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Show me your mugs & I'll show you mine...UPDATED 1/18/08 all new pics page 1

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keigs20 posted on 04/21/2005

Well I finally made a few shelves to hold our mugs. Think I need one more shelf because I still have about 40 mugs and a bunch of tikis left to display. So here are most of our mugs. Many thanks to Thrift stores, kind TCers, ebay, and pure luck!

hala bullhiki posted on 04/21/2005

awsome keigs,you win for best shelving units, my mugs are jealous! ..lol...

Kono posted on 04/21/2005

On 2005-04-18 18:17, teaKEY wrote:
Kono- Your blk maoi lamp looks to have a short nose. Like the idea of the shell lei over the shade. I think I will try that for now. And you got that lil tiny fez for your bastard. Me likeE

I made that moai lamp from the giant bottle of drink mix that they sold at Marshall's and TJ Maxx. The TV Suffering Bastard decanter didn't have a cork and I couldn't find a cool one to fit. I had the little fez that I found at a flea market and it fit perfect and it looks pretty cool.

Unkle John posted on 04/22/2005

my small collection:

Scroll down past an unfinnished art project.
I bet you can guess which are vintage and which are new. I plan on doing a better job taking photos, I was in a hurry when i did them.

aquaorama posted on 04/26/2005

Thought I'd update my photos with some of the newer editions-

Thanks to all the TC'ers that have given me trades to help get me this far!

teaKEY posted on 04/26/2005

aqua- where did you get the Orongo mug from already? Where or what day did you get it.

aquaorama posted on 04/26/2005


I was thrilled to have it waiting for me when I got home this afternoon. ( UPS only takes 24 hours to ship here from Monterey).

stentiki posted on 04/26/2005

Nice collection Aquao!

Excuse my ignorance, but who are those guys in the middle picture? And how does one go about acquiring a Tiki Quest mug?



[ Edited by: stentiki on 2005-04-26 16:46 ]

aquaorama posted on 04/27/2005

Hey Arty-

The guys in the middle are Munktiki's "Boat Tiki" series. They're limited to 50 total mugs in each style. You can see all of them at Munktiki's website under the "New" items. As far as the Tiki Quest mug, they pop on EBAY evey now and then. Munktiki may be able to help ya track one down. Of course my collection looks way more cooler with that 1st edition Shag from ya! Thanks again!

stentiki posted on 04/29/2005

Dang! How did I miss those boat guys?! I love that Speed Boat Moai guy.

SeekingTiki posted on 05/04/2005

Well life throws many curve balls. I am selling some of my collection to take care of other obligations. Please let me know if you are interested... I have some Munktiki and some Bosko mugs I am going to be offering first...

teaKEY posted on 05/05/2005

seeking- I may be interested

McDougall posted on 05/05/2005

I'd be interested in some of those Munktiki's SeekingTiki

hala bullhiki posted on 05/05/2005

id like to see the list of what your unloading

kbgator posted on 05/05/2005

Sent you a little list of what I would be looking for. Let me know

stentiki posted on 05/05/2005


Drop me a PM. I'm am also interested in seeing watcha got.

Swanky posted on 05/07/2005

This thread is enlightening. I didn't know there were so many people who primarily collected the new mugs. I only have a few. Mainly I have mugs from events I attend. Otherwise it's all vintage. It's also interesting how we all seem to have a couple of mugs. If you look through the pictures, there is one or two that is in almost every one...

So here is my display as it is today. When I moved, there was no tiki bar. And there is no place to display in the bar now anyway. So, a few mugs I put on the kitchen counter and then as I have gotten more in the last 4-5 months, I have just put them there too. So far, the missus isn't complaining...

Let's see 4 OMC handled mugs, Mr. Bali Hai, Mai Kai coffee mug in the back, Aku AKu lidded mug and bowl and barrel and peanut style mugs, TIki Bob N.O., TV bowl, Kon Tiki S&P, Mai Kai matches, Don the Beachcomber $1 coin, Martiki (Thatnks Holden!) Aku Aku surfer girl bowl with Stardust postcard and room key, lots of Mai Kai postcards, Aku Aku cocnut mug, and surfer girl mug and another barrel, Tepco blue bowl, Kahiki barrel, Kona Hawaii mug, Mai Kai drum mug, Kahiki postcard, Kon Tiki plate, Hawaii ashtray, Mai Kai coasters, Teuila's Hawaii Leilani, and black Moai.

On the actual bar, Orchids Volcano and Trader Dick's bowl.

I feel like I don't have much, but when I consider this all came to me in the last couple of months or so, I think it's pretty good. A lot is Ebay. I also have network of hard core "junkers" looking out for me now. Plus, the missus has brought in a lot.

The Swank Pad Broadcast - If it's Swank...

[ Edited by: Swanky 2006-03-07 16:18 ]

Turbogod posted on 05/07/2005

I like that Mai Kai barrel. I bet it would look good in a fishtank. :)

SeekingTiki posted on 05/12/2005

I added pictures of the mugs available for sale in the tiki marketplace forum. Have a look see

net-tiki posted on 05/16/2005

Here are some of my mugs. I still have more but no where to display them yet.
The new tiki cabinet i just finished.

tiki cabinet lit up

The voodoo cabinet.

And underneath the bar.

hewey posted on 05/16/2005

Mugs glorius mugs! There is some seriosuly nice collections here. I don't think my girlfriend will let me on here after I showed her some of the collections - I am not allowed to get any ideas!

I don't have any mugs! I haven't looked very hard yet. I do, however, have a Ti Toki decanter that is very, very cool.

stentiki posted on 05/18/2005

I was waiting to post until I received my most recent acquisitions from Tiki Diablo. My pix don't do them justice, especially that red one.

Here's the long view - the two between The Bob's are Toby Designs. Please excuse the stereo equipment. :wink:

Here's a closer view:

Cabinet Mugs with my new Tiki Room on top!

The shakers on the bottom right next to Pele are from Kelvin's and look just like the mug.

Bar Mugs - Britiki on the left, Resurrection of the Hawaiian Room on the right. You know the ones in the middle. I like to keep my Trader Vics pix in the Suffering Bastard shots.

Mahalo for indulging me!



[ Edited by: stentiki on 2005-05-17 21:21 ]

Trader Woody posted on 05/18/2005

On 2005-05-17 21:14, stentiki wrote:
I was waiting to post until I received my most recent acquisitions from Tiki Diablo. My pix don't do them justice, especially that red one.

Woah! Now we know where all the Bosko Bobs went! Very cool.

Trader Woody

stentiki posted on 05/18/2005

Cheers, Woody! :drink:


tikigreg posted on 05/18/2005

Uncle Arty.... I KNOW IT'S YOU!!!

MauiTiki posted on 05/25/2005

Ok, I finally got a photo of most of my collection.
Maybe I'll have to post some close ups too.


Unga Bunga posted on 05/25/2005

Beautiful Maui!
Like a picture you can walk in.

teaKEY posted on 05/25/2005

MauiTiki- Way ncie collection and presentation. You have the collection that I would want. New mixed with old. And all highly desireable. And I like like how the mugs are sectioned off. I have mine in a straight line at the moment, but its important which mug is next to which.

Kenike posted on 06/27/2005

Here's my contribution...

My mug collection is on 2 bookshelves in our office plus a Keigs shelf on the wall. I've been actively collecting for about 2 years.

Across the top of the bookshelves:

I have all of my vintage mugs on one side:

...and the (mostly) non-vintage (Tiki Farm, etc.)

The mugs I prize the most are on the middle of the Keigs shelf.

smokin devil posted on 06/27/2005

**Want to see a german tiki collection.

Here it comes:**

I have a few - not displayed - more right now. :wink:

[ Edited by: smokin devil on 2005-06-27 16:30 ]

Mai Tai Matty posted on 07/02/2005

hey Juno what is the mug between the exotica and tiki bob ? smokin devil what is the day of the dead skull(who makes it ?) and where can I get me one !!!

Chub posted on 07/02/2005

Here is a pic of my friend Jim standing behind Freddy Fortune's bar. I wonder what was in that mug!!!

smokin devil posted on 07/02/2005

On 2005-07-01 19:19, Mai Tai Matty wrote:
smokin devil what is the day of the dead skull(who makes it ?) and where can I get me one !!!

I bought the skull in an exclusive (yes, you also found cool shops in TJ, if you keep your eyes open :wink: ) art-shop at the mainstreet in TJ (Tijuna) last year.
Sorry, but I don't know who made it.

roadkutter posted on 07/05/2005

Hay Smokin Devil, slap that Glen Glenn on the turntable and turn it up.


hala bullhiki posted on 11/11/2005

so atomic chick, i gotta ask....do you work for munktiki, or at a store that sells munktiki or what? you have mugs in colors ive never even seen available on their site......i look at this thread once a month in awe of the collections here, my 100-150 mug collection pales in comparison to many in this thread.........great stuff....my new years resolution is gonna be to get my mug collection together for a group photo for this thread, and get them all up on ooga mooga.....

Atomicchick posted on 11/11/2005

Hula Bull,

I don't work for Munktiki or a store that sells their mugs. As corny as this sounds, that would probably be a dream job for me. I guess I have just been lucky, being at the right place at the right time, that is how I have been able to get the rare colors.

otikiniko posted on 11/11/2005

On 2004-10-24 11:10, Atomicchick wrote:

Does anyone know the story behind these guys? I know they're Tim Biskup's "Stack Pack" characters, but who is producing them? How much are they going for? Can they be purchased as a set? Hopefully, not like the capsule toys... (a nightmare to find 'em all).
Oh man, Chris has arms and Booger still has ears.. how cool is that?!?

teaKEY posted on 11/11/2005

Otiki- Munktiki made those. Its got the Munktiki type glaze of them. I believe that Munktiki's site, has a link to Tim's work. SOLD OUT!

kingstiedye posted on 11/12/2005

on munktiki's order page, click on product list. the biskup stackers are listed on here. i just bought some about a month ago. i don't think they're sold out. bullet
[ Edited by: kingstiedye 2005-11-11 16:58 ]

[ Edited by: kingstiedye 2005-11-11 18:07 ]

hala bullhiki posted on 11/12/2005

been wanting those biscup stackers for a while, and thanks for the info atomicchick, i still cant get over your incredible collection!

Atomicchick posted on 01/14/2006

Willing to trade out my Mark Ryden art(frames not included, sorry!). Looking for rare mugs; vintage, Munktiki, Munk-e's, Into the Volcano mugs, Bosko, etc. If you are interested, just send me a pm.

[ Edited by: Atomicchick 2006-01-13 16:44 ]

teaKEY posted on 01/14/2006

Atomic you have the best collection. I like seeing those Tiki Art Now II mugs. The color is always different with home photos. And those Mex. City mugs are the best. I should break down a get me some.

freddiefreelance posted on 01/14/2006

On 2006-01-13 16:43, Atomicchick wrote:
Willing to trade out my Mark Ryden art(frames not included, sorry!). Looking for rare mugs; vintage, Munktiki, Munk-e's, Into the Volcano mugs, Bosko, etc. If you are interested, just send me a pm.

[ Edited by: Atomicchick 2006-01-13 16:44 ]

What about the cat & fez?

Atomicchick posted on 01/15/2006

Sorry, Jack (the cat) is not for trade or sale. You can't really tell from the pic, but he is a Munchkin breed, so he has really stubby legs. He's my little lowrider!

El Bastardo posted on 02/22/2006

I love this thread and just went through it again, there was one glaring ommision and I went through it again just to make sure, but where is Basement Kahuna's collection?

Has it ever been posted, maybe it is elsewhere and I missed it.

Tikinomad posted on 04/22/2006

I love seeing everyone's collections, very cool. Here's some of what I've collected so far over the past years......

It all started when i was a kid, i found my first tiki mug at a flea market....almost 20 years later and I'm still collecting now more then ever.
My brother thinks I'm a tiki junkie but my wife and son love them so it's cool, besides now my son helps me find new tiki's at the flea market every nice weekend we get which is pretty random in jersey but we will take what we can get. Keep up the hunt for those polynesian gems, peace.

VanTiki posted on 04/22/2006

Holey MOLEY - That 20,000 leagues under the sea poster just made my head EXPLODE! Where, oh where, did you find it?

Great Collection!

Tikinomad posted on 04/23/2006

Thank you, I got the poster down at walt disney world in a little store in MGM studios called Sid Cahuenga's One-of-a-Kind shop several years ago. When i was down there last October they were kind of wiped out of the good one's, although they still had some posters for some other rare disney movies. Saddly no posters for Lt. Robin Crusoe either. There is a great scene at the end of that movie with some tiki masks and a giant "talking" tiki statue and I had hoped to find a lost gem from that classic when i was down there but came back with nothing. It's all about the hunt. If i ever find another one i'll keep you in mind, peace.

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