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Tiki Central / California Events

Tiki Oasis V (2005) Attendance List

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wrongdimensionboy posted on 03/28/2005

Wrong Dimension Boy, his beautiful gal Jesse and others will be coming! hooray!

Traderpup posted on 03/28/2005

Trader Pup will be there....!

Atomobile posted on 03/30/2005

I will be there too. I'm ready for a vacation. See you all there!!!

Your friend,

Benzart posted on 03/30/2005

I Can't be there but I'm sending special Agent # 57 to do a full report and keep his eye on things for me. If you see him say hello

don't let him goof off and keep him away from the Rum 151 proof. He gets a bit unmanageable if he drinks any of that. I expect an Excellent report with pictures from him when he is finished. Go Mo

Hukilau Brown posted on 03/30/2005

I'm in !

-Hukilau Brown and the Tiki Tour Adventure Van

gwenners posted on 03/30/2005

My partner and I will be 'round on the 2nd!

Gwen Smith

mig posted on 03/31/2005

I'll be there too! Got an awful lot of stuff going on in the next few weeks so I probably won't figure out my exact deal until sometime in April. But I'll be there.


Tiki Bare posted on 03/31/2005

[ Edited by: Tiki Bare on 2005-03-30 23:00 ]

TikiDude posted on 03/31/2005

TikiDude and Wife will be there.
We will be at Door Three-Bar Gate
3:30-5:30pm on Friday. So please come
by and say HI.

jimbo posted on 03/31/2005

Mr. & Mrs. Jimbo wouldn't miss it.

Tikis-R-Go posted on 03/31/2005

Vagabonding with Tikimansam.

beachin posted on 04/05/2005

Anybody with a room at the Oasis interested in a roomshare? My husband and I haven't been able to secure a room in either of the three hotels and I'm about to book at the Travelodge. Just thought I'd check first. Split the cost and the extra money to give you more spending cash.

Netty posted on 04/07/2005

Netiki and husband will be in attendance and wouldn't miss it for the world.

coconutkiss posted on 04/07/2005

scott and I will be there...selling and all

CheekyGirl posted on 04/08/2005

The Tiki Oasis is gonna be jam packed! Look at the Attendance List and it's not even really complete! Whew!

And CoconutKiss -- I realy love my hand-carved moneys on a rope....

coconutkiss posted on 04/08/2005

thanks CheekyGirl! I love those damn monkeys too!! Do you have the big ones (set of 4)or the small ones(set of 8?) Just for the props, be sure to come by my booth and let me know what one you are missing and I'd be more than happy to float you a bag o'the ones you don't have! (if you want em!)Gina

biffachu posted on 04/08/2005

Biff & Rebecca
Mike & Roxanne


Monkeyman posted on 04/08/2005

Does anyone know what the acutal limit on bodies is at this event?

I sense mayhem looming on the horizon

Unga Bunga posted on 04/08/2005

On 2005-04-08 11:00, Monkeyman wrote:
Does anyone know what the acutal limit on bodies is at this event?
I sense mayhem looming on the horizon

cynfulcynner posted on 04/08/2005

Bring in the scoops! :lol:

Tiki-bot posted on 04/08/2005

On 2005-04-08 11:00, Monkeyman wrote:

I sense mayhem looming on the horizon

I hate to say it, but so do I. 3+ hotels worth of people crammed onto the lanai and pool area doesn't sound too pleasant. I realize the owners and organizers need this event to be well-attended and successful, but I think this will be a make or break year for a lot of folks.

At least with Hula Hula on gate duty, there will be nothing but hot bikini models around the pool this year.

Tiki_Bong posted on 04/08/2005

I'm going to decide this year whether it's something I'm going to attend in future years, as it's become as popular and 'in' as trucker hats...

seamus posted on 04/08/2005

Look out, better add two, poosibly three more! Mrs. Seamus and I will be present for our first Tiki Oasis, and quite possibly our daughter as well. I'll be vending too. I have a few truckers hats If anyone needs an extra.

DawnTiki posted on 04/08/2005

Seamus wrote:

I have a few truckers hats If anyone needs an extra.

Thats not funny Seamus!

real kamaaina posted on 04/08/2005

i heard they sold the tropics! read the reviews on tripadvisor. that is WEAK. hope this doesnt impact too much. tiki bar is closed until they get a liquor license. any word on this? im not a real boardie so forgive me if this is a REPOAST.

Alnshely posted on 04/09/2005

I called the resort, Brad said the Tropics has changed hands.

Jeff Central posted on 04/09/2005

No Way. What happened to Casey? This is not a good sign.


Unga Bunga posted on 04/09/2005

Baton down the hatches, steady as she goes…………..

RevBambooBen posted on 04/09/2005

Check out "locating tiki" Caliente Tropics.

cynfulcynner posted on 04/09/2005

When I called them earlier this week to check on my reservation, I was told that Casey no longer works there.

Unga Bunga posted on 04/09/2005

Well, it looks like they have a new/updated website. I can't find anything about Tiki Oasis. When I subscribed to the news letter, this is what the responce page said (as you can see for yourself):

You have been subscribed to the mailing list successfully!
Back to 7 Springs Inn & Suites

Here is that page
They wouldn’t dare change the name of the hotel, would they?
Let's party this Oasis like it's the last one!!! Let's dedicate this Oasis to Casey!
Here Here!

PiPhiRho posted on 04/09/2005

This is a bad sign. Clicking on the link I get a page that says "You have accessed this page from an invalid location."


When Tiki Central is an invalid location at the Caliente Tropics website, the world may be ending. This may be the last Oasis after all. Let's just hope that the LAST Oasis wasn't the last Oasis.

Tiki-bot posted on 04/09/2005

I'm not even seeing a link to TC link on the CT links page.

Some clarifying info would be nice - Otto, what's up?

beachin posted on 04/09/2005

What is the sale going to mean to the vendors? Are we sure that the Oasis is for real or just a mirage? Here's hoping that management of the hotel has a head's up on our impending arrival. Otherwise, I'm guessing there's going to be chaos.

mrs. pineapple posted on 04/10/2005

PLEASE, relax. Otto is aware of what's going on, there has been some misinformation posted on another thread, regarding the Oasis, and Otto is dealing with it. Please don't fan the flames, that's what the Chump Tiki wants you to do.

There's a LOT of speculating going on here, and I can tell you, straight from Otto, this is all convoluted and doesn't really capture the big picture. So please relax!

babydoe posted on 04/10/2005

Let's get excited about the Tiki Oasis V!

I have posted below the schedule - I have not posted exact times in case things shift around last minute.

You can see we have some great additions this year: Sven's slideshow! King Kukulele treasure hunt and tour of grounds for the young ones! Crafts! Mega DJ's! Over 40 vendors! and oh so much more!

  • please note that after 6pm is considered adult entertainment, use your own caution when inviting those under 18

We are proud to announce King Kukulele is the official MC for Tiki Oasis V!

8pm - 10pm Project Pimento in Reef Bar

DJ California Kid
Project Pimento (SF)
King Kukulele
Kitten on the Keys (SF)
Burlesque Dancer, Pepper La Rue (LA)
Ape (SF)
Burlesque Dancer, Reverand Spooky LeStrange (New Orleans)
Fisherman (NYC)
Burlesque Dancer, Ginger Goldmine (LA)
Best dressed PIRATE contest (meet at stage at 9:45pm)
Pirate Movie poolside brought to you by LIFTOFF entertainment

Late night Reef Bar entertainment, Mai Kai Gents (LA)

Jay Strongman (UK)
DJ Seletor Lopaka (Seattle)
DJ Jack Hughes (Hollywood)
Miss Ainslie Walker (UK)
Patrick Robinson (LA)

11am - Tiki Bizarre opens
1pm - 2pm - King Kukulele in the Reef Bar
2pm - 3pm - King Kukulele leads Treasure Hunt (meet at stage) [appropriate for ages 0 -14]
3pm - 4pm - Crafts on Reef Patio
4 pm - Project Pimento (in The Reef bar)

Mai Kai Gents (LA)
KIDS and DOGS best dressed contest, wear any theme (meet at stage at 6:45pm)
Fisherman (NYC)
Kitten on the Keys (SF)
Burlesque Dancer (Esperanza )
King Kukulele
Burlesque Dancer, Anna Bells (LA)
Ape (SF)
Burlesque Dancer, Bella Beratta (Hollywood)
Best dressed SAVAGE contest (meet at stage at 9:45pm)
Sven Kristen slideshow, poolside
Armchair Traveling Tiki Movie, poolside

Late night Reef Bar entertainment, The Martini Kings (LA)

11am - Tiki Bizarre opens
11 -2:00 - DJ Lee Joseph
11am - King Kuku leads tour of Caliente tropics grounds(meet at stage) [appropriate for ages 0 -5]
1pm - 3:00 - Reef bar Ukulele Jam

floratina posted on 04/10/2005

Baby Doe - Is that THE Armchair Travelling you are screening for the Dive-In Movie? :)

Tattiki posted on 04/11/2005

Tattiki, and 3 will be in attendance.

Shipwreckjoey posted on 04/11/2005

Thanks Mrs. Pineapple & babydoe for restoring sanity to this post. We are looking forward to Tiki Oasis V & Chump can take take a flying f@#k at a rolling donut!

mrs. pineapple posted on 04/11/2005

The Pineapples are really looking forward to Tiki Oasis 5, I've been sewing (SEWING?) maternity aloha wear, and gathering decor, pirate costume materials, and pool toys! This will be our 4th Oasis, and our 2nd wedding anniversary!

When will the vendor list be available? I want to know who will be selling baby stuff! Little Pineapple will need some cool stuff, Daddy isn't the only one who gets to shop this year!

Otto posted on 04/11/2005

Baby Doe and I are talking to tropics management today and will have a final word on this
we did not want to post ANYTHING about the hotel until we knew all the facts

So far everything is on track and there is NO reason to think that anything has changed as far as the hotel supporting this event

On 2005-04-10 18:30, Shipwreckjoey wrote:
Thanks Mrs. Pineapple & babydoe for restoring sanity to this post. We are looking forward to Tiki Oasis V & Chump can take take a flying f@#k at a rolling donut!

CheekyGirl posted on 04/12/2005

Coconut kiss--have the 4 set. I NEED the mini monkeys! Those monkeys are so damn cute.

I'm sure the reef bar will be open. I'm not sweating it. Judging for last year. There is more than enough booze in the rooms. I myself had a fully stocked bar and plan on having it fully stocked again.

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Cherry Capri posted on 04/12/2005

I'm pleased to say I will be dropping by on Friday Night for the M Modern Gallery's "Sneaky Tiki" show in downtown Palm Springs and also will swing by the Reef Bar to sing a song with the wonderful Martini Kings!
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MEAN GENE posted on 04/13/2005

I listen to the MARTINI KINGS more than anything! I didn't realize that was Tony in that bright yellow shirt until I saw the tattoo.



[ Edited by: MEAN GENE on 2005-04-12 20:11 ]

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MEAN GENE posted on 04/13/2005

Oh ya, and Cherry Capri is HOT!

babydoe posted on 04/14/2005

CHECK out all the VENDORS at Tiki Oasis V!

** special thanks to Tiki Farm (Holden) for being our vendor coordinator! XOXO *

Remember to bring cash-o-la as vendors will not be set-up for credit cards. We can not list WHAT everyone is selling but it pretty much covers ALL your needs from tiki bars, t-shirts, vintage clothing, barware, kids clothing, original artwork, tiki mugs, shoes, hand carved tikis, big tikis, small tikis... the list goes on!

Tiki News will also be selling a limited edition Tiki Oasis V Mug made by MunkTiki on Friday night after the bands from 10-11pm and throughout the remainder of the weekend.

We are proud to announce for the first time ever we are offering PRINTS of Derek Yaniger's stellar artwork created for Tiki Oasis

Printed and published by "Mean Gene" of Falling Cocos, "Publishers of Fine Pop".
Hand pulled limited edition of 100 on Coventry Rag fine art paper
16 x 20 inches
6 colors / screens
signed and numbered by artist, Derek Yaniger

Prepublication special price of $65.00 before Tiki Oasis, May 5, 2005
$85.00 at or after Tiki Oasis, after May 8
plus shipping if applicable

Customer will be able to pick up print at Tiki Oasis after Derek has signed them.
We can ship them after Tiki Oasis to people unable to attend the event.

Tiki Oasis V Vendors!!
Adrift Clothing
Bodhi Glass
Coconut Kiss
Crazy Al
Cruz Retail/Tiki Broker
Cult of the Eye I
Cult of the Eye II
Falling Coco's
Fins and Flames
House of Tiki
John Gibson Pottery
Kimberly Coburn
Laney Bentz/Monkey Man
Lucky Lou Shoes
Pango Tori
Poly Pop Art
Purple Jade
Rockit Baby
Scissor Happy
Smokin' Tikis
Suburban Pagan
Swamp Fire Lounge
The Art Deck
Tiki Diablo
Tiki Farm
Tiki Farm
Tiki Jungle
Tiki Madness
Tiki News
Tiki Ray
Tiki Tony
Tiki Lee
Treasure Kings
Treasure Kings
Vintage Hawaiian Themes
Von Franco
Zach Zachary

Including merchandise from featured entertainment at Tiki Oasis V!
All vendor spaces have been sold for 2005. If you are interested in being a vendor in the future please e-mail Otto: otto@tikinews.com

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hula hula posted on 04/14/2005

im in, im in ,na na naaa na.

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tikibob posted on 04/15/2005

With the proper trade winds, my non-scale replica of the Kon-Tiki will wash upon the shore of Tiki Oasis again this year.

In tow (on inner-tube if needed) will be my Girl Friday, who will be making her first appearance at the Oasis. My safe return from Oasis 1-4 have convinced her that fear of loss of life or limb are unfounded, even if pictures of past events suggests otherwise.

I have not exactly explained the whole virgin sacrifice thing. I guess I need to consult the Oasis Bylaws and Charter and see if a virgin is defined as a "newly attending guest" or if the interpretation is strictly biblical. Not being the research type I will probably just take the 50/50 chance that she will be returning from Oasis and not meeting a firey death in the hot tub filled with buring 151 rum.

Girl Friday, Belinda to her parents and visiting dignitaries (i.e., wayfarers that wonder into our camp), is excited about the passage. We will also be spending some time in LA both before and after the Oasis exploring locals of tikidom in the So. Cal. asphalt jungles.

Balmy regards to one and all,

Tiki Bob

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