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Phil Spector-the man, the myth, the hair

Pages: 1 25 replies

suburbanpagan posted on 05/26/2005

The ONLY way to look for your murder trial, in my opinion!

purple jade posted on 05/26/2005


We watched End of the Century the other night, hilarious to hear that The Ramones scared the bejeeziz out of the Sex Pistols and the Clash , but crazy-ass little Phil Spector held them hostage at gunpoint.

cynfulcynner posted on 05/26/2005

It's the WALL OF HAIR!! That's something that would take a hairdresser hours to do.

Jay Leno showed this picture during his monologue last night. He said something like "You know what this reminds me of?" then showed an altered version of the picture where Spector had rainbow-colored hair and he was holding a big "JOHN 3:16" sign. :lol:

Tiki-bot posted on 05/26/2005

PapeToaTane posted on 05/26/2005

On 2005-05-25 17:57, Tiki-bot wrote:

OH!!! Grand Slam, Bot!!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

badmojo posted on 05/26/2005

Hair Bear!

Shipwreckjoey posted on 05/26/2005

Noel Redding has risen from the grave.

donhonyc posted on 05/26/2005

Whatta nut-job. That guy is going to the slammer for sure.

suburbanpagan posted on 05/26/2005


john posted on 05/26/2005

i heard somewhere he held deedee ramone hostage and make him play pinball for a couple of hours.
they're gonna love him in the joint with that hair-do

johntiki posted on 05/26/2005

There's no doubting his early production genius, although I always found his "wall of sound" more overwhelming and irritating on the ears than enjoyable, but the guy has always had a screw loose! I wasn't aware of his history with the Ramones - I've got to do more reading on that wackiness!

donhonyc posted on 05/26/2005

I think the whole 'Wall of Sound Thing' was something you had to be around for to appreciate when it started making it's way into pop music in the early 60s, otherwise it just gets lost on the ears of someone like me from Gen-X. Every time I hear a Phil Spector produced song I always think "what's the big deal?". So what.. he used more than one Bass or more than one piano, etc. to build a bigger sound. What's so deep about that? I would give more credit to George Martin for his innovative production back then. Along with the Beatles, he had some pretty crazy ideas. I do have Spector's Christmas Album which I will say is really cool. Oh yeah...he looked cool in his cameo in 'Easy Rider' too.

Whatever the case, any mega-rich A-hole like Spector who goes messing around with guns because he's a 'crazy genius' deserves whatever he gets in court. It looks like a pretty straightforward deal, and unfortunately I predict time in the can for old Phil. Nice way to end an illustrious career. By the way the person he's being tried for murdering played 'Mrs. Vargas' in "Fast Times at Ridgemont High"


RIP, Lana.

[ Edited by: donhonyc on 2005-05-26 08:45 ]

cynfulcynner posted on 05/26/2005

To see how this hair monstrosity evolved, I recommend doing a Google image search on Phil. The hair just got bigger and bigger and bigger! :o

Unga Bunga posted on 05/26/2005

wwjd posted on 05/27/2005

Wall Of Jab

martiki posted on 05/27/2005

Here's one for old times:

dogbytes posted on 04/25/2007

finally, after 4 years, Phil Spector's trial starts: opening statement was interesting. Phil went to the Beverly Hills Trader Vics and had 2 Navy Grogs. the Prosecutor listed the booze in a Navy Grog (3 ounces per drink), and says a bartender will testify. then he went to Dan Tanna's and tried to order another Navy Grog, but they didnt know how to build one. so he ordered a well drink. now its off to House of Blues for more drinking, before blasting Lana Clarkson..

your court tv addict,

dogbytes posted on 05/14/2007

oh this is hilarious. Ming Fong Chu, the bartender at TV on the night Phil Spector came in for drinks is on the stand. 35 years as a bartender! his accent is strong, and the court reporter is having a hard time.
"demalala rum"..

ktla.com ~ link at the top, live video. go watch.

VampiressRN posted on 05/15/2007

The smooth in-your-face look for 007.

By Harriet Ryan
Court TV

LOS ANGELES — Inside the diminutive body of Phil Spector reside two men, according to witnesses at his murder trial.

One is a sweet, courtly gentleman whose bygone-era approach to wooing women includes dates arranged by his secretary, long-stemmed roses and pleasant evenings that end with a kiss on the cheek.

The other is a nasty drunk with a filthy mouth and a habit of sticking guns in the faces of women who refuse to spend the night with him.

This portrait of a music industry Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde emerged over the past two weeks as a string of women who dated Spector in the 1980s and 1990s recounted the rise and fall of their relationships with him.

The witnesses described their reactions to his gun threats as equal parts terror and astonishment because, they said, the threat came from a man as well-known to them for his chivalrous kindness as he was for producing stars such as The Beatles and Tina Turner.

One of the four women, Dianne Ogden, spoke of being stunned when "my Phil," a man who pulled out chairs for her and sent her flowers and cards, attempted to rape her at gunpoint. She referred to the shift as "demonic," saying, "He was, like, taken over by something. I don't know what, but it wasn't him."

Another woman, Melissa Grosvenor, recalled Spector as a "very fun" companion who squired her to Knicks games and showered her with gifts, including $1,500 for laser eye surgery, until the evening he pulled a gun on her. She remembered the second when his jovial mood darkened.

"I said, 'I'm tired and I want to go,'" Grosvenor testified. "He turned to look at me and he said, 'What? You want to go?' and right then, his whole demeanor changed."

Dorothy Melvin, another former girlfriend, told jurors that Spector was a "very charming" and sensitive man who always wore a red lapel ribbon to remember his son who had died from cancer. But a 1993 incident in which he allegedly pistol-whipped her convinced her that "he snaps and he turns on a dime and becomes a lunatic."

Prosecutors hope the accounts of the women will convince jurors that something similar occurred in Spector's foyer on Feb. 3, 2003, when actress Lana Clarkson was shot to death. The couple had met three hours earlier at a Sunset Strip music club and returned to Spector's mansion for drinks.

Spector, 67, maintains the 40-year-old killed herself, a claim his lawyers say is backed by forensic evidence. He faces 15 years to life in prison if convicted.

FATIMA BLUSH: Oh, how reckless of me. I made you all wet.
JAMES BOND: Yes, but my martini is still dry.

[ Edited by: VampiressRN 2007-05-14 21:47 ]

Mr. NoNaMe posted on 09/19/2007

And here is the new look for fall. Too bad it is not dreadlock.
It is just deadlocked.

Signature? I ain't signin nothin!

[ Edited by: mr. noname 2007-09-18 18:55 ]

ravenne posted on 09/20/2007

See at least he looked....all right here:

On 2007-05-14 21:42, VampiressRN wrote:
The smooth in-your-face look for 007.

But maaan yet again he slips...wonder if he'll go back to the mad fro!

On 2007-09-18 18:23, Mr. NoNaMe wrote:
And here is the new look for fall. Too bad it is not dreadlock.
It is just deadlocked.

About a month ago I had to women come up to me at work and ask me to help them find the recent Phil Spector book...I found it and they began to tell me how they were classmates in high school...:lol:
They told me how eccentric and lucid the man was...and that the whole gun thing they had done to a friend of theirs... creepy!
I asked them if they thought he'd have done it intentionally and they both said "OH no...not Phil...Granted he was very eccentric, he would never have it in him to do something like 'murder' a person...I believe it's just an accident."

Mr. NoNaMe posted on 09/21/2007

On 2007-09-18 18:23, Mr. NoNaMe wrote:

Now that I look at him again he looks pissed enough that he could kill someone, .......again.

Yamatiki posted on 09/21/2007

I lost all respect for Spector when I read one of Brian Wilson's books and found out how bloody egomaniacal and downright condescending he was to young genius Brian back in the 60's .

Tiki Lion posted on 09/21/2007

Specter does not sound like a healthy man to me; does he to you?

His history points to his being a danger to others, sporadically but repeatedly.

A more responsible health care community would address this issue first.

Besides, ya gotta feel something for a fellow who's had so many consecutive bad hair decades...

Yamatiki posted on 09/21/2007

Looks like a psycho to me .

ravenne posted on 09/27/2007

Celebrating that Phil Spector got off free!
So it ends with a hung jury...

I honestly, didn't see that coming...

Pages: 1 25 replies