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Baffles me! Why not more responses to THOR art lately????

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THOR's posted on 05/09/2005

Fellow Tiki and Polynesian art enthusists... I need your feedback cus I am baffled about this site! I get so very stong response and success in my art in both Hawaii and from my site. I post here on this sie because collectors keep saying.."my god.You have to show This work on a site called "Tiki Central"..they will poop thier pants when they see what you do! But I have to say....I see more responses to more novice level art and projects than I get here when post. Am I in the wrong market to post here?? I do sell to higher paying collectors very succesfully but keep telling my publishers I want to expose this work to who I consider "my folk"....true tiki nd tropical art enthusiasts all over. Again..I keep posting and get at best a few responses though many seem to view the work. Is it the prices of the art?? I know the work sells and is strong..so I am confused by why on this site I get such a drab response. Your feedback is well appreciated!

[ Edited by: THOR's on 2005-05-08 20:05 ]

[ Edited by:  on 2005-05-08 20:07 ]

[ Edited by: THOR's on 2005-05-09 04:11 ]
Turbogod posted on 05/09/2005

I just got an email back from Ricki about getting ahold of the Blue Shimmilator mini print. Your work is appreciated.

hewey posted on 05/09/2005

Personally, your art is some of the best i have seen. It captures tiki perfectly.

All of your work has a tangible atmosphere that you have captured and distilled onto canvas. Like a top-shelf tiki bar has that just right mood to it. On top of this, it has a slight cartoon like feel, adding to the fantasy kinda feel. Then there is the level of detail in them. Its tiki all over.

So why the poor response on TC? Yeh the price seems a bit high. I could replace my car for the price of them, some of them I could do it twice. So what? If I could make that much money making paintings i would. But paintbrushes and i dont mix well. From what you say they sell okay, even with the price tags. And you have prints anyway, which are in anyones budgets.

You mention novice artists seem to get more responses. I often feel that novices can do with extra encouragement to noursih further work. You are obviously a talented artist, so maybe they dont feel you need to be encrouraged as much. Additionally, there could be a bit of tall poppy syndrome, especially with how much your art goes for. Yeh, I am jealous as hell, I admit it. But if you can do well for yourself, then good on ya. From what you say on your website, art is a passion 1st and a job 2nd, you just happen to be succesful at it too.

Cant say I'm an expert, but overall painting doesnt have the same kinda following as some other aspects of tiki, such as carving. Just an observation.

Keep the art coming. I love it, and I'm sure others do too.

Sam Gambino posted on 05/09/2005

Hi Thor-
Yes, you certainly do beautiful work - there's no question there. I agree with what hewey says too, but another reason for lack of response could possibly be because you do not log as much time here as some of the other artists. Many artists here are considered old friends - maybe because they log in on a daily or almost daily basis to show art or just to chat. That familiarity prompts more familiar - and more frequent - responses from others.

Therefore, I don't think that the light response means that people aren't impressed with your art, I think that they just aren't as inclined to respond as readily because they aren't as familiar with you as a poster.

Anyhow, keep up the great work. I'm sure that many here are awed by it including myself.


[ Edited by: Sam Gambino on 2005-05-08 23:19 ]

THOR's posted on 05/09/2005

Thanks so very much for the feedback! I totally agree with the comments and it helps me very much to understand my market. I have to especially agree that it limits my market a lot that my publishers are not as inclined to want to make posters of these images. They claim that as the "following" builds...I will understand that many will..and seem to be inclined so far..invest in originals and high end giclee prints.
I am somewhat committed to going with their marketing plan for now since they pay for everything and see to it that I get a very steady income doing this...and sorry to "Mickey" but this beats the hell out of my 9 to 5 past career with Disney!! However..I am going to ask that we create a really cool poster line as well. The funny thing is that the publishers had to recently raise the prices on my site because the reresentatives selling my work in Japan complained that the prices were too low and selling too quickly. They clamied that was making me seem "cheap" if that continued figure that psyche! I cant. I get countless people, college students and others who truly want my work but cannot afford to shell out the cash to buy the forms avaiable. I have to admitt...I don't think I would either personally but then again I can't understand why in our society a Pro Basketball player makes a hundred times more than a brain surgeon! Ha Ha Anyway, this all baffles me...I mean understanding my new career transition from a corporate artist/attraction designer to a "fine artist"..but I am learning. I take all feedback very seriously and tuly value your opinions. Thank you all very much....and Fond Aloha's

Raffertiki posted on 05/09/2005

Hi Thor,

To further Sam's point, I think the artists who post in threads other than their own, and who support, encourage, give honest feedback, and attempt to be part of the TC community, are more likely to get responses to their own threads. Whatever their skill level.

Also, ask yourself, "Why haven't I bought the work of any of the TC artists?" (for all I know you may have). Then consider that most artists, here and in general, don't enjoy your success, your top gallery exposure, and your asking price. Selling art to artists is a tough sell.

Anyway, don't just be the blimp floating by with advertising, touch down every once in a while and hang out.

Benzart posted on 05/09/2005

Thor, like everyone said, it's not that your art is not Appreciated, it is. Sam hit on it pretty well, the lack of belonging. It seems you only post when you have something new to sell and not enough posting of just friendship chatting, joining in.
Also, this is Oasis weekend and TC Has been a ghost town. Come around more often. Love and be loved.
Thanks for sharing.

beachin posted on 05/09/2005

Pretty stuff...lots of detail. I can tell these took a lot of work.

I've only been posting for a little while on TC and I could give you a personal experience as a new artist. This is very basic, as I have to run off in a couple of minutes to do some work, but here goes:

People here on TC as I'm sure you are discovering are really nice. Very supportive. However, as someone pointed out to me, you will often hear the positive side more often as we don't generally post anything negative to each other unless you beg for it. Just common courtesy. Also, it's really very hard to interpret constructive criticism on the internet.

Also, the people who buy on TC have their dollars spread very thin. They collect lots of stuff and will often save up to buy that special purchase they've had their eye on for a year or two. They are often stocking a new backyard bar and have all of the expenses that go with that.

Then there are the peeps who have run out of room! Honestly...have you seen some of the pictures? I don't know how they fit people in their places with so many tikis, mugs, paintings, bars, floats, fountains, etc. They really have a passion for the collecting though, and know what they like.

I look at TC differently than I used to. At first, I admit, I came here to find a place to link to my website, but I instead found a new home with lots of real people with whom I've made friends. Meeting them and sharing art experiences with them has been the real prize at TC. Everything else is just gravy.

My best advice is what you've already got. Enjoy the galleries and the publicity and the wheels that are turning for you in other places. If you like TC, look at it as a nice place to relax and talk with others about your experiences. If they buy from you, great. If they don't, don't take it personally. It's not the quality of your work. It's that there is so much great quality work available amongst all of the TC artists, and everybody can only get so much. You will find some people that love what you do and want one of everything. That will be your niche here, but don't expect sales to be like in a show or gallery sale. From what I've seen, TC was never meant to be that at all.

I look forward to getting to know you. I, personally, just had a marvelous weekend with a bunch of TC folks I met here. I was vending, but I went more to meet everyone and see their art and be part of the experience. I sold some stuff, but I consider the weekend a success because I have friends that I know better now and consider myself to be part of the gang. That is an honor to me. It's like a support group for artists, and goodness knows we all need that. I think we bought from each other more than anything else :)

OK. I gotta run. Hope to see you more often here.

THOR's posted on 05/09/2005

GOT it!! Well this helps me understand!!! Let me say that I was under a totally different impression of why I kept hearing some of the tourists tell me to list things here. I had no idea of the rich social aspects...so this is a great plus! Please understand that at no time did I "take it personally" or feel unapreciated here. I have always gotten great feedback and response..few or not. I just noticed that I would post something and get 50 views and 3 responses..right next to a person posting that they maybe tried to carve a tiki from a tree that fell down in their yard and they would get 1500 views and 3 pages of responses...and I was like...what am I missing here? Again..I sell this work very successfully in Hawaii ..some to people with a quarter of the enthusiasm I see here for tikis and polynesian fantasy. I just see now that I misunderstood the character of this site. I am understanding though now and this puts things in a totally diffferent context for me. This is good!!!
I hope this explains to you all also where I was comming from. I didn't understand the vibe yet and when I would get such little response..it perplexed me enough to believe that this was not the place that was responsive to what I was doing..so that discouraged my "hanging out" I would say. I was going by the recommendations of people who maybe didn't understand Tiki Central either. I was given the impression it was a network that a restaurant or art dealer or any level of serious tropical art buyer could go to as a sort of ultimate connection resource. Anyway...your feedback has helped tons!! Sales or not..I will look at this as a wonderful place to share creative spirit and the love of our tropical passions~ If it was evening..I would mix up a MaiTai and toast ya all!!

finkdaddy posted on 05/09/2005

Well said, Thor. I've been here for just under a year and knew nothing about polynesia whatsoever. Now it's my life and I've made more friends than I can count. I love your art, keep it commin!

kooche posted on 05/09/2005


first let me say...your art is GREAT!

when it comes to showing art to tiki folk there is one big thing that you have to remember about the community on the whole we (myself included) are vagabonds!!! when i paint something that i really like i feel like $250 is baby shit...(you and i know that we glean HALF of that and that is usually AFTER paying to have it framed) sorry but it is next to nothing...but EVERYONE can afford $15 on a shirt/mug... and THAT is part and parcel with the beachcomber thing... i have no idea what your prices are...i haven't even checked it out...i did 32 pieces for my show in dec...i got a TON back that were larger and filled out the most part of the over $500 price bracket...but i also painted a TON of micro pieces for guys like me...and they sold...victory through proliferation...now the pieces that i like that were returned are hanging in the tiki ti still for sale...and the feedback in a public forum like THAT is what i think you are looking for...people are warm and talk to me constantly about how they like my imagery...TOTALLY satisfying to sip a chichi mixed by the hands of the mikes and talk to strangers that only know me by my creations...in this way the entire internet fails....

you rule man...KNOW IT!

Tiki Rider posted on 05/09/2005

I like your art but to me you come off very egotistical and demeaning especialy to novice artists. Thanks for telling me how much you make, and how people love your art and how much more u can make in Japan. Sorry for not givng you more attention, or pooping my pants. There are some wonderfully talented people here but sorry Ive never heard them come off as you.

Monkeyman posted on 05/09/2005

I find it interesting that with as much success as you are currently enjoying from folks who actually PAY for your work that you would feel the need to fish form compliments from us.

Us rookie folk usually fish for compliments because that is the only payback we get.

I too like your art. Its very well done. The imagery is real fantastic.

More power to you. Get paid!

THOR's posted on 05/09/2005

"tiki rider" I have no idea why you respond with such negative cumpulsion. I am terribly sorry you chose to interpret what I said in this way. I tried to be very clear that I was refered to this site...and am in no way belittling anyone and was simply not sure I understood the whole dynamics. I am not speaking in an egotistical way in the least. I have never said what my work sells for unless you vist my site..and I don't set the prices. I am a professional...I know my capabilities and have confidence based on years of my career...but far from belittling or boasting. You took this totally personally for some reason..and I apologize to anyone who would interpret my statement this way. Most, as you can see have been supportive and simple explained what this site is about and helped me understand. relax my friend..I am just as you..a very warm enthusiast of any fellow artist. People who know me will tell you this in a heartbeat. Again, sorry you chose to interpret my questions the way you did. Not accurate. I value opinions here which is why I defy my publishers who pay my bills and want to connect with the warmth that this site was described to exhibit. I wish you luck..on all your ventures...have a Mai Tai and breathe.. I may join ya!

THOR's posted on 05/09/2005

Sorry..I just still feel the need to set this straight..cus I got a couple responses here that clue me in that either I am wording things wrong..or people in some cases aren't really understanding my intent. Refering to the latest comment as to "why I am here if I am so successful" I tried to explain...why not?? I respect the opinions of fellow artists and collectors of ANY level...which is why I have put my work out for criticism numerous times and wanted the support of this site to guide my inspirations. Is this a sign of someone "egotistical" NO..it means I connect and respect with everyone..not just a collector in Waikiki who can drop thousands on art without a whim. Knock off the attempts to create a charater of who I am that does not accurately represent my intent. Again, I have gotten some great feedback from this post..few negative accusations that I am an attention seeking egotist. If I was that..I would spend a lot more time painting murals as charaity write offs on buildings in mid Waikiki!! ..And get great press and a tan!! I have traded more art in my past than I enjoy selling..I have great repore with many local craftsmen and carvers in Hawaii for this reason..I descriminate or "look down" at no one..repect all artists. If you read my posts I explained that my confusion was that I was introduced to this site my numerous people who I met in shows or through e-mail that felt I could get more exposure to those who really loved this sort of work internationally. So..I explored this...and it was not I who said" people will poop their pants"! I would rather they "pu pu " their pants personally!!! Again ..lighten up! I thought this was a lounge!!! Thanks to those who have helped me...and apologies to those I seemed to have miffed... Mahalo to all... THOR

Monkeyman posted on 05/09/2005

I was not ever offended by your post. Bring on the trades. I'll trade something.

Raffertiki posted on 05/09/2005


All's cool as far as I'm concerned. You could be a great complement to our little community, as you probably have a lot to share to help some of us ratch up our marketing to the next level. I'd certainly like to here about how you approached/hooked your agent and gallery, etc.

Welcome to TC,


Thanatos posted on 05/09/2005

As someone who is new and posting some artwork, It is hard. But I do see myself commenting and and chatting with people who comment and chat with me?? Your art is great. But with god knows how many post, I do focus in on The Sam G, Benz, Raff, people who have help me. Hope that makes some sense...

hewey posted on 05/10/2005

I agree with Raffertiki and Thanatos. You obviously have great experience and skill not just in painting, but in the whole marketing, selling areas. Well, you said you are only just starting out, but you have got further than most of us.

The guys that get the most respect on here happen to be some of the most talented, but they are also the first to respond with positive yet constructive criticism when someone finishes a carving or artwork.

I beleive you could be a great asset to us. Hang around, and you can demonstrate that. This is your opportunity to demonstrate to those who dont like you that you are truely a down to earth tiki head, just like the rest of us.

I also agree with kooche. If you can do some smaller stuff for the common person, it would be tops. Either, a number of smaller peices, or some cheap posters. The small prints are cool, but you cant appreciate the detail that you put into your work, which is the whole appeall.

Looking forward to seeing more of you.

Tell those pencil necks to release some posters! They are just bludging off your talent! You put all the work in and they just ride the gravery train. Sure, it is not this simple, but stand up for yourself. Surely the fact that your stuff sells so well is good leverage. Good luck.

congatiki posted on 05/10/2005

For what it's worth...I have six of the
mini prints from the first series you posted
on TC....love em...thought they were a pretty
good bargain at 15 bucks a pop...and also
think they are fantastic artwork! My wife
always kids me about my "friends from Tiki
Central" but one does get the feeling that
you "know" people with whom you communicate.
Whenever I post something that I created
I am hopeful that I will hear something
positive from Ben..Finkdaddy...Monkeyman...
Raffer...or any of the other "Creating
Tiki" posters who I have gotten to "know."
Sometimes I don't respond regarding stuff
from "Big Time" artists simply cuz I think
they have reached the point where it's not
all that important. I am drinking one
Mai Tai for everyone involved in this post...
and it's starting to show. Love your
work..and proud to own a little bit of it!

beachin posted on 05/10/2005

Yea...Raffertiki is right....How did you do it? Inquiring minds wanna know!

THOR's posted on 05/10/2005

Lemme say first of all..I had NO idea I was finding a site with such warm and wonderfully supportive people. Again, if you knew me and my character in person...you would understand how much I appreciate the traditional camaraderie of artist to artist. I am just seeing that here. As far as giving my feedback and sharing experience..I am a person that is very open and generous with that. Along with my job at Disney I taught workshops there to those wanting to learn to sculpt and paint or draw. Many were accountants or secretaries that just wanted a chance to learn. I love sharing what I know..and am always happy to do so here..as well as ask questions about what you all know. I wish this was a huge dark lounge loaded with couches and wicker chairs and a loong bar with endless little trinkets of past tiki eras to play with as we all sat and shared our passion for this stuff. I look forward to a time I can be part of a meet somewhere in the us...or Hawaii.
How I got where I am so far..for what it is worth is just a result of persistence and hard work painting and learning and most of all...never forgetting to be a kid. My memories from the early 60's when I was but a few years old are still vivid! I use these memories of Hawaiian hotels and restaurants or bars my parents used to frequent in my work. They fascinated me..scared me and intrigued me. I recall Trader Vic's and countless restaurants in LA now long gone. All this just gave me the passion to create the art as much as I have. Remember, though I am new to selling art to the public, this was never just a hobby. I worked my butt off at Universal and Disney Imaginnering for countless hours drawing and painting the images to motivate others to build these things at the companies..rides..shows...creatures and environments. I paid my dues..with plenty of sweat and blood. I left Disney to use this experience to share with others like me..who just wanted to be surrounded by cool little escapes in their own homes..magical tropical bubbles to lounge in and share with friends. You see this in my work..I don't just paint a tropical tree house..I step in there and build it...if you look closely.
In all cases, someone saw my work in a print shop or through word of mouth and that lead me to opportunities. I believe if you really believe in your art..it comes through..and people pick up on it. So any publishers or licensing connections I currently have happened cus these people were attracted to something that I am doing. I wish I had a secret formula..I don't know myself how to control things..so I just paint things I truly am passionate about. At Disney..I did that..and then had to get up and pitch to Michael Eisner or Disney corporate who were as tough a crowd as you would ever want to be in front of. I just let it all go..made noises and rolled on the floor demonstrating the actions that my paintings and storyboards would have if you were inside them. Much of the time..I pulled people into my worlds..other times...got a deadpan response and a simple statement of " ok...how much will it cost". Anyway...my point is..passion is a huge driving force to getting people to back you with money. So is strong, well executed and crafted art. I am still learning the business psyche part.
Anyway...there are a few questions addressed... I look forward to getting to know more of you!

Jungle Trader posted on 05/10/2005

You're in the right place Thor. All you're hard work and passion show thru. I'm just glad you don't need to impress corporate deadheads anymore. Corporations kill creativity. IMO being a freelance artist is the only way to go. The creative inspirations flow more freely and you can move in whatever direction suits you. Keep up the great work and may good fortune be yours.

beachin posted on 05/10/2005

Thanks for sharing the background. We talked about "paying your dues" a while back in another thread and it looks like you've done a lot of that. Congrats on that.

If you want to meet folks in person, there are a lot of events hosted by TC where you can meet folks face-to-face. Nothing beats it, I tell you. I just wish I had had more time with everyone to learn more about their trade, but we were all very busy.

Hukilau is coming up in October. There are others, too. Good luck to you!

hewey posted on 05/10/2005

One more thing - try and work on some paragraphs so your posts are a bit easier to read :)

THOR's posted on 05/10/2005

HAAaaa Ok Hewey... I will make more paragraphs for ya!!! Aloha!!!

FLOUNDERart posted on 05/11/2005

I have learned much from this thread!

And I just pooped my pants.

Slacks Ferret posted on 05/11/2005

Hey Flounder! Where you been hiding?

THOR's posted on 05/11/2005

Flounder!! Long time no exchange. How are you?? Ya..this was a doooozy thread!! It was up and down like a rollercoaster and then swung up at the end.... I learned a lot too...believe me.
I want to interact more on here, but frankly overwelmed by all that's going on...in a good way!!! I look forward to seeing and sharing more art. Really, what I would love to do is share ideas and get feedback early on in projects I am thinking of painting.
Also..love the idea of contributing ideas to other's projects. Anyway....when you hsve changed your pants..write me!! (by the way..the person who actually used the "poop thier pants" line was this elderly lady in Hawaii who claimed she and her son were "regulars" on this site! for real!..hey another pun by accident "regulars"...way too many poop puns! I am back to my painting!


finkdaddy posted on 05/11/2005

On 2005-05-11 08:08, Slacks Ferret wrote:
Hey Flounder! Where you been hiding?

No kidding! Where you been? You're gone for several months, then show up now to tell us you've pooped in your pants? :lol:

Nice to hear from you again Flounder. Don't stay away so long this time. Pull up a stool, this one's on me. :drink:

THOR's posted on 05/11/2005

I just noticed that the only one who didn't write me again after explaining my self was Tiki Rider!! TR!!..Do u still think I am an egotistical fool?? I am hoping not!!!
Again...if I was..I would spend a lot less time painting with a cat at my feet and far more time in Waikiki goosing wahine's at Dukes!! Haaa Anyway...hope to get to know you~~

Tiki-bot posted on 05/11/2005

Let me start by saying I'm a fan of your work and it is helping to inspire me to begin working on some new work of my own. But I've read through the responses here and I must say I find your attitude to be unbelieveably arrogant. Just when it seems you are coming to grips with folks here at TC not falling over themelves to buy one of your $8000 paintings, you practically admonish someone for "not responding to your explanations" of how you didn't mean any of what you already said. Classy.

I think your work is a good fit for what people are interested in here on TC. You obviously have a load of talent and I certainly don't begrudge any artist their success. Every artist wants to be successful and validated for their hard work and I'm no different in that respect. But actively fishing for "feedback" on a forum not primarily devoted to artwork, especially when you haven't posted any new artwork and are bragging about all your success at the same time, is just extremely bad form.

FLOUNDERart posted on 05/11/2005

On 2005-05-11 08:13, finkdaddy wrote:

On 2005-05-11 08:08, Slacks Ferret wrote:
Hey Flounder! Where you been hiding?

No kidding! Where you been? You're gone for several months, then show up now to tell us you've pooped in your pants? :lol:

Nice to hear from you again Flounder. Don't stay away so long this time. Pull up a stool, this one's on me. :drink:

I bought a fixer upper (shit hole really) and have just been to busy. I haven't even had much time to paint. So overwhelmed I don't even have time to clean out my poopy pants.

I miss it here and will try to make the time.

THOR's posted on 05/11/2005

Did you read all through the thread?? I am not "bragging other than to share what happening wish the art! I was sharing enthusiasm for the interest in what I am trying to do! You use the word "fishing for complements" I stated several times I was sharing what's happening to get "feedback"..criticism..complement or otherwise. Whn I got little of anything..I didn't understand..untill the character of the site was explained to me. I assumed many of you are sharing success in your passion...even boasting!! It enegizes every artist to have passion shared!!

I was under the impression that MANY are sharing great art and success here..not just me! I had no clue that just sharing what was going on was going to be interpreted as "arogant" boasting! Do I assume that many of the great house themeing photos and projects I see on here is arrogant boasting..hell I don't!!

Many I am seeing here have great websites and a lot of interest in their work. Many of which are very proud of what they are doing....participating in events and shows I am just learning about. I have a long way before I am secure with what I am doing is reaching my goals to justify this as a true career success. I anticipated people to share criticism and their own success with me in return here! I wanted to be inspired and inspire..NO MORE!
I sill have questions about my concepts..and as I said respected the feedback of this place. I was refereed here not understanding that to say "things are going really great!!..here's what I am doing..whata do ya think"? Would mean I am arrogant. I had no idea where I would stand in "success rating here...never assumed I was boasting and wanted to be challenged and inspired.

I wrote the last post to Tiki rider because I tied to more carefully explain my intent..and although several others wrote back and were supportive of my action to do that, it concerned me. Tiki-bot...I think I will try to state once more that if I am comming off the way portray me..please put the entire tread back into context. You will see how I began to understand the site better and how I will interact in the future. I expected anyone who I share my success with on here to share theirs also and were support each other..so I thought. I would love to discuss all of our successes and failures...again..respected the feedback or else would not be on here "advertising".

Franky..your repines seemed very harsh. It surprises the hell outa me also that people drop 8k on art..mine at that! I stated I don't understand the market yet..and have no idea where I fit. From this side..I am told that is not that much at all in the Hawaii fine arts market For a painting with the detaii, size and thought put into these to sell for what they do. That's news to me!! Also..I don't set the prices, as I said the galleries do.
Again..drop the arrogance accusations. Don't bark at me for just staing what's going on that I am excited about and sharing!! Share back!!! I want to be inspired by YOUR successes!! Hell..tomorrow I could be drawing cartoons at venice beach! I am never so confident that I boast my mortality.
Can we let this go?? Many of you seem warm and friendly..but there are a few who are seeming to display a hostility or bitterness or something that just isn't attractive to me. I was looking forward to this community but unless the majoroity can forgive my misunderstanding of the site initially and stop miscasting my persona and intent..I would just well not be part of this.

Thanatos posted on 05/11/2005

Yo Thor..... How's it going. Love your art and hope to see you commenting on others work. Being new to tiking, but always being a artist it is nice to have inspirations of all types. But I agree, it is time to let this go... Thor just lock the thread or kill it if you can and start posting.

THOR's posted on 05/11/2005

Sorry.. ya know..for me this went from criticism I was open to considering do to my misunderstanding to getting down right pissed at this last comment by tiki-bot.
Several of your statements proved to me you were reacting not by fact at all....
You state, "Just when it seems you are coming to grips with folks here at TC not falling over themelves to buy one of your $8000( sorry this comes off as just plain bitter!) paintings, you practically admonish someone for "not responding to your explanations" of how you didn't mean any of what you already said (I never said I didn't mean any of what I said at all..I said what I was saying was misread in context!) Classy."
Tiki-bot...Tell me..why would you..if objectively reading my post and the thread, make such an exagerated overstatement like " admonish someone for "not responding to your explanations" Where in God's name did I "adonish this person" I was..in a friendly way..still asking to be understood by this person. As I said "I was concerarned". You grossly over exagerated and misread this. You jumped on it like a shark where there is blood in the water!
Also..where do I talk about an 8 thousand dollar painting before you responded?? I did NOT talk about money at all!! You must have visited the site...that was your choice to know that info...and again..that was all displayed by those who publish me not me personally! And "fall over my work" ? did I not explain I am not needing anyone falling over anything..I asked for "CRITICISM". You totally reshaped the entire statement I made to suit your rage.
The last commebnt of "But actively fishing for "feedback" on a forum not primarily devoted to artwork, especially when you haven't posted any new artwork and are bragging about all your success at the same time, is just extremely bad form:"..... shows me you are responding NOT out of fact..but some context of emotion I am not aware of. Do you not all "fish" for feedback?? it helps us all..motivates us.
Also, I told you..again if you read the thread..that I was told there is a lot of art and creations here of all levels. You say this site is not much about art work?? News to me..I will consider that when the majority tells me this. I see art and creativity all over the site.

Also I did in fact just post "new" art!! The post onlie now was scanned and sent to me 3 days ago..U are the first to see this. It's still being printed. So it is in deed new my friend.

I can only say that I had no intention of or achived what I understood to be "bad form" I think that it's "bad form" to welcome someone this way that was eager to be part of this and excited to share my knowledge and learn from this place. So far, you are of a minoroity in this angered accusation thoug in any debate or even a grammer school scuff..there are those who love to jump in on "blood in the water".
Again..I can only hope you don't represent a heavy, easy to label and crucify persona that is typical of this site. Just chill out!!! My God..I was hoping this to be a refuge..not a pecking zone like a women's tea club on 5th Avenue!!

I am thinking that either the ability to actually drink a cold Mai-Tai on this site would either relax some..or that it would turn into a dog gone bar room scuffle John Wayne himself would have envied at this rate!! Can we let this go now??

Mahalo for the spirit at least~

Monkeyman posted on 05/11/2005

Finally!!! Someone on TC who overexplains themself more than ME.

Welcome aboard. Let it go and move on. You have kick ass art. We appreciate it. We understand that you were not trying to convey what you conveyed and are trying desperately to correct any misconception.

Lets move on. Come in and join the party and stop standing outside arguing with the bouncer.

Please stay and participate. There are never too many creative folk around these parts.

THOR's posted on 05/11/2005

Thanks Very much. Lemme have a drink in a few hours here in LA and chill myself after this banter. By the way Monkeyman..you mentioned trades and I am all for that
I can't get more of what you do to upload though on your site... is it me or is it still under construction?
Thanks again for the support...I will be far more cautious in talking about any "successes" for what they are worth in the future and keep it to just lounge mumbles through my straw!! lol
I do have a piece also that is about to go to print but was hoping to discuss ideas for it's placement or market with others who understand the retro era and "lounge feel"..I am hesitant now though here to be honest. I have to say..I already lost a finger here today..need at least 9 to paint!

Aloha's   THOR
Tiki-bot posted on 05/11/2005

I guess what "baffles" me is what exactly were you asking for in your original post. New ideas for you to turn into paintings? Seems most artists simply post their work here for the enjoyment of others to share in. They don't ask for critiques or ideas or subjects to paint. There are many websites out there that will do this for you if that's what you are looking for.

I do stand corrected that you did post a new painting, and it's a nice piece. Why you simply didn't ask this question in that thread, I don't know. I don't think you can deny your original post was boastful. The boasting, combined with the heading "Baffles me! Why not more responses to THOR art lately????" and long, defensive, carefully-parsing-every-word replies just screams "troll". That sounds like "bad form" to me.

I don't think my post was harsh at all. I said I liked your work and am impressed enough to use it as a marker for what I would like to achieve in my own work someday. I have never sold a painting, nor do I intend to, and am not "bitter" at your success. I distictly stated this already. I just don't see any other artists here talking about how many pre-orders they have for prints or how well they are selling at suchandsuch galleries. This is known as "boasting".

But I think at this point the arguments are becoming circular, so I am done with this thread.

THOR's posted on 05/11/2005

Though I still strongly disagree with you..sepecially after clairifying the context of my staements, I will just call truce here nad take my Mai Tai to the other side of the lounge... I think the time I have invested claifying myself does little to "cry out troll" and more truthfully supports that I cared to be part of this site...and not misrepresented. Truce buddy!...you want my pineapple?..I am headed for the table by the lava lamp.

congatiki posted on 05/12/2005

And I thought boxing and mixed martial
arts were fun to watch...My score card
reads "draw" with little interest in a
rematch! Tiki Bot lands a few nice blows
but Thor slides off the ropes and avoids
the KO.

kooche posted on 05/12/2005

old school vs. new school

apples and oranges

digital or analog

different (brush) strokes for different folks

hewey posted on 05/12/2005

Yeh, the rollercoaster has got onto a loop and is just going round 'n' round...

Put it in the agree to disagree basket and move on.

ZebraTiki posted on 05/12/2005

Thor, your paragraphs are lookin' better, makes all this much easier to read! :)

I love the imagery in your artwork, but really the amazing thing is the totally different business of professionally marketing and selling anything, but especially art, or dealing with the non-artists who do the marketing, etc.

What kind of cat sits on your feet while you paint? That's the important detail I want to know! :)

Benzart posted on 05/12/2005

Well I've been trying to keep out of this thrad, hoping peole would get tired of overexplainations and drop it. It doesn't seem to be the case. You.THORS, seem to have to rebut everything Anyone says about you.

The main reason you don't get much response is that you come across as very a selfish and perfect artist who only wants to talk about his art. Look at your posts, now up to 52, and EVERY post is in a thread authored by You!. In other words you haven't taken time to read many other posts(or you would have KNOWN all these things you are now Just learning)or respond to ANY other artists post!! That is the Whole crux of the issue.

I say Drop thisa post and say no more. SHOW us, Don't tell us. If you want to join in and be a part of this group, telling us that 'Oh now I understand" isn't gonna get it. Walk the talk, don't just talk the walk.

Everyone, this is enough fo this...

Tiki G. posted on 05/12/2005

You tell'em Benz. It's about to wear me out....

THOR's posted on 05/12/2005

Couldn't resist to throw a final stone Eh BenZ?? No more from me...AGAIN..my misunderstanding!!!... STOP THE BUBBLE MACHINE!!!!!!!

Feelin Zombified posted on 05/12/2005

On 2005-05-11 15:22, Monkeyman wrote:

Finally!!! Someone on TC who overexplains themself more than ME.

What do you mean?



[ Edited by: Feelin' Zombified on 2005-05-12 09:10 ]

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