Tiki Central / Collecting Tiki
Kohalacharms and Swanky
Hale Tiki
Thu, Mar 10, 2005 12:01 PM
Thu, Mar 10, 2005 1:47 PM
Almost everything after the first post on this thread was pretty surprising to me, since it sounded pretty harmless. This thread makes me think of a feeling I've experienced, which might be relevant. Aside from tiki stuff, I've also been sort of collecting original art from a bunch of so-called lowbrow artists, probably for about 8 or 10 years now. Art makes me a happier man, and it's purely selfish - each purchase has been strictly for what it does for me (and my wife) - not to share, to show-off, or really with any thought of other people in mind at all. But I often suffer from a kind of buyer's remorse or embarrassment at the dollar figures on these items, maybe partly because I know they are purely self-gratifying purchases. Maybe there's a whole mess of psychology underneath all that, I don't know. But I do know that I hate hate hate talking about the prices paid on the art I love. There have been cases where someone really wanted to know a dollar amount, so I told them, and then that's all they could talk about. There's not a fantastic painting hanging on the wall anymore; there's a big dollar sign. Not only is this boorish conversation in general, but it also ends up detracting from my own pleasure with the object. So most of the time I really try to avoid those kinds of discussions. And so I interpreted the desire for discretion in the original post here as possibly being parallel to this feeling I've experienced. No clue if it really does relate, but I thought it might add some insight. I think you can't really blame someone for uncontrolled marveling when they learn about the dollar figures on other people's "frills" purchases, especially if they're not conditioned to that "market". In fact, I'd confess to doing some of the same kind of marveling at $600 Tiki Bob mug auctions on ebay and so on. But then I think you also can't blame someone for wanting to take a "serious collector" discussion to an invite-only place where extraneous posts would be almost nil. Aside from kidding about cloak and dagger stuff, I just don't understand where the condemnation comes from. Even here on TC, we have the public forum, and the private messages. When someone sends a PM, is that elitist because they excluded the rest of us? If I email some friends a picture of a tiki I found, is it unreasonable if I prefer not to have it posted online for whatever reason? -Randy |
Thu, Mar 10, 2005 2:07 PM
I don't fault Tikihula for posting Swanky's e-mail. (Sorry Swanky. I still like you anyway.) I just think everyone should consider for a moment that the TikiRoom database site he built(www.tikicentral.com) and TC itself was put together for the purpose of sharing. What was proposed in the e-mail seems directly in opposition to that, even if that isn't what was intended. I'm a little surprised Tikihula was included on the distribution list for this very reason. |
Thu, Mar 10, 2005 2:36 PM
It is!! My feelings about Swanky haven't changed. I like him and all the things he's done for this group. Once he gets his bar open I plan on taking an extra day on the way to visit my parents and get a hotel room in Knoxville so I can visit his establishment. I've got to see that PNG orator board in person. |
Thu, Mar 10, 2005 4:24 PM
hahaha actually the passssword isss.. nipple OK, now that this thread is over and everyone is having a lovein, anybody up for a new thread so we can argue for argueing's sake? |
purple jade
Thu, Mar 10, 2005 4:30 PM
Shut your festering gob, you tit! Your type really makes me puke, you vacuous, coffee-nosed, maloderous, pervert!!! Look, I came here for an argument, I'm not going to just stand...!! OH, oh I'm sorry, but this is abuse. |
Unkle John
Thu, Mar 10, 2005 9:47 PM
Yeah, it said "Don't forget to drink your Ovaltine".... OVALTINE! WTF!? Sorry had to get one more joke out of this horse. |
Fri, Mar 11, 2005 7:59 PM
A very interesting topic and exchange of opinions. As I read all of the conversations I learned a lot about my fellow tcers. However I think the high rollers truly need to get a life. It's just a mug. |
Wed, Mar 16, 2005 6:52 AM
The best part is when we die our children (the ugly lil' bastards) will just donate the ugly lil' bastards (our tiki mugs) to the ugly lil' bastards at the local goodwill and the circle of ugly lil' mugs will be complete. Or maybe our kids will ebay them. By that time the Mug Cabal will have had their own split and only those that are lefthanded will be allowed in the SinisterMugCabal. Or maybe not... who cares? I'm opening up my own "mexican trinkets" cabal and there's not a damn thing anyone can do about it. I will invite only who I want to. Actually I'll invite everyone.... it'll be the biggest exclusive club ever! It's America People... live and let die. By the way... was I wrong to trust that guy in Africa who was going to give me all that money? Damn... and I had about $100,000 in my bank account after I won that contest where the guy called me on the phone and asked for my bank account number and pin to see if they were the "lucky winning phone lotto numbers"!!!! Triple damn. Oh well... back to pawning off mexican trinkets to tiki collectors. |
Wed, Mar 16, 2005 11:29 AM
I haven't really followed this thread, and I'm not going to either. Got bored after a few messages. Seems like there's a growing interest in seeing it locked, so I will. If there's some compelling reason to unlock this, PM me with a good reason and I will. Otherwise, watch it sink like a stone. |