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'OnaTiki Bar & Grill 2nd annual mele July 1st, 2006 San Diego (pg 5)

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Moki posted on Thu, Jun 30, 2005 3:29 PM

You know Sabu.... I don't think this is the right crowd for your postcards!! :lol: Yeah right....

PLEASE BRING THEM!!! I for one would love to see them.


As much I would like to be there, we have so much work to do around the new place. The "den" which has been ear-marked as our future tiki bar, unfortunately, has tons of unpacked boxes. Painting, wallpaper scraping, the list is HUGE.

Your place is inspirational, as well as so many other tiki folks' homes/bars...can't wait until I have a place of my own. So my own personal paradise can take shape.

I am SAD I will miss the company of so many TCers, but am inspired.

Cheers! :drink: :drink: :drink:

[ Edited by: CheekyGirl 2007-05-07 10:30 ]


:( I'm very disappointed, but we're not going to be able to make it after all. Please take lots of pictures so I can be thoroughly miserable at the fun I've missed!

What the ?...Humuhumu, tear yerself away from Live Aid, turn off the TV, get in the car and get the hell down here!


That's right Humuhumu.... Get your butt down here!

I'm going over there right now!


Count me in.

Well... WOW! Just came back from a lil three hour visit at the Ona Tiki Bar n Grill..and there are simply no words to describe it all! However, I shall give it a go...

It is a lush, tropical hideaway. Tikified to the nines. While sitting in the "lounge" area, you cannot possibly feel anything but relaxed and completely taken away from it all. The pictures we have already seen (and the ones I will post later!!) in no way do any justice to the fantastic work they have done to create this lovely setting.

When my backyard grows up it wants to be the Ona Bar!

Last but not least, the proprietors of this oasis in San Diego are two of the most gracious hosts and everyone of the guests are a delite!

I stumbled onto the site and found this event happening right around the corner from my house. They let me in with no questions asked but quickly confiscated my bottle of rum. :wink:

I am heading back there now to partake in said bottle of rum.... and other cocktails. I believe I had earlier what was called a Monkypod and a lapu lapu (sp?) Both tasted remarkably like simple fruit juice. The effects of which I am sure to feel Sunday morning!

Until later!


Tonight, we will have a big feast. And then, at the end of the feast, we will climb to the top of the Big Woo, and you will jump in. Okay?

[ Edited by: TikiTikiBoom on 2005-07-02 23:42 ]


Just came back from Ona's Tiki party...all I can say is WOW! It was definitely worth the 246 mile round trip drive from my home....I spent over 5 1/2 hrs at the gathering and man, it only seemed like an hour! I enjoyed meeting all the interesting people there...many who grace this website with their input. The wife had a great time also--she looks forward to the next one!
Thanks very much for the invite--took lotsa kool pics...some I will post if they are not repeats...
See ya all soon...!


This was the party of parties for 2005. Thanks so much Moki and Ona for a fantastic venue and your legendary hospitality. We all had a great time and look forward to our next visit.

Pablus, Your CD was an excellent addition to the festive ambience. Thanks a ton for providing us some musical entertainment. The music was crisp and clear and your voice is sweet as passion fruit syrup.

Fellow guest bartenders ModMana and Kick the Reverb, I salute you for concocting delicious libations with effortless execution. The Leilani Volcanos and Reverb Crashes were a hit (as always)

It was great seeing all of you again.


Great time last night! Thanks Moki and Ona for your hospitality. Great tiki home, food, music, drinks, & great people. Cant ask for more!


I want to thank Ona Tiki & Moki for opening up their beautiful home to us. We had such a great time. Their house is amazing. I also want to thank all of the guest bartenders (Monkey Man, ModMana, & Kick the Reverb) for keeping us good and juiced up! Paublus I also want to thank you for providing us a personalized CD of your great music. It felt like you where there. My wife (The Whale Rider) and I always have such a great time at all the TC events. And this event was awesome!!!
Here are some photos:


WOW! The fireworks started early this year. Mucho mahalo Ona & Moki for sharing your slice of paradise with us. We had a great time. And thanks to the guest bartenders for the amazing libations, Dolphin Tiki for that dip I couldn't stop eating (not to mention the meatballs) and Modmana for...da pie (which I scarfed down on the way home).


Trying to describe everything my senses experienced yesterday has been totally useless.
The only description I have been able to scrape up is ...perfectly perfect perfection... I'm still trying to absorb it all in my head.
Thanks so much for sharing your lovely home and generous hospitality with us.
We are not worthy :D


Holy (in a non-religious way) cow!

What a fantastic looking place you got there Ona!


Here's a couple more pics I took...enjoy!


What a wonderful time we had. Thanks to everyone who made it to our opening party.
Special thanks to Mr & Mrs BongoFury for all their help with setting up and cleaning up. That girl is a cleaning machine.

Thanks to everyone who brought gifts, food and beverages. They were all much appreciated.

Mahalo to ModMana, MonkeyMan & Kick the Reverb for guest bartending. The drinks were fabulous as always.

Big thanks to Pablus for the special effort in getting us some musical entertainment for the evening. He went far and above the call of duty on this one. The CD was GREAT!! Hope one day we'll be lucky enough to have him here live.

Here's a link to our album. Hope we can do it again soon.


:drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink:

[ Edited by: onatiki on 2005-07-05 16:03 ]

Oh man,
What a party!
We're still recovering...I hadn't look at pictures of the place before hand, because I wanted to be surprised...and boy was I!
The place looks awsome, and the bar is a dream to work at. It was nice meeting the old friends, and making new ones.
Thanks to Ric & Moki, and thanks to MonkeyMan and the ModManas (yes-Rich was not working alone at the bar). Special thanks to Monekyman for assisting me during my shift. Pablus - I got to hear your cd up close while working at the bar, and it was the perfect music for the job. Thanks for recording it and overnighting it! I'd also like to thank the partcicpants of the XP#2 / Xp#2A taste test.
Last but not least, I'd like to appologize for my late-night flame burger adventures.

What fabulous hosts! That was a fantastic party! Great guest bartending and everyone brought yummy food (Mrs. Fury brought over 6 pounds of Hawaiian Meatballs......gone)! We took Amtrak's Surfliner Train from here in Ventura County down to San Diego. Very comfortable and stress free travel on a holiday weekend, would do that again, maybe to San Francisco next time. Thanks to OnaTiki and Moki for accomodations and shuttling us to and from the train station. You must see their Polynesian Paradise. It should give everyone hope that no matter what your home/yard looks like, it can be transformed into something special. The quality of their efforts made us feel like we were at a nice resort in the islands. A 5 star recommendation from us.


Unbelievable, Fantastic, Too Far Away to name a few of the descriptions I feel from looking at the party Pics.SOOO SAADDD that I could not be there. When I Do make it out ther, we will have to have our own little make up party formself and others who could not make it. Ona and Moki, what can I say, the aloha eminating from your home is Off the Scale.
Bring on the bigger batch of pictures, I think I can handle them now.

Really T-off'd I missed this. Got some boxes unpacked, organized some things, but ceiling fans up = zero. Screen door = zero. Place is still a big giant mess. I should have just had fun this weekend.

Damn sorry I missed the BBQ.

Wow, Ona, you have really cut yourself a juicy slice of heaven. Thanks so much for opening your home, and damn you for setting the decor bar so impossibly high!

Ona & Moki,
Thanks for posting the pics from your party, although it makes me feel so bummed that I have to miss so many of these get-togethers.
Your place looks phenomenal--you've definitely created a personal paradise that is truly awe-inspiring. I certainly hope to have a chance to see it during my upcoming visit to S.D.--most likely last weekend of the month. I'm going to try to work it out so that I can also make it up to Dr. Z's party on Saturday. Hope to see you soon!~~Cousin Dave

Hey guys,
Just wanted to say thank you one more time for everything, Food,drinks, opening your home,
all the hospitality, was way cool, especially the breakfast the next morning.
Extra tasty, mmmmmmm
Hope to see ya again soon.
p.s. waaaaaaay cool pad.
I wish my place to look like that one day


The day before this party I had some Chinese food... In my fortune cookie it predicted that I would be "attending a great and mysterious party where strange customs prevail". Wow, did that one ever come true!

OnaTiki and Moki have such a great place! It was an all around fantastic party by wonderful hosts! As other have said, the pictures posted here show how impressive it is. However, you really really have to see this in person to appreciate the incredible work and detail that has gone into their project.

As far as I could tell, it was a perfect night. The drinks were not only tasty but very inventive thanks to Monkeyman and Kick the Reverb. Also, Mrs. ModMana & myself took our first ever shift behind the bar & had a lot of fun mixing for the masses.

We're especially happy that this great tiki treasure is only a few miles from our house! Not quite staggering distance, but close. Thanks again for everything. Looking forward to the next one...

ModMana :drink:

PS - sorry for the late post...it's been a rough week.

I can't believe so much time has already passed since this fantastic event!

I've been under the gun around here so I am terribly late with many, many thanks and pictures! Please forgive me for my tardiness.

It was a wonderful day and night. I can't thank Moki and Ona enough for the invitation and warm welcome I received as a noobie! The food, the drink, the atmosphere... all incredible. I was SO comfortable there. It was like a mini vacation!

I know for a fact I can't recall every person that I met there that night but I will remember them all one day! Promise! Thank you ALL for being so nice and warm and welcoming!

Enjoy the photos!

  • I knew I'd get this whole picture embedding thing right eventually! Sorry for the error before!

[ Edited by: TikiTikiBoom 2005-07-19 01:44 ]

Don't worry TikiTikiBoom, you are not as late as I am.

Thanks Ona and Moki for sharing your amazing cool pad with us. We had a great time!

Here's a few more photos including some blurry night shots that were still too enticing to pass up.


Here we go again!!!

Save the date July 1st, 2006 for our 2nd annual summer bash.

We'll have lots of pupu's and cocktails. Several guest bartenders and loads of fun with all our ohana.

More details to follow.....

Here's a couple pics from some recent get togethers with a few out of town TC'ers. If you ever make it to San Diego, drop us a PM.

'Ona & Johnny P enjoy an afternoon beverage & pupus

Mr & Mrs Kick the Reverb, Al-ii & Wolli & Jenny in for a visit from Germany.


Cool Laura and I have it marked in our calander and are totally looking forward to another good time at your house!!!

You know I am in!


See ya there, if not sooner!


Go away for a couple of days and see what you miss!

Hell, yes, me & Goatiki will be there!

See you soon!

I'm IN!!!

Long weekend & OnaTiki/Moki party? That's a no-brainer!!

Looking forward to seeing you guys again--Tiki Bird & I will be there! Thanks for the advance notice!!!

For obvious reasons, I can't say for sure, but it's definitely a very likely possibility :wink:


We will be there for the festivities!

I'll give a qualified "Yes" to being there. We don't have plans yet, but might be showing up with a very active 3 Year Old...

Hey can i do guest bartending shift?


sounds like a plan.

WooHooo! Soccer Tiki & I see Red, White, & Blue Tiki's :)

[ Edited by: WooHooWahine 2006-04-26 18:52 ]

....with bells on!


Sounds excellent, seems like I was just there.
I'll have to make sure I get my chicken kabobs up here and put them in a cooler. As I was very bummed to not find them near your place.

Can't wait,

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