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Men.? Beards or no beards?

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Facial foliage in the cold of winter. Smooth puss for summer.
But some guys suffer from "lackanookie" when they wear a beard.

A big bushy one, mostly orange, with a bit of yellow, and some dark red under my chin...not quite Civil War General looking.

Never liked shaving much.

I sort of always felt it belonged there.

On 2004-11-17 23:02, Gigantalope wrote:
A big bushy one, mostly orange, with a bit of yellow, and some dark red under my chin....

But can you weave smoking bits into it to intimidate your enemies, as in "Yellowbeard"?
("stagger, stagger, crawl, crawl...") :)


Studies prove that ladies prefer their men sans foliage. So if you want the nookie, get out the Philishave!

I'm 'probly the reason they prefer deforrested faces.

I'm known for frequntly changing up the facial hair. Currently shaved, but have gone from a Sam Elliot-style 'stache-n'-goat to 'stacheless goat to a sort of 3 inch animated "Love Brush" thing that got nic-named "The Muppet".

I enjoyed having the Sam Elliot mustache except it always got snagged in the "pop-top" of beer cans! The ladys gave me a lot more attention with this, but my wife hated it!

[ Edited by: FreakBear on 2004-11-19 13:15 ]

I can't help but think of that old Popeye cartoon where Popeye & Bluto show up at Olive Oil's place for a date, each sporting a three day stuble, only to be turned down when Olive launches into her song "I Want A Clean Shavin' Man". They wind up beating the shit out of each other in a barber shop and then see Olive walking down the street with an Admiral with a full beard. Spotting this, Popeye said what any good seafarin' man would say..."well blow me down".


Tikifish, I personally like them.

The goatee and/or soul patch are often better choices, although Al certainly looks good in his beard.

[ Edited by: christiki295 on 2004-11-21 12:31 ]

i think men should defer to the tastes of their significant others bottom line, but i theorize that fcial hair is a good way to offset overall ratio after male pattern baldness sets in. i don't want to end up looking like king kong bundy :wink:


I have a "stash and goat" -- neatly trimmed, of course. Not the Sam Eliot variety that gets stuck in beer cans.

I've had either a beard or a goatee since I was a sophmore in college 15 years ago (my, that was painful to say). I went down from the beard to the goatee probably about 10 years ago. My wife of 3 years has never known me without it, and likes it very much. In fact, when there was a possibility I would have to shave it when I took a new job, she was not too happy about the prospect of me being without the goat. So, I guess she is the exception to the rule.

[ Edited by: joefla70 on 2005-03-09 08:10 ]


I also like to change mine quite a bit. Sometimes a full beard, sometimes just a gotee (sp?), and once a couple of years ago I shaved the whole head except for the eyebrows.

However, the wife always insists that she likes me in a full beard that is trimmed rather short. Even when I wear a full beard I still shave my neck up to just below the jaw line, but my wife likes it when I keep a day or two's stubble there.

My girlfriend prefers me with facial hair. I usually switch between burly beard, trimmed goatee or simple soul patch.




Whenever I see that clip, I think of The Ring... you're not planning to jump out of my monitor are you?


BTW- I just shaved my goatee of two years... It's interview season.

On 2005-03-09 10:43, Feelin' Zombified wrote:

BTW- I just shaved my goatee of two years... It's interview season.

i was interviewing last month and considered shaving. but then i figured if they didn't hire me coz of my beard i wouldn't want to work for them anyways :) but i guess maybe there's more leeway in some professions than others...


On 2005-03-09 10:43, Feelin' Zombified wrote:

Whenever I see that clip, I think of The Ring... you're not planning to jump out of my monitor are you?


On 2005-03-09 10:45, Johnny Dollar wrote:

...if they didn't hire me coz of my beard i wouldn't want to work for them anyways...

that's not to say I won't be growing it back the week after I get the job :wink:

On 2005-03-09 11:25, Tangaroa wrote:





TaNgaROa! GosH DaRn It! I can't tell you how much that movies scared me! cReEpY!

[ Edited by: DawnTiki on 2005-03-09 15:23 ]

hewey posted on Wed, Mar 9, 2005 4:05 PM

I am a goatee man myself. I've had it for about 4 yrs now and its stayin. My girl didnt mind me growin it, but for a while (like a year after growin), was wondering what it would look like without it. I shaved it off, she hated it, and i grew it straight back! I would grow some sideburns but I have little bald spots about the centre of my ears. Weird and annoying.

And yes the ring was bloody scary. To make matters worse, i saw it at the drive-in (and yes we watched the movie!). Half way through a guy walked past and my girl didnt see him until he was right next to the car and jumped through the roof.


Beards...or no beards?

I likes Nicole Kidman.


Beards cut into your "action", and attract the wrong type of gal!. When I had mine(to cover the double chin!)I got only hard chicks, when I shaved it off, I met an angel and got married!.Everyone said it adds 10 years!, F that!.


After looking like this...

...for nearly 10 years and throughout my entire time in college, I decided to shave off the facial hair my last semester. I wasn't crazy about it but when I graduated and went looking for a job I got the hair chopped off too. Something seemed to be missing so I grew back the goatee and have had it eversince...unfortunately I waited until after my wedding in 1998 and now I can't stand looking at any of our wedding photos. My wife doesn't seem to mind but just requests that I keep it trimmed.

I don't plan to shave it again but I did tell my wife that for next Halloween I'm growing a Tom Selleck moustache, shaving off the goatee temporarily, donning a Detroit Tigers cap,and an aloha shirt and I'd have the perfect costume!

In actuality I just wanted to share my scary "biker" photo. Some have even said I look like a member of the Manson Family...wonder why I didn't have much luck with the ladies back then?

[ Edited by: johntiki on 2005-03-28 17:33 ]

way cool picture j-tiki, perhaps we should make a database of TC'ers "long hair / manson photos :)

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