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BENZART's Carvings Second original thread

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On 2005-06-22 07:06, surfintiki wrote:
I've got to see one of them thar air chisels in action. I just don't see how it would work without kicking back at ya. I'm sure it works n' all, but...gotta SEE it!
Hey has anyone tried video in a forum? I know that model camera your usin' Benzy has a video mode!! I doubt you can save mpeg at shutterfly though. Just a thought.

It doesn't run on air... rather it is a recriprocarver as Ben said. You can get an attachment for a Dremel. A company named Wecheer makes one that Woodcraft carries.

It is a flex shaft that converts into a "jackhammer" that you put chisel attachments into. I had one but burned it out and got into traditional chisel carving. The "jackhammer" only works when you apply pressure to the chisel, as in putting it to the wood.

I'm assuming that you are using the same type of shaft Ben... you just have it hooked up to a higher power motor than a regular Dremel...

[ Edited by: Lake Surfer on 2005-06-22 22:20 ]


Googled "new zealand bone carving" and got this site:


The pieces on our site are all carved from cow bone which is now the only readily available source of bone suitable for carving. The bone has to be very fine grained, very dense and also thick enough to make the larger pieces. It is the high density and fine grain of the bone that gives it the ability to hold such a high gloss polish.

The quality of their work is awesome. They also have a significant amount of jade carving too. Worth it for the eye candy factor alone.


Yes I have that brand, the Wecheerfor the fordham flex shavt. it comes out with 1/4 horse power, which runs it pretty well. the foredham has a lot more power than the dremel.


Who is next on the list for the Taiaha Pendant since Dimetrious hhad to pass, Unhappily for the time being. #62 is available to next in line.

The mask looks great. I spoke with a sales guy at Woodcraft about the jackhammer attachment for the Dremel. He did not know much about it, but said that he thought it would be fine with softer woods but not strong enough for the hard stuff. Sounded logical enough?

As far as bone carving goes. Here's my first carving in bone (pineapple on right). It was done mostly on the lathe and finished with the dremel. It is Deer Antler. I did some other pens with pieces that were more white - they finished like ivory (sorry no pics - not tiki).

You can actually find companies that will sell you antler chunks online - they sell it by the pound. The stuff is HARD and when you work on it smells like your hair is fire. Worth giving it a try if you want the challenge, because they finish beautifully.


Thanks AlohaStation, I did run across deer antler and was wondering how hard it was to carve. In the meantime I got some real african ebony and pink ivory (or pink ebony) to carve.
Here is the latest update on the palm mask.

He is standing on a 16" trash can here.
Coming down the home stretch for the carving part. He'll be done in a few days

[ Edited by: Benzart on 2005-06-23 15:02 ]

Moki posted on Thu, Jun 23, 2005 4:15 PM

Coming along nicely!! This is going to be one special guy. You look a little warm. Working too hard?? :wink:

ben...he is really super...as is everything
you do...I suspect by now he's claimed by
a lucky someone on the list? Whenever I
crawl to the top of the list I will have a
great spot for my coveted BenZart....
My wife made the mistake of going to Ireland
with her sister..so I seized the opportunity
with a friend of mine to expand the
CongaTiki room...will have a special spot
for the Benz.


Moki, thanks, he is beginning to talk to me. It is Summer here and even with a fan blowing it is mid 90's in my garage. I'm OK

Congatiki, thanks, you are coming up real soon on the list. You still want the 12"Maori face mask right?

This is awesome! I didn't know you were working big again...

Truly masterful!


Thanks Slax. This is my first BigBenzart. Glad you like it


Now that's what I'm talking about! Awesome Ben. You Rock.

Yeah I agree with you, it is hot as hell right now, even up here in Jacksonville. Makes you not want to be very motivated.........


The epitome of the carvers right here. Fantastic work Ben. I hate to sound repetative, and I may have missed the thread that tells the story of Benzart and where he learned his craft. Did you hang out in the islands for a time? Were you taught by natives? I am continually impressed by your style and results. Simply inspiring.


[ Edited by: McTiki on 2005-06-24 10:51 ]

Great work Ben!

Ben this guy is looking sweet!!! It's great to see you working big again! Some lucky person's gonna end up with that guy.... I know what you mean about the heat in the garage - that's where I paint, and I keep an old 1952 Vornado fan on so it's constantly keeping the air moving. Post this guy when he's complete - I can't wait to see him.

Simply magical Ben... like you've channeled ancient Polynesia.

On 2005-06-24 04:10, Tiki G. wrote:
it is hot as hell right now, even up here in Jacksonville. Makes you not want to be very motivated.........

Hey G... join the crowd! Yesterday's high here in Cheeseland was 94 degrees... today's predicted high 97 with a tropical dewpoint of 70. A real summer here finally! My Banana Tree is loving it.


Holy COW Lake! 97 degrees there???? Bet that lakes thawed out by now huh? See Ben, looks like were not the only sweaters around here. Should help me lose some of my beer belly!

Remarkable! I can't believe that you put just as much detail in to this big guy as you do your smaller creations. Keep the pictures coming...


TikiG, Thanks, Yeah I rock all right, every night in my rockin'chair, Yes the heat sure takes it out of you but I need to lose some weight and this is as good a way as any.
Thanks McTiki I appreciate the props. I bumped up the French Fanzine interviews. There is backgroung info for myself, Sam Gambino and CheekyTiki.

Speak of the devil, Thanks Cheeky.\

And Sam too, thanks Sam. Lono is a lot closer to being done, or so I think. He may think otherwise. I have a big fan that helps some but HE doesn't care.

Hey Lake, thanks. 97, Wow thats Hot. It is not that hot yet but getting there. Yeah G, you and me both.
Tikitammy, thanks, it's hard not putting as much detail as possible into these guys . Especially when the tiki is telling me what to do how to do it, easy. I'll take more pix tonight


This is probably the last update before he is complete.

[ Edited by: Benzart on 2005-06-28 14:03 ]

That is one sweet mamajama. And it belongs in a museum, or at least a TCer's home bar.

Ben, please put my name on the list for another work of art.


Raffer thanks for the Mamajama word, cool.
UngaBunga. Got you on the list. Actually you are on it way up front at #17 too.
Actually taking pictures of these beasts helps in the carving process. It really shows all the places that are in need ok tweaking, smoothing, and evening out. The Macro shots are very unkind to the sculptor, but help at the same time

He's just GREAT!

How did you remove the bark that remained on the details? You don't really strip the bark before carving him??


Hey Skully, The Palm logs don't get de-barked before carving because there may be some areas I would like to leave the bark on forthe effect. When it does come off, it is usually with a large straight chisel. Some like on the edges of the headdress, I will lightly remove with a sander with not too violent power setting so as tosoften the edges and "Clean" the barked area. Some bark Helps and can be an assett.
All I have left is a bit of "Teasing" which is removing a tad of wood here and a scrunch there. Basically Cleaning it up and tightening up the detail and the emotions and the features.
You want to clean it up without Overcleaning it up. You want to fill in the colors but not too much, You want the wrinkles to look real and not contrived. You want him to be a carving of a Tiki God who is alive and not a carving. You want to know he hears what you say, All that is Teasing and that is what I have left to do. The Fun part.
Thanks and good night.

[ Edited by: Benzart on 2005-06-25 20:04 ]

OH MY GOD! ben this guy is so cool! I'm amazed at how he's turned out - very beautiful...YOu think you'll be able to do more large carvings? or this a one shot deal?

The shot of the back of the tiki is interesting too - did you remove all the waste? or was it removed when you got the log?


Thanks PolyN, I will be able to do more of these, just not a steady diet. It definitely puts more of a hurting on the old bones.
I removed and hollowed out the back. Now it weighs Almost nothing. I may put a thin plywood backing on it for strength, not sure.
This flared log is so perfect for the Lono tiki I may do more of the same. Thanks

[ Edited by: Benzart on 2005-06-26 16:06 ]

All these progress pix are great, Ben. That will be one fine Lono. It already is, and isn't even finished yet. He'll be quite a character I'm sure.



Here is #1 BigBenZart complete. Just needs a couple more coats of poly. He is leaning up against 2 beauyiful japanese Fantail palm logs I just got today from a local treetrimmer.

Tomorrow I'll work on some smaller pieces. Enjoy

[ Edited by: Benzart on 2005-06-28 14:05 ]

Well... I guess I'll quit trying to carve now...

Incredible Ben. Absolutely beautiful.
Looks like it came out of a musuem.


Damn! That's Gorgeous!

Who's getting this one Ben?

Man, Ben... Simply beautiful. Are you going to do more of these Big Benzart Beauties? By the looks of those 2 logs behind him, it looks like you will! Congratulations on such a fine piece of artistry.


Excellent, I love it. Your tiki almost looks like it is alive. Are you sure it isn't waking up in the middle of the night causing mayhem? It looks like it might be. Good idea using a piece of wood on the back for support.

You're a legend,

If I could include the sound of cheers and clapping in a post, I would be doing it here! I hope Big Benzart #1 is the first in a series. The feeling of awe is the same everytime I see a new piece. Don't ever stop!

That guy is so Cool. You are the Master!!!


Oh...my...God! That is beautiful Ben! Wanna sell it? :)

kirby posted on Tue, Jun 28, 2005 4:42 PM

great work...Love It...your the man benz...

Fantastic. I love the stain and backplate.


Benz... Looks great. Wow. Hope he didnt hurt the hands to much

Benzart for President of Tiki Central...
or King...or Pope...oops...guess that job
is taken for a while. Happy Happy Happy!


kirby posted on Tue, Jun 28, 2005 5:05 PM

We should have a tiki central artist of the month and benzart should be the first one.


Thanks Lake, but don't quit carving now you are too close to getting there. My mind is kind of like a museum--Old, so you're right!
Slacks, thank you too. This one has been donated to the Hukilau auction which I hear is for a great cause.
Sam, thanks to you too, your props mean a great deal to me and YES I will be doing a few more "BigBenzarts" but need to do mostly small BenZarts. While I was able to do it, the big one took a Lot more time and energy and was very difficult.
Thanks Will, this Lono IS alive. He has been talking to me every day. He likes it here. I figured the plywood backing would make it last a Long time since this log was very dry. the carving is only about8" deepat the top.
Finky, thank you too, I think I can hear your applause from here! I'm not stopping until they make me stop.
Spermy thenks, cool maybe, master, Not.
Johntiki, thanks but it is spoken for.
Kirby, AlohaStation, Thantos, you guys snuck in as I was posting tis, Thanks a bunch.
Congatiki, thanks for the Happies
Monkeyman thanks, right on.
Kirby, thanks again but Im not artist of the month material. It should be someone else like you, or Finky, or Aaron, or Monkeyman or, or, I'm not gonna name All you guys, but you all deserve it as much as anyone.

Thanks everyone for all the great words. You all really keep me inspired to keep the bar high.. I really appreciate all your support, Thanks.

[ Edited by: Benzart on 2005-06-28 17:11 ]

IMPRESSIVE tiki there, Ben- I really dig the charcoal stain- It makes his features that much bolder!

Well it looks like there is lots of magic left in them old hands. Amazing Ben , simply amazing ...


Moki posted on Tue, Jun 28, 2005 10:32 PM

Absolutely amazing!! :D

That Ebony stain really shows the detail and the backing is a nice finish. Always waiting to see what's next because you keep topping yourself.


Ben congrats on the finished Lono. Great to see your finished masterpiece. It's as awesome as I knew it would be. Like the ply back on it. Was it really weak with the palm or did you use the ply just in case? What did you stain it with?

BigBenzart ROCKS!!!!!

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