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Helping all to find your # 1 mug...UPDATED 7/23/05!

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Mike the Headhunter posted on 04/27/2005

My numero uno target is a ren clark, But realistically I am hunting for a couple severed mai kai heads(old and new) and the presidents of politiki except fdr. If it arrives safe I may have a morgantown tv magarita glass for trade. Otherwise just mail me scotch and I will toast to your health.

aikiman44 posted on 04/27/2005

As I'm relatively new to the Oceanic enlightened, I'm looking for some of the sold out Tiki Farm/Munktiki mugs. Looking at a great collection like Atomicchick's, I realize the extent of creativity involved.

McDougall posted on 04/27/2005

I have an extra blue Hukilau mug I might trade. Was $35 I think.

kbgator posted on 04/28/2005

I will throw my hat in the ring, I am currently looking for the Shag Enchanted Tiki Totem Mug. Please reply if you have an extra one available. I have a few mugs to trade, like Black Skull Mug (limited to 150), Speed Tiki, Martin Mug, Fanken Tiki and a few others. Will also pay for it as well.

roadkutter posted on 05/09/2005

Not exactly my #1 or #2 mug but I would like to have these 2 in my collection:

Green OMC mug


and a green Harvey's Sneaky Tiki...

TikiPhil posted on 05/09/2005

My #1 Mug is from the Polynesian at Disney World.


My love for Tiki can be traced back to a 1972 family vacation where we spent a week at the Polynesian. Although this mug is relatively new, it's marked Polynesian Resort and not Polynesian Village (name changed in the 90s), it still brings back memories.

kbgator posted on 05/11/2005

#1 Mug as of this minute: Munktiki pirate mug from this weekends tiki oasis event. Any leads will help.

tiki junkman posted on 05/11/2005

I have two mugs that I have wanted for a while. #1 is a Tiki Bob. I just love the look of that mug. #2 is the tiki mug from Hala Kahiki in River Grove, IL.

tiki junkman

Kailuageoff posted on 05/16/2005

I officially withdraw my request to trade a Port Light mug for a Starboard Light mug. TabooDan and I were able to work out a trade thanks to this thread. Mahalo Dan!
So what is my next Holy Grail.....? hmmmmmm. I think a coconut mug from Tiki Gardens would be nice. The only one I have ever seen belongs to Fatuhiva.

KAHAKA posted on 05/17/2005

Hmmmm... there are so many, narrowing it down to 1 is so limiting.

At the time being, I'm looking for a blue Trader Vic's sea horse mug. I'll make a lamp to trade if anybody's willing.

stentiki posted on 05/18/2005

On 2005-05-09 12:07, roadkutter wrote:
and a green Harvey's Sneaky Tiki...

Here's one closing today (not my auction). Good luck!


Riptide posted on 05/20/2005

Although, there are older, more rare mugs out there that would be incredible; I really wish I had a Beachbum Berry mug. That would really make my collection complete until the next one. But, oh I want that one ever so much!

Excellent thread Atomicchick.

[ Edited by: Riptide on 2005-05-20 11:11 ]

Feelin Zombified posted on 07/16/2005

On 2005-03-17 17:12, Feelin' Zombified wrote:

My grail is the Mauna Loa Drum mug

followed by the Chin Tiki mug and finally the other Mauna Loa mugs. Are you sensing a Detroit theme here?

Cue the angels choir:

My Ultimate mug has been found!

I hereby nominate myself as the coolest person on TC for the next 11 minutes (or until someone finds a Witco fountain, whichever comes first)

details and a proper photo (the above is from tikiroom.net) to follow in my next 'tiki finds' post after I get my camera out of the hostage situation it's in... tomorrow hopefully.

That would move the Chin Tiki mug into the front of the line for me. :)


Tiki Matt posted on 07/16/2005

Where'd ya get 'er?

Fez Ape posted on 07/17/2005

My would be the Schoontiki mug. I would offer A LOT in trade! To get this one.

Atomicchick posted on 07/17/2005


The Shoontiki mug took me about 6 years and $200 to get. But I must say, it was worth it. The mug is very large and has great detail, one of my favorites.


Fez Ape posted on 07/17/2005

On 2005-07-17 11:50, Atomicchick wrote:

The Shoontiki mug took me about 6 years and $200 to get. But I must say, it was worth it. The mug is very large and has great detail, one of my favorites.



teaKEY posted on 07/18/2005

whats a Shoontiki mug. picture ?

Fez Ape posted on 07/19/2005

On 2005-07-18 14:21, teaKEY wrote:
whats a Shoontiki mug. picture ?


hopefully this works so you can see it

teaKEY posted on 07/19/2005

oh, so thats what that looks like. OK, I saw one of those in the picture before. Not a mug that I would want but maybe one to sell.

Tikinomad posted on 07/21/2005

I would love to find an old polynesian resort ceramic tiki mug, the one with the lid, it was based on a carving that is actually on the premises of the resort. It's tan and green and can be seen on page 11 of house industries mag. number 1, it was featured in a photo collage of tiki mugs for the article on idol worship. that would be a top shelf tiki for my collection!

hiltiki posted on 07/21/2005

Ahhhhh so thats what a Shoontiki is, good thing I don't need one.

Benehune posted on 07/21/2005

I would like to order one Ren Clark signature tiki, with the drink still in it. No Head Hunter please.

Tangaroa Ed posted on 07/28/2005

My #1 mug at the moment would be the Shag Outre mug. Black or white..I'm not picky. After that probably would be one of the Kowloon mugs (the moai one followed by the other if I had my choice) to add to my Kowloon pineapple mug I have from when I was a kid.

I would have better luck finding a needle in a haystack than either one of these mugs. I can keep searching though. :)

teaKEY posted on 08/12/2005

I will throw my hat into the ring again. Does anyone have a extra Munktiki Rongo Rongo mug or just want to make space for a new mug. Or if not, could someone tell my (by PM) when they were made or last on Munktiki's site and what was the price. I just like all things Easter island. Or a Exotica Munktiki mug

Thanks, teaKEY

Mike the Headhunter posted on 08/12/2005

Since the ren clark is out... does any one have an extra "Goddess of love" skull mug.

thegarz posted on 08/23/2005

As for me....hmm....the only mug I am interested in is a San Francisco TikiBob. Maybe too much to ask, but $150 on ebay is waaayyy too much! Have one? wanna sell it at a "reasonable" price (like a little less than a hundred bones)? Drop me a line....

TikiJosh posted on 08/23/2005

On 2005-07-27 19:11, Tangaroa Ed wrote:
My #1 mug at the moment would be the Shag Outre mug. Black or white..I'm not picky.

I would have better luck finding a needle in a haystack than either one of these mugs. I can keep searching though. :)

I think I just saw one of these on e-bay, today. A black one. Yep, here it is
Only $102.50. Quite a steal.
I think I'd have to say that my current #1 mug is a voodoo grog glass from Trader Vics. After seeing Sabu's post over on page 2, I think the Sam's Seafood mugs are definitely up there, too. I love that place!

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