name's Matt and I'm from Minnesota. I'm 25, and a total geek. points to the patch he wears proudly on his sleeve

My favorite comics are Knights of the Dinner Table, Punisher, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen and I worship at the alter of Garth Ennis's PREACHER.

I'm a Republican. Not that it's a massive deal, I just wanted to dispel any notion that if you voted for W then you can't drink out of a coconut :wink:

I'm a writer with a couple comic projects in development and a novel in the works.

Mmmm... Dungeons & Dragons rules the school.

...damn, I need a girlfriend.


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hula hula posted on 01/04/2003

Everybody now........AALLLOOOOOHHHAAA!

PolynesianPop posted on 01/04/2003

TikiTorch, welcome to Tiki Central! I'm a geek too...

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Trader Woody posted on 01/04/2003

On 2003-01-04 04:07, TikiTorchGawd wrote:
My favorite comics are Knights of the Dinner Table, Punisher, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen and I worship at the alter of Garth Ennis's PREACHER.

Hmmmm...it looks like you need a case of "Hawaiian Dick". A comic made by one of our very own Tiki Centralites!

Good Luck
Trader Woody

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Traitor Vic posted on 01/05/2003

Hi folks. I'm new here and am from the amazingly Tiki-Free Upstate of South Carolina (there is a Tiki Bob's bar but that, of course, is only kinda sad). I'm currently planning to construct a bar for my patio this spring and am building quite a little mug collection.
I was thrilled to find this message board and hope to get to know many of you well in the future.
See ya 'round!

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croe67 posted on 01/05/2003

Hi there, I'm new to Tiki Central & I am in the process of putting together a Tiki Bar in my Dining Room - it never gets used for dining anyway, so why not!! & Wisconsin is a bit too cold to put one outside, as I'd only get to use it 1/2 the year!

Anyway, I, too have been gathering some cool Tiki accessories & hitting the thrift stores for some lucky finds. & ebay, too of course!

Most of all, I miss the Kahiki!!! Having gone to college outside of Columbus, it was a place I became very familiar with & miss dearly - the Kahiki frozen food just isn't the same!!!

Bring the Kahiki back!!!!!!!!!!

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Turbogod posted on 01/05/2003

Aloha to all the new members. So many joining I figured I say hi all at once! Don't forget to post your bar pics. We all like to look at pictures.

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