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Tiki sightings, not in movies!

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TikiJones posted on 06/16/2002

Since there is not a tread for tiki sightings that are not in movies, here we go. Since I have two daughters I get to watch a ton of cartoons, really the only good TV programming these days. Well on Nick there seems to be a high tiki ratio these days, 1st is "Spongebob Squarepants" who lives in a pineapple under the sea. Squid his neighbor lives in a Moai, pretty darn cool. 2nd is "Rocket Power" not a bad show, but its saving grace is more tikis than one can shake a stick at.

In a former life I was Alkuhul God of Drinking!!!

[ Edited by: TikiJones on 2002-06-16 10:25 ]

woofmutt posted on 06/18/2002

Spongebob is a Tiki Central favorite, TikiJones, there was even an excited thread about the Spongebob shaped Cheezits or Cheese Nips back on the old Yahoo Tiki Central. It's a super swell cartoon that my nieces and nephew groove real heavy on, thus helping with my Tiki education of them.

cynfulcynner posted on 06/18/2002

woofmutt wrote:

Spongebob is a Tiki Central favorite, TikiJones, there was even an excited thread about the Spongebob shaped Cheezits or Cheese Nips back on the old Yahoo Tiki Central.

I spotted Spongebob Kraft Dinner at Safeway last night -- with pasta shaped like Spongebob, Patrick, Squidward and Gary. I'm sure Squidward does not approve of this.


TikiJones posted on 06/24/2002

This weekend I saw a Heinz ketchup commerical with a tiki mug in it. It is the one were the kids are squirting dad with ketchup while he sleeps in his recliner, well next to him on his tv tray there is a moai tiki mug. Not exactly sure but it looks like a mug that you can get at Trader Dicks, but you can probably pick it up anywhere else as well.

johntiki posted on 04/06/2005

I know there was a more current topic relating to this subject... I just couldn't find it. :(

Anyway, my son was watching Sesame Street this morning and I was distracted while talking on the phone with my wife. I was holding the phone to his ear for his morning Q&A with mom and suddenly my son proclaims loudly, "Tiki!" I whip around and sure enough a bunch of kids were in the jungle exploring the letter of the day, which is G for those who missed it, and they cut to a shot of a classic looking stone Marquesan followed by a wooden carved modern style tiki! It feels good to know that my son has got my back when it comes to looking for tiki! I also have a new found respect for Sesame Street for exposing a new generation to tiki even if it's in an indirect way!

finkdaddy posted on 04/06/2005

On 2005-04-06 06:45, johntiki wrote:
I know there was a more current topic relating to this subject... I just couldn't find it. :(

Anyway, my son was watching Sesame Street this morning and I was distracted while talking on the phone with my wife. I was holding the phone to his ear for his morning Q&A with mom and suddenly my son proclaims loudly, "Tiki!" I whip around and sure enough a bunch of kids were in the jungle exploring the letter of the day, which is G for those who missed it, and they cut to a shot of a classic looking stone Marquesan followed by a wooden carved modern style tiki! It feels good to know that my son has got my back when it comes to looking for tiki! I also have a new found respect for Sesame Street for exposing a new generation to tiki even if it's in an indirect way!

There is also another Sesame Street animated thing where there is a boy in a wheelchair singing about how he can go anywhere in his chair. They show him rolling around the globe and when he gets over the Pacific he zooms past a sandy island with palm trees and 3 huge moais. I see this one quite a bit actually.

freddiefreelance posted on 04/06/2005

I'd still like to know which Kauai Luau is being represented in Lili & Stitch, and which Kauai hotel has the Tiki Lanai in Stitch: The Movie. I might have to send an email to the screenwriter.

suicide_sam posted on 05/02/2005

Simpsons last night, Homer goes to Bed Bath And beyond. When he enters teh Beyond section it's a crazy space like Twilight Zoney place. There are two Moais floating around in the background.

naugatiki posted on 05/02/2005

On 2005-05-02 12:39, suicide_sam wrote:
Simpsons last night, Homer goes to Bed Bath And beyond. When he enters teh Beyond section it's a crazy space like Twilight Zoney place. There are two Moais floating around in the background.

That was Family Guy, and Peter Griffin was in Bed Bath and Beyond Twilight Zone. But I can see how the shows can run together that way, I'm glad I wasn't the only one to see that. For a while I thought I've been in this site too much.

suicide_sam posted on 05/02/2005

Yeah you're right, I was pretty drunk while watching last night. I just remember some very WRONg parts of teh family Guy, like that thing with Pinnochio, the thing about how Peter Griffin was responsible for war on Iraq, and the whole side of the road spanking.

Tikiwahine posted on 05/04/2005

Saw an ad on TV last night for "Qwest" high speed internet.
A woman at a flea market walks past a 5' tiki.

Formikahini posted on 05/04/2005

On 2005-05-04 11:30, Tikiwahine wrote:
A woman at a flea market walks past a 5' tiki.
That wouldn't happen here. (Screeching halt, more like)

Formikahini posted on 05/04/2005

*On 2005-04-06 06:45, johntiki wrote:*and suddenly my son proclaims loudly, "Tiki!".... a bunch of kids were in the jungle exploring the letter of the day, which is G for those who missed it, and they cut to a shot of a classic looking stone Marquesan followed by a wooden carved modern style tiki!
um, "G" for junGle? papuanewGuinea? tiki God? Grand/Gross obsession for tiki centralites? tiki Gardener? unGa bunGa? WHAT?! WHAT!?

Tikiwahine posted on 05/04/2005

On 2005-05-04 14:31, Formikahini wrote:

On 2005-05-04 11:30, Tikiwahine wrote:
A woman at a flea market walks past a 5' tiki.
That wouldn't happen here. (Screeching halt, more like)

ha, exactly, I did a huge ACK! when I saw it.

Thomas posted on 05/24/2005

Tiki sightings not in movies -- I guess this is as good as any a place to post about a slot machine (electronic) called "Kahuna Kash" featuring Don Ho and tikis aplenty. Here is the company's webpage devoted to this game:
A few clicks here and there, for example on "screen shots," shows the various features, visuals of tikis, etc. OK, I admit (blush), I took a ten dollar ride on it last night in Laughlin. It was a short ride! I got into the "bonus round" -- fire dancers, Don Ho telling me how lucky I am, the whole bit -- but when the smoke had cleared I had made all of 15 cents in it. Some bonus, Don! And to think I used to like you! For that $10 I could have bought 20 of your old albums at the Salvation Army! Anyway, as another manifestation of tiki in pop culture, there it is.

Tiki Joe posted on 05/25/2005

A recent episode of Two and Half Men featured a scene in a bar with a nautical theme and there were several big tikis in the background. Earlier this season, on Malcolm in the Middle, the parents decide to turn their garage into a polynesian themed room with a bar and plenty of Oceanic Arts decor everywhere. It was so beautiful I almost cried.

John in Montreal posted on 05/25/2005

The ad for this stuff...


...has got animated tikis in it.

Slacks Ferret posted on 05/26/2005

I was flipping past the Food Network and they had a show called Unwrapped, the last segment (All I caught) had a guy who collected old menus. He had thousands, but they did show an old "Islander" menu with a big tiki on the front cover.

Then as the show was "Wrapping" up, the host held up a Trader Vics's Honolulu menu and said that he celebrated his honeymoon there.

Chacha posted on 06/06/2005

Webb Wilder's "About Time" CD features 4 moai on the cover. The largest moai sports sunglasses and a sombrero.

bongofury posted on 06/08/2005

Hey Chacha......have you seen Webb Wilder's "Horror Hayride" video? Very funny. Here is a tiki at a condo in Thousand Oaks, Ca.......

Kanaka posted on 09/13/2005

The Two and a Half Men episode aired again last night. Pretty cool bar with lots of tikis. Unfortunately no Tiki mugs or rum drinks, just beer and shots.....and an all girl volleyball team!


Rum Demon posted on 09/13/2005

A few months ago I saw an episode of "The Twilight Zone" which took place in an office in the early 60's. In the episode, it was a friday evening and someone's last day. The bulk of the office was all excited as they dressed to leave. They were going to celebrate with dinner and drinks at the Kon Tiki!! I was eagerly anticipating a scene filmed within the walls of a genuine heyday tiki establishment, but the main characters never left the office. DANG. Even in black and white, it would have been nice to see.


Slacks Ferret posted on 02/13/2006

a rerun of Tia Carrere's show "Relic Hunter" was just on and my wife told me to watch. Featured heavily was a 2 foot high Ku statue. The show is garbage otherwise...

Cool Manchu posted on 02/14/2006

I was baby-sitting my girlfriends 10 year old this past weekend and she wanted to watch the "Suite life of Zack and Cody" and in the opening credits, I noticed a woman holding a tiki mug.

VonTiki posted on 02/16/2006

Has anyone ever seen this one? It was apparently outside the old Trade-winds restaurant in Oxnard. I believe it might have been carved by the owner.
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It's still in Oxnard at an equipment rental place.

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bigbrotiki posted on 02/16/2006

Wow, never seen this baby. It looks like an Andres Bumatay. And it looks like it had a frontal lobotomy. Too bad, because with that open gash the rest of the palm pulp inside is gonna rot away and crumble like dust.

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Tiki Diablo posted on 02/16/2006

This Tiki was free and slipped through my hands! Almost had it but missed out on the deal. Yard owner wont sell it, and I hear it was carved by the old carver from Malibu.

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rodeotiki posted on 02/17/2006

Tonight on HGTV canada , Love it or lose it episode is a tiki themed makeover. Episode will also feature some of Funhauser decor.
Episode is called " the sands of time".

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SouthBamaTiki posted on 05/19/2007

Never been a fan of Reba McIntyre, but I have been watching her tv series lately and like it a lot better than her music. On the episode where she and her ex's new wife have a fight at her daughter's birthday party, they sit outside the bar on a patio where there is a carved tiki and a huge tiki on the fence behind the bench they sit on.

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christiki295 posted on 05/28/2007

I noticed a Ku tiki on the catering van which was part of the home make-over for the Samoan family.

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christiki295 posted on 05/28/2007

On 2007-05-27 20:59, christiki295 wrote:
I noticed a Ku tiki on the catering van which was part of the home make-over for the Samoan family on ABC's Home Makeover tonight.

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Sweet Daddy Tiki posted on 07/08/2007

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Electric co. bus shelter sign.

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SouthBamaTiki posted on 07/09/2007


M&Ms has a website where you can design your own M&M character. One of the options is a tiki mug in his hand. BTW, Formika, it does have a little paper umbrella in it :)

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VampiressRN posted on 09/23/2007

One of my favorite TV shows is MONK. The episode called "Mr Monk and the Bad Girlfriend" has a tiki party in it. Randy throws a luau at the police station for Capt. Stottlemeyer and there are plenty of tropical and tiki decorations, plus they do the limbo and have tropical drinks.

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Kawentzmann posted on 09/23/2007

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A walk in the streets of Berlin.
The last and second pics are from an undertaker’s shop window!?!

[ Edited by: Kawentzmann 2007-09-23 15:08 ]

[ Edited by: Kawentzmann 2007-09-23 15:08 ]

naugatiki posted on 02/18/2008

Aloha ha ha
Watch for the moai volcano


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Agent 86 posted on 11/21/2009

There are Tiki mugs in the bacground of a scene on the Friday November 20th episode of All My Children. And there are Tiki mugs in a layout of Atomic Ranch magazine.

[ Edited by: Agent 86 2009-11-20 20:21 ]

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Veronica! posted on 03/15/2016

Found by niece: Hollywood Arts High School student lockers on Victorious, Nickelodeon.

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Veronica! posted on 03/18/2016


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