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Fixing a Chip in that Mug...

Pages: 1 10 replies

Tiki Matt posted on 02/26/2005

Got a chip in that Tiki Mug? Go get a 96 pack of Crayons....You'll be amazed!

Kono posted on 02/26/2005

What are you saying? Are you filling in the chip with crayon?

Tiki Matt posted on 02/26/2005

On 2005-02-26 06:40, Kono wrote:
What are you saying? Are you filling in the chip with crayon?

Exactly. This doesn't work that great with 'big' chips, but if there are some little 'chips' (fleabites), it works great. Just do the color match and fill in. I've used crayon on a number of mugs and some other ceramics (I have a collection of Brastoff and Italian Pottery) and it works really well.

Kono posted on 02/26/2005

I've used ceramic paint in the past but you usually have to have a few different colors and mix to match the color. Crayon would be easier. I wonder if there's a clear ceramic "paint" (you know what I mean) that you could brush over the crayon to protect it from rubbing off. I've used furniture pencils on Coco Joes but it would rub off if you grabbed it in the wrong spot.

Tiki Matt posted on 02/26/2005

The crayon doesn't rub off. It seems to adhere to the unglazed ceramic pretty well. Give it a shot and let me know what you think.....

cynfulcynner posted on 02/26/2005

On 2005-02-26 07:01, Kono wrote:
I wonder if there's a clear ceramic "paint" (you know what I mean) that you could brush over the crayon to protect it from rubbing off.

Clear nail polish would probably work.

Kono posted on 02/26/2005

On 2005-02-26 11:37, cynfulcynner wrote:
Clear nail polish would probably work.

Good idea!

Doctor Z posted on 02/26/2005

On 2005-02-26 07:01, Kono wrote:
I've used furniture pencils on Coco Joes but it would rub off if you grabbed it in the wrong spot.

Just a simple black Sharpie works wonders on CoCo Joes. It doesn't make up for big chips, obviously, but scratches and exposed white areas of the "lava" it does the trick. Dab it on then 'smear' it so it doesn't get glossy - voila!

8FT Tiki posted on 02/27/2005

Please make sure you purchase the real original Binney & Smith Crayola crayons. They're the best (and it is a subsidiary of my parent Co.)

Tiki Royale posted on 02/27/2005

Dows anyone know if there is something, some sort of putty or filler, that can be used to fill in larger chips? like one on the rim of your once minty Islander bowl that some knucklehead banged something into and made a big chip on the inner lip?

aikiman44 posted on 02/27/2005

Try modeling putty.

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