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APE in SF! Dec 7th '14 ( pg 7)

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Sabina posted on 07/01/2005

Tonight was a blast! Excellent crowd (Which had thined down a bit by APE's second set, but it still made for a wonderful time!) All the performers we caught were excellent! And all around, it was just a great show!

So great to see a small knot of other TCers tonight, too.

Tonight's Tiki, Al carved onstage, #99 looked amazing! And Lane looked utterly relaxed playing along from the lounge- he just needed a coconut full of rum :) Here's to a speedy recovery!

So without further ado, I just got the pictures from tonight up!

You can find them in the newest gallery- San Franciso Area- http://www.sevenpleasures.org/gallery/San-Francisco-Area

(Just click on the Exotica Au Go Go album).

here are a couple good ones-

freddiefreelance posted on 07/01/2005

On 2005-07-01 02:51, Sabina wrote:

I can understand why Al's dressed as Ali Baba, but why is he juking with a baby octopus?

Sabina posted on 07/03/2005

You've given me my laugh for the day! Mahalo!

It's actually a skull with feathers etc around the bottom!

crazy al posted on 07/08/2005

Already a week ago....Like Bedouin contraband Tiki#99 was born and sold on the auction block the same night.

the new owner? MC of the Devil-Ettes Harem!!

the Whirling Belly Wonders!!

the Devils!!!

the Snake!!!!

the End!!!! (shrunken head victim Mitch)

thanks to ALL! see ya next time...........

crazy al posted on 09/10/2005

Fantasmic! Art'o'rific APE'plosion!!


all the color and info here:
See you there!!


APE music
PO Box 553
Sunset Bch, CA 90742
714 960 3003

crazy al posted on 09/15/2005

Gig info here:
any one in SF and not on Frank's, Otto's or my email list??
you missed the latest
APE and THE  MAKEOUT ROOM -  remind you to show up early THIS  THURSDAY
(9/15) to see this once in a lifetime collection of RARE TIKI FILMS
starting at 8:30PM.


Opening up for APE will be the…

Dumb Angel #4: All Summer Long–Film Block
(Each film is associated with articles in this new magazine.)
Presented by Domenic Priore and Brian Chidester

–Dick Dale Live on The Ed Sullivan show, Oct. 1963.

–The Chantays on the Lawrence Welk Show, 1963.

–The Raindrops and The Beach Boys (with Tiki decor) from One man’s
challenge, early 1962.

–Tiki Exteriors (1986)–Film by Domenic Priore highlighting Kelbos, San
Gabriel Valley art buildings, Bahooka and other lost treasures.

–Eden Abez: The story of Nat Cole’s “Nature Boy” (2005)–Film segment by
Brian Chidster and Domenic Priore from the BBC documentary The Secret
Map of Hollywood.

–First Surfing Footage EVER! (1906)–Produced by Thomas Edison. Filmed
by Robert K. Bonine in Waikiki. (Courtesy of the bishop Museum,

–Waikiki Beach Boys (2004)–Short Film by Brian Chidester, chronicles
Duke Kahanamoku, “Squeeze” Kamana and other early 20th century Hawaiian
surfers and musicians.

also... I NEED A LOG!! any three foot palm logs in SF??? needing to be carved... I'll be at the 'shooting gallery' all day with Tiki Tony and Otto setting up Friday's show... give a call to the gallery 415 931 8035

I'll have my #13 mugs New T-shirts and some limited edition Tikis at the artist's meet and greet pre show

as well as a limited Philp. Hard wood tiki up for sale for Orleans relief!!!

see you tonight

[ Edited by: crazy al 2005-09-15 08:13 ]

crazy al posted on 09/20/2005

Another great time at the MakeOut Room!!! thanks ALL!!!

Crazy AL Tiki#102!!!!!
My first Drift Wood Tiki!!!!
Bought by no other then BambooBen at the end of the night... waxing nostalgic for ol' Eli's beach combing days.......... money's to New Orleans

Thanks Mr Smile Pants! for buying my Philip. tiki.... i can send much needed founds to the red cross and all of Purple Jade's neighbors... $100!

Great time with all the friends, T.Tony and B.Ben even!!!!

see ya all next time!

Humuhumu posted on 09/21/2005

We had a swell time, I'm so glad we were able to make it. In particular, I was entranced by the films that Domenic Priore presented for us -- each one was a short little gem, and the mind reels at the effort it must have taken to track down these snippets. I picked up my copy of Dumb Angel; it looks like I'll be getting a ton of enjoyment out of that. Definitely more book than magazine. I also learned, courtesy of APE, that I do not have a future in hula hooping.

Here's a link to my full album of pics from the evening:


And here are a few selections:

:up: Very young Beach Boys (I think?)

:up: The old Kelbo's on Pico!

:up: Eden Ahbez meets Nat King Cole

:up: Hundred-year-old film of tourists in Waikiki!

:up: Hundred-year-old film of surfers in Hawaii!

:up: Now I know how he was able to keep his TV secret -- he spent the whole night with a beer to his lips.

:up: Tiki Tony! Or is it Tiki tOny? I get confused.

:up: Stink Eye Smiley

:up: Otto is spared Crazy Al's juju

:up: As is Mai Tai

:up: Travellin' Tiki's dad get targeted

:up: Surprise visit from Annabelle of Lushy! When we saw each other at the bar, we both exclaimed "what are you doing here?!"

crazy al posted on 03/09/2006

One of APE's First Gigs was with LINK WRAY!!! back in May of '99

So our very own Frank Novicki has something spacial for You and APE at the MakeOut Room April 5th!

A Tribute to Rock Guitar God
Link Wray!
Frank and his back-up band, which includes Klaus Flouride (Dead Kennedys) on bass, Mike Burns (ex-Sloe Gin Joes) on drums, and Ferenc Dobronyi (Pollo Del Mar) on second guitar, will be tearing through a slew of Link’s instrumental classics: songs like Rumble, Rawhide, The Ace Of Spades, Jack The Ripper and many more. 15 savage songs in 30 maniacal minutes! Plus awesome Link-related visuals by projectionist Jaime Lieberman.
THEN APE! and Tiki Chopping Fun!
more info here:

crazy al posted on 03/27/2006

just got back from the snow!!! more on that later......

see you in a few days!!

crazy al posted on 03/28/2006
thejab posted on 03/31/2006

Dang! On the same night the original 1981 lineup of the Flesh Eaters are playing at Slim's! This is the lineup with John Doe and DJ Bonebrake from X, Dave Alvin and Bill Bateman from The Blasters, Steve Berlin from Los Lobos, and Chris D. of course. I'll swing by after the show and see if you're still there.

crazy al posted on 04/04/2006

don't pay any attention to the distractions listed... for there is fun to be had at the Make-Out Room!

see you there!!!!!!!!!!!

crazy al posted on 04/05/2006

i just finished prepping the crazy log for Tiki#115! Log provided by Jungle Trader!! it definitely is going to be the most unique APE Tiki yet, every log seems to bring new surprizes.... so bring the bidding money, it's one not to be missed

Frank hits the stage early with his Link Wray band, so get there on time to see him

Humuhumu posted on 04/09/2006

We almost didn't make it, but thank goodness we did -- it was a total blast! I don't think I'll ever tire of dancing along to APE. Here are my pics from the evening:


:down: Frank Novicki's Link Wray tribute (which sounded absolutely awesome -- and Frank looked like a kid on xmas morning, he was having such a good time up there):

:down: Some of the gang who made it out to the Make Out:

:down: Carving gets underway on Crazy Al's bearded tiki:

:down: A pause in the carving as Al joins the boys:

:down: The finished tiki:

:down: Crazy Al:

:down: Otto, Crazy Al and Mai Tai:

:down: Mai Tai and Otto have an animated conversation:

:down: Me and Jane:

:down: Mr. Smiley, Crazy Al & Hanford Lemoore:

:down: Hanford & Frank Novicki:

:down: Frank & me, swooning:

:down: The fanTAStic gig poster by Derek, which we didn't see until the end of the night:

Thanks yet again for another fantastic night, APE!

tikigap posted on 04/10/2006

Wow! That's cool! That bearded tiki is great Al!

You west coast guys get to have all the fun! We got coon-tiki I guess...(no smiley here)

crazy al posted on 04/14/2006

Humu is the greatest!! I've not had time to post pics... thanks!! Thanks JT foe the Funky'fied Log!!
the New Guinea Ape Lives!!

Jungle Trader posted on 04/17/2006

HA! That log turned out nicely. Hats off to you C'Al, forever the showman. I dig Derek's illustration. If Ape doesn't get huge in the wide world, they'll always be big in my Jungle. Can I get one of those gig posters?


crazy al posted on 04/17/2006

posters are printed only for gig use, but Ape is negotiating bananas with Derek to make a print available.

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Unga Bunga posted on 04/18/2006

On 2006-04-16 23:56, Jungle Trader wrote:
Can I get one of those gig posters?


JC Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/abbeb59f3c7cf9b69c0b912d7d8e6349?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Jeff Central posted on 04/18/2006

Great pictures Humuhumu,

Thanks for sharing!!!

Cheers and Mahalo,

crazy al posted on 05/19/2006

AL0ooooooooooooHA!! TC!!!!

APE has a fantastic opportunity to do some incredible Tiki-philanthropy!!!
We have been invited to perform at the 7th annual C.A.R.E.S. LUAU!!!!!
Saturday, June 17th, from 6-10PM

Over the past 20 years there are not to many of us that don't know of someone who has been effected buy HIV/AIDS, and it's devastating effects on friends and family.
The Luau is a yearly fund raising effort for the nonprofit CARES, an HIV/AIDS regional health-care clinic, pharmacy and social services entity located in Sacramento. CARES was established in 1989 through a partnership of Sacramento County and the area's four major hospital systems, led by the University of California at Davis Med Center.

The 2006 7th Annual CARES Luau will feature fabulous food, tropical drinks, live and silent auctions and the exotic stylings of San Francisco-based APE, "The World's Greatest Tiki Band," featuring a tiki carving performance by "Crazy Al" Evans, whose work will be auctioned off at the evening's end. The event will take place behind the CARES building at 1500 21st Street in Sacramento.
Tickets are $75. For more info call 916-914-6363.
TC folks that want to attend can get there tickets for $65!!

Also appearing with APE in June will be Lawrence "Larry D" Duplechan, from LA, a silver throated singer and piece of eye candy who bills himself as "Note Just Another Black, Gay, Rock-and-Roll Ukulele Player." Larry is also the author of a number of novels, including the groundbreaking "Blackbird," a gay black youth coming of age novel.

This year at Bill Roberson's urging, (Director-Creator of the Film Documentary "Rock that Uke") they are going a bit more tiki in their approach. It also marks the first time that a tiki band of APE's profile has appeared in the largely tiki-starved central valley region. We're hoping this establishes a beach head that will open the way for hordes of tiki masked, bamboo spear-brandishing, grass-skirted, luau-shirted enthusiasts who will flood across the barren plains, nourishing and springing forth life amongst the indigenous populous, but dried and lifeless sea monkeys. Or something like that. Anyway, the idea is to make Sacramento nonprofit orgs aware of the Tiki Scene! and too... Tiki Types aware of the Central Valley's want of Refreshing Escapism.

Yesterday, I was cropping the news to the masses at a promotional pre-event for the Luau at Head Hunters Video Lounge and Grill, 1930 K Street (corner of 20th & K) in Sacramento. Performing to the music of APE's Jungle Gems CD only, the tiki I carved by CD's end was raffled off that night...
CrazyAL Tiki#117
log donation by Vic of http://www.tikijungle.com
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BigBadMad TikiBill!!
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However one of the volunteers won the tiki and donated it to be auctioned off the night of the Luau!!! along with the Tiki created that night!!!

Wont you come out to enjoy another fantastic Tiki Time with APE and help raise the much needed funds for a great organization???? SEE YOU THERE!!!

[ Edited by: crazy al 2006-05-19 16:01 ]

crazy al posted on 06/15/2006

those who C.A.R.E. come on out!! see you this Sat. Night!!!
Warm Tropical Weather awaits!!
Buy a CrazyAL APE tiki and help fund a terrific organization!

crazy al posted on 08/05/2012

Glorious RETURN! to the MAKEOUT ROOM!!! Aug 23rd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i think.... more to come.

crazy al posted on 08/19/2012

See you all at the make out room!!!!

crazy al posted on 08/21/2012

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crazy al posted on 08/22/2012

possible smugglers friday night!?!

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Luckydesigns posted on 08/22/2012

Damn. Looks like a good time! Wish we could get out there for that show!!

crazy al posted on 08/24/2012

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check out facebook 'crazy-al tikimania' for updates and pics till monday or whenever i figure out how to get Mac to be AL friendly

crazy al posted on 11/29/2012


We're excited to announce that our pals APE will be back for their 3rd Annual Holiday Show on Monday, December 10th! This is the one and only concert each year at Smuggler's Cove, and it's a small intimate treat with the legendary boys from APE! Tickets are very, very limited and go on sale TOMORROW at 10AM. The show starts at 7pm, but early bird ticket holders can enjoy private access to the Boathouse Bar from 5-7pm. Don't miss it!




Smuggler's Cove
650 Gough St. (at McAllister)
San Apecisco, CA 94102

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tiki mick posted on 11/30/2012


crazy al posted on 09/08/2013

Nice and Tropical in the fall in SF!?!
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old times good times!


THE FISHERMAN IS BACK!! Welcome Home My Man! and Woman Too! Kitty a Vintage APE Favorite! We can't wait!

[ Edited by: crazy al 2013-09-08 13:01 ]

crazy al posted on 09/23/2013

Let your APE hang out one more time. Gab your cd and practice to this work out...
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Don't have a cd?

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tiki mick posted on 09/23/2013

APE rules. That's all I have to say.

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bigtikidude posted on 09/23/2013

I really like both bands.
Wish I could be there for this historic reunion.

Jeff btd

crazy al posted on 09/23/2013

Like this and say your going... Right?


[ Edited by: crazy al 2013-09-23 17:33 ]

crazy al posted on 09/27/2013
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bigtikidude posted on 09/28/2013

Wish I was there tonight.
Blue Hawaiians will have to do.
Have a good show.

Jeff btd

crazy al posted on 10/01/2013

Thanks to Billy Mure, APE was given a great sound no one had heard before.... at least for a very long time. Rest in Peace Billy. Thanks for the time (98 years), the memories and the Music!!! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Billy_Mure
CrazyAL Tiki #192 is dedicated to the fantastic composer.
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winners of the Billy Mure Tiki!

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RevBambooBen posted on 10/03/2013

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Ape rocked the joint! I needed that! Good times indeed!

Everyone needs some Ape! Trust me!!!!

crazy al posted on 10/07/2013

Second Round Ben!

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JOHN-O posted on 10/07/2013

Can you change the show date to Sat, Nov 2nd ? A bunch of So Ca TC/SG101 peeps are coming up to Nor Cal that weekend and we would love to see APE. Thank You. :)

crazy al posted on 10/20/2013

On 2013-10-07 13:21, JOHN-O wrote:
Can you change the show date to Sat, Nov 2nd ? A bunch of So Ca TC/SG101 peeps are coming up to Nor Cal that weekend and we would love to see APE. Thank You. :)

I wouldn't be able to make the gig, but John-O should book the Troop and do a historic presentation of 15 Years of modern Exotica and Tiki bands!! DO IT JOHN O!

Movie Magic

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event info

[ Edited by: crazy al 2013-10-19 18:41 ]

crazy al posted on 10/26/2013

see you tonight! will be quite the show! with a few specially crafted treats in the way of APE tunes new and old....

Yes, there will be live tiki carving on stage!

Tiki Oasis alumni and frequent headliner for TO, Ape are one of the original neo-Exotica bands in the world!
They will do two (or three?) sets with and "acoustic" set in between

Mike DaSilva Ukulele Co. presents
APE "Live" atDaSilva Ukulele Co.
2547 8th St. No.28 Berkeley CA 94710
Saturday, October 26, 2013 @ DaSilva Ukulele Co.
7:00 pm - Concert.
$20 at the door. Kids free.

After the show some on the members of Ape will convene at Trader Vic's Emeryville for an unofficial afterparty!!!
I'll be packing the APE Crate as quick as possible and hope to see ya there for a Navy Grog Nigh-cap!

[ Edited by: crazy al 2013-10-26 09:51 ]

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bigtikidude posted on 10/26/2013

Have a great show,
Wish I was there.

Jeff btd

crazy al posted on 10/14/2014

Fun Ape show on Saturday Oct 18th, at the Surf Spot 4627 Coast Highway in Pacifica.

The gig starts with the first chop of the Tiki by Crazy Al promptly at 4pm and goes to 7.
The Surf Spot is family friendly, has great food and drinks, a fantastic sound system, cozy heat lamps and kids are free.

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crazy al posted on 12/04/2014

Get ready for a world of music with Ape and friends on 12/7 at the Make Out Room. Ape and Crazy Al will open the night at 8pm with the full Ape spectacle. Following Ape is Kugelplex, San Francisco’s most supped up old world style group of klezmer playing kugel slinging fanatics. The night will be capped off with a very cool DJ from Poland. We hope to see you there. Doors are at 7:30pm.
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crazy al posted on 12/06/2014

I'll be driving up... so!!! you are in luck!

last 10 in the edition of only 50 of these
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and only two of these left of only 5 made
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also: i'll try and sell you this if it doesn't sell in SoCal Saturday.
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