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Kava aka Ava

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Talkie-Tiki posted on 11/22/2002

Does anyone serve Ava a traditional Polynesian drink made with kava root Ava was used by the ruling class of Polynesia it was drunk as in Ceremonies weddings business deals or just any other important time

Kawentzmann posted on 11/23/2002

I once obtained a number of bags of the kava root powder. It tastes awful, and there are very few cocktails that incorporate it.
The trick is to consume it while it’s hot and keep it in your mouth until your mouth goes numb.
All this is in order to get a little upper effect, combined with a little change in attitude, more relaxed. Depends on the amount you drink, though. You can buy pills with the kava root at the chemist, but recently I heared it harmful to the liver, if you take it regularly.


chefgrey2 posted on 11/23/2002

One thing I have learned from the Fijians and Hawaiians in my travels...is that you DON'T use hot water , but warm water when you make kava tea....hot water denatures the kavalactones...the active ingredient... I'll fill you in more later...but I gotta run...Grey

Alnshely posted on 11/23/2002

About twenty years ago my friend came back from Fiji. He had a Marlboro box stuffed with Kava root. We drank it with cold coffee. it was very cool and relaxing.
Since then I've tried Kava at the "chemist" (pharmacist), the brand I tried had no potency. I'm told to never use hot water as it kills the potency. Weird Uncle posted the Kava Bar in Honolulu sells Kava mail order. I'm ordering some today. I'll let you all know. I have this cool book "Kava Kava" by DR. E.F. Steinmetz

Bowls like these were the inspiration for the Scorpion Bowl and Kava Bowl.

Fijian Kava ceremony

[ Edited by: Alnshely on 2002-11-23 09:56 ]

Traderpup posted on 11/23/2002

I enjoy the relaxing effects of kava from time to time.... I use cold water for mine. I put my powder in a piece of unbleached broadcloth, secure it well, and knead it in the water for 5-10 minutes, 'til the bag of powder starts to lose is 'oily' feel. You need to drink it immediately, its not something to make ahead and store for more than an hour. Its not a pleasant tasting stuff, but its not horrible either. Thai ice tea makes a good chaser, I haven't tried it with cold coffee.

If you search online, you can usually find several suppliers of kava powder. Look for a grower, don't get it from a vitamin or pharmaceutical supply.

Talkie-Tiki posted on 11/24/2002

thanks It is hard to find it in root form all I have been able to find is the pills Im going to try the asheville co-op next!

PiPhiRho posted on 11/26/2002

Kava can be ordered over the internet. I get mine direct from Fiji from here...


You can get all the accoutrements from here too. Kava cloths, Tanoas for mixing, Bilos from drinking, cannibal forks for... whatever those are used for. They sell it as powder. Here is a place that claims to sell the whole roots...


Here are some other resources too...





Tiki_Bong posted on 11/26/2002

Yeah, kava tastes pretty bad going down. I usually chase mine with a gram or 2 of magic mushrooms to improve the taste...

GECKO posted on 11/26/2002

ho cuz, kava is great if you no got work da next day! Al & Bong, sound like u guys like try! if u like visit next year, can.

Basement Kahuna posted on 11/26/2002

Has anybody ever heard of Betel-nut? Have an extensive chapter in a two-volume set of oceanic art books I own. Supposed to be rather euphoric. It's a combination of three or four ingredients....commonly used in New Guinea.

Basement Kahuna posted on 11/26/2002

P.S. Gecko...working on a New Guinea Gope Board for the bar- I'll send pictures when it's done. Working on a ceremonial paddle and two new weapons as well.....

Trader Woody posted on 11/28/2002

You can get it in the UK here:

(And he chucks a couple of coconut cups in with the starter pack)

But be quick..."LONDON--The Medicines Control Agency (MCA), an executive agency in the United Kingdom's Department of Health established to regulate the quality, efficacy and safety of human medicines, reported that it is considering a proposal that would prohibit unlicensed kava-containing products. This follows a provisional opinion from the Committee on Safety of Medicines (CSM), which concluded that the possible therapeutic benefits of kava products do not outweigh the health risks."

Hell, I'll take the risk!

Trader Woody

Alnshely posted on 12/13/2002

My Kava came today. I purchased it from Kava King, any relation to the Tiki King?. Bong!!!, guess what you're getting for X-MAS. A full report will be filed in a timely fashion.

Scamboogah posted on 12/13/2002

East coasters can also try out the Kava Lounge in the West Village in NYC. It's a New Zealand-themed bar. A bit pricey, but a fun experience nonetheless...

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