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The Spring 2005 Big Lots tiki collection is here...

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Kono posted on 04/07/2005

Yes, it's Spring again, and Big Lots has unveiled the first of their tiki/hawaiiana/hula/luau collection for this season.

I always go a little crazy buying this uhhhh more cheaply made stuff, and then I just wind up putting it in a box in a closet. Some of it, with the non-trad colors, I put in the kitchen, and it works OK, but most of it doesn't mesh well with the classic tiki decor. I was disciplined this time around and only bought these two:

The mug on the left is a direct rip off of accoutrements Bigmouth tiki mug set. It is basically (in design) two of accoutrements' short mugs stacked to make one taller mug. It looks more a Haida totem now though. I may use it in my "Sasquatch Room." It comes in other colors as well as the green. The other piece is a ceramic planter, complete with drainage hole on the bottom. It came in other colors as well.

There was a plastic "Tiki Tini Set" that was a translucent plastic rip-off (or "variation") of the Tiki Farm Martiki glass. There were four in a set, each of a different color. Last, but least, there was a large ceramic tiki head pitcher. The tiki was a Florida style tiki, all smiles and teeth, but was unfortunately sporting a pair of extremely gaudy sunglasses. I just couldn't do it. Maybe someday I'll work up the nerve or have a chemical imbalance, but not today.

I'm sure they'll have new releases in the coming weeks as tiki is now "in," in China.

Sweet Daddy Tiki posted on 04/07/2005

You have a saskquatch room? Cool.

Kono posted on 04/08/2005

On 2005-04-07 16:55, Sweet Daddy Tiki wrote:
You have a saskquatch room? Cool.

Ahh...no, I was just kidding. But I'd like to! Got any plaster casts you'd like to sell or trade? Somehow I feel that Sasquatch and tiki go together but I have no idea how. :-?

johntiki posted on 04/08/2005

I don't know if I should be excited or scared... the planter is pretty cool though. I could see lining the patio with Big Lots tiki planters this summer.

Tikiwahine posted on 04/08/2005

Ya I'd totally use the planter.

Formikahini posted on 04/08/2005

*On 2005-04-07 17:31, Kono wrote:*Somehow I feel that Sasquatch and tiki go together but I have no idea how.
Easy! Ask DJ Lee! (Hint: a cool bar with locations in both S.F. and LA)

Trader Woody posted on 04/08/2005

Kono - Is your Lemon Hart being held by a crab?

Trader Woody

freddiefreelance posted on 04/08/2005

On 2005-04-08 09:40, Trader Woody wrote:
Kono - Is your Lemon Hart being held by a crab?

Trader Woody

Yep. They're about US$15-20 at most cookware shops.

SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 04/08/2005

Just like my ol' favorite western says, "I'm roundin' up the troops and comin' at ya hard & fast..."

[ Edited by: SugarCaddyDaddy 2005-11-29 00:25 ]

Kono posted on 04/08/2005

On 2005-04-08 15:05, SugarCaddyDaddy wrote:
You all have the right to buy what you like in the stores, but honestly, I would not purchase this set! Anyone ripping off ChikiTiki, CrazyAl, Squid, Shag, Marcus Pizzuti, Jimmy C., Drew Brophy, Joe & Donella Vitale, Flounder, Mr. G, Kevin Kidney & Jody Daily, or Sam Gambino or any of our Tiki Farm Ohana will not get my support!

Not only that, but it sucks! It's very cheaply made.

Coincidentally, I received an unsolicited email a couple of days ago from a VP of Old Time Pottery. He stumble across, or was pointed to this old thread and wanted to comment that Old Time Pottery does not design nor commission design of any of the products that they sell. They go shopping for large quantities of wholesale product and buy what they find appealing for their stores. A lot of what they purchase comes from China and the Chinese manufacturers are adept at identifying current trends and making knock offs.

Speaking of Old Time Pottery...yes, Woody that is a crab trying to run away with my Demerera!

$4.99 from Old Time Pottery. Obviously the Chinese have latched onto the crab wine holder craze but in this case the knock off is better than the original (IMO).

ZebraTiki posted on 04/09/2005


As if the presence of the crab bottle holder and the idea of the Sasquatch room aren't cool enough...

What's your review of your Riavl ice crusher? Would you buy the same model if you had to replace it?

I'm trying to decide what brand to buy for my Loch Ness Monster room.

Kono posted on 04/09/2005

On 2005-04-08 21:41, ZebraTiki wrote:

As if the presence of the crab bottle holder and the idea of the Sasquatch room aren't cool enough...

What's your review of your Riavl ice crusher? Would you buy the same model if you had to replace it?

I'm trying to decide what brand to buy for my Loch Ness Monster room.

Sure, I guess I would buy it again. I would call it more of a shaver than a crusher since it passes the ice over a blade. I have a hand cranked ice shaver from Hawaii Ice that I use when I want to feel more "authentic" but when I'm in a hurry (99.9% of the time) I use the electric one. No complaints.

Rave reviews on Amazon: "Best snow maker out of four I tried!" "Easy to use!" "The number 1 snow cone maker!!!"


I don't think I paid that much for it though. Seems to me I got it for under $20, maybe at Target? That was a while back.

Trader Woody posted on 04/09/2005

On 2005-04-08 16:01, Kono wrote:

$4.99 from Old Time Pottery. Obviously the Chinese have latched onto the crab wine holder craze but in this case the knock off is better than the original (IMO).

Absolutely! Much more realistic. The bottle-hugging crustacean craze hasn't hit Europe yet and I'm at a loss to know why.....

Trader Woody

Formikahini posted on 04/09/2005

Thanks to y'all, I hit Big Lots on the way home last night. Sure enough, there in all their fake glory were muchos sets of plastic martiki glasses. Not hard to pass those up (who'd want to drink an icy martini or cosmopolitan or vodka martini with a twist (my fave) from a plastic cup? Eeeww!)

Did not resist a multitude of other goodies, however. I even fell for the fake palapa-like umbrella for $20. 6' handle/stem/whatever. No stand for it (I'll either have to buy one somewhere of just stick it in the ground - my personal, cheap choice). No planters at our store, but I got the Accoutrements rip-off mug in red for $3.99 (I don't know any of their designers, so I didn't feel loyal enough to forego that purchase!). Also got lots of pretty, fake flowers like water lilies (to float in a bowl, I guess, since I have no fountain....yet) and a big, red clip-on gerbera daisy. A buck each. Zazz!

And non-tiki but damn useful: a couple of very-compact-but-fullsize-when-open umbrellas for $2.99 each. No horrible thing when I lose them or they break!

Now to find me a crab bottle holder. Curse you people making me want and buy things I don't really need!!!

Kanaka posted on 04/15/2005

If you look in the summer beach/swimming equipment section our big lots had a nice solid wood Tiki boogie board

"Not to be used as a floatation devise"


Monkeyman posted on 04/16/2005

thats not a boogie board. Its a skim board. used for skimming along the thin layer of water left on the sand as the wave recedes back into the ocean.

tikitony posted on 04/16/2005

Hmmm, maybe another Tiki Farm rip off? I also bought a Target Tiki Time clock from the thrift store that had Tiki Farm/ Crazy Al Drew Brophy rip offs on it. I handed over the proof to Crazy Al, and he had his suits working on it..

bigbrotiki posted on 04/16/2005

At first I was almost dissappointed that neither the Big Lots nor the Spencers "Cheapy Tiki" Crap (and I mean that in a good way!) seemed to have direct BOT rip offs in their offerings (like for example the recent Accoutrements pencil eraser tip Tikis), but now that we find a Tiki Farm design, the chain of Transmission is re-established.

I think that this season's stuff is one step removed from the BOT, and the credit for it all should go to Tiki Farm. They have been getting a lot of attention during gift industry shows over the last years, even winning prizes for the "Best Booth", so it makes sense that other companies finally follow suit, wanting a piece of the Tiki pie. Of course they do it with less quality and artistry.

But I like cheapy Tiki from the heyday, and so even in today's stuff one can find the occasional, and always amusing Tiki item.

That pitcher with the sun shades though...that is just plain bad. I was gonna buy one just to film it in slowmo while it is being blown up.

Nokala Rocky posted on 04/26/2005

Went there today and picked up 2 Tiki head waste baskets! Liked the skim board, and will probably get the mug. My store had quite a few candle tikis, must be the mosquitos up here! Also bought the battery powered tiki paper lantern. Now where to hang the sucker, hmmm.

Dawn32 posted on 04/30/2005

On 2005-04-25 18:07, Nokala Rocky wrote:
Went there today and picked up 2 Tiki head waste baskets! Liked the skim board, and will probably get the mug. My store had quite a few candle tikis, must be the mosquitos up here! Also bought the battery powered tiki paper lantern. Now where to hang the sucker, hmmm.

I didn't see the tiki waste baskets. Do you have a picture you could post of them?

Nokala Rocky posted on 04/30/2005

Here is the magenta one. I bought the light blue one as well.

Pomaika i posted on 04/30/2005

Picked up a few mugs and some candles.

I don't know if I'm going to be able to sleep tonight after all those pitchers with sunglasses staring at me. Scary. I thought about having an accident with the shelf...

teaKEY posted on 05/04/2005

With the tikimug design, I never liked the look of that pig nose guy. Went yesterday and the orange color was actually nice. Its a big mug and I like the bigger and taller ones. Don't like all to be the same size. I bought one. Its 4.00 and probably cheaper than any ebay shipping price. The quaily is there and you can't beat 4.00. Ripped off designs and I bought one just means that that company now has more money to be sued for.

procinema29 posted on 05/11/2005

Yeah, someone mentioned this tiki stuff at Big Lots and I went down and checked it out...some very interesting items (the Tiki Farm problem is most regrettable, however). Many of these Big Lots items seem to cross a line with the bright candy colors...am thinking of getting a little pink wastebasket, nonetheless.

johntiki posted on 05/11/2005

After reading this thread for a while now I finally headed down to Big Lots and bought one of the green mugs... afterwards I felt cheap and sleazy and decided to leave the mug in my editing suite at work... that way I don't have to take it home and if I'm lucky someone might steal it or better yet knock it onto the floor and break it! I don't know, the mug looked cool and all but it was just seriously lacking in mana. It might have had to do with the made in China sticker... or maybe because it was uninspired and mass produced... or maybe because it ripped off a Tiki Farm design.

I don't mean to insult or belittle anyone who enjoys the tiki items they bought at Big Lots or diminish the importance of this find, but for me it just didn't work. Just my $.02.

If anyone out there doesn't have a Big Lots nearby and wants this mug let me know... I'd be happy to send it to someone who would appreciate it.

Swanky posted on 05/11/2005

I didn't buy any of the rip off stuff. I did get a few great laughs out of it all though. First, that horrible pitcher. Second, the rip off of the crappy Accoutrements mugs. Wow. The mind boggles. (I own said mugs btw. Gifted. I use them for outdoor parties, etc.) But the biggest laughs have come when these Big Lots items have shown up on Ebay and sold for several times their retail value!

procinema29 posted on 05/11/2005

"Lacking in mana" is an accurate description, it's true.

Generally, Tiki cast up in plastic has a bit less soul. Generally, if it has to come out of a mold, ceramic feels better.

But you know, it's really funny--I have a purple plastic tiki tumbler which I got at Big Lots two years ago. And I'm not sure why, maybe it's because the design is good, but it feels okay. I put my pencils in it, and I don't feel bad about it at all.

teaKEY posted on 05/11/2005

I think that I have used my oragne mug more than any so far. Its the largest mug that I have that fits into my car cupholder (barely). Its not plastic. And you can't hate the design cause it looks like Tikifarm. I love the bright color, made me think of the bright blue Bosko mag that I have wanted. For me in Michigan, this works.

Hot Lava posted on 05/12/2005

I bought a set of 8 for parties. If somebody drops one, I'm not going to cry. Everything has its place.

Rorysm posted on 05/13/2005

I hope the lawsuits lead to more origional works being offered, or at least royalty payments. However, I'm pretty sure it will simply mean the end of mass-produced cheap items from established companies. I know some of you see that as a good thing, I'm not sure I do.

romarchez posted on 05/14/2005

i love the skim board and the planter! do you think Big Lots still has them? it's been over a month now. :(

romarchez posted on 05/14/2005

i'm back from big lots and they were still there! whew! i bought the brown tiki planter (one left, wish i had a pair) and the tiki skim board and the blue floral one (for my son's surf bedroom).

thanks for the tip! i've only been a member for a few days now and i love this tiki room!


TikiBud posted on 05/20/2005

Out of curiosity, how much are the skimboards going for?

Traderpup posted on 03/14/2006

Big Lots has awesome new Tiki items for Spring 2006! a Tiki thats about 15 - 18" tall that looks like it is carved from a log with light up eyes, a resin Tiki bucket that looks like a wood carving, a Toscano style Tiki statue, patio lights that are translucent brown... way better than the tacky multi colored ones they had in the past... and this awesome find: a 32" Pele Tiki modeled after the one at Disneyland Tiki Room!

Kono posted on 03/14/2006

Well crap. I just took a load of Big Lots/Spencer et al tiki junk to the thrift store. I thought I was over this phase of tiki obsession but that Pele is calling me... I don't care for the hat though. What are those, dragonflies?

Anyway that's it. No more Target, Spencers, TJ Maxx or Party City. Just one more trip to Big Lots. That's it.

Traderpup posted on 03/14/2006

Here's a pic of Pele from the Tiki Room lanai, courtesy of Critiki

pappythesailor posted on 03/14/2006

It's Big Lots tomorrow then!

amiotiki posted on 03/14/2006

I'm witcha! Hopefully the Big Lots in G-ville is with the program!


Kono posted on 03/14/2006

Hmmmm... I was "critiking" the statue based upon my Pele mug (props to Sabu!) as I've never seen the real thing. I guess it's actually closer to the statue than the mug is. I still don't care for the hat too much.

You've given me a new idea. I'm gonna get me a Big Lots Pele and paint it like the one in that pic. I bet it'll look right smart! Thanks pup. :D

SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 03/14/2006

Cool find TP!

Anyone up for breaking out the paint set? You could pretty much match the look of the D-land Pele.

amiotiki posted on 03/14/2006

Kono and SugarDaddyCaddy - you guys read my mind! I'm thinking a colorful Pele would look smashing on my new tikified patio!

hiltiki posted on 03/14/2006

I agree with the paint job, any ideas what kind of paint???

Tiki-Kate posted on 03/14/2006

I picked up Pele on my way home from work tonight. $29.99 is a very reasonable price.

Thanks for the tip.

Deery Luau posted on 03/14/2006

Awwwwww MAN! Lookin' like I'll have to hit the Dundalk Big Lots today after work!

amiotiki posted on 03/14/2006

On 2006-03-13 17:45, hiltiki wrote:
I agree with the paint job, any ideas what kind of paint???

I guess it would depend on what the Pele is made of, but acrylics are probably a safe bet...maybe topcoated with a clear acrylic sealer for outdoor protection.


joefla70 posted on 03/14/2006

Someone else posted other Biglots tiki items on this thread in marketplace: http://www.tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?topic=18769&forum=12&4

I live in Florida, so I've only been to the Disney World Enchanted Tiki Room, but I understand that the top of Pele at Disneyland is a tiki torch. That, in addition to painting, would make the Biglots Pele more "Disneyland" looking. I wonder if there is a way to make the top of the Biglots Pele into a tiki torch? Is the inside hollow or solid?

[ Edited by: joefla70 2006-03-14 13:26 ]

Atomobile posted on 03/15/2006

Even better....
Last year our own Kevin and Jody created a line of Enchanted Room Tiki Garden Gods. In their research, they located pictures of the Tiki Gods from opening year and they used those original colors to paint the figurines. If we can get Kevin to post a picture (or pictures if available) of the original Pele paint job, then we can paint our bootleg Peles to look authentic!
Just a thought,
Your friend,

PS: I was thinking of repainting the Enchanted Tiki Room Big Fig Gods using the original colors....

joefla70 posted on 03/15/2006

On 2006-03-15 00:54, Atomobile wrote:
Even better....
Last year our own Kevin and Jody created a line of Enchanted Room Tiki Garden Gods.

Atomobile, Are you talking about the little replicas that are about 5" inches tall? For a moment, when you said "Big Fig" gods, I got excited because I thought you meant that Kevin and Jody created a line of large scale gods that are the same size as the Big Lots Pele knock-off. But then I realized that you probably meant the little replicas that come with the Enchanted Tiki Room Big Fig (and are also sold separately). I wish they would make real-size gods. I would buy them! I can't wait for the crocodile drummers to come out!

[ Edited by: joefla70 2006-03-15 07:05 ]

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