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Beyond Tiki Finds

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Tikiwahine posted on 10/19/2004

a fern would look very cool flopping out over the top

Swanky posted on 10/19/2004

On 2004-10-18 18:03, TNTiki wrote:

I thought that was going to be my scorpion bowl next time I came over.

Not even Pablus could drain that!

TNTiki posted on 10/19/2004

[ Edited by: TNTiki on 2004-11-06 15:22 ]

Johnny Dollar posted on 11/17/2004

mein Velvis!!!

komm gib mir deine Elvis bourbon...

kctiki posted on 12/22/2004

bigbadtikidaddy posted on 12/27/2004

I picked up an interesting album at the thrift last week.
It is called "Disney meets the Wizard" (by Roger Ericson & His Men/ part of the Percussive Stereo series)
It is a percussion version of both Disney & Wizard of Oz songs.
My record player is in storage & I'm dying to hear this album!
Does anyone else know anything about this album? Good or bad?
Any info is appreciated.

naugatiki posted on 01/04/2005

While looking for a inexpensive way to make a thatch ceiling I found one of those beach mats that they sell in all the ABC stores in Oahu with this grinchy Primo Logo on it.

At $2.00 it will be added to the ongoing project of turning the backroom into a hut for less than $20 (not counting artifacts). I’m up to $14 so far and nearly complete.

Johnny Dollar posted on 02/20/2005

i'm not typically a fan of these types of mugs, but ninjas are totally sweet...

[ Edited by: Johnny Dollar on 2005-02-21 06:47 ]

Kono posted on 02/21/2005

On 2005-02-20 11:57, Johnny Dollar wrote:
i'm not typically a fan of these times of mugs, but ninjas are totally sweet...

Damn, no kidding. I didn't even know that there were ninja mugs. Shit. Now I MUST HAVE a ninja mug!

Johnny Dollar posted on 02/21/2005

On 2005-02-20 18:54, Kono wrote:
Now I MUST HAVE a ninja mug!

to tide you over... http://www.realultimatepower.net/index4.htm

Johnny Dollar posted on 03/01/2005
Sweet Daddy Tiki posted on 03/01/2005

Party Girls! Woo hoo!

-Sweet Daddy T.
Because crap doesn't buy itself.


[ Edited by: Sweet Daddy Tiki 2008-09-18 00:23 ]

docwoods posted on 03/01/2005

SweetDaddytiki-gotta say I LOVE those-especially the "pseudo ivory" part.Good stuff.

Doctor Z posted on 03/01/2005

On 2005-03-01 08:15, Johnny Dollar wrote:
not my auction...


The auction sez that this is "Top stuff for Sabu heads!"

Sabu heads? I wonder if they are anything like Deadheads or Parrotheads?

I guess that would explain all the tents I always see around Sabu's house and why there's always folks following us around when we go garage sale-ing...

Tikiwahine posted on 03/02/2005

Found this guy at the Value Village,
I just couldn't pass him up!

Trader Woody posted on 03/25/2005

I bought this black velvet painting from Spain a couple of weeks ago for $3. The person at the counter of the charity shop from which I bought it was so disgusted by the painting that I had to apologise.

Trader Woody

Sweet Daddy Tiki posted on 03/25/2005

I used to work with a guy who collected matador paintings. until then I never noticed how many there are at thrift stores. I see them everywhere I go. Not just paintings but figures too. Incredible how you just don't see something that's in front of you until someone points it out.

Johnny Dollar posted on 04/20/2005

johntiki posted on 04/20/2005

Sweet Daddy - I got a complete set of multi-colored Party Girls in a handy-dandy little plastic case after an intense bidding war on Ebay nearly 6 years ago! I think I paid close to $50 for them! If you paid less than I did then I would personally say you got a hell of a deal! :)

Sweet Daddy Tiki posted on 04/21/2005

Can't remember -- I think it was $3.99 or $4.99 in a bag with some other stuff I didn't want. Thought it was kind of expensive, but I'm a cheapskate.

tikifish posted on 05/15/2005

After returning from peru on the redeye, the first thing I did was not sleep - it was GO THRIFTING! Yes, Goodwill is like crack to me. And I had a fortuitous day too, finding one of those junk shops with floor to ceiling crap , everything for 50 cents or a dollar. Here's some of my fun finds!

Actually, Id like to know more about that 50's tray, (is it called a tray even?) and its metallic glaze. No manufacturer mark. Anyone?

naugatiki posted on 05/15/2005

I found this a few months ago and been meaning to post it, starts out as a mild mannered boomerang table...

the top slides off...

and it's Superbar to the rescue.

I got this on the last day of an estate sale and the price was knocked down from $150 to $50. And don't worry the booze was removed for photographic purposes.

[ Edited by: naugatiki on 2005-05-15 16:07 ]

Johnny Dollar posted on 05/15/2005

somewhere, matt helm is drooling...

stuff-o-rama posted on 05/16/2005

Matt Helm! Such a suave cat!

Here's a little somethin' my friend brought me back from TJ

Cro-Mag Elvis!

and when taking out the trash, (I share a dumpster with the Thrift Store next door) I found this gem that desperately needed rescuing...

What is wrong with people? A perfectly good paint by numbers Jesus! It's mine, Mine, MINE!!!

hewey posted on 05/16/2005

Naugatiki that is one ultra funky table. Can you just imagine some swanky '50s salesman "look, its a table. Swing this baby out and WOW, its a bar!"

naugatiki posted on 05/16/2005

On 2005-05-16 02:40, hewey wrote:
Naugatiki that is one ultra funky table. Can you just imagine some swanky '50s salesman "look, its a table. Swing this baby out and WOW, its a bar!"

It reminds me of an extreme version of those knick knacks in the 60's that look liked something quait and turned into a portable bar. I've seen Hollow radios, a castle and assorted music boxes. It would be nice to see a fold away bed that becomes a fold away bar.

exotica59 posted on 05/16/2005

Here are afew of my more favorite finds from this seasons fea market, antique mall travels.
first up is a Heywood Wakefield very modern round table with spacey swivel chairs. It's not blonde wood, but sooo differant looking. I found this being used as a sort of workshop table for a dealer at a antique mall. Table top in was in bad shape, but I used furniture restore and it now looks great.

this sputnik lamp I found in a tiny town known for it's huge amount of 50's collectables. I also have three small ones that are used as hall lights.

This looks like a bowling trophy...

but pull off the top and it's drinks all around!

this is part of my starburst shaped clock collection

and lastly for today is half of my Manny family. The lovely Barbara has been with me for many years. I rescued her from a flowershop window. Bruce was purchased from a antique mall.He is a very nice and unusal manny. Then I have the kids. This is one of 3 small sized mannies, and I also have "Chip" whom most of you have seen in another post, dressed up like a pirate, he greets everyone to my as yet named home bar and lounge.

This a small seclection of the stuff I pick up as we travel around in the fall and winter months. I never pay a much for these treasures,most of the fun is in the "hunt" for what I like.

Tikiwahine posted on 05/16/2005

On 2005-05-16 01:40, stuff-o-rama wrote:

What is wrong with people? A perfectly good paint by numbers Jesus! It's mine, Mine, MINE!!!

That would be a great name for a punk band...

And now... the blind fury of...Paint by Numbers Jesus!

Tikiwahine posted on 05/16/2005

A little beyond tiki find today.
A mint-in-leather-case Sekonic L-6 light meter.
I don't know how to use it, but I'm sure it'll come in handy.
It looks like this one:

Oh ya, it was priced at $19.99 but I was able to talk them down to $12.99(I was hoping for $15 or less)

[ Edited by: Tikiwahine on 2005-05-16 14:20 ]

bigbadtikidaddy posted on 05/16/2005

Nice finds everyone!
alot of fun stuff to see.
(a paint by numbers Jesus? for free? GOLD!)
Naugatiki- very swingin coffee table bar. very 007 style & $50 is a great price for one of those.
Tikifish- imo, your tray looks to be a decorative bowl, but I reckon it could be used as an ikebana as well. I've seen similar, but not exactly like yours. it's nice.
Exotica59- I love cool retro stuff & that bowling ball bar caddy is friggin awesome! (nice sputnik also)

I scored this cool sunburst wall sculpture months ago.

I have too many wall sculptures, so I was going to sell it originally.
As too often happens, now I really like it & want to keep it.

ZebraTiki posted on 05/17/2005

exotica59 - That sputnick lamp is the coolest!!!

But the bowling trophy/drink yourself silly set is impossibly even cooler!!! Thanks so much for posting those pictures, I would never have suspected that bowling ball of hiding anything good!

Y'all are getting me hooked on the sunburst clocks... I love how they are staggered on the wall, great idea for a stairway.

exotica59 posted on 05/17/2005

yea, that bowling ball trophy cracked me up when I first spotted it, and now I've seen several.

Bigbadtikidaddy that sunburst wall hanging is just too cool! I love it.

Zebratiki the best thing about those star or sun burst clocks is that almost everyone I've ever bought still works! I'm lucky if the new battery op. clocks we have today last me a year before they crap out.
Since I'm off for the next couple of weeks with some broken fingers, I'll try to take some more pictures of the stuff I have around the place. My husband says I have a real problem with lamps, and I've got some wild ones. I have them crammed into all the closets around the house. I just can't pass up a cool old 50's lamp. I've got it as bad as the tiki bug.

Sweet Daddy Tiki posted on 05/22/2005

My best thrift store finds lately have been beyond tiki:

This lamp was $8 at Sally Ann:

it's a nice companion for this lamp I got a while back:

this 3D picture was $3 at a hospital rummage sale:

lavalamp $5 at goodwill (the blue one -- the other one I bought retail):

cat head wooden carving, 25¢ at a church rummage sale. whoever did it should try their hand at tikis:

-Sweet Daddy T.
Because crap doesn't buy itself.


[ Edited by: Sweet Daddy Tiki 2008-09-18 02:28 ]

the drunken hat posted on 05/30/2005

i've been meaning to post this for a while. cleen and i had quite the witco week a while back. here is a link to the other story.


here is the piece that kicked it off! found this at a local thrift shop for $8.99. the scale doesn't look right in the pic. the cat is almost 4 ft high!

Tikiwahine posted on 05/30/2005

cool! I've always been a fan of the witco cats.

Tikiwahine posted on 06/06/2005

(photo from e-bay)

I found one of these sunburst clocks, made by Westclox Canada for $4 at the Value Village.

Sweet Daddy Tiki posted on 06/28/2005

This weekend a friend gave me this stylin' vintage Italian espresso machine from the estate of her husband's aunt

(luckily there's one on ebay right now so you can seewhat it really looks like)

I bought this cocktail shaker for 2 bucks

and i got a pair of these for 50¢ each

not too exciting but easy to draw. I won't have to draw much longer, I ordered a digital camera last night (from the shopping channel :oops:)

-Sweet Daddy T.
Because crap doesn't buy itself.


[ Edited by: Sweet Daddy Tiki 2008-09-18 02:39 ]

Tiki Royale posted on 06/28/2005

Hey Sweet Daddy Tiki,
Return the camera... Keep up them great illustrations!
I love that one of the shaker.

Sweet Daddy Tiki posted on 06/28/2005

Thanks, you're too kind.

hiltiki posted on 06/28/2005

hahahahah Sweet Daddy Tiki, my sentiment exactly....

joefla70 posted on 06/28/2005

Sweetdaddy... your drawings (in lieu of digital photos) remind me of that Citibank commercial where the guy is at his desk at the office and the pictures on his desk of his family are really just clear frames with his actual family posing behind the frames. The tagline is "Can't wait to get your reward?" with an image of a digital camera in the background of the commercial.

Looks like you can't wait to get yours either!

Sweet Daddy Tiki posted on 06/28/2005

On 2005-06-28 11:33, joefla70 wrote:
Looks like you can't wait to get yours either!

I feel like the kid who sent away his boxtops for a decoder ring and is bugging the mailman every day... Is it here yet? Is it here yet?

Pepe le Tiki posted on 07/02/2005

This is my one of my favorite recent thrift store finds:
A TV S&P shaker

just turn the dial....

...and up come the shakers!
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Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 07/10/2005

Pepe - Love those Salt & Peppers! I personally would have no use for them, yet would be unable to keep myself from buying them.

Now my eBay tip #12 - Charles Wysocki jigsaw puzzles.

Folk-art jigsaw puzzles turn up at garage sales every weekend. Two years ago, you could buy them without a second look and turn them around for good money on eBay. Nowadays, however, you have to be more selective. Check the date on the box. Any puzzles from the 1990s and 2000s are better left alone. You can't get more than a buck or two apiece. However, the Charles Wysocki puzzles from the 1980s are highly sought-after. Buy them without qualms. And if you happen to find one unopened, then you stand to make even more money. Here's the one I found last weekend for a buck. I'm pleased with the current bid, but it may go even higher. As they say, some people's trash...

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Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 07/11/2005

$110 for a cheesy Charles Wysocki jigsaw puzzle that's not even 20 years old yet!? This one surprised even me. Honestly, these puzzles aren't that uncommon at garage sales and thriftstores. You might want to be on the lookout. I wonder what the early "Painter of Light" jigsaw puzzles are going for now? hmmm. (I'm such an eBay whore).



johntiki posted on 07/12/2005

How's this for a Beyond Tiki Find? I was at work Friday and decided to get a drink from the vending machine I reached into my pocket and sorted through the change when I came across this...

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...I'm not a coin collector or anyone that hardly pays attention to the change in my pocket but this is cool! Sure I happen across any occasional old wheat penny but not only have I never received one of these dimes, I've never even seen one before! I was hoping this would fund my retirement but no such luck...

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saxotica posted on 07/13/2005

Aren't Mercury dimes cool looking! Why do modern coins suck so much? Buffalo nickles, Liberty standing quarters...so much better.

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Tikiwahine posted on 07/18/2005

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Bamboo Wall Mural $199 - $299 depending on size.

Wahine say: eye candy look best when well hung

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