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Who's watching the new Amazing Race?

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I love this show. Seriously. But how many damn times will one or the other in a couple refer to each other as "baby?" It is a better drinking game than Newhart ever was. You won't get through the first 15 minutes without passing out. "Oh, go baby!" "Baby, look out!" "Good job baby!"

It is really getting to me.

Who are you rooting for?
I know I can't stand Freddy. And I can't stand Hayden. And Jonathan & Victoria? How do they stay married?

I say Jon & Kris... they are the most mellow out of everyone.

[ Edited by: Lake Surfer on 2005-01-14 00:16 ]


On 2005-01-14 00:14, Lake Surfer wrote:
And Jonathan & Victoria? How do they stay married?

I haven't been watching it regularly, but this season has been entertaining. As I said before, it can get repetitive when they always seem to be racing to the airport and every plane seems to have only enough seats for 2/3 of the players. Hmmm.

But J&V are the nastiest couple I've ever seen on TV. How do you spell "spousal abuse"? Seems to me a classic situation of abusive husband and low self esteem wife. "But I know he really loves me..." she says while trying to hide her bruises. They are so over the top that I'm surprised the producers haven't just kicked them off the show on principle. They are probably good for ratings, which makes the whole thing pretty disgusting. I mean, I actually feel dirty having watched them on the show, like it's a Jerry Springer show, only real. I honestly feel that when or if they get eliminated, he's going to go totally apeshit and really hurt her, and that's not a fun thing to think about.


I enjoy Amazing Race! The "BABY" thing has gotten outta control. I think the new rule is very good, e.g. no player can do more than 6 road blocks, now maybe Jonathan will have to do some difficult tasks instead of having Victoria do them all. I got Lori/Bolo in my office pool, but would not be upset if Jon/Kris wins.


[ Edited by: Tiki Bird on 2005-02-08 18:35 ]

yep, love the show. just got back into watching it last night after missing a few episodes.


[ Edited by: tikichic 2005-10-06 07:03 ]


Oh. My. Gawd. Their website is hilarious! Jonathan said he was a director, so off to IMDB I went. His bio there is a howl, too. Consider this tidbit:

"There is often no telling where Baker's passion for instilling happiness in others will lead him next, maybe to CBS's The Amazing Race 6 where he will spin one of his many characters into on screen entertainment."

And then there's this:

"Baker was also involed in Dorf on Golf a spoof on golf starring Tim Conway."


So, "instilling happiness" is what he does?

Man, if I were going to write a spoof website of the most self-involved, clueless couple in the world, it would look just like their site. They give other ego-driven, L.A. entertainment types a bad name.


Hey for anybody still watching Amazing Race, the season finale is on 2hrs tonight!

for more info...




Hopefully one of the roadblocks will involve cutting the hair-horns off Adam.

ahaha, good one tiki bot!

I reeeally hope they don't win, Adam drives me up the wall.


We'll be watching and I'm cheering for Kris & John.

Mrs 8FT is pulling for Rebecca and no Adam.



If you haven't already been doing so, the 're-caps' of TAR on TelevisionWithoutPity are hysterical & you should check them out! (Miss Alli is the best!)

I used to want Hayden & Aaron to win - now I can't stand them. Especially Hayden. Blecch.

I honstly, truly hate "I'll break you in half!" Freddy and "Ghetto Africa" Kendra - I wouldn't care if they simply died on the road somewhere.

I'd be OK with Adam & Rebecca winning, even though big-baby Adam and his stupid-ass hair have bugged me for months. I like Rebecca, I just wish she wasn't so damn wishy-washy.

But for me, it's Kris & Jon all the way - they have been the most gracious visitors, honest competitors and all-around nicest players this game has seen in any season!

Oh, and I still hate Jonathan, even though his abusive, blue-haired ass got eliminated weeks ago. And yes, his & Victoria's website is pretty f*ckin' funny (even though it's not supposed to be!)


How do they get on the same train ayt O Hare and then end up at Gino's East so much later than that winning team? That's the Chicago stop, the Water Tower is a 3 minute walk, it's on Michigan! There is a cab every six seconds. Unbelievable, just where were they trying to get a cab?

The second place team were the only ones I could possibly stomach after the two sisters were eliminated after looking for envelopes in the hay. I like to watch the series for the locations, very interesting. There's not a hell of a lot of strategy. It seems to come down to hailing cabs, as it did for the race that ended up here in SF.

This race was difficult to watch, some good-looking people with very ugly personalities and dispositions. It was pitiful at times. It's a fun show, nice concept, but wow, some of this race's "highlights" were rather disturbing.


Wife-beater Jonathan wins the award for "Can you tell by the look on my face that the last place on Earth I wanna be is this finish line with all the other losers?"

Too bad K & J didn't win. They were so consistantly positive and upbeat, and not insincerely. Every time they tore open an envelope they were like "All-right! Let's go!" And they didn't have even a hint of sourness when they lost.

Yes it was so sad that they lost by a train. My heart was going a mile a minute.

Unfortunately, I missed the first half because I couldn't tear myself away from my new book.(PAD)

Next one's starting March 1st? I can't wait to see what the next group is like!


I dont know if anybody is interested but Jonathan & Victoria are going to be on the Dr. Phill show next tuesday @ 9pm on channel 2 i believe. Dr. Phill is shown grilling Jonathan about his behavior on the Amazing Race.


[ Edited by: Tiki Bird on 2005-02-09 11:30 ]


[ Edited by: tikichic 2005-10-06 07:02 ]


[ Edited by: tikichic 2005-10-06 07:02 ]


[ Edited by: tikichic 2005-10-06 07:01 ]

Boston Rob and 'Ambuh's ass is SMOKIN!'
from Survivor All-Stars are on next season!

This should be great! I wish there were a few less 'engaged models/actors' on the show, too much television pretty isn't a good thing on a reality show. It is my favorite, ever since they did away with Celebrity Boxing :)
mrs. pineapple


Kris has to be one of the coolest females this show has ever had on it. I'm a guy, so I didn't focus on John too much, but he seemed cool as well. Too bad Freddy and Kendra won, they were pathetic people who didn't need the money, according to what Kendra said in a recent interview.

OK - last night Gretchen and Meredith officially became the oldest couple to make it to the final four, it would be great, except man is she annoying?? He voice has been stuck in this skreechy, whiny, worry-wart mode for the last few weeks! I hope Rob and Amber make it to the end, they are gamers, and I love that everyone hates them. The beauty queen/POW team are pretty disfunctional, and the scenes from next week show her telling him 'you avoid committment in everything' to which he replies 'I committed to the US ARMY?' and she says " yeah but you 'got out of it' by being captured and held POW" YIKES???? Hello- earth to beauty queen...
I really like this show, this season is pretty good, despite her annoying voice, I like the oldsters! and NO ENGAGED MODELS this time!!

I love Romber! Rob is just killing me. Where were they, Africa? Some lady says, "Boston Rob - I'm so excited!". Mrs. P., I was thinking the same thing about Gretchen. Man, she was getting screechy. She complained that they had "a slow elephant". Yes, Gretchen it would have been better if you had helped push it. It would have been easier to push if you hadn't perched yourself on top of it...

Didn't the beauty queen call her ex-soldier white trash a week or two ago? She characterized just what type of white trash, but I can't remember the whole insult. Oy.

I liked them on Survivor, they totally get it, it's a game! The whole thing about the car flipping in Africa, I was thinking, what are Rob and Amber gonna do? there's a truck load of production people on the way, with doctors, I'm so sure the 2 gay stylists from LA are going to help in a meaingful way :wink: They also really seem to be having fun, and they don't fight or bicker, and use humor to cajole people into helping them. No to mention Ambuh's smokin' ass!

On 2005-04-20 10:51, mrs. pineapple wrote:

I really like this show, this season is pretty good, despite her annoying voice, I like the oldsters! and NO ENGAGED MODELS this time!!

They should have an "Oldsters Edition Amazing Race" to make it more fair when it comes down to heavy running and such. I'm sure there would be just as much intrigue, not to mention spry 'oldsters' outwitting each other is always good fun to watch.

I always look forward to it, I love the whining, the bitching, the excitement, I even love to hate some of the contestants. I spend most of the time yelling at the tv, or rolling my eyes. No wonder the cats look at me funny! I get really involved in the show, which is so much fun.

The senior lady exclaiming 'we have a bad elephant!' was great. She should have gotten out to help, and she regretted her decision when the task was over. Merediiitthh!
I really enjoyed seeing them get all the attention from fans in India, that must have been quite a thrill. The other teams didn't get close to that. Go senior citizens!



That couple gets WAY too many breaks, they should have been eliminated ages ago, but yet theyre they still are. I think the producers mus be keeping them in to keep the senior citizen demographic watching. He's ok, but her? OY! MEREDDDIIIIIIITH!


I think after this season, there ready for Amazing Race All-Stars Race. What teams do you think should be on?


I think there should also be a best-of-the-worst show, a second chance for teams that bickered and bitched their way through their first game.

I really hope Ron and his pagent queen girlfrind don't win. I can't stand his demand for respect as a POW. That's not a profession! Sorry dude, you have to earn my respect, not justify it with your past experiences. And by the way? Your woman doesn't seem to respect you either. As much as I can't stand you, I think she needs to go.

In addition to all the comments made about Rob and Amber passing by the rolled SUV, the host couldn't resist piling on, too. The production company is ready with a back-up in that kind of situation. This was demonstrated when the queens had a problem with that inflatable boat that failed on them a few episodes back. Proper help is always on standby.

If one of those folks had been seriously injured, what are the other contestants supposed to do? Move someone that has possibly sustained a back injury? Wrong. There is nothing they could do to help. Amazing Race is a meritocracy. You win by being faster and sharper, period. Contestants' displays of concern can get them ahead in a more social game like Survivor. In Amazing Race it will cost them. But boy, they were all so self-righteous, weren't they?

As for the POW "demanding" respect, I must have missed that. In any case, I sure don't begrudge him.



I watch the show because my wife does, and I like it for the most part. What I like most about it is that there is no voting to determine the team that gets eliminated... the team that is elimintated is the team that finishes last. (This is the part of Survivor that I hate.. because after the merge, they'll just vote off the stronger players... so you're left with the survival of the mediocre.)

Anyway, having said that, the one thing that frustrates me to no end about The Amazing Race is when the 1st team starts out the day with a several hour lead -- only to get to an airport, train or bus station, etc. and have to wait 6 hours until the plane/train/bus departs -- and then everyone in the race catches up!!! What is the point of gaining a lead in the race when the show is going to make the start times in such a way that the lead dissappears at the start of every show! The only thing I can figure is that they don't want a good team to gain such a lead that they can't be overcome... and they want everyone to be working on the same tasks/obstacles at the same time so that each show has a theme. Otherwise, I guess the leading team could be already on to the next city doing an new task while the last team is still in the previous city doing the previous task. But it is still infuriating to watch that happen, and I often get up and leave the room and do something else when that happens.


[ Edited by: tikichic 2005-10-06 07:00 ]

yeah! the new AR:Family Edition started last night! So far my favorite Family is the marathon family, with the little kids! Most annoying are the blond sisters or the trash-man's family from NJ with the crazy mom and ungrateful teenage boys,

I was planning on watching, but chatting on Shout! proved to be more entertaining, so I missed the whole episode. Next week I'll catch it.

Unfortunately, I'm going to hate to see families at each other's throats, it's inevitable.

So far they seem to be very giddy and excited, I'm thinking that won't last long. I'm also thinking there may be a lot of crying, which would be sad to watch.

The first team to get eliminated had 2 little boys and they both started to tear up when they realized it was over, and of course I did too. The teams are interesting, the four blond sisters (their own description, not me making stereotypes...) are really annoying, they make a huge deal out of saying they aren't dumb blonds, then they proceed to act like complete idiots and shriek and high five... there is another team of 20 something siblings, from Ohio, they'll kill each other by the end! One of the traditional family teams, mom, dad, son & daughter, started out with the dad saying, he believed that as the father, he was supposed to make ALL decisions for the family, like in the bible, ooookay. And my favorite surreal disclosure, the family who lost their father, the dad worked at a race track and they sent him out to pick up debris on the track, during a race, and he got hit by a race car. I'm trying to imagine this. No better not...


I'm a hardcore TAR fan - I've watched every season religiously and buddy of mine and I plan on trying out for the next season that it's back to two-person teams again. We watch not just for the enjoyment of the show/competition, but to plot & strategize what we would do in a similar situation.
I'm not sure how long the teams with little kids will fare this time around, but the best quote of the night came from the adorably cute and precocious little girl after her family completed the Amish buggy challenge. While their folks pushed and pulled the buggy whole time, she and her brother got to ride in it, without actually 'doing' anything. Her brother made a point of thanking his parents and apologizing for not being able to help much in the challenge, saying "I'm sorry I wasn't much help." His sisters' response to that: "Get used to it, dork!" It was classic! I don't think her family is long for the game, but as of this moment, she's my favorite racer.
BTW, if'n you want to read the most entertaining recaps of this show (or many others), check out Miss Alli on Television Without Pity

Oh, and if you're in my neighborhood around 9:00 on a Tuesday, stop by and watch with us!

yeah Z, that was funny! I don't know though, that family is the marathoners, the kids run 10 k's, and they said in their intro video, 'they aren't afraid to use their cuteness to get ahead...' my money's on them!

mrs. P

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