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Tikimeculas Stuff

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tikimecula posted on 03/13/2005

[ Edited by: tikimecula 2010-06-03 19:55 ]

[ Edited by: tikimecula 2010-08-11 17:53 ]

scaperman posted on 03/13/2005

Those are real cool, nice job

seamus posted on 03/13/2005

You have a nice style goin on there.

yumyumkid posted on 03/13/2005

Very nice. I like the finish, looks weathered.

Benzart posted on 03/13/2005

Tmec, those are Really nice. Very Sharp and Precise detail. I Love the clean lines. Excellent....

Sam Gambino posted on 03/13/2005

Very nice work, tikimecula. Lots of character in those logs!

McTiki posted on 03/13/2005

Nice, Nice, Idols man! What type wood you shapin bruddah?

Aaron's Akua posted on 03/13/2005

Yes, good lookin' tikis, nice wood. I'm starting to run low on my own log supply - what kind of stock are you using, TM? I like that there's no splits & the detail's holding up nice. (Sorry, I'm not just interested in the wood type, the design is really good, & nice use of torch!).


Slacks Ferret posted on 03/13/2005

These are fantastic. Nice Carvings! Like seamus said, you've got a real nice style developing.

surfintiki posted on 03/13/2005

Now THOSE are tikis! I really like the design and style you used. Let me see a bunch more.

Raffertiki posted on 03/13/2005

Nice clean lines, good design, and exection, but what are they singing?

tikimecula posted on 03/13/2005

Thanks for the Compliments everyone. They are Mexi-Fan Palm logs. Just got a nice 7.5' log, I will be working on him this week. Will post some pics.

Thanks again.

[ Edited by: tikimecula on 2005-03-13 09:20 ]

CHUCKO posted on 03/15/2005

Wow you didn't waste any time on those. There awsome!

Monkeyman posted on 03/15/2005

Clean is good. Nice

tikimecula posted on 03/18/2005


Jungle Trader posted on 03/18/2005

Sweet! I like the big guy and the little cutie. Hang loose braddah!

OnaTiki posted on 03/18/2005

Nice job!! Man that would look good on my back porch.

Keep up the great work.


finkdaddy posted on 03/18/2005

Wow, that new guy is tall! Looks really nice. I love your little one giving the hang-loose sign!

rodeotiki posted on 03/20/2005

WoW, that is cool! I have a little girl thats 4 , she loves tiki too. Such clean lines and detail.

tikimecula posted on 03/23/2005

Thanks guys! I really need to sell some. I have a tiki army in my backyard. I get to attached to these guys. I have carved 14 to date, and have all but 2 that i gave away.

tikimecula posted on 04/06/2005

Another one.

rodeotiki posted on 04/06/2005

Looking good, Your going to become over run by those guys at the rate your carving them out.

Benzart posted on 04/06/2005

I Love the next to the last one the best. You are realy improving by leaps and bounds. Why don't you offer some over in the Tiki Marketplace, maybe some of us will help lighten your load.

tikimecula posted on 04/11/2005

I am in the process of getting my Pool remodeled, So they came this morning to pour the concrete for the Decking. Ended up selling 2 of my tikis to one of the guys! First Sale. Kinda stoked someone actually Liked them enough pay me for something I created. He also said he wanted more.

Maybe i did'nt charge him enough? Is $20 an inch to much for a 3 footer? :D

rodeotiki posted on 04/11/2005

Congrats on your first sale. It really is a great feeling. Cheers to many more sales!

[ Edited by: rodeotiki due to not getting the previos joke.]

[ Edited by: rodeotiki on 2005-04-11 12:20 ]

tikimecula posted on 04/11/2005

I was joking about the $20 an inch thing.

tikimecula posted on 04/14/2005


Sam Gambino posted on 04/15/2005

Very nice work, tikimecula. I do like that tall guy. Very cool!


tikimecula posted on 04/17/2005

Thanks Sam, I would like for you to do a painting for me. send me an E-mail dice-dude@adelphia.net

tikimecula posted on 04/20/2005


Thanatos posted on 04/20/2005

Good looking stuff. I just started carving. Working on 3rd now...

tikimecula posted on 08/23/2005

More stuff. added.

hewey posted on 08/23/2005

Cool carvings. Nice and clean style

Aaron's Akua posted on 08/23/2005

That will make for one custom palapa, TM! The tattooing style looks great. Save some for our carving session.

McTiki posted on 08/23/2005

Congradulations on your first sale. Nice feeling huh? Keep up the great work.


tikimecula posted on 08/23/2005

On 2005-08-22 21:51, Aaron's Akua wrote:
That will make for one custom palapa, TM! The tattooing style looks great. Save some for our carving session.

I'm Ready. My last day of Ground School was Sat. Doing anything next Weekend? I have 2 more of these to do in the next 2 weeks, + a few tikis. We can do it at my place? LMK?

Aaron's Akua posted on 08/23/2005

Hmmmm... sounds good, but gotta check my schedule. We've got a 5 day trip to San Filipe over Labor Day. Might have to be sometime after that. I'll PM you. It would be cool to come out to your place.


Davez_tikiz posted on 08/24/2005

Tikimecula... I'm in Riverside. Can I come too? I'll bring the beer (or sodas.. chips... whatever)..... :)

tikimecula posted on 08/25/2005

I will PM you, when we get it together.

tikimecula posted on 09/17/2005

Here are more. (pg. 1)

Aaron's Akua posted on 09/17/2005

Wow! They really all look identical and I know that's hard to do. This will make the most custom tiki palapa around. Nice. I wouldn't sweat the color difference. The wood character just highlights how accurate the carving is between the four posts.

Is this palapa going in your own backyard? Would be nice to see in person sometime (We've got a Hawaii trip coming up - but let's get together sometime after that for sure).

Excellent work, Andy.

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Lake Surfer posted on 09/18/2005

Wow... your poles are sweet! Love the big stuff... it is a challenge to work that big but when you step back and take a look at it... !!!!!
Your carvings have really taken on a seasoned and precise style... keep up the great work and keep working huge!

[ Edited by: Lake Surfer 2005-09-17 23:52 ]

tikimecula posted on 09/18/2005

Thanks for the comps Guys.

Aaron, They are not going in my Backyard (I wish) They are actually going to someone from MTV so Those 2 might be famous, I'll keep you updated, If what I have heard Pans out. I will have pics of the finished product soon, and I'll post a few.

Lake, What's that saying? "Go big or go Home":) I actually like doing the Really Big Logs, Seems like that is all I get requests for lately? Next up I have 3 Six footers and a 5 footer to do. All Palm wood.

Benzart posted on 02/07/2006


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Howland posted on 02/07/2006

tikimec-nice work! How about a tip for us aspiring palm log carvers? How did you get the wood so smooth? I use sabal or cabbage palm and it's so stringy/fibery/grainy, etc. that it seems no amount of sanding gives me the smoothness you've attained in you carves. Is there that much of a difference between sabal and mexi-fan palms?

Thanx bro,
And keep posting those bad-ass works!

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Basement Kahuna posted on 02/07/2006

Yeah...Bump ditto...Where've you been, man? Working on an Akatara? Must be something pretty big...and killer!

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Bete posted on 02/07/2006

Cool carvings in this topic thread, very cool indeed.

tikimecula posted on 02/11/2006

Hey guys! I have been working, but not caving. I'm starting another Biz. I have been on vacation for the last 3 years, so I thought it would be fun to get back into it.....I had forgot what it was like to start from scratch. I do have a few unfinished pieces (3 clubs & a tiki) in the carving hut, now i just have to find the time to finish them. I'll post some pics in a bit.

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