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Tiki Torch Nights at the Mai Kai 4/14/05

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tiki_kiliki posted on 04/05/2005

My first installment of Tiki Torch Nights in South Florida and of course at the Mai Kai.
Go to http://www.tikikiliki.com for details!

Yee-Haw & Aloha,

The World of Tiki Kiliki

[ Edited by: tiki_kiliki on 2005-04-04 21:40 ]

Tikilicious posted on 04/06/2005

OH WOW! This looks SO COOL!!!!

Steve and I are SO THERE. I have heard a tremendous buzz about this at The Mai Kai, actually. I was just there again (Hazel told me I should start paying RENT! lol!) and I couldn't help but overhear the buzz about Tiki Torch Nights. Giddy excitement is in the air!

See you then doll!

~Lenore :)

tiki_kiliki posted on 04/06/2005

The Mai Kai musicians will join us throughout the night between shows as well!! Can't wait to see Mua play with these kats!

Also, there will be drawings from the raffle all night for Tiki Giveaways & drink from the Mai Kai menu!!

Jawa posted on 04/06/2005

Thursday, oh c'mon! How about a nice Saturday evening so I don't have to take a day off work and school? :D

I dream of tiki posted on 04/07/2005

Got a confirmed night off from work on the 14th. Whoohooo! Will be there with bells on.

Having never made it to a Tiki Torch Night in Atlanta, what is the schedule of events for the night? Will there still be several shows? What should we do with ourselves in between?

[ Edited by: I dream of tiki on 2005-04-07 16:02 ]

tiki_kiliki posted on 04/08/2005

There will be lots of Exotica playing in between sets along with raffle prize winners, free drink giveaways, picture ops, surprises from the Mai Kai and lots lots more - the night will dissapear before you know it!

kahukini posted on 04/10/2005

I'll be there. My first tiki event in so long I'll have to search for a Hawaiian shirt :) Somebody get Hanford to correct his calendar, he has it on the 23rd - http://www.tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?topic=12675&forum=4&0

Kailuageoff posted on 04/12/2005

Holy sh*t!. Is that you Ford? I wish I could be there just to give you a hard time. :)

tiki_kiliki posted on 04/12/2005

Hi Geoff -

Looks like the Mai Kai will make a decision on allowing this event to take place on a Saturday night after seeing the turnout for this week which I expect (and hope) to be pretty high. We've got a feature blurb going into the New Times and there's been an insane buzz about the event.

I hope you and Marion can make it out!

Jawa posted on 04/12/2005

On 2005-04-12 08:42, tiki_kiliki wrote:
Hi Geoff -

Looks like the Mai Kai will make a decision on allowing this event to take place on a Saturday night after seeing the turnout for this week which I expect (and hope) to be pretty high. We've got a feature blurb going into the New Times and there's been an insane buzz about the event.

I hope you and Marion can make it out!

That would be really nice! I hope the turnout is fantastic, because if it's high on a Thursday, it will be crazy on a Saturday when people from further away would be able to make it...

Thanks for the update tiki_kiliki!

Kailuageoff posted on 04/12/2005

On 2005-04-12 08:42, tiki_kiliki wrote:
Hi Geoff -

Looks like the Mai Kai will make a decision on allowing this event to take place on a Saturday night after seeing the turnout for this week which I expect (and hope) to be pretty high. We've got a feature blurb going into the New Times and there's been an insane buzz about the event.

I hope you and Marian can make it out!

Marian and I would love to be there, but we are pretty busy this week and Thursday is impossible. If you move it to Saturdays in the future, I'm sure we can make a few of them. Have a great time!

gatorjwade posted on 04/12/2005

I'll be there... :)

Tikilicious posted on 04/13/2005

WHOOHOOO! One more day away! sings "Tomorrow" like little orphan freakin Annie lol!

I can hardly wait! :D

Lenore :wink:

Tikilicious posted on 04/14/2005

Article in The New Times!

Hey everyone check it out!

:wink: :D

Pomaika i posted on 04/14/2005

Wish I could be there! I'm working until 5:30 today and have to be back at 7:30 am tomorrow. The drive from Orlando isn't too bad, but that would seriously eat into my Mai Kai time!

Will someone drink a black magic for me?


Mambo posted on 04/14/2005

See ya'll there!

I dream of tiki posted on 04/15/2005

What a fabulous time! For those of you who could not make it, you were missed. For those who came, glad you made it to participate in the success that it was. Our very own gatorJwade (Jeff) won the mystery drink, and was mighty happy with the dance.

Congratulations to Tiki Kiliki for such a wonderful night. :drink:

Jawa posted on 04/15/2005

Well I hope you all got some photos to post for the people not able to make it!

:tiki: :drink:

Tikilicious posted on 04/15/2005

Oh YES, Steve and I took a TON of photos! When I get back from my doctor's appt. I will be more than happy to post them!

I love that I stayed out drinking at The Mai Kai all night, and that then we all went to the Peter Pan for breakfast at 3 am or whatever time that was, and now I get to go to my doctor's appt. and do bloodwork.


(I forgot about the appointment until my PDA beeped to sadly inform me this morning. lol!)

Last night was SPECTACULAR!!! Congrats to our beloved Miss Tiki Kiliki! :D

Tikilicious posted on 04/15/2005

Here, I will post a quickie teaser pic before I run out the door to the MD!
I like how I am so drunk in this photo, that one of my pupils is way bigger than the other. :D

Be back for more! :D

Lenore & Steve!

[ Edited by: Tikilicious on 2005-04-15 05:42 ]

gatorjwade posted on 04/15/2005

WOW, what a FANTASTIC night at the Mai-Kai! And, to top it off, I received my first Mystery Dance! WOW! :) (I tried, but could not make the Mystery Girl smile. ...I also was unable to keep my eyes on her hands! :) ) Also, that's one BIG drink!

My sincere thanks to my friend Chris who bought several tickets and gave one to 'I Dream of Tiki' and me, and to 'I Dream of Tiki' who donated her ticket to me earlier in the evening. (I guess she figured I would enjoy the Mystery Dance more than she would.... and I think she was right!) Thank you for making this memorable moment possible!

It was wonderful to see many familiar tiki faces that I've not seen since the windy Hukilau, and nice to meet many new friends.

And, last but certainly not least, many THANKS to Tiki Kiliki for putting this event together! You're a fabulous hostess! We're looking forward to the next Tiki Torch Night at the Mai-Kai!....

PS - I'll get some photos posted this weekend...

Mambo posted on 04/16/2005

Super great time! the bands were swinging.
It was great to finally meet some of the Florida ohana.

Tikilicious, I hope I wasnt
annoying you to much with the "cat" calls.
You looked so damn cute with those ears.

Tiki Killiki!!!!

Chip and Andy posted on 04/18/2005

[ Edited by: Chip and Andy 2012-05-01 20:25 ]

Tikilicious posted on 04/18/2005

WOW! Chip and Andy! GREAT pictures! Thanks for posting them! Here is a link to my photos from Tiki Torch Nights at The Mai Kai!

I hope you enjoy!

gatorjwade posted on 04/19/2005

Check out my photos from this GREAT event here: http://www.kodakgallery.com/ShareLandingSignin.jsp?Uc=7uf6fnt.3k9mpulp&Uy=36p05k&Upost_signin=BrowsePhotos.jsp%3FshowSlide%3Dtrue&Ux=0

Note: Click "View Photos" on the bottom, then suggest you select "Slideshow" on the right.

They're low-res so don't purchase prints; if you want high-res, pls e-mail me which ones you want.


Tikilicious posted on 04/19/2005

OH MY GOD JEFF... that last photo of me cheering on Patrick to drink down all that liquid tiki, that was PRICELESS! Im going to have to frame that in a high rez! lol!

Lets email each other, and you tell me which ones of mine you want in high res, and Ill tell you. You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours. (But not so hard that your wife will ask too many questions. Only one or two.)

Thanks for sharing these wonderful photos!


Lenore & Steve!

[ Edited by: Tikilicious on 2005-04-19 08:19 ]

gatorjwade posted on 04/20/2005

Good thinking!... .don't leave any nail scratches!

Will send my list of pics to you... thanks! :)

joefla70 posted on 04/20/2005

Looks like I missed out on a lot of fun!

Say, from the pictures it looks like you were in the banquet room that is apart from the restaurant and bar -- on the other side of the drive way. Is that where you were all night, or did you go back and forth between the banquet room and the molakai bar?

I'm going to be there this Thursday night for my brother's birthday, but we'll be in the main dining room taking in dinner and the show. But hopefully after the show I'll be able to sneak away and get to meet the Florida Ohana.

tiki_kiliki posted on 04/20/2005

You'll have to make it next time! We were actually inside the Mai Kai in the rear dining areas where you're normally seated if you don't attend the dinner show - in rooms Tahiti and Samoa. The Mai Kai was kind enough to move most of the tables and the Hollywood style booths from the area so that there was enough room for everyone.

Let me know what time you're goin' to the Mai Kai on Thursday and I'll try to show up!

joefla70 posted on 04/21/2005

Hi Tiki Kiliki,

We're going to be there for early dinner/show starting at 5:30.

Cosmo Tiki posted on 04/22/2005

Soooo bummed that we missed it! Hubby & I were dying with the flu. We will definately be there next time. Plese reconsider having it on the weekend. Thursday is perfect!!! Lots if the Tiki Ohana (being musicians & all that stuff) won't be able to attend on a Friday or Saturdayt night & that would be very sad =(. Pictures are great thanks for posting them & It looks like another great event by Kiliki! Soooo Coooollll!!!!

Jawa posted on 05/17/2005

Any word on the next tiki torch night at the Mai Kai?

kbgator posted on 06/23/2005

Maybe Tiki Killiki can inform us on the next one. I think it might be set up for July 21st which is on a Thursday night.

tiki_kiliki posted on 06/23/2005

The next Tiki Torch Nights at the Mai Kai is July 14th!! Come and celebrate Bastille Day!! French Polynesia's biggest annual celebration! Details will be announced in just a couple of days.

I dream of tiki posted on 07/03/2005

Tiki Torch nite officially on Thurs, July 14. Ok, South FL TC ohana, you've got the notice in advance. Who is coming???

Be there or.....not be there and wish you did.

[ Edited by: I dream of tiki on 2005-07-03 13:17 ]

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