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eBay: Witco Outrigger

Pages: 1 4 replies

Feelin Zombified posted on 06/13/2005

Hey All,

I'm giving up my most fav-o-rite Witco piece. Hopefully someone from TC will get this and give it a loving home.


(Schnauzer not included, shown only for dramatic emotional effect)


pa'akiki posted on 06/13/2005

Hey, feeling Zombified
I was just wondering how this could be your most fav-o-rite witco piece when you just bought it on ebay on april 12th 2005 for $99.00 item # 7313896601 and you probably only owned it a month or less?

Feelin Zombified posted on 06/13/2005

Because it IS my favorite piece. I want to keep it, I wish I could keep it, but bills and reality are hitting me HARD right now. My wife and I had SEVERAL arguements about keeping/selling it. She won, I lost. And I'll probably be buying one again in a year or 2 (when finances are better) for 3 times what I sell this one for.

Thank you so very much for asking, Mr. 6Posts.


[ Edited by: feelin' zombified on 2005-06-13 05:21 ]

mattfink posted on 06/13/2005

There's always a party pooper in every crowd...good luck with the sale Z!!!


Jawa posted on 06/13/2005

Thank you so very much for asking, Mr. 6Posts.

We can only deduce that this person has not been collecting tiki and/or retro items very long and does not realize the power they hold!
My personal favorite item is the tiki bob mug from Hawaiian Village I found 2 weeks ago for $14 at an antique store. As soon as I saw it it was my favorite because I have been looking for a Tiki Bob mug and Hawaiian Village mugs!

Pa'akiki, I don't mean to bash, but that was a pretty harsh reply dude...

FZ, good luck selling this, wish I had the cash flow to help you get rid of it :wink:

-Jason :drink:

Pages: 1 4 replies