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Bond, James Bond

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trustar posted on 11/23/2002

Yes, belive it or not, I have another great passion if my life other then tiki. James Bond. I have a very large collection of everything Bond including movies, books, toys, pictures, signed movie memorbilia and anything else Bond within financial reach.

Guess where I was last night!

Opening night of the new and 20th Bond film, Die Another Day. It was great, really great.
One of the things that stood out that I had to share with mi tiki familia was the temporary change Bond made from his signature drink (vodka martini, shaken not stirred) to a very large, sweaty Mojito. It looked really good with Hally Berry and the Cuban coastline. I'm not to big on alot of mint but it sure tasty. I know Big Al would appreciate it.

Any other Bond nuts out there?

James Bond, my hero


Tiki Diablo posted on 11/24/2002

Oh yeah! But I think Sean C. was the best. I got all of his 007 movies. The cuban coast, with a mojito, that's been checked off my list, now I got to get a car like his with a license to kill.Well maybe just the car and some gizmos.

atomictonytiki posted on 11/24/2002

Big Sean is the only true James Bond, but I'm biased coz I live in Edinburgh and Big Sean is a folk god round here. He used to have a job as a milkman in edinburgh and if everybody who claims to have had there milk delivered by Sean really had there milk delivered by him, then he had the biggest milk round in history, no wonder he gave it up and became an actor.
But my flat mates mum used to say hello to sean connerys milk horse every morning because it lived in a field oppisite to her house.

Alnshely posted on 11/25/2002

Yeah, I saw bond opening night. I liked the mojito in Cuba.I liked the movie. Two thumbs up.

tikifish posted on 11/25/2002

Mr Tikifish and I also saw opening night.
One of my plans for him is the moment he gets his Canadian Citizenship, I am taking him to Cuba!


Alnshely posted on 12/06/2002

You know Paul,
I was trying to remember what Tiki related thing I saw in "DAD", now I remember. When Bond Had it out with Mr.Kill (big, tough, Fijian Islander) Did mr Kill Pull a cannibal fork out of his ponytail?. Did anyone see this?. I think it was a cannibal fork.

Futura Girl posted on 12/06/2002

Actually, we were a bit disappointed in the latest Bond flick. We went on a Bond rampage and watched about 10 of the films before seeing the new one over Thanksgiving weekend.
Sean was the best Bond, but Pierce is #2 in line as a believable double OO.

But the new film was way too mannered - the Mission Impossible fast video techniques were distracting and the surf sequence in the artic was just plain bad C.G. The thing that makes Bond films distinctive from other action thrillers is that so many of the stunts are genuine. And I felt like I was watching video game graphics when the iceberg broke - did anyone else notice this?
Madonna as a lesbian fencing instructor - now that's another discussion :)

I think "The World is Not Enough" has been Pierce's best film to date and the theme song by Garbage reminded me of the earlier catchy main title songs with Shirley Bassey crooning.

Just my 2 cents in exchange for the $18 tickets.

Trader_Rick posted on 12/06/2002

Your ALL wrong. George Lazenby was the best Bond!

Yes, an Australian model with zero acting ability was the perfect choice to follow Sean Connery. What the hell were they thinking?

See 1969's "On Her Majesty's Secret Service" to know who I'm talking about. This guy sucks. And he wear's a ruffled shirt,too, and I think that's where Austin Powers got the idea. I guess he gets some coolness points for being more pirate-like, though.

No one could top Sean Connery!

Shipwreckjoey posted on 12/29/2002

You guys left out Casino Royale, which was kind of like James Bond meets Barbarella on acid after a Hard Day's Night.

mrtikibar posted on 12/29/2002

I never saw Casino Royale but I think David Niven was Bond in that movie.

Tiki_Bong posted on 12/29/2002


Where the hell you been brah? Let's hook up and toast one (or two).

trustar posted on 01/05/2003


It's been a very un-tiki last couple of months in the land of Trustar. Since we did our last Bash-type of event we have done nothing except going to the local witch doctors and work. I missed Baxdog's shindig at the last minute after being sticken with an ancient curse. What a wienie! We were ready to go with the grand kids and RV when disaster struck. Mo better now. About the only tiki that I have been able to partake in is buying and setting up Gage's own Tiki Bar for Christmas. We hit up Ben's shop and bought him one of the smaller surfboard type bars with thatched hut tops. With a couple of tikis on the front and the mugs Gage has already collected, he already has a cool setup. I'm goint to try the famous "Big Al" method to post some pictures. This cool six year old has a tiki bar that many TC'rs would die for.

Hopefully the horizons of 2003 look better for fun. Hope we can hook up soon.


Kylos The Jackal posted on 01/08/2003

Hey you cats,

A Tikitastic bonjourno from Snowy Haggisland.

The word from Connery HQ is that Die another Day is the worst Jimmy Bond outing since View to a Kill !

An invisible car, feasible yes, but used briefly to hide in ? Poor. Hardly any classic lines, no suave cunning, general slapstick antics, baaaaad effects and as for the shameless phillishave, mobile phone and rum adverts - sloppy.

Fully agree with Futura girl, The world is not enough was superior and the best for yonks !

Best ever ? From Russia wih love ...

Happy new year from across the pond !

"I've had hanovers, but this time even my hair hurts"

[ Edited by: Kylos The Jackal on 2003-01-08 10:40 ]

emspace posted on 01/10/2003

Bond, bossa nova, Tiki...ah, the joy of growing up in the 60s! These are the things that have made me the man I am today. And on the subject of Casino Royale, that's where Sergio Mendes and Brasil '66 debuted their version of Bacharach's "The Look Of Love".

I didn't mind "Die...". Brosnan is my 2nd-favorite Bond (though as a kid I detested him because he's so damn good-looking), and even got a bit choked up when Moneypenny's fantasy sequence came on, but it's a fact: 9 out of 10 Bondophiles know there is and always will be only one TRUE Bond: the man from Haggisland himself.

underneath de mango tree,

christiki295 posted on 11/21/2006

Has anyone seen Casino Royale?

Is it a travesty, or is it OK. I'm not sure I can handle Bond drinking Smirnoff without gagging.

I know I can't handle his line regarding his martini.


New Rule: You can't tell me you're making James Bond up to date when he's still wearing a tuxedo to the casino. Have you been to Laughlin, Nevada? You're lucky if the player sitting next to you puts in his teeth! You know how you can tell a high roller? His sweatpants are clean! There's a name for people who wear tuxedos in casinos: magicians.

-Real Time with Bill Maher 11/17/06


Monkeyman posted on 11/21/2006

I saw it twice in two days.... It has my stamp of approval.

Daniel Craig is a beleivable Bond who could really do some ass whipping if necessary.

A nice touche to the movie were showing cuts and bleeding on his knuckles after he returned to the poker table following a fight.

James Bond SHOULD look beat up.... not neat and tidy...

Cammo posted on 11/21/2006

Has anybody seen "Layer Cake"? That's next on my to-view list. The same guy plays a slick Bondesque anti-hero.

aikiman44 posted on 11/21/2006

Saw Layer Cake and loved it. When the new Bond was named I knew that he'd be the best since Connery. Haven't seen it yet, but the reviews seem to back me up.

teaKEY posted on 11/22/2006

James Bond SHOULD look beat up.... not neat and tidy... "-probably not true but a welcomed change. I like Golden Eye and then what ever those were that followed, not good. The new Bond was a must to keep up with the times. The others were cheesy and outdated. This one is going to be hard for Austin Powers to make fun of.

thistle posted on 11/22/2006

I told my Dh that over the T'giving holiday, when all the relatives are in town, that I wanted to see the new Bond movie. The reviews sound great...

VampiressRN posted on 11/30/2006

I am a huge Bond fan. I have seen every movie on the first day they premiered in the theaters. I was only 8 years old when my older cousin (who was in the navy) took me to see Dr. No. I was hooked from the first white dot that marched across the screen. My favorite is Sean...but Craig did a fabulous job and I think has really captured the fan base again. I also liked Dalton & Brosnan, they did nice jobs in the role. Lazenby....he was OK. I didn't care much for Moore...he was too comic book for me. But what I really love is the Bond character. The movies are exciting with great cars, fabulous locals, killer music, and then there is the famous martini. Glad to hook up with other Bond fans here. :)

Coco Loco posted on 11/30/2006

We saw it on Tuesday. We want to see it again. This movie was great! It wasn't until we got out of the movie that I realized that it's a pre-quill. It was cool to see Bond as a bad ass rookie. Daniel Craig is my favorite Bond. And I thought I'd never say that.

[ Edited by: Coco Loco 2006-11-30 09:40 ]

cheeky half posted on 11/30/2006

Only real problem was the total lack of chemistry between Bond and Vesper. Total.
Oh, and Bond driving a Ford. Although there was enough Aston Martin-age to overcome that silly bit of product placement.

tikibars posted on 11/30/2006

The worsst shame of Lazenby as Bond was that aside from his presence in OHMSS, it is one of the very best Bond films - if Connery had done this one, it would be aces.

I am fond of Dalton too - he played Bond closest to Fleming's original vision of the character.

Anyone here a fan of the original novels? Good stuff, and very different from the films. Fewer gadgets, no slapstick, usually only one girl per book, and continuity from story to story (each picks up where the last one left off, and sometimes with cliffhangers - like Bond having amnesia at the end of You Only Live Twice, and having to prove himself to M again in Man with the Golden Gun).

[ Edited by: tikibars 2007-04-21 21:38 ]

Chip and Andy posted on 12/01/2006

On 2006-11-30 10:23, cheeky half wrote:
Only real problem was the total lack of chemistry between Bond and Vesper. Total.
Oh, and Bond driving a Ford. Although there was enough Aston Martin-age to overcome that silly bit of product placement.

The product placement was a bit odd in this film.... Have you ever been in an airport that had a vending machine for Beer (Heiniken)? The Ford thing was laughable, but Ford would be kind of exotic if you were on the Riveara.... Well, maybe not.

The lack of chemistry between Bond and Vesper was the result of her being so thin that Bond couldn't see her to be attracted to her. If she turned sideways she disappeared.

The film was really excellent and I really appreciated the fact that it was a prequel and that they didn't try to do it in flashbacks or any other kind of 'trick'. And, I would like to direct your attention to the fact that the incidental music during the film did not run with the continuous Bond Riff that we all know so well. There actually wasn't a lot of incidental music in the film which is a nice switch from having an entire film telegraphed by the building music.

My only real gripe with the new Bond is he was a little too pumped up to be a British Spy. Not overly pumped like a body builder, just a bit bigger than he ought to be and only really noticeabl when he is shirtless.

cheeky half posted on 12/01/2006

On 2006-11-30 17:46, Chip and Andy wrote:
"My only real gripe with the new Bond is he was a little too pumped up to be a British Spy. Not overly pumped like a body builder, just a bit bigger than he ought to be and only really noticeabl when he is shirtless."

Ah, yes. But the torture scene wouldn't have been nearly so good if he was wearing clothes. Ouch.

I also missed the classic opening 'bouncing dot' thingy.

And who's to say British Spy's can't be "pumped up"? We're not all like Harry Palmer you know.....Now THERE was a classy classic spy.

Dr.TikiMojo posted on 12/02/2006

On 2006-11-29 20:48, VampiressRN wrote:

The movies are exciting with great cars, fabulous locals, killer music, and then there is the famous martini. Glad to hook up with other Bond fans here. :)


Besides all that other great stuff Bond movies always bring some of the HOTTEST ACTRESSES to the screen....not as many this time but enough eye candy to keep the good Doctor's sweet tooth satisfied! :D

VampiressRN posted on 12/03/2006

LOL...oh yeah...I guess there are a few of those. My favorite Bond girl was Ursula Andress as Honey Ryder in Dr No...she really was the ipitomy of the classic Bond babe. My all time favorite though is Judi Dench as M. She does a fabulous job and doesn't have to wear a bikini to turn Bond's head. :drink:

Thomas posted on 12/03/2006

On 2006-11-21 09:55, King Bushwich the 33rd wrote:
...Have you been to Laughlin, Nevada? You're lucky if the player sitting next to you puts in his teeth!...
-Real Time with Bill Maher 11/17/06

Well, we've got classy joints here too. All are welcome. But yes, informality is the rule, and if you dress up nicely you'll still find yourself amidst guys wearing tank tops with slogans like, "Avoid hangovers -- Keep drinking." A bit banal sometimes, but there are worse annoyances. Wearing a tux would signify that you are either entertainment or part of a wedding. But hey, we've got a river and three lakes. Take that, Vegas!

VampiressRN posted on 12/03/2006

A tux might also indicate a Bondwannabe!!!


Monkeyman posted on 12/07/2006

cheeky half.... you crack me up.

I thought I was the only one who noticed the ridiculous ford product placement.

The DB5 flipping down the road almost made up for it...

And Dalton too was a favorite bond of mine.

Vesper.... why bother putting her in the film. She was essentially a mobile moneypenny with bad judgement. Big difference is that in her heyday Lois Maxwell was much more attractive (imo).

cheeky half posted on 12/07/2006

Yeah, that flipping Aston was pretty darn good. Leading up to it, the dolly shot of Bond running to it, climbing in and tearing off with wheels a-spinning was very well done too.

And as I said earlier, Best....Torture....Scene.....Ever.

Gotta say, Just when you think they can't come up with anything new, once in a rare while some clever scribe has a moment of pure inspiration.

Lois Maxwell was hot. Much like Helen Mirren. "Thinking Man's Crumpet" as we say back in The Old Country.

See, MM. There's plenty of lively conversation left to have on TC. It's just not neccessarily "On Topic".

Well, maybe it's not really that lively either.

VampiressRN posted on 12/07/2006

(Here is a nice little article. That Perla bathing suit he wore can hardly be kept in stock....interesting.)

Daniel Craig: The reluctant Bond
By Victoria Lindrea
Entertainment reporter, BBC News

Daniel Craig as James Bond
The actor considered turning down the 007 role
Daniel Craig is a serious actor. Hailed for his literary-minded roles in films such as Enduring Love and as poet Ted Hughes in Sylvia, he has also revealed a darker side in Layer Cake and Steven Spielberg's Munich.

So he was understandably reluctant to give up a versatile career to camp it up as British super-spy James Bond - a role not typically associated with serious actors.

"I don't think I would have taken the role if it had been a continuation of Bond as we knew him, it just wouldn't have interested me," Craig, 38, tells the BBC News website.

"There have been a lot of incarnations of Bond, and the role has changed a lot."

"As far as I was concerned, the script I got was an actor's piece, so I was absolutely into doing it."

Daniel Craig as James Bond
Craig's Bond is marked by bruises and a new-found fallibility

Casino Royale, the first book in the Ian Fleming series, takes 007 back to the beginning of his career.

"It was important for me to discover who this guy was. By starting at the beginning, as we do with Casino Royale - we were able to do that," explains Craig.

And when it came to character development, he was allowed "off the leash" on set.

"I just wanted to make sure that we were seeing a character go through some change within the movie.

"I started doing it, and nobody said stop - so I just carried on."


Any initial misgivings Craig had about taking the role can only have grown after the press and fans lambasted "the blond Bond", months before the film was released.

But now critics are arguing he may be the best Bond ever. But Craig insists it was not a question of having the final word.

"I wasn't looking for vindication. I'm just very happy with the response," he says.

We couldn't afford to make the movie unless we had that product placement
Daniel Craig

"You have to try not to take any of the negativity that comes your way and twist that in on yourself.

"I wouldn't have made a commitment to this film unless I thought I could enjoy it - you need that energy level to get through a movie like this."

Sex symbol

He made a point of doing as many of his own stunts, but admits the process could be "painful"."The toughest set-piece was probably the opening sequence in Madagascar," recalls Craig, who found himself on the heel of a bomb-maker played by Sebastien Foucan, who developed the art of Parkour - or free running.

"Running up the side of a building is emotionally daunting, but it's physically hard work too."

"At the same time, it's exhilarating too," he adds.

Daniel Craig as James Bond
The scene is a pastiche of the Ursula Andress scene in Dr No

Craig's physique has been much remarked upon, but he can only blush at the suggestions that he is becoming a sex symbol.

"It's just part of the film," he mutters when asked about the much-trailed scene which sees him emerging from the sea in a pair of well-fitted swimming trunks.

A lavish list of luxury goods also features in the film, and it is almost impossible to avoid the designer labels on screen.

But Craig insists the plethora of product placement does not detract from the action.

"The fact is, we couldn't afford make the movie unless we had that product placement. It's there and we're very grateful that it's there because otherwise the film couldn't be what it is," he says.

"If I think it's too much then I will push it out of the way, but I don't think it really infringes. After all, it's what Bond is all about."

Real world

Daniel Craig as James Bond
Craig will return in the 22nd Bond film in 2008

While admitting to the pleasure of driving an Aston Martin, Craig's feet remain very much in the real world.

With films like His Dark Materials and The Invasion - a sci-fi thriller co-starring Nicole Kidman - due out next year, he seems determined to avoid being typecast as Bond.

"Nothing has changed. I'm reading scripts, I'm trying to find other stuff I want to do - as I've always done," he says.

But 007 has made Craig an international star, and there is no sign of his earlier reluctance to embrace the role.

"I'm very excited about the idea of going on and doing another movie. That was always the aim, to set something up so that we could continue the series."

Bond, as they say, will be back.

roguespy007 posted on 04/18/2007


I just joined the forum and someone mentioned this thread to me. I had to post here since I'm a huge 007 fan. My favorite Bond is still Sean Connery. Growing up my brother and I always debated over who was better. I liked Connery and he liked Roger Moore the best. My favorite Bond movie of Sean's was Goldfinger. It always had my favorite theme song. I love Shirley Bassey's voice. I'm a huge fan of a lot of the old spy movies of the Sixties era. What's not to love. You have beautiful woman, martinis, exotic locales, awesome cars, theme songs, etc. I did really love Casino Royale. When I heard that Daniel Craig was cast as Bond, I had no problem with it. I had seen him recently in Layer Cake. I loved that movie. I thought he was up for the job with what they wanted to do with Bond. I liked that Bond got bruised and battered in this movie. Craig instantly impressed me with his interpretation of Bond. I can't wait to see him again don the tux. Another Bond I really liked was Timothy Dalton. The Living Daylights is one of my favorite 007 flicks. Recently I went back and watched his two Bond movies. I realized that I liked him even more now than before. By the way, I've been working on starting a MySpace page. It's not totally like I want it yet, but I've been putting some Bond and other spy stuff up there. Check it out if you like.


Some Bond questions here for ya.

Who's your favorite Bond villain?
Who's your favorite Bond girl?
What's your favorite Bond theme song?

Talk to you later,

VampiressRN posted on 04/21/2007

Hey rogue....welcome again to TC. I have some of the same likes as you, but here are my faves.

Favorite Bond villain = Fatima Blush
Favorite Bond girl = Honey Rider
Favorite Bond theme song = Thunderball (also my favorite movie)

I also really like Shirley Bassey's voice and "Goldfinger" was her best. I am quite partial to "You Know My Name" by Cornell and "The World Is Not Enoughh" by Garbage.

I have this as my desktop picture....probably one of my favorite scenes (it is from Dr. No).

FATIMA BLUSH: Oh, how reckless of me. I made you all wet.
JAMES BOND: Yes, but my martini is still dry.


[ Edited by: VampiressRN 2007-04-20 20:43 ]

MrBaliHai posted on 04/21/2007

So, what's everybody's favorite Bond spoof? I'm torn between In Like Flint and the first Casino Royale film with David Niven and Woody Allen. I'm not counting the Austin Powers films because they were spoofs of the spoofs.

Also, I just discovered Weng Weng, AKA Agent '00, the midget Philipino star of the hilarious low-budget spoof For Your Height Only.

Cammo posted on 04/21/2007

I like the original Casino Royale for the theme song! Best Bond Theme of all time, Herb da bro! Saw it recently on DVD on a big component TV and it's an amazing movie if taken as a series of 1/2 hour segments. It reflects the swinging 60's as well as The Magic Christian or Bedazzled.

If you like Bond spoofs, get the 'Sinister Cinema' catalogue, it has a spy section that lists pages of Bondoid flicks that all look great.

MrBaliHai posted on 04/21/2007

On 2007-04-21 08:32, Cammo wrote:
I like the original Casino Royale for the theme song! Best Bond Theme of all time, Herb da bro!

Definitely my favorite Herb Alpert song, but I have to give Best Bond Theme props to Tom Jones' version of "Thunderball"...sends chills up my spine every time I hear it. Hearing him sing it live was transcendent.

If you like Bond spoofs, get the 'Sinister Cinema' catalogue, it has a spy section that lists pages of Bondoid flicks that all look great.

I'll have to take a look at their new catalog. I ordered "Secret Agent Super Dragon" on VHS from them many years ago.

VampiressRN posted on 04/22/2007

That wang wang was funny. My favorite spoof is the one I posted above, but here it is again in case you missed it. I still like Austin Powers too. :wink:


spy-tiki posted on 04/22/2007

I've been trying to keep my inner geek in check during this thread, but can't take it anymore. Yep, into Bond too. Casino Royale was fantastic and I hope they can keep the winning streak going.

As far as spoofs and other spy films...there's a thin line. There were hundreds of spy films in the 60's. Most of them awful, but pretty enjoyable in their awfulness...and a few good ones. 007 was at the top of the list, but try the two Bulldog Drummond spy flicks "Deadlier Than The Male" and "Some Girls Do". The first one is the best. There's a goofy one called, "Operation Kid Brother" starring.........Neil Connery (Sean's Brother) with a bunch of cast members from the Bond films. Everyone knows the Flint and Matt Helm films, of course although I'd put them farther down the list.

The list goes on and on, but check out the Euro Spy Web Board for more info... I have a little Spy music site you might enjoy called Spy Bop Royale

roguespy007 posted on 04/23/2007

Wow. Everybody is coming up with really great posts in this thread.

Vampiress: That's an awesome wallpaper you've got on your pc right now.

My favorite Bond villain is Francisco Scaramanga.
My favorite Bond girl is Mary Goodnight.
My favorite Bond theme song is Goldfinger.

I do really like all those you mentioned Vampiress.

I do love the Thunderball song. One reason is I'm a huge Tom Jones fan. At first I didn't really like Chris Cornell's song for Casino Royale. It grew on me and now I like it. I liked the one from The Living Daylights. Garbage's song for The World Is Not Enough is probably about my favorite of the ones from the Brosnan Bond movies.

I love a lot of the 60's spy movies, which mostly were cheesy spoofs. Matt Helm is one of my favorites. I'm a huge Dean Martin fan so I loved those, especially Murderer's Row which co-starred Ann-Margret. I also liked the Derek Flint flicks. Some others I liked are Deadlier Than The Male, Fathom, and the original Casino Royale. I do like Austin Powers a lot.

My page on myspace has some stuff about some of these movies.

Cool links everybody.

[ Edited by: roguespy007 2007-04-22 20:18 ]

roguespy007 posted on 04/28/2007

This thread has been quiet for about a week now. I thought I would let everyone know that yesterday I posted my first blog entry on James Bond on my MySpace page. I've got some stuff about Bond and other Sixties era spy movies on my page. This is the first blog entry though I've done about Bond. Check it out.


VampiressRN posted on 04/29/2007

Here is a link to a board I used to post on. A lot of passionate posters there with differnt opinions, and can get crazy at times. They are pretty tight with bandwidth too, but there are great links to Bond stuff and really up to date with the latest info. I can assure you the board is very busy prior to new releases of movies, dvds, events, etc.

roguespy007 posted on 04/30/2007

On 2007-04-29 11:55, VampiressRN wrote:
Here is a link to a board I used to post on. A lot of passionate posters there with differnt opinions, and can get crazy at times. They are pretty tight with bandwidth too, but there are great links to Bond stuff and really up to date with the latest info. I can assure you the board is very busy prior to new releases of movies, dvds, events, etc.

Thanks for the link. It sounds great. I'm always looking for new communities about James Bond and so forth. I look forward to checking it out. Another one I've been going to lately is:


R Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/ef6d45b2af7931cfa31c5b2ab3ed91a0?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
rugbymatt posted on 04/30/2007

Velveteen Lounge's husband Paul has the original Casino Royal soundtrack on reel to reel (still great quality) it is a must have.

spy-tiki posted on 05/01/2007

And let me add this...(regarding the euro knock-offs). Most of them are really bad. Almost unwatchably bad. The ones I mentioned are pretty fun and one other series was just released on a cheap DVD collection. "Kommissar X". There are three films in this package. There may have been 5 films made. Anyway, they are ridiculous enough to be really enjoyable and they deliver on all the spy cliche´s. The box has a cheap porn type photo on it. Don't let it fool you.

roguespy007 posted on 05/03/2007

On 2007-04-30 17:01, spy-tiki wrote:
And let me add this...(regarding the euro knock-offs). Most of them are really bad. Almost unwatchably bad. The ones I mentioned are pretty fun and one other series was just released on a cheap DVD collection. "Kommissar X". There are three films in this package. There may have been 5 films made. Anyway, they are ridiculous enough to be really enjoyable and they deliver on all the spy cliche´s. The box has a cheap porn type photo on it. Don't let it fool you.

I'm going to have to check those out. I love bad movies that are so cheesy and awful that they are quite enjoyable to watch.

Oh yeah. I did love Deadlier than the Male. I haven't seen it in awhile now though. I did have an old vhs copy of it. I need to get it on DVD.

This weekend I'm rewatching Fathom starting Raquel Welch. It's been awhile since I've watched it, but all this spy talk got me wanting to see it again.

[ Edited by: roguespy007 2007-05-03 11:34 ]

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