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New Tiki bar and bbq...Tampa, Florida

Pages: 1 8 replies

Jawa posted on 03/23/2005

Well, it is just my outdoor gazebo and bar area...but hey, it's a start :P
While the decor is not up to par yet, I have plenty of the most important items...booze and people! The specialties this time were Mai Tai's and Blue Hawaiians! :drink:
Hopefully this post will draw the attention of fellow TC'ers in the area because I plan to have plenty of parties this year.
Here are some pictures if you are interested...
Spring Warm-Up Party

Jason Wathey
Tampa, Florida


[ Edited by: Jawa on 2005-03-23 06:24 ]

Satan's Sin posted on 03/23/2005


I used to live in Tampa. Great party town. Place really goes nuts during Gasparilla. Your bar makes me want to come back!

mahalomo posted on 03/24/2005

Nice setup.

If you're looking for bodies to fill a party, count me in, plus one bottle of rum as a bar-warming gift.


Jawa posted on 03/24/2005

Hey, I will keep people updated that I find are in Tampa mahalo-mo! Thanks for letting me know...

Hey sin, thanks for the compliment...its not much yet, but already the bar is great!

  • Jason
Pomaika i posted on 03/24/2005

I love the dog picture. He/she is licking its lips like "give me a mai tai."

Jawa posted on 03/24/2005

The funny thing, Pomaika i, is that he doesn't like alcohol at all :wink:

sungod posted on 03/24/2005

That's what I thought about my dog, until I caught him breaking into my liquor cabinet one night.

Pomaika i posted on 03/25/2005

I have to remind people not to sit their glasses on doggie level. My dog tries to drink alcohol, especially rum drinks. I guess that's what I get for naming her with an Irish name (Reilly).



Jawa posted on 03/25/2005

Yeah, I have a yellow lab too that just turned a year old...I think she would down anything she could get into her mouth....silly dog :drink:

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