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Does Mr. Tiki have their own mug?

Pages: 1 7 replies

Atomicchick posted on 04/17/2005

I've heard that they do and I've heard that they don't. Can someone clarify this for me? If they do have their own mug, can someone post a pic?


Monkeyman posted on 04/18/2005

during the first few weeks that they were open, they offered several mass production mugs with their logo on it. I recall being told that they would not be doing it on an ongoing basis but only for the introductory period. I have a short pineapple mug with the Mr. Tiki logo on it.

Atomic Cocktail posted on 04/18/2005

No, but I got some lovely food poisoning from them.

johntiki posted on 04/18/2005

Please excuse my ignorance... what is Mr. Tiki? I've got this vision of a Chucky Cheese-esque restaurant complete with an animatronic tiki front man, serving up foul tasting pizza and watered down Hawaiian Punch that they're trying to pass off as exotic cocktails. Enlighten me... it sounds awful.

Alnshely posted on 04/18/2005

Mr Tiki is pretty cool, Bosko did all the carvings and it is put together real well. The Tikis are real different and very nice.

I borrowed this image from Mach Tiki, it is just one of the "Logo Mugs" they sold.
Here's a link with photos. Mr Tiki Is AOK

[ Edited by: Alnshely on 2005-04-17 23:08 ]

johntiki posted on 04/18/2005

Al, I'm pleased to hear that Mr. Tiki is a real tiki bar... the name kinda threw me - it sounded kinda generic. I don't know how I missed that topic.

stentiki posted on 04/19/2005

Mr. Tiki???

Wow, I've been away too long! Didn't even know about it. Thanks for the link, Al. We'll have to look it up when we're in SD.

Tiki Diablo posted on 04/19/2005

On 2005-04-17 19:37, Atomic Cocktail wrote:
No, but I got some lovely food poisoning from them.

Quit your crying wuusy boy! Next you are going to blame this on my driving! heh ehe he.

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