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Any way to use this new series "LOST" as a drinking game?

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Tonight is the premiere of the new series, LOST.

My wife wants to go to a friend's house and watch it with a bunch of people who are having a LOST party, and I need a way to ensure my interest. So, I figure what better way than to make a drinking game out of it.

A tropical island disaster series should provide some sort of drinking prompt, like when Gilligan used to yell, "Skipper" everyone does a shooter, or whenever someone used to say, "Hi, Bob" on the Bob Newhart Show, everyone took a drink of something.

They probably won't kill people fast enough to use that as a drinking cue, what else might work?

What would be a good drinking prompt to choose before ever seeing a show?


The previews bring up some points for speculation:

  1. How many episodes until someone says, "That crash was no accident"??

  2. How many people from the plane will still be alive at the end of the season?

I think they are starting out with 48 surviving passengers, as a reference.

Not sure how to score it, but there must be a way to add those answers to a drinking session, as well.

Anyway, cheers.

[ Edited by: Geeky Tiki on 2004-09-22 11:35 ]

How about every time someone screams you have to slam a shot.


What say you take a drink when anyone says:we have to pull together people!-we have to work as a team!there is no I in team!-we've got think outside the box!-we're all in this together!,etc.You ought to be sloshed by the first commercial break.

You two have killer minds!

My kids used to watch those Land Before Time movies and there was a triceratops named Sarah whose main contribution to the soundtrack was a shrill scream. I used to think of that as an irritation, now I should dig up those old tapes and party!


So. How was it? I was going to watch it and I missed it getting ready for the trip.


I quite enjoyed it. I'm not usually into dramas but this was pretty good. Cheesy acting, but the 'lost on an remote island' theme made up for it in my eyes. It's kind of a cross between 'Survivor' and 'The Village'.

Well, the fates deemed me unworthy of getting to see it.

Anybody see any good drinking cues or idiosynchrosies?

They are doing a two hour rerun on October 2nd - maybe I can be better prepared.

How about a drink everytime there's a shaky hand-held camera for no reason? If there's a volcanic eruption, okay. Air turbulence, sure. What was up when they were in the cockpit section? It's the "create more tension by waving the camera around" method of storytelling. You'll be passed out by the first commercial break.

All in all, kinda interesting if not wholly compelling. Seeing as it's from the creator of "Alias", I see many flashbacks to what actually happened on the plane and a slow loss of lives and/or the eventual discovery of a secret government military ninja-attack-dinosaur training camp.

Which reminds me, did anyone see that proposed script for Jurassic Park 4? The one about the secret government training facility for ninja attack dinosaurs? I'm totally serious.

I ended up watching this last night out of curiosity.
it very much has a jurassic park-like feel to it, especially with the "stomp.... stomp" sound (I watch it in Closed Captioning). I'm surprised we didn't see a small glass of water or pond with ripples during the stomping. Is that trademarked?

I don't know about a drinking game, but everytime I felt the stage direction "character stares enigmatically into the distance" or "character says or does something suspicious" (e.g., what was up with the Japanese couple??) was too palpable and arbitrary, I know I sure felt like drinking.

it reminds me from a line from a really bad movie (natty gan?): "the music you just played may not be the blues, but it sure made me feel sad..."

If you just want to have a couple of drinks, take a shot for every 5 minutes of programming. If you want to get hammered and pass out, take a shot for every 5 minutes of commercial break.

Well, that's just crazy talk Hehena Haole.


Meaningless crazy-Hehena joke. No other content intended or implied.

[ Edited by: Geeky Tiki on 2004-09-23 22:02 ]

Hey, the Pilot that got eaten out of the cockpit was from "ALIAS"
Speaking of "ALIAS" where is it?
I love chicks that kick ass!
It looks like Sundays are full already??


Well it's too soon to tell what is going to be a cliche in the show, but I think it's safe for now to drink whenever you hear the mysterious invisible creature, and drink whenever you see a feral pig.

what was with the ominous looking golden lab watching them from the bushes?

I think they hinted they were near the bermuda triangle - are they setting us up for believing they went back in time (like in Land of the Lost)? if so, why is there a dog there?


On 2004-09-24 10:19, dangergirl299 wrote:
I think they hinted they were near the bermuda triangle - are they setting us up for believing they went back in time (like in Land of the Lost)? if so, why is there a dog there?

Interesting theory, though the writer was on the radio the other morning and said it definately was not a dinosaur (maybe Kong?). Anyway, how about drinking every time someone counts to 5 (to subdue the fear...). The show seems to be a cross between The Village and Jurasic Park, and I like it! The mystery monster has me hooked, but how long can they drag it on? Even Twin Peaks got a bit borring in the end.


[ Edited by: TNTiki on 2004-11-06 15:19 ]


On 2004-09-24 10:19, dangergirl299 wrote:
what was with the ominous looking golden lab watching them from the bushes?

I think they hinted they were near the bermuda triangle - are they setting us up for believing they went back in time (like in Land of the Lost)? if so, why is there a dog there?

I believe the Lab belongs to the kid, since he said "Is that Vincent?" when the first "stomp-stomp" occured.

Whadda ya wanna bet the monster is really their fears or something like that. A re-hash of Forbidden Planet which was a re-hash of The Tempest.


I think I have Lost figured out.

I haven't seen any episodes yet, but I'm getting a vibe.

Remember that show from about 1970, when a plane full of college students crashed on an island that was supposed to be used as a nuclear bomb experiment to see what would happen to buildings and clothing, etc?

Well, I think that Lost group may have landed on the same island and is gonna end up enountering the original 'lost' show people.

The polar bear was there because the government had put all kinda animals on that island to see what would happen to them.

Here's a link to that old show -


Yup, that's the show all right. Here's another link:


I was watching the DVD of "Garden State" and when they played "The Only Living Boy In New York", my mind snapped to this old series.

Either that, or the character who was the knight at Medieval Times reminded me of Zooey Hallo.

Garden State was good, by the way.

Now I want to see Napolean Dynamite.

On 2005-01-05 01:13, Geeky Tiki wrote:
Now I want to see Napolean Dynamite.

SWEET! :lol:

drink every time evangaline lily looks at one of the boys with big, sad, doe eyes :)

drink everytime iraqi guy looks at hillbilly with murder in his eyes.

drink everytime dr. jack looks angry, or frightened or at evangaline lily with sad doe eyes.

Drink everytime the hobbit chews his bottom lip.

drink everytime the knife guy looks like he's going to stab the hillbilly

drink everytime the overbearing korean guy yells at his wife

can I stop now, are you on the floor?
I like this show! I like the guy who couldn't walk but can now. and the little kid, and the fat, er, big guy!

Arrested Development is my FAVORITE TV show now, but Lost is second!

"You're the mayor of shark city, people think you want the beaches open."

[ Edited by: mrs. pineapple on 2005-01-05 17:12 ]

sinner posted on Wed, Jan 5, 2005 5:31 PM

Do 2 shots every time the hobbit sings, "You all everybody!".


OK... so what do the numbers mean? Any Rain Men types in TC care to hazard a guess?


You know whats so bad about the Hobbit's song, is that it is stuck in my head now. But isnt it YOU ARE EVERYBODY? Aaahhhh make it stop!


Um, was it not the serial number on the big buried hunk of metal thingy?

[ Edited by: badmojo on 2005-03-06 16:59 ]


This show ticks me off. It's a great set up. In fact, everything about it is great except for the fact that every hour we watch is full of blah, blah, blah, and maybe one little clue about what is going on. It makes me mad, but I have to watch the next week anyway.

The last episode was great though. They finally gave us a bunch of information with the numbers and the lottery winner and all.

Should we start sharing clues or would that ruin things. My wife picked up on one that I didn't and it ticked me off too because I was getting so bored with all the nothing going on. Anyway, here it is. The lottery guy has many investments. One of them was a box company. Well, the bald guy from Millennium who used to be in a wheelchair worked for a box company didn't he?

Remember the surly cowboy guy ran into the doctor's father in an Australian bar? They're starting to tie everything together. And that kid has some sort of telekinetic powers I think. Remember the bird that died when his parents were separating?

The way the'yre going it should take another fifteen years, but they're at least telling us something.

I say drink every time they break for a commercial which is about every five minutes.


Has anyone heard about real-life broadcasts on shortwave radio which constist of the recitation of seemingly random numbers? They've apparently been heard on shortwave radio for years, in many different countries and in different languages. The voice reciting the numbers is a monotone voice, almost robotic.

Recently, a guy named Akin Fernandez put together something called the "Conet Project" in which he collected recordings of these very erie broadcasts and put them on CDs. The broadcasts have been described as "creepy and mysterious" because nobody can seem to figure out what they mean or who does it. There have been theories that the broadcasts have something to do with espionage, but nobody really knows for sure. Since their release, the CDs have become a cult hit.

A Washington Post article describing the Conet Project refers to the broadcasts as:

"The mechanized voice of a man, reading out numbers. No context, no comment, no station identification. Nothing but numbers, over and over, for minutes on end. Then the signals disappear, as if somebody pulled the plug in the studio. And it's not just one station. The more he listens, the more number monologues he hears. "Five four zero," goes a typical broadcast, this time in the soulless voice of a woman with a British accent. "Zero nine zero. One four. Zero nine zero one four." Numbers in Spanish, in German, Russian, Czech; some voices male, others female. When Fernandez lucks into hearing the start of a broadcast, he's treated to the sound of electronic beeps, or a few bars of calliope music, or words like "message message message." Then come the numbers. A few stations spring to life the same time each night, others pop up at random and cannot be found again.

When I saw tonights episode, and thought back about the looping broadcast of the woman speaking French, it sounded very much like the Conet Project.

If anyone is interested in reading about this(or listening to) here are links to a washington post article and to the radio broadcast on NPR's "All Things Considered" -- where I first heard about the Conet Project.




I have the Conet Project CD set and that's the first thing I thought of when I saw the number sequence. It's fairly well agreed upon that these transmissions are secret instructions to espionage field operatives. DOn't have any idea where Lost is headed with the idea.

I agree that the show is hugely frustrating to watch. It's like you're starving and sitting down to what you think will be a full meal, and end up with only a snack. Fun, but wholly unfullfilling. I don't think they will ever fully get to the point of it all. It would be like the X-Files if they do. As long as the mystery's there, you keep watching in hopes of finding out something. When they explain it all, everyone says how dumb it all is and quits watching.


Which of course brings us to The Prisoner. An existential puzzle where they only produced a certain number of episodes, ended it, and that was that. Revolutionary.

I hope Lost won't just be an endless soap opera to keep viewers watching. The big stomping thing and Polar bears make it kind of interesting.

Anyone pick up on any other clues so far? In the Prisoner they gave us the answer at the beginning of every episode...people just didn't get it. Wonder what they've got going here?


I guess the fact that I even like talking about a tv show here means there's at least something going on here. I like the Twilight Zone-ish quality to it all, but then there's that unmistakeable stench of sweeps weeks, booty shots of the hot ladies bathing under waterfalls or whathaveyou (no complaints here), and little script stunts (that are actually kind of misplaced but fun - did anybody get the reference to the paper company from "The Office" in that episode about the hobbit? The girl says "My dad's off in England acquiring a paper company in Swinton" or something to that effect. This last Hurley episode was one of the best in a while. My only real complaint is why doesn't somebody kill Sawyer already?


Well I assume this is a show without a finite ending date, so I think they will string us along endlessly, and we will never know the answers entirely, or when one thing is solved, another mystery will arise.

Something I read that is another interesting clue is that a good chunk of people on the island have turned out to have killed someone, whether intentionally or accidentally. Even the chubby guy killed his grandad via heart attack by winning the lottery. Rock star killed Ethan, Jack killed the Marshal, Sawyer killed the wrong Sawyer, The outlaw girl killed the boyfriend in the holdup, the Korean guy probably offed someone, etc...

On 2005-03-06 23:02, Tiki-bot wrote:
I guess the fact that I even like talking about a tv show here means there's at least something going on here. I like the Twilight Zone-ish quality to it all, but then there's that unmistakeable stench of sweeps weeks, booty shots of the hot ladies bathing under waterfalls or whathaveyou (no complaints here), and little script stunts (that are actually kind of misplaced but fun - did anybody get the reference to the paper company from "The Office" in that episode about the hobbit? The girl says "My dad's off in England acquiring a paper company in Swinton" or something to that effect. This last Hurley episode was one of the best in a while. My only real complaint is why doesn't somebody kill Sawyer already?

Mr. Pineapple-Bot likes Evangaline Lily. She's purtty, with her pouty mouth and doe eyes.


What's yer point? :wink:

A nice rare steak, a double Trader Vic's Mai Tai, prepared from scratch...

And Episode 10, Season 2 of LOST on my computer, downloaded from the usenets because I missed it on TV. Not a bad evening.

On 2005-03-07 13:38, tikifish wrote:
Something I read that is another interesting clue is that a good chunk of people on the island have turned out to have killed someone, whether intentionally or accidentally.

This seems to be true. Add Kate, and Echo, and...

There seem to be a lot of ex-killers on this island.



I'm going to try and resurrect the original idea--
The Lost drinking game should revolve around the magic numbers:
4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42.
When you see them in a flashback or entered into the computer, take a shot. When you actually hear them, take two.
And maybe an extra shot when Dr. Jack has to use the rubbing alcohol. I swear that bottle should be empty by now. Take 10 shots if it actually does run out.

The thing I sort of like about this show is actually the lack of answers. I know that some people find that irritating, but it reminds me of things like the drive to Hana on Maui where the point of the whole thing is the trip itself, not necessarily the destination.



Every time someone dabs a wound.

Every time someone sits pensively staring out at the sea.

Every time Ecko talks.

When you feel the writers are making up the mythology as they go along.

When they generate more new questions than answers to previous questions in an episode (1 shot for each new mystery).

A regular doesn't appear at all in an episode.

Something astounding happens to someone, and they don't feel compelled to inform (or warn) the other survivors.

When the first jilted lover seeks another survivor for another island hook-up.

A whole bottle if anyone thinks Hurley has any chance with that new chick, even if they were the only two survivors left in the world and had to re-populate the planet.

[ Edited by: Tiki-bot 2006-02-05 09:20 ]

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