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Teeth sucking/loud chewing

Pages: 1 12 replies

Pomaika i posted on 05/02/2005

The engineer that sits in cubicle behind me eats at his desk and is so loud. Then, he proceeds to suck on his teeth and slurp coffee for the rest of the afternoon. I should be able to ignore it, but it's so distracting and I want to punch him in the face.

That's my random explosion of the day.

TikiGardener posted on 05/02/2005

Go order some Indian food, get the vindaloo curries, and a beer. Eat said food, add beer, and then have a fan ready to blow the explosive results towards your co-workers cubicle.

Atomic Cocktail posted on 05/02/2005

That's F*cked up, Y'all!


Shipwreckjoey posted on 05/03/2005

My wife said to me the other day "your dog is such a pig when she eats...grunting and slurping and snorting. It grosses me out". I told her that in German they have two words for eating: Fressen is what animals do and Essen is what people do. Whaddya think...maybe they had a reason for making that distinction.

Pomaika i posted on 05/03/2005

My dog sounds like music when she eats compared to this engineer. If you say anything to my dog, even "good girl" when she's eating, she starts munching double time. It's cute until she sits on the couch burping for an hour :wink:

Gigantalope posted on 05/03/2005

the loud snot gurggling long power sniff and swallow, then exhale performed by someone with a cold...that's my favorite.

eel posted on 05/04/2005

Ewww, my worst pet peeve....I always seem to be in lines infront of one of these teeth suckers/chewers!
You are going to have to move because even if you say something, it won't stop it forever and once you hear that, it becomes the only thing you CAN hear!

Raffertiki posted on 05/04/2005

Why do people blow their nose at the dinner table? Fs up my appetite everytime.

Pomaika i posted on 05/04/2005

Had Indian food for lunch today.....

ZebraTiki posted on 05/05/2005

You should "accidentally" scratch a chalkboard when Chompy McSlurpy starts his sound effects.

Maybe you could startle him out of this behavior, by having balloons on hand to burst at critical moments, although you might wind up looking like a nut while he merely sounds like a barnyard.

freddiefreelance posted on 05/05/2005

If asking him nicely to be more aware of his noises doesn't help, and you can't get your desk moved, it might be time to take it to another level.

"Accidentally" bump into him at the water cooler/coffee machine/snack machine and start a conversation about what really annoys you (without mentioning his munching & teeth sucking) and find out what annoys him, and then do it.

Buy an "electronic chirping cricket" kit & put it in the wall between your desks, or one of those remote controlled "whoopie cushions" that make half a dozen different rude noises.

Put fresh miniature shrimp down the slots of his monitor.

Toxic TiKi posted on 05/07/2005

Had a guy in an office I used to work in, he stank! Oh my! It was way beyond a French person. Problem was this guy was a sweethart, no one wanted to tell him he was offensive. He use to sob regularly during the United Way films. One day someone did tell him and we found out that he had to take a vitamin and it was reacting weird to his body. How did we find that out? He stood in the middle of the lunchroom, in tears and shouted it at us.
I really hated that job.

Johnny Dollar posted on 05/08/2005

Chompy McSlurpy...


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