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Tiki Central / Collecting Tiki

mai kai mystery bowl

Pages: 1 6 replies

Mai Tai Matty posted on 03/22/2005

It arrived today from the farm all I can say is wow. Preordered in november just got it man was it worth the wait. thanx so much tiki farm and Holden you guys are the best...

Unga Bunga posted on 03/22/2005

I got mine, and think it's awesome too.

kbgator posted on 03/22/2005

Can you post a pic, does it have the mai kai name with a white backgound or is the bowl all brown.

aikiman44 posted on 03/22/2005

Got mine and it's great. Looking for a cool recipe and long straws.

Mai Tai Matty posted on 03/24/2005

it's the all brown one . don't know if the orginal color has gone into production yet. TikiFarm was taking pre-orders awhile ago. I got on that list acouple of months ago . Hopeful they will come out soon. Hey Holden any word on those yet?

kbgator posted on 03/24/2005

Thanks Mai Tai, I was hoping the newer have been made. The all brown one is very heavy, it makes a very nice looking center piece on the dining room table.

tikiwinebear posted on 07/01/2005

I love my Mai Kai mystery bowl! I have used it for drinks and as a planter / centerpiece (but haven't tried it as a hat yet - a different thread on TC). Filling the figures with water and adding dry ice chunks while it has flowers in it, gets that WOW from my guests. The bowl is a bit expensive, but the craftmanship and WOW factor make it affordable for me.

Here are a couple pictures from my last luau / tiki party using both my Mai Kai and Kava bowls.

  • Myke

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