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Bad User Names on Tiki Central

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Hau 'oli Tiki posted on 06/02/2005

Why no one has chosen Pu Pu Platter yet is beyond me. No one brave enough?
Tiki Bot's fav of "a bigshot government hack in Ohio" got me thinking...
Tiki-Poto (in BOT, we learn what this means.)
Tiki-Roa (See above)
Add "tiki to any of the following:
okole (anus) Maybe someone already uses this?
Mimi (urine)
Manini (Cheap skate)
Mahu (Gay person-not bad, just brave)
Honono (Smelly)
Makapiapia (Mucus discharge from the eyes!)

Tikiwahine posted on 06/03/2005

ahh, but 'okole maluna' is one of the best polynesian phrases!

Mahalo Nui Loa,

badmojo posted on 06/03/2005

I have Wet Okole brand seat covers in my car.

naugatiki posted on 06/03/2005

If I was a woman I'd call myself "Suffering Bitch"

martiki posted on 06/03/2005

Tiki-Roa is my ebay user ID. :wink:

8FT Tiki posted on 06/03/2005

What about Tiki Whore ?

There might be a few out there.....you know just bringin' home any tiki they find out there regardless of size, price or condition.

When we first met.......

[ Edited by: 8FT Tiki on 2005-06-03 16:58 ]

Shipwreckjoey posted on 06/09/2005

Left out Tiki-Tita (pretty close to "suffering bitch" though).

Monkeyman posted on 06/09/2005

how about any tc name with tiki in it?

First there is the Just add tiki to your name crowd :)
Bill Tiki
Ted Tiki
Alice Tiki
Buford Tiki
Beaula Tiki
Lucious Tiki
Hal Tiki
Dick Tiki

Then theres the just add tiki to your species or gender :)
Tiki Man
Tiki Boy
Tiki Hombre
Tiki female
Tiki Bicurious

Lets not forget the folks who are just passionate about tiki :)
Tiki Enthusiast
Tiki Is Neat
I like Tiki

And theres also the hobbyists and careers :)

Do not underestimate the pick your favorite animal tiki lover :wink:

Come on newbies, wow us with your creativity and try something without the word Tiki in it. :) :) :) :) :)

Tikiwahine posted on 06/09/2005

How about lets try a thread that does not offend 3/4 of all TC members!


Hey newbies& lurkers, if you're thinking about joining and can't think of anything other than "Tiki__", that's ok! Do it anyway!

I use tiki in my name and I haven't been keel hauled yet!

Tiki Yours,

DawnTiki posted on 06/09/2005

On 2005-06-08 21:55, Monkeyman wrote:
how about any tc name with tiki in it?

First there is the Just add tiki to your name crowd :)

Say it loud!
I'm Dawn "TIKI" and I'm proud!

cheekytiki posted on 06/09/2005

I was thinking "Luahala Matt" would be agood name, if your name was matt(obviously).

Riptide posted on 06/09/2005

On 2005-06-08 21:55, Monkeyman wrote:
how about any tc name with tiki in it?

How about Riptiki?

tikifish posted on 06/09/2005

I am not ashamed to be TIKIFISH!!!

Tiki-bot posted on 06/09/2005

The TIKI-BOT will destroy you!!!!!

joefla70 posted on 06/09/2005

I confess to having a bad user name. It was my aol screen name that I created 10 years ago. I find that whenever I get creative with a user name/password, I never seem to be able to remember them. So I figured that I'd keep it simple and stick with the old aol screen name. Lame, huh?

Thomas posted on 06/09/2005

This is funny, like it's turning into a sort of confessional session at a therapy meeting. Well, let me step up to the plate now and declare that, yes, I too regard my own username as rather lame. It brings to mind, perhaps, a cartoon character wearing a Hawaiian shirt, or a tourist who considers himself an expert on the Caribbean because he vacations there for a week every year.

But I'm heartened by a certain strain in the tiki sensibility which I call the "it's so bad it's good" concept. This could also be called the "the tackier the better" concept. So, I'm sticking with my username. Darn it, it's so bad it's ... (I dare not say it).

Monkeyman posted on 06/09/2005

Sabu the Coconut Boy will always be the winner when it comes to the BEST TC handle (IMO).

Other names I like, Pablus, Polypop, Iuka Grogg, The Jab, Humuhumu, Floratina, Johnnie Velour, TraderPup, Smogbreather, Swanky, Tangaroa, Gecko, ZuluMagoo, Formikahini, Futura Girl, Chongolio, Basement Kahuna, Bongofury....too many to list.

It would seem that the best names are the ones that work seamlessly into personal interaction.

The first time you are called from across the room by your TC handle it sounds strange. "Did they just call me Monkeyman?"

What I find is that many of the folks who have tiki in their name are only addressed by the non tiki part. We simply drop the tiki.

We often call TikiFish just Fish.
Big Bro Tiki is often just referred to as Big Bro.

Wierd Unc, Ona, Wahine, Rodeo, BOT, Bong etc etc etc.

If tiki is such a wonderful addition to the name, why do we so often drop it.

Tiki-bot posted on 06/09/2005

I think there was an informal poll a while ago on the "how'd you come up with your user name?" post that named "Slacks Ferret" the favorite user name. I have to agree, even though it's not "tiki", it's way up there. I love the forum names Sabu TCB, The Drunken Hat, and UtopianDreem, too.

mrs. pineapple posted on 06/09/2005

I AM Mrs. Pineapple. And I'm married to someone who isn't necessarily Mr. Pineapple...

Whenever I meet someone from TC who doesn't realize Tiki-Bot IS Mr. Pineapple, I tell them he kept his maiden name :)

tikibars posted on 06/09/2005

On 2005-06-09 12:59, Monkeyman wrote:
We often call TikiFish just Fish.
Big Bro Tiki is often just referred to as Big Bro.

Wierd Unc, Ona, Wahine, Rodeo, BOT, Bong etc etc etc.

If tiki is such a wonderful addition to the name, why do we so often drop it.

Maybe it's like an 'e' on the end of a word: we need to use it when we type the word, but we don't pronounce it when we say it.

This thread made me wonder who has the user name of simply "Tiki". I searched and was surprised to find that no one does. I decided to register it... hey, so many other people have multiple IDs, why not?

Got this message: "The username you chose, "tiki" has been disallowed by the administrator. Please go back and try again."

Hanford, you crafty so and so, you!

[ Edited by: tikibars on 2005-06-09 15:42 ]

Raffertiki posted on 06/10/2005

Does this mean I have to change my name back to nicefishy?

Tiki-Kate posted on 06/10/2005

On 2005-06-08 21:55, Monkeyman wrote:
how about any tc name with tiki in it?

You left out the incredibly creative addition of the hyphen.

I simply used the name I'd been using on ebay in the days before there was a TikiCentral.

If I were ever to change my handle, I'd have to choose Whakatane. But then I'd get sick of explaining to people that in Moari the wh is pronounced like an f and the background of the legend of Whakatane and why it suits me so well and how I mutter "Whakatane" whenever I'm mowing the lawn or taking out the garbage or lifting heavy objects...

Cans of worms, Man. Can of worms.

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Shipwreckjoey posted on 06/10/2005

All this Star Wars hoopla has rekindled my interest in Sci-Fi. I'm seriously considering changing MY user name to TikiHX 1138...BODDAH YOU!

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tikifish posted on 06/10/2005

Also, consider that a name like tikifish OUTSIDE Tiki Central is quite unusual. Its only when I wander in here that I become pedestrian. Many folks come to tikifish.com and its quite a snazzy name when its not beside all the other tikijoes and tikijanes.

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KuKuAhu posted on 06/10/2005

On 2005-06-10 05:20, tikifish wrote:
Also, consider that a name like tikifish OUTSIDE Tiki Central is quite unusual.

Bingo. Right on, Fish. I think all the tiki names are just fine. We need to remind ourselves that this place represents "concentrated tiki" in the extreme and is therefore still very unusual to the non-tiki world.

We are all still 1%ers.

A friend of mine once said, "If I judged the world population based upon the people that visit my chat forum I'd be inclined to believe that the earth was populated entirely with Canadian goths."

So you go TikiJoe and TikiBill. Bring TikiMary and TikiJennifer and we'll throw a tiki luau. I'll bring the tiki rum.


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badmojo posted on 06/10/2005

We need to remind ourselves that this place represents "concentrated tiki" in the extreme

Tiki Central: The Demi Glace of the Tiki World

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finkdaddy posted on 06/10/2005

I had the unfortunate curse of growing up with the name Fred (Hey Fred, where's Wilma? Ha ha, that's soooo funny). So then I find TC, a place where I can finally create my own identity, and I pick the name Finkdaddy. Oh well, I guess I'll never learn. :roll:

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Thomas posted on 06/10/2005

I think Fred is an awesome name. It wasn't popular in "our" generation (I assume we're more or less of the same generation). That makes it cool. "Fred" wears argyle socks and listens to Herb Alpert! "Fred" is cool!

My wife's name is Helen, which is sort of similarly uncommon in our generation, and thus, in a contrarian sense, cool. (Though I'm happy to say she doesn't wear argyle socks.)

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PolynesianPop posted on 06/10/2005

On 2005-06-10 12:44, finkdaddy wrote:
I had the unfortunate curse of growing up with the name Fred (Hey Fred, where's Wilma? Ha ha, that's soooo funny). :roll:

My real name is Adrian. As I grew up, everytime I met someone they always chuckled, "Yo Adrian"...... and everytime they thought they were the first "genius" to think of something so funny.... ha, ha, ha... yeah buddy, you're so funny I forgot to laugh.

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tikifish posted on 06/10/2005

If I had a nickel for everytime I've heard 'Hey Jane! Where's Tarzan?'...

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Rob Roy posted on 06/10/2005

With my name it is either the bad drink or the scottish guy.

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Tikiwahine posted on 06/10/2005

Having a different name also has it's downfalls.

I spend much time explaining that my name (Shani) rhymes with fanny.

Everyone here can pronounce wahine, vahine, or hine, so I am happy :)

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freddiefreelance posted on 06/10/2005

On 2005-06-10 12:44, finkdaddy wrote:
I had the unfortunate curse of growing up with the name Fred (Hey Fred, where's Wilma? Ha ha, that's soooo funny). So then I find TC, a place where I can finally create my own identity, and I pick the name Finkdaddy. Oh well, I guess I'll never learn. :roll:

You forgot "Hey Fred, Where's Ethel?"

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badmojo posted on 06/10/2005

Next we'll have to delve into the mispronunciation of last names.

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floratina posted on 06/11/2005

Right on, Monkeyman. This has been a source of amusement for me for some time!

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WenikiTiki posted on 06/11/2005

I am a newbie to this board, but wanted to say that my Dentists wife named my new business and gave me this user ID! She is so smart! We were discussing what to name my business, I make a lot of tropical pottery and ikebana vases. She asked me what my Hawaiian name was: answer Weniki. I had also just gushed on about a tiki mug I was designing. And so it was done!

To all you folks suffering with well know names: I named my second son Forrest. He was born before the movie. But Forrest Gump came out when he was in diapers. That poor kid has suffered!

Gotta' go shopping, we drank all the rum in our Mai Tai's last night! Aloha from Hawaii!

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Shipwreckjoey posted on 06/12/2005

Aloha Wenikitiki. Welcome aboard. In the days to come I'm sure you'll find yourself exploring more culturally enlightening and intellectually stimulating posts than this one (no offense meant to poster or responders...after all this is...BILGE).

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joefla70 posted on 06/13/2005

On 2005-06-10 12:44, finkdaddy wrote:
I had the unfortunate curse of growing up with the name Fred (Hey Fred, where's Wilma? Ha ha, that's soooo funny). So then I find TC, a place where I can finally create my own identity, and I pick the name Finkdaddy. Oh well, I guess I'll never learn. :roll:

Hey, here's one reason why its cool to be named Fred: http://www.fredsociety.com/ where you can buy all things Fred, including a "Fred's Tiki Lounge" T-shirt

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Jawa posted on 06/14/2005

Woo hoo! My 100th post!!!

My user name is easy enough JAson WAthey.
Plus, it has something to do with the Star Wars characters of the same name, and tiki.

As someone said when I posted my first tiki find in the wild, we are all like Jawas, rummaging through the flea markets, antique stores, and garage sales for those 'special' items.

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finkdaddy posted on 06/14/2005

On 2005-06-13 12:24, joefla70 wrote:

On 2005-06-10 12:44, finkdaddy wrote:
I had the unfortunate curse of growing up with the name Fred (Hey Fred, where's Wilma? Ha ha, that's soooo funny). So then I find TC, a place where I can finally create my own identity, and I pick the name Finkdaddy. Oh well, I guess I'll never learn. :roll:

Hey, here's one reason why its cool to be named Fred: http://www.fredsociety.com/ where you can buy all things Fred, including a "Fred's Tiki Lounge" T-shirt

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I'm already a member of The Fred Society and own that very shirt, along with several other Fred items! :D

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finkdaddy posted on 06/14/2005

On 2005-06-10 14:14, freddiefreelance wrote:

On 2005-06-10 12:44, finkdaddy wrote:
I had the unfortunate curse of growing up with the name Fred (Hey Fred, where's Wilma? Ha ha, that's soooo funny). So then I find TC, a place where I can finally create my own identity, and I pick the name Finkdaddy. Oh well, I guess I'll never learn. :roll:

You forgot "Hey Fred, Where's Ethel?"

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Yeah great, I almost forgot about that one. Also, back when I was a little kid there was a Mrs. Karl's Bread advertisement where a cartoon mailman (or milkman?) named Fred had to buy bread form the store. The jingle that went with it went :music: Bring home the Mrs. Karl's Bread, Fred! :music: I heard that every day for years.

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freddiefreelance posted on 06/14/2005

On 2005-06-13 17:38, finkdaddy wrote:

On 2005-06-10 14:14, freddiefreelance wrote:

On 2005-06-10 12:44, finkdaddy wrote:
I had the unfortunate curse of growing up with the name Fred (Hey Fred, where's Wilma? Ha ha, that's soooo funny). So then I find TC, a place where I can finally create my own identity, and I pick the name Finkdaddy. Oh well, I guess I'll never learn. :roll:

You forgot "Hey Fred, Where's Ethel?"

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/proxy-image.php?user_id=738&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.lutheransonline.com%2Flo%2F487%2FFSLO-1052589841-861487.gif&w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=d398494b55023c72f541a6fca3240b0e

Yeah great, I almost forgot about that one. Also, back when I was a little kid there was a Mrs. Karl's Bread advertisement where a cartoon mailman (or milkman?) named Fred had to buy bread form the store. The jingle that went with it went :music: Bring home the Mrs. Karl's Bread, Fred! :music: I heard that every day for years.

I remember it being for Butternut Bread. I think I bought a musical lighter once that played that song when it lit?

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Benehune posted on 06/14/2005

Okay, I will finally reveal my secret. My name is Ben and I love menehunes. I guess I should consider myself lucky. I could have been named Fred: Freddehune?

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CheekyGirl posted on 06/19/2005

Personally, I like the name "Fred". The name Fred brings to mind someone that is a true friend, loyal, a guy that has your back!

On another note, I've looked through the member list, there are a bunch of user names that people have created, but never posted once. I wish there were a way to find out if they are really active--if not, too bad there's not a way to just delete them.

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finkdaddy posted on 06/19/2005

Thanks CheekyGirl ( :blush: she said she likes my name! :blush: )

Now that I'm an adult I love my name. It was just growing up that I hated it. Now it gives me some distinction and class. Fred is a good name, and in my family it has a TON of history. A Fred's firstborn son has always been given that name for more generations than I can count. But I'm OK with the fact that I get a gentle razzing about it every once and a while. Hell, I do it more than anyone else!

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CheekyGirl posted on 06/21/2005

My real name (Nelva), well, I didn't really get teased, about the worst was a girl that called me "Nelva-Smell-va" that just happened once, because I punched her and knocked the wind out of her in 3rd grade. We ended up best friends until she moved away the next year.

Growing up unfortunately, my name got misspelled and mispronounced. I finally got to the point where I just answered to anything that sounded similar. Nelda, Nelba, Nova, Melba, Melva, even a few weird ones like Zima, Zelda, Melon and Xenia.

Like you, FinkDaddy, I didn't really like my name growing up, coupled with the fact that I don't have a middle name, there was no hope. I always felt like my name was a little "Old Lady" name. But now I've come to appreciate that it is unique. I like my name now.

[ Edited by: CheekyGirl on 2005-06-20 18:43 ]

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JTD posted on 06/21/2005

*On 2005-06-20 18:42, CheekyGirl wrote:*Growing up unfortunately, my name got misspelled and mispronounced. I finally got to the point where I just answered to anything that sounded similar. Nelda, Nelba, Nova, Melba, Melva, even a few weird ones like Zima, Zelda, Melon and Xenia.

What? No "Mulva"?

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saxotica posted on 07/02/2005

I like unusual names like Nelva. My name is Mike Jones.When I went into my first day of first grade there was another Mike Jones in my class. Michael is actually my middle name but my first name is also very common[I won't post it here].When I got my library card using my full name, I was the third guy in Georgia to get a library card with that exact same name.

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