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Pixar Tiki

Pages: 1 3 replies

spartacus65000 posted on 11/19/2002

Don't know how many know this but I just rented the DVD of Monsters INC. and There are a couple of pretty cool tiki things in it. A quick scene in the movie with a tiki hut. a little tiki section in an interactive game, and apparently one of the guys at Pixar has his office all done in a Tiki style. Pretty cool I thought.

bigbrotiki posted on 11/19/2002

The guy who directed Monster's Inc. is a Tiki fan, I met him at this year's Tiki Oasis in Palm Springs. He told me he tries to sneak in Tiki material wherever he can.
Tiki IS the god of the artists.

Reever posted on 11/20/2002

In fact, they designed some Aloha shirts in house that show up on that DVD for Monsters, Inc. and for Toy Story. They're not exactly tiki, but I wanted the Monsters, Inc. one badly enough that I emailed several random folks at Pixar to track them down, after having no luck finding them on Ebay or online. No luck tracking them down.

Anyone out there in Cali have any inside connection?

[ Edited by: Reever on 2002-11-20 09:28 ]

Trader Woody posted on 11/20/2002

Yeah, that director was shown on tv over here showing off his HUGE collection of aloha shirts. Very funny guy, too. Perhaps he's the one paying hundreds for mugs.

Trader Woody

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