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Shasta Tiki Punch

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Basement Kahuna posted on 11/01/2002

I just saw Shasta Tiki Punch for sale for the first time in my town. Even features a tiki on the label now, unlike the 60's can....have they made this stuff the whole time since it started in the mid-1960's or did they just start again?

Caber-Net posted on 11/01/2002

You may not have been here for the earlier thread but we've been stuffing the ballot box at the Shasta Soda website. Maybe this election day we could all take a minute or so and load up the ballots again and go for "ONE MILLION"!


SullTiki posted on 11/01/2002

Ah yes, the Tiki Punch vote. I'll have to start up the macro again when I get home tonight.

That is, before I head out to the Elvis Costello concert!

Humuhumu posted on 11/01/2002

Boy, I didn't even know Shasta was still around -- we must not get it up here anymore. I'll have to keep my eyes peeled.

laney posted on 11/01/2002

I just voted for tiki punch (which I've seen but not tasted.) But I was so tempted to vote for ZAZZ. What is that? Does anyone know? Sounds yummy!

SullTiki posted on 11/04/2002

On 2002-11-01 06:44, Caber-Net wrote:
...load up the ballots again and go for "ONE MILLION"!...


With a few extra for good measure...

hanford_lemoore posted on 11/04/2002

Yeah, I think on a purely conceptual level Zazz is the coolest possible soda.

I think I'm going to start saying Zazz instead of cool.


laney posted on 11/04/2002


tikibars posted on 11/04/2002

Tiki Punch has passed the one million mark, and has more than three times the number of votes that the #2 sodee pop has (Sangria, at 348,000+).

So - anyone know where I can buy some of this stuff in Chicago???

divychic posted on 11/04/2002

I just voted myself. Not sure where in Chicago you can get it but here in Florida I found it at Dollar Tree. Where everything is a dollar. If you can't found it let me know. I have an extra...

Trader_Rick posted on 11/04/2002

Not sure I dig Tiki Punch all that much, although I like the design on the bottle. Kinda seems like Shasta is just out to capitalize on a fad. I'll take Hawaiin Punch any day.

SullTiki posted on 11/05/2002

*On 2002-11-04 13:24, Trader_Rick wrote:*Kinda seems like Shasta is just out to capitalize on a fad.

We've talked about this before. I thought it was a new flavor too, but found an auction on ebay for an old "Tiki Punch" can.

You can see the thread here:


Trader_Rick posted on 11/05/2002

I know it's not a new flavor, but there was a long period of time when it wasn't being made, and now it's back because tiki stuff is hip again. At least, that's my take on it. I think they stopped making in it in the first place because it wasn't anything special and because nobody cared about anything tiki anymore. If tiki stuff once again fades out of peoples' consiousness, I think the soda will once again disappear. Then again, if that does happen, all the more reason to stock up on it so you can sell it on eBay in a few years! :wink:

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thebaxdog posted on 11/05/2002

PLEASE feel free to get a grip or a life.
Shasta put out a vote on different sodas.
They did not pick it because it is back in "style"
It won the vote DUH!

Trader_Rick posted on 11/05/2002

On 2002-11-04 20:05, thebaxdog wrote:
PLEASE feel free to get a grip or a life.

Hey, I'm not the one voting for my favorite soda! :D

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tikivixen posted on 11/05/2002

For what it's worth, I just saw Tiki Punch yesterday at Dollar Tree in Vallejo CA. So maybe more of the, ha, DT's have Tiki Punch. I'm sure it's the most quality product there, especially judging by the usefulness of the batteries I bought...

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tikivixen posted on 11/05/2002


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Traderpup posted on 11/14/2002

I just picked up my first 2 liter bottle of Tiki Punch... can't find it in cans. But it does say right on the label: **World's Greatest Flavor! Vote for Tiki Punch now at http://www.shastapop.com **... and a cool tiki mug graphic...

So, after giving it a taste, long forgotten memories of dark, 70s steak houses my parents loved to frequent began to surface. I was drinking a Shirley Temple! I now know the secret of Tiki Punch! Now to get started on my mixology.... Tiki Punch has to become the foundation of an awesome grog!


Trader Pup

[Edited by Hanford to fix the bbcode]

visit Traderpup.com

[ Edited by: hanford_lemoore on 2002-11-14 14:45 ]

hanford_lemoore posted on 11/14/2002

That is so zazz that it says "world's greatest flavor!" That HAS to be becuase of us (and our skulduggery)

Can you take a pic? I want to check it out!


[ Edited by: hanford_lemoore on 2002-11-14 14:47 ]

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mig posted on 11/14/2002

Man, that is too fascinating! For the genesis of this whole thing, check the thread at:

I was pondering to, at some point in time, contact Shasta (I work near their HQ) to claim responsibility. Now that they've updated their packaging, I'm not sure how happy they'd be to find out that it was us!

My hat is off to SullTiki... one person CAN make a difference!

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Traderpup posted on 11/15/2002

Here's the pic of the 2 litre bottle label:

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Kay... newbie here... haveta ask...

where did "Zazz" come from?

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'Worlds Greatest Flavor'....we have made a difference in the world!!!

That really is funny. A little worrying when you think about the NRA, and others who use 'people power' to push through their weird agenda; bloody funny when you realise it's a board full of enthusiasts voting on soda!

Trader Woody

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mig posted on Thu, Nov 14, 2002 4:37 PM

Or perhaps just SullTiki and a well-crafted macro...

On 2002-11-14 16:20, Trader Woody wrote:

it's a board full of enthusiasts voting on soda!

Trader Woody

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There are some who believe protecting the second amendment is not a "weird agenda".

[ Edited by: mrtikibar on 2002-11-14 18:39 ]

[ Edited by: mrtikibar on 2002-11-14 18:40 ]

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On 2002-11-14 16:37, mig wrote:
Or perhaps just SullTiki and a well-crafted macro...

You nailed it on the head Mig! I know that most everyone pitched in and added a few votes, but I believe the credit really goes to "Quick Macros"
Copyright © 2001 Gintaras Didzgalvis. All rights reserved.

We would not have over a million votes without it.

[ Edited by: SullTiki on 2002-11-14 19:07 ]

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mrtikibar wrote:
There are some who believe protecting the second amendment is not a "weird agenda".

Sorry mrtikibar, no offence meant. I meant that there were many pressure groups, many of them somewhat 'nutty' in outlook, who just vote en masse to push things through.

I mentioned the NRA because they are famed for using this tactic.

Now back to soda....
I thought we were already in the lead when sulltiki came up with the miracle macro. Would we have won without it? Who knows?

Trader Woody
'Marksman' grade - rifle shooting

[ Edited by: Trader Woody on 2002-11-15 02:26 ]

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Trader Woody

Your point is well taken about tactics. I think weirdness, however, better describes our agenda. I recall visiting the Shasta website and casting a vote for Tiki Punch, swept up in the inalienable truth "anything tiki must be good" and feeling a bit remorseful as I had never tasted the stuff.
Now I feel I have to go buy a bottle of the concoction. It will probably find a home next to the bottle of Arrow Anisette at the back of my liquor cabinet.

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On 2002-11-15 02:16, Trader Woody wrote:
I thought we were already in the lead when sulltiki came up with the miracle macro.

It was back and forth for a bit with Tiki Punch & Grape, but we had the lead.

Then everyone lost interest for a while and Sangria took a big lead out of nowhere.

That's when the macro came into play, and really put some distance between us.

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To my friends in the Chicago area:I don't know if this helps at all but I got ahold of some of the Shasta Tiki Punch at a Cub Foods store in Minneapolis. They had a lot of it. It was on sale for $1.99 so being the consumerist that I am(giggle)I bought 3 12-packs.
The stuff isn't bad.It tastes very similar to the old Royal Crown product Tahitian Treat. It doesn't seem to be quite as sweet though which I like.
I have yet to mix the soda with rum but I will do that shortly. t size=-1>[ Edited by: SlovakTiki on 2002-11-16 08:39 ]

[ Edited by: SlovakTiki on 2002-11-16 09:34 ]

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Basement Kahuna NRA member. Own many thunder clubs.

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Ouch, that hurts. For me as a European it is simply incomprehensible how some Americans are so in denial about the direct connection of fire arm murders and the gun laws in the US. It's just beyond me, sorry. I am simply in awe at the levels of denial human beings are capable off, it is sad. No need to reply to this, I don't wanna start a thread.

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On 2002-11-15 03:41, mrtikibar wrote:
I recall visiting the Shasta website and casting a vote for Tiki Punch, swept up in the inalienable truth "anything tiki must be good" and feeling a bit remorseful as I had never tasted the stuff.

Did all of you vote for this stuff just b/c it says "tiki" on it? I still think Hawaiin Punch is much better than this stuff. I'll admit, when I first saw it at my local Ralph's, I was in awe. I bought a couple bottles but then the novelty quickly wore off. The name and the packaging are pretty cool, but flavor-wise this drink is seriously lacking. I wonder how people outside of Tiki Central actually buy and drink the stuff?

Oh well, everyone already knows what I think and I'm not going to change anyone's mind. And now I'm sure Baxdog is going to tell me to "get a grip or a life!" :D

Oh, and Sven, I agree with you. You know, there was a time when we would actually get together and AMEND our constitution. Well, maybe we could ban bullets instead, or sell them for $5000 each! This is getting way too off topic, please don't flame me.

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I'll tell you what denial is. It's spending an afternoon in Eugene, Oregon watching a college football team you believe is some kind of power (the Ducks) get exposed for the umpteenth time this season as a run of the mill patsy... and to the reviled Huskies! I'd rather down a two liter bottle of Tiki Punch than go through that again. In steady pouring rain by the way.
But it doesn't matter, really. Not here.
This is where we come to share our fondest Polynesian dreams and ideals. That cooler over there, perfectly stocked, leaning against that palm tree swaying in the trade winds does not conceal a 357. magnum. There are no handguns needed or wanted here. I come here to share these innocent ideals with this great tiki family. And in doing so I try to obey the rule of keeping political ideology out of this arena. This doesn't mean I will not react to commentary I find to be an unnecessary affront to my political outlook. Trader Woody's remark, I understand, was made innocently enough and in the context of making a point about "ballot stuffing" tactics. But substitute the word Gays or the words The Teachers Unions for NRA in his post and think about what the reaction would have been. The point is politics shouldn't come up and when it does, it certainly should not be amplified by more opinion no matter how befuddled one is by the opposite view. Don't mind me. More mai tais and less Duck football will have me settled down soon.

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Well, if Hawaiian Punch starts a 'vote for Hawaiian Punch ve. Barceona Brew or Ssaskatchewan Sasparilla' I'll vote for them too.

We voted simply because we had the right to.

If only people got so excited about federal elections!

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On 2002-11-17 07:04, tikifish wrote:
If only people got so excited about federal elections!

If a candidate was named George W. Tiki, I'm sure folks here would vote for him! :D

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laney posted on Mon, Nov 18, 2002 9:10 PM

Back to the drink...

I'm starting to not like tiki punch. I bought a bunch of cans at the 99 cents store. It's not so bad and would probably taste great with rum or vodka-if you're really fruity, Malibu rum. Too bad I'm a burbon chick.
Anyway-my 7 year old son asked me if I wanted a tiki punch. I said yes and he socked me in the arm while going "UGA BUGA" Funny guy-it started a punching fest which left us rubbing our upper arms and laughing like crazy. He's had too much flu medicine today as he stayed home sick. Now we say tiki P-word. Bring on the zazz!

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No more politics- add some rum to your tiki punch. It's good- I'll call it a Rum T.P. (Or I'll get punched.) ZAZZZ!

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Dearest Rick,
My words were not directed totally at you, it was the thought of Shasta going with Tiki Punch only because TIKI was getting popular. Well it was my understanding Shasta had several flavors to vote for and it was goobers like me that "VOTED" a million times and not a Shasta conspiracy to ruin TIKI culture.
Personally I can't get enough TIKI, old or new so the more we push it the more shit I get to look at. And if you have to keep TIKI traditional and to its roots, then good luck finding any hotels or bars or cool places to hang at in about 5 years. Hell the 70's and 80's almost wiped it off the face of the earth. And now look, Trader Vics and other places are starting to make a come back, and it's all because "I voted for Tiki Punch"
(and I still have not tasted it)and Damn proud to stand up and say so!

MMMMMM---George W. TIKI------
Dem.? or Rep.?
Oh hell it don't matter if he is the frickin green party I'm voting the TIKI guy in cuz he looks better.

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On 2002-11-04 03:20, hanford_lemoore wrote:
Yeah, I think on a purely conceptual level Zazz is the coolest possible soda.

I think I'm going to start saying Zazz instead of cool.


And why aren't we all saying this by now?!?! Come on folks, be ZAZZ!!!! :)

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On 2004-11-22 17:49, mrsmiley wrote:

On 2002-11-04 03:20, hanford_lemoore wrote:
Yeah, I think on a purely conceptual level Zazz is the coolest possible soda.

I think I'm going to start saying Zazz instead of cool.


And why aren't we all saying this by now?!?! Come on folks, be ZAZZ!!!! :)

I am guilty of posting to a really old thread!!! :)

Have a nice Tiki Day!

[ Edited by: mrsmiley on 2004-11-22 17:58 ]

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Picked up a bottle of this stuff at Ralph's last summer and I hate to say it but...it's pretty bad. Waaay too dang sweet for my palate, I'll take Hawaiian Punch over this any day of the week.

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Ok, so I'm a newbie, been wanting to come to this site for months, and finally got around to it. And God I'm in Heaven.
Personally, I love the Tiki Punch. Always buy a 3 liter bottle at Ralphs whenever I can. Haven't mixed it with anything yet, not much of a drinker, but I think I'll throw back a few swiggs of a mix when the time comes. I didn't vote cuz I was without a computer for a long while, but when I saw it up on the shelves, had to have it....and as long as they keep stocking the shelves with it...i'll keep buying it.

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On 2004-11-30 01:03, TiKiMaN77 wrote:
Ok, so I'm a newbie, been wanting to come to this site for months, and finally got around to it. And God I'm in Heaven.
Personally, I love the Tiki Punch. Always buy a 3 liter bottle at Ralphs whenever I can. Haven't mixed it with anything yet, not much of a drinker, but I think I'll throw back a few swiggs of a mix when the time comes. I didn't vote cuz I was without a computer for a long while, but when I saw it up on the shelves, had to have it....and as long as they keep stocking the shelves with it...i'll keep buying it.

Welcome to Tiki Central, TiKiMaN77! Do you have a 99 Cent Only or Dollar Tree near you? you can usually find Tiki Punch 3 liters there for a buck & sometimes 6 packs 2 for a buck. I usually buy them just to keep them in my 'fridge with the little Tiki man facing out. :D

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Actually, I've got roughly 3-4 .99 cent stores near me. closest one's down on San Fernando Blvd. here in Burbank. Haven't been there in quite a while, but when I pass by in the car I see the bottles there in the window. Still have yet to try the other flavors though. Maybe this weekend after I cash my check from work.

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sinner posted on Thu, Dec 2, 2004 3:45 PM

On 2004-12-02 00:39, TiKiMaN77 wrote:
Actually, I've got roughly 3-4 .99 cent stores near me. closest one's down on San Fernando Blvd. here in Burbank. Haven't been there in quite a while, but when I pass by in the car I see the bottles there in the window. Still have yet to try the other flavors though. Maybe this weekend after I cash my check from work.

Hehehe, I used to work right near that one. A coworker of mine would always buy 99 cent sausages and cook them in the office toaster oven. It used to piss off the next person that would use it to toast their bagel because it came out smelling like sausage juice.

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mmmm...sausage flavored bagels....OOO..OOo..OOO..Sausage Stuffed Bagels....god I'm gettin hungry again.

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I had to bring this thread back to life. I also had to choose between many very early Tiki Central threads about this topic!


Yes, I know... it's very sweet. So what???
And yes, I initially bought it because its got "Tiki" right there in the title, and a Tiki on the label. I'm not ashamed!

Tonight, to celebrate the rebirth of Spring, and the re-opening of my backyard Granite Tiki Lounge, I decided to run to the Dollar Tree Store, and buy several 3 Liter bottles of this wonderfully sweet, fizzy drink.

I was tempted to post this in the Tiki-On-A-Budget thread since one dollar for 3 liters of such a great mixer seems to be the best bargain in the drink world. (water doesn't count)

Now, on to the important part, I mixed it with:

One shot of Orange Curacao
One shot of Cruzan Estate Light Rum
One shot of Cruzan Estate Dark Rum
One shot of Cruzan Banana Rum
One shot of Cruzan Pineapple Rum
Over ice

That Tiki Fruit Punch stands up to all those flavors and rum quite well!

I may have forgotten the shot of dark rum in the second drink I mixed, but quite honestly, since I'm a bit of a light weight, I was past caring.

I'm loving this drink and look forward to experimenting more with Shasta Tiki Punch!!!!

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